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The PENG Free Challenge Thread Turns Over A New Leaf.....

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Originally posted by Malakovski:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

You tell him, RainMan!

That taunt was as focused and thoughtful as grapeshot fired straight up into the sky.

PS You owe me a turn.

PPS Die. </font>

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Well, well, well.

What did the guy say when he saw three holes in the ground?


Or somfink.

I haven't read through this thing as my time is being spent scouring the world for new employment. NO my old employer didn't finally wise up and give me the boot that I so richly deserve, quite the contrary. It seems that no matter how badly I foul up, no matter how often I straggle in 10 15 25 minutes late to work, they JUST WON'T FIRE ME!!!

It is appalling really. And I can no longer work for a company that cannot see just how bloody worthless I am. I mean really, if they are THAT dumb, why are they still in business? It is only a matter of time before they go in the dumper and I'm getting out while the getting is good.

IN other news. I am on a roll against Elvis. Crushing him without mercy in all games. Seanachai has my number again as usual and I was getting a serious arse whuppin by the pathetic wank Gaylord Flocknod (so what does that make me?) and we somehow parted ways when one of the patches came out. I still have the game but won't send it to him until I get a full apology from him for his very existance.

Lastly, The REAL Peng Challenge thread on the General Forum was and is a waste. The olde ones will finally someday soon get together and judge the pathetic messes that were submitted - unworthy drivel all of them - and drink the bottle ourselves. But you all knew that anyway, right?

Bugger off.


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Guest PondScum

dalem: should be quailing before the might of my Russian infantry any turn now. Will probably send me email in two months.

chrisl: quailing before the might of my Italian infantry (and assorted artillery). Will probably send me email in two weeks.

Papa Khann: quailing before the might of my Russian armor (and assorted guns). Will probably send me email in two days.

Boo_Radley: quailing before the might of my German armor (and assorted tank crews). Will probably send me email in two hours.

<font size=-1>Mmmm. Quail. Dammit, now I'm hungry.</font>

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Peng, how utterly delightful of you to show up ... Saddam Hussein, just joking, you can have Iraq back ... The Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread will be out of town until Thursday.

Which of the above is a TRUE statement?


p.s. Well Elvis next time you post that rant do TRY to use paragraphs, or are they forbidden by your religion as well?

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Dearest Joenewbie,

Go back...go way back to the earliest Peng thread and read what the established rules were about commenting on misspellings, typos, poor grammer and lack of proper education. They were all to be ignored so that the meaning of the drivel is what was heard not whether or not someone knew or used the English language properly. Proper useage has no meaning to someone with a brain that was fried in the early 80s like mine. I can't (and shouldn't) be expected to rant in any way other than to let it just flow out of what is left of my brain through my twisted nicotine stained fingers and across the internet (which I invented by the way) and into your eyes.



P.S. It eats you up that I am right about the numbering thing.

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Elvis:

They were all to be ignored so that the meaning of the drivel is what was heard not whether or not someone knew or used the English language properly.



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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Malakovski:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Elvis:

Dearest Joe,

vomitous torrent of anal-retentive ranting

But I guess some things just never get tiring, like counting the matches to make sure there's really 500 in the box, right bud? </font>
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Malakovski is an edge hugging bastiche. After 15 turns in the first battle of the wonderful "Seelow Heights" operation, I encounter no German resistance, other than a few mines, and barbed wire obstacles, which forces me into the quagmire of mud which is 90 FRIGGEN PERCENT of the map. His units are so close to the far edge of the map, that the recoil of their weapons could cause them to teeter off and fall into the area marked "Dragons live here" on the screen.

Gamey Pillock!

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Go back...go way back to the earliest Peng thread and read what the established rules were about commenting on misspellings, typos, poor grammer and lack of proper education.
You know Elvis I always thought that your one word posts were, in addition to being a signature touch, a rather witty counterpoint to the effusive prose of Seanachai and, may I say, mine own good self.

I see now that in reality they were nothing more than ... the best you could do. Damn ... another illusion shattered.

As to the earliest MBT incarnations, I was there lad, I was there and while there is a general agreement that excessive commenting upon the ODD typo and misspelling is to be avoided, there has NEVER been an injunction against commenting upon blatant stupidity and the inability to find either the Caps Lock key or the Enter key.

I DO understand your antipathy toward numbers however ... it must be difficult to go through life counting One, Two, Three ... Many! Must be hell when the wife sends you to the corner store (I doubt they have supermarkets in your neck of the woods) to buy a dozen eggs.


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Originally posted by Elvis:

Of course Malakovski wasn't as wise. Time will tell if he will be receiving a turn 1 surrender file from me.

Hmm, shouldn't that be a "more towards the very beginning of the game rather than the middle or end" surrender?

SSN Hint Of The Day: Skip town.

Now sod off.

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Dear Joenewbie,

You have me pegged Mate. I stopped posting here on a regular basis a long time ago because of my lack of wit and proper writing skills. My ability (or lack of) to count has been a source of great embarassment to me since I was 10 years old and people stopped trying to teach me to count to 10. Thank you for pointing it out to me and bringing shame to me in this noble thread. I will now slink back under the rock I crawled out from under as it appears my dear Emma thread is coming to a close anyway.

I do want to say this before I go....People who cannot write or count are still people too. And cheap thugs and bullys should learn to accept people for their handicaps and help then through life instead of crushing their dreams, hopes and desires.

Yours always,


P.S one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eleventeen,twenty-two, ten (see..if a person puts their mind to it they can do anything...aren't you ashamed of yourself now).

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Originally posted by Elvis:

Dear Joenewbie,

You have me pegged Mate. I stopped posting here on a regular basis a long time ago because of my lack of wit and proper writing skills. My ability (or lack of) to count has been a source of great embarassment to me since I was 10 years old and people stopped trying to teach me to count to 10. Thank you for pointing it out to me and bringing shame to me in this noble thread. I will now slink back under the rock I crawled out from under as it appears my dear Emma thread is coming to a close anyway.

I do want to say this before I go....People who cannot write or count are still people too. And cheap thugs and bullys should learn to accept people for their handicaps and help then through life instead of crushing their dreams, hopes and desires.

Yours always,


P.S one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eleventeen,twenty-two, ten (see..if a person puts their mind to it they can do anything...aren't you ashamed of yourself now).

Ummm, no, not particularly. This being the MBT I learned a long time ago that being ashamed never really accomplished anything.

In any case Elvis you brought it on yourself with your continuation of the the "numbering" theme. You can hardly be surprised when the advocates of numbers defended them.

I will now slink back under the rock I crawled out from under as it appears my dear Emma thread is coming to a close anyway.
Oh now, no need for that Elvis. We dislike you for MANY more things than just the turn numbering, as we dislike all who post here regularly. Just realize that, given the chance, I'll number turns untill the cows come home ... 'cause that's the way I like them. Your mileage, as always, may vary.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Now we just have to wait for Agua Perdido and Harv I believe.



Well, as the only one of those affiliated with old Joe to ever occupy the top stop on the Peng Challenge Ladder, back before someone finally stole it after Berli forget to lock his back gate when he left it out in the yard after using it to clear the SSNs out of the raingutter, allow me to insist that the MBT is not now, and never has been, a haven for cannibals.

Yours truly in a white wine sauce with shallots and wild mushrooms,

Agua Perdido

[Edited to note that Croda is a brainless prat.]

[ May 19, 2003, 01:10 PM: Message edited by: Agua Perdido ]

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Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Now we just have to wait for Agua Perdido and Harv I believe.



Well, as the only one of those affiliated with old Joe to ever occupy the top stop on the Peng Challenge Ladder, back before someone finally stole it after Berli forget to lock his back gate when he left it out in the yard after using it to clear the SSNs out of the raingutter, allow me to insist that the MBT is not now, and never has been, a haven for cannibals.

Yours truly in a white wine sauce with shallots and wild mushrooms,

Agua Perdido

[Edited to note that Croda is a brainless prat.] </font>

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Felicitations, you wretched, puss-sodden pack of vermin (and ladies)!

My travels have brought me back to the olde poole and I desired to stop by to reconfirm and strengthen, if possible, my low opinion of you all. I loathe and despise each and every one of you, and and this time it's not simply out of principle. Through a series of unlikely events I find that I have an extra teen-age girl living under my roof for an undetermined amount of time. Now my own teen-age daughter's adolescent "look-at-me-the-center-of -the-flippin'-universe" attitude has nearly pushed me to the point of unspeakable rages and violence, and now my fun has been *doubled*.

I blame you all for this, of course. After I recover from having to prepare for two separate prom send-off parties, having to now chase two IM-addicted girls off the computer and numerous other complications to my life, I shall return to hate you on a more personal basis, following that fine Croda tradition of turning on my former liege and whatnot.

Until then, may life daily thrust a poignard into the codpiece of your hopes.


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