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**MikeyD THREE SUPER-MEGA Panther mods!**

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2 versions of 1 vehicle for BOTH CMAK and CMBB; 1 vehicle for CMBB only:

- Panther Ausf.A (late), plain yellow.

- Panther Ausf.A (late), camou scheme.

- Captured Russian Panther

At the CMBB side of our favorite site:


first the late Panther A.

The last A model came off the assembly line in July '44, some three months after the G Panther had started production! So alot of late Panther bits appear on this A Panther mod. You've got choices here. Plain or late war camou, with or without spare track links, with or without tactical markings.

Next a crazy captured Panther mod!

It represents a vehicle found abandoned in depot (hence the lack of tools) and hastily returned to running condition. I opened all the ports and hatches. You've got a choice of Russian high-visibility red star markings or 'Polish uprising' liberated vehicle. This one is a beauty.

Here are the screenshots.




[ January 16, 2007, 06:40 AM: Message edited by: MikeyD ]

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That's outstanding work, genius quality, breathtaking in its beauty, and I will download it shortly, and thank you.

Still, one quibble. (You knew that was coming, right?) :D

Are you 100 per cent sure on the "Annihilate the Fascists"? The first word is doesn't look like any Russian word for "Annihilate" that I know, although that's not absolutely conclusive.

The verb in any case I think is conjugated incorrectly, it appears to be a first person plural ending when almost always when something is done to Fascists in Soviet scribbles on Red Army tanks, it is the imperative singular. For example the ever-popular "Beat the Fascists!", which works out to "Bey Fashistov!" (Бей фашистов!)

Likewise, word "Fascists" on your Panther is a nominative plural, when the correct inflection (case) would be a genetive plural.

Finally, what's that accent mark doing on top of the letter "D" or "A" (whichever it is) on the turret side? Russian doesn't have accent marks.

If you sourced that from something historical please tell me more, you've got me curious. Maybe it was a Tartar crew, I dunno.

If however something got a little glitched in your or some one else's translation, maybe your computer reads Cyrillic? If yes let me know your e-mail and I'll send you some slogan possibilities. Or by .jpg if you want.

Again, brilliant artwork, and apologies for being a Russian Grammar Grog.

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"Are you 100 per cent sure on the "Annihilate the Fascists"?

Um... no, not really.

BUT the slogan - whatever it says - is a direct copy off a piece of Soviet armor in a photo. I think it was Zaloga who had translated the word "annihilate". I just now did an online English/Russian translation and that word didn't pop up. Hey, my supervisor at work knows Eukranian. Maybe I'll ask him! :D

[ January 16, 2007, 07:32 AM: Message edited by: MikeyD ]

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Yeh, I included one Panther side with 'POLAND' and an alt. without. You also got an alt without the painted-on skirt plate. That's supposed to represent the captured Panther that wasn't photographed... that nobody knows about... that maybe perhaps didn't even exist! But it looks cool anyway. :rolleyes:

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Remember, that captured Panther comes plain with a separate DECALS folder. So anybody who wants to recolor or re-mark the mod is more than welcome. Also, if big red stars on ever surface is too much for you just pick whichever bits you want to use from the pile.

That number & accented letter on the turret side? Yup, taken off a photo of a Russian T34 - picture caption written by Zaloga again - and I don't have a clue what it means

Oh, and i just noticed - David I, in your screenshots you ain't using my Panther track set, dang you!!! ;)

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Originally posted by MikeyD:

Yeh, I included one Panther side with 'POLAND' and an alt. without. You also got an alt without the painted-on skirt plate. That's supposed to represent the captured Panther that wasn't photographed... that nobody knows about... that maybe perhaps didn't even exist! But it looks cool anyway. :rolleyes:

Hi MikeyD, wonderfull job, as usual ! It was a long time since I downloaded something at cmmos.com. Now, I know what to do !

About the polish captured version marking, shouldn't it be "Polska" instead of "Poland" ? I wonder if those courageous Poles wrote the name of their country in english rather than in their native language...? :confused:

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"shouldn't it be "Polska" instead of "Poland" ?"

Dang, wouldn't you believe it, another slogan lifted off a photo having problems! I recall when I saw the photo of the vehicle with 'Poland' across it i thought "well that's odd." ...I should've gone with my instincts.

Heck, i may release a Decals folder patch at the rate I'm going!

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Hetzer38 ---> Both Panther tanks were captured on 2 august 1944. They both make fighting-recon mision alone. Without any infantry or AFV support. First Panther was knocked out by PIAT. Second Panther during retreat also was hit by PIAT in rear turret then fall from the road and hit a house and became immobilized. Crews from tanks was captured, and tanks repaired and remain in Polish use untill knocked out (8th august) and abandoned due to damage (11th august).

Firs Panther in Polish use was officialy nicknamed as Pudel (nickname of one of soldier who died on august 3rd) then (not officialy) as Magda (woman name). Second Panther didn't have nickname but on its rear turret hatch was painted word WP (shortcut from Polish Army)

MikeyD - the Polish Panther on the rear hatch hasn't got Polish Eagle, but WP - what means Wojsko Polskie (Polish Army) - it is clearly visible on one of the photos at this page http://powstanie-warszawskie-1944.ac.pl/pojazdy_w_powstaniu_panther.htm

[ January 18, 2007, 02:15 AM: Message edited by: Marcin T ]

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Any way you can point me at the photo? Maybe some of the letters are getting misread. I've seen more than a few of the slogans the Soviets painted on tanks, and what you have is just peculiar, and more than a little different for the standard Russian "Annihilate the Fascists".

Especially the verb SAOMIM, to use the English letters. That almost certainly is not a Russian word. This is not to say it doesn't appear in the picture, but I'll be durned if I can understand what it means.

Again, this quibble is not to take away from your absolutely glorious outstanding mod, every one download it you won't be disappointed.

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I'm not near my references at the moment but I think the book was named 'Armor on the Eastern Front ' by Zaloga nd Grandson. It was actually a side painting of a Stuart (page 44-ish?), one slogan on the hull, another translated by Zaloga as 'Annhiliate the Fascists' on the turret side.

I asked my Eukranian speaking (2nd generation) supervisor his opinion of the mystery word. He thought it might be phrased in the form of an imperative command but he didn't have a clue what it might mean. Maybe we're the victims of a sloppy book illustrator :D

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Maybe. Zladoga is pretty reliable though.

I've checked here (I'm in Kiev) and not a local can make head or tail of it. No one I've talked to can come up with anything close, in Russian, Ukrainian, or Belorussian, that means "Annihilate the Fascists".

I just realized, however, that those Slavic languages weren't the only languages the Soviets used to paint slogans on tanks. With everything from Romanian to Estonian to Chukchi (Eskimo) to Georgian to Chechen choose from, I bet "Annilate the Fascists" works out to what you have on your Panther, in one of those languages.

So my apologies for assuming it should have been only in Russian. I'll see what I can do about figuring about what language that's in, as a matter of curiousity.

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