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My my, at Waterloo Peng did challenge

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An icy wind blows through the wasteland making the snow dance and swirl. No signs of life can be seen in any direction but for a lone oak tree standing bare to the elements. The twisted and gnarled limbs of the ancient tree are bathed in the flickering light of a fire blazing below. Tending the fire is a figure cloaked all in black, smoking a long stemmed pipe. This strange camp site seems strangely unaffected by the bitter winds and blowing snow. The smell of wood smoke is augmented by the smell of sweet tobacco and an underlaying scent of brimstone.

From the north, out of the darkness, comes a second figure. Bundled in rags, the figure struggles through the snow toward the fire. Upon arriving, the figure unwinds the scarf that has hidden its features to reveal an almost cherubic face crowned with grey hair.

Seanachai Gods! I am sick of winter!

Berli If you hate it so much, move to Florida. For me, shall remain. I like winter... it seems so like... death.

Seanachai Aren't you the cheery one tonight. Mind if i pull up a log?

Berli I never claimed to be cheery. You're the nice one, remember?

Seanachai Where's Peng?

Berli No idea. He pissed off a long time ago. got tired of holding back the wasteland I guess. not that I blame him mind you. What has brought you out of your gnome hole to brave the elements anyway?

Seanachai Actually, I was looking for you. The time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of many things. Of shoes and ships and sealing-wax, of cabbages and kings...

Berli Yeah, and SS-Panzerleader

Seanachai Huh?

Berli Don't tell me you've forgotten your classic Peng...

Seanachai Oh that! I was quoting Carol, not Peng you idiot

Berli You still haven't said what you want

Seanachai I came out here to rally you to the cause!

Berli What cause? What makes you think I'd support any cause of yours?

Seanachai The thread... it has turned to ****e!

Berli Yeah? What clued you in? Was it the new idiots, or, perhaps, it was the old timers posting by rubber stamp. Face it, the thread is dead and will be swallowed up by the wasteland soon enough.

Seanachai But we can save it! Think about it, without the Thread, we'll be left with whinging and grogs... whinging grogs even.

Berli Thanks to you, the Thread will never go away. It's like a cancer. If you mean by saving it that we can return it to its former glory, dream on.

Seanachai Why do you say that?

Berli It would require more effort than it's worth. Think about it. You'd have to educate the masses as to what the Thread really is... and that is something I don't think you can put into words.

Seanachai It's about taunting!

Berli Really? Is that all it is? Well then, I guess Vadr should be one of our best...

Seanachai Ok, so it's more than just taunting. Hmm, let me think on this.

Berli You do that.

The little Gnome wraps himself in his rags and shambles off to the north, quickly disappearing into the darkness

Berli Should be interesting to see what he comes up with...

[ March 14, 2003, 12:23 PM: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]

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You want hate? You want Vitrol? You want expressions off deep dark pain?

In this nasty dastardly, wicked world, the very last thing read in the top 10 list is....

Spending 3 #^%*%$( days doing paperwork so I can tell my #$^#$%#%$ government how much #$%^$%^ money they should take from me!



^#$%$^#$^%$# and furthermore $%^###%%%#^

The torturous, lip smacking, fanny packing, gddmn, feloneous bastaaaaaaards.

They make you sit and do the paperwork with a gun to your head and say" Oh, and don't forget to be 100% honest or we'll make the pain worse....."


It's nice outside, sunny, warm, A case o' beverage in the 'fridge, I have the day off, I should be frolicking or kicking garden gnomes or something. I just know the girls at the U. 4 blocks away are sunning themselves. NOOOOOOO I will be at this until #$^#$^%& Midnight.

Excuse the profanity but I'll think of some %&^$&^$GDMN witty thing later.

<font size = 4> #$^%#%$^ ^%%&&$^ &&$%#%&^ #$%%#$% %*&*)()@^@&& </font>

<font size = 2> *%$%&^# ^$%# &&$%#%&^ %*&*)()@^@&& </font>

<font size = -1> %*&*)()@^@&& *&*&< &%&&$&*/font>

<font size = -2> &%$%@&*()(%&) &&*</font>

<font size = -3> %$%& *#$$%$</font>

<font size = -5> Edited to add: The wife now walks in and tells me the transmission on the car leaks. %$&$%^ I'm not having a good day, despite the Aussie's pronouncements of greeting. Luckily she ducked, or I'd be in worse trouble. </font>

<font size = normal>

I challenege whoever is the %$%^*$# head of treasury. This will be a historically accurate battle. I get millions of partisans and he gets .38 point blank at my beaner. Unfortunately, the fascists move first.</font>

%$#*#$%(#$% I can't even edit right, I get double posts within the same post.

This isn't helping a bit #$^#$%!

[ March 14, 2003, 05:14 PM: Message edited by: Egbert ]

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

We are the best looking boys you have ever seen at one time ,and all of us are ideal specimens of white Anglo-Saxon youth.

"Our genetic pool" Seanachai explains.

Seanachai "well ,I guess you are wondering what this is all about."

Berli "Yeah."

"Come along and I'll explain .Some of it ,at least"

Oh we know quiet a bit already .Much more than we want you to think we know .And I know that the less he tells me the better chance I have of getting out of here alive.I've already seen that the oil rig is a rocket launching pad.Things are falling into place.


Faithful Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

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posted from the other thread...

Members of the MBT ,

I would like for all to notice how Berli, the ultimate of evilness, is called a wuss by none other then YK2. This means:

1. Berli is very wise NOT taking on a female, particularly a Scottish one.

2. That indeed, women are inherently more evil then evil itself.

3. That there is, indeed, a reason for Berli's reply to Patch as nothing more then a "Yes Dear"


Oh Dame Moraine , in a particually nasty mood, due to the fact the some IS departments are totally clueless, I want you to pick a fight with say.... Boo , and once he accepts, I will be sending a particularly evil scenario to cause you both much pain. This scenario has not been seen in the MBT

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Yo, Egbert, just wanted you to know that we had our taxes done by our accountant last evening. it took about a half an hour and we're getting a big box full of money back from the govt.

Have a swell weekend.

Yeah, I'd be geting a stack back but I didn't pay much to start with. I swear the gov'ment does everything it can to keep people from running their own business.

^%&$%%#$% Wankers. (My best Elvis impersonation)

Oh, and Boo 2 things:


  • I don't get bolded yet.</font>
  • Yer bootheel on the back of my neck is starting to cramp my style down here in julepland. Please get a job, else I'll never be able to share my pain at this time of year.</font>

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Originally posted by rune:

Oh Dame Moraine , in a particually nasty mood, due to the fact the some IS departments are totally clueless, I want you to pick a fight with say.... Boo , and once he accepts, I will be sending a particularly evil scenario to cause you both much pain. This scenario has not been seen in the MBT

Oh, swell...I've been noticed by Rune.

To quote Dorothy Parker, "What fresh hell is this?"

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rune:

Oh Dame Moraine , in a particually nasty mood, due to the fact the some IS departments are totally clueless, I want you to pick a fight with say.... Boo , and once he accepts, I will be sending a particularly evil scenario to cause you both much pain. This scenario has not been seen in the MBT

Oh, swell...I've been noticed by Rune.

To quote Dorothy Parker, "What fresh hell is this?" </font>

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I'm deeply concerned.

Why are there so many bloody Southerners on the Thread of threads these days? Where are the Real People?

The boggs has backed up, and suddenly the place is filled with Floridians. The smiling, mirror-shades HP types of the Southeast Coast all troop in here to say 'Yes, Ma'am' and 'No, Ma'am' and 'Can you say for certain, Ma'am, that they weren't behaving in an un-American way' . The Texans are still stomping around the place like a bunch of 'Big Hat, No Cows' pillocks, and we even have a Southern Lady out o' Georgia shrieking in her best, Old Plantation tones: "Bring me mah New Jersee Hairyback!"

And the Australians, are, for all practical purposes, are part of the Southern Hemisphere!

I think it's time we stand up and take the count!

North and South! For and Against! Enlightened, Adaptable, Industrialized Northerners vs. the Gentlemanly, Agricultural, Inbred South!

You foreign lot can choose up sides depending on your personal perceptions of worth.


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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Seanachai:


I've been having similar thoughts for quite some time. Only I was thinking that the sides should be somewhat different: Minnesotans vs the civilized world.

Loser gets to eat lutefisk.

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Originally posted by Bone_Vulture:

Thy wish be done.

Bone Vulture, let me just say that here, in the Peng Challenge Thread, we accept the fact that you prefer sexual contact with other men, and we do not denigrate you for that fact. Hiram has taught us both understanding, acceptance, and even, dare I say it, love.

What we can't understand, or accept, is your sexual attraction to that annoying, talentless piece of annoying ****e that you keep posting pictures of, called 'Vanilla Ice'.

Slurp down your flavour of choice, but spare us the endless pictures of that pompadoured, half-an-eyebrow-missing (what's that all about, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?), chisel-featured, fashion-challenged idjit, thank you very much.

Frankly, you should try to get a grip.

Those of no account endlessly prove it by posturing endlessly in a tedious way, bereft of humour, intent, or message.

Show us some spine.

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