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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Roight, then.

I'm back. Largely back. I'm still limping ... blah blah blah...

Please stick to news... note the root word which is new... from what I hear tell, you have always been lame, and we all expect you to remain so, so recounting the fact that you are still limping is like saying "It will get dark this evening." or "Aussies like sheep." So please feel free to save us your commentary on the status quo, and present us the new exciting things that are happening in your life...




(crickets chirping)




Well, thank you for that update Sean-a-whatever...

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Over 20 years using Apple computers...

Almost 20 years using a Mac...

In that time, the number of viruses, trojans, worms, etc that I have had to deal with was... ZERO!

Less than one month with a PC...


dial up... shutdown... wtf?

dial up... shutdown... wtf?

dial up... shutdown... wtf?

PCs SUCK!!!!!


If you were an evil, nefarious, diabolical, sadistic, degerate, perverse, corrupt hacker...

no wait... let me simplify this to the minimal addition to your person...

If you were a hacker...

How many PC's are there running Win sumfink? Versus how many Mac/Apple machines? Simple math says you target Windows machines...

In school, we wrote a gizmo for a Mac that randomly, but with more chance the earlier in the morning it was, intercepted system commands. We did use the AppleTech manual for the fun stuff. Once it decided to take action, it issued an OS message, first just minor annoyance warnings, but then more major errors. Over its series of instantiations, it walked it's way down the list of system errors, eventually stopping at "Can't find Finder" complete with the little bomb icon.

Rather hilarious to watch our friend go from annoyed to panic stricken as his beloved Mac "fell apart" before his eyes in the course of an evening. After receiving the "Can't find Finder" he exploded. We, meanwhile, fell out of our chairs laughing. To turn it off, all he had to do was type in "[name omitted to protect the innocent] is a bonehead".

So the Mac/Apple thing can be done. It's just not generally seen as worth the effort.

[ August 13, 2003, 09:58 AM: Message edited by: Mouse ]

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Originally posted by Mouse:

How many PC's are there running Win sumfink? Versus how many Mac/Apple machines? Simple math says you target Windows machines...

Actually, the question is: how many PC's are running an operating system whose designer's only concern has ever been to saturate the market, offering all sorts of 'interconnective' bells and whistles aimed at convincing the user that they were using the most powerful and useful OS possible, while in fact the result was endless, endless security holes, exploitable errors and a monolithic disregard for consequences to the user?

I have a feeling that Microsoft's 'what, me worry?' attitude toward security has even more to do with the problem than the prevalence of their operating system. If their software systems were secure, or even largely secure (nothing can be 100%, after all), then even the fact that they were on every machine in the world wouldn't be a big deal.

And your example of writing code that disrupted a Mac is absurd. Obviously anyone can write code that can disrupt a machine and deliver it if they are in the room with it, with full access to insert the code. Not quite the same as an Operating System that is routinely breached remotely from sources too numerous to detail, and which offers so many ways of raising havoc to even the least talented of 'hackers'.

Your logic is shoddy, and offends me. Quiver, rodent! I will see your whiskers tremble!

BOO! Where is Boo! I have a task for him!

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Originally posted by dalem:

Please. Jobs would drop to his knees and thank whatever god he believes in if someone bothered to write virii to attack the Macs with anything approaching the frequency of the ones that attack PCs.

Apologist. Collaborator. MS Security Debacle Denier.

Pondscum! Two more Gate's toadies to carry your desk chair back and forth from the refrigerator to the computer.

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Over 20 years using Apple computers...

Almost 20 years using a Mac...

In that time, the number of viruses, trojans, worms, etc that I have had to deal with was... ZERO!

Less than one month with a PC...


dial up... shutdown... wtf?

dial up... shutdown... wtf?

dial up... shutdown... wtf?

PCs SUCK!!!!!

Same one I had. The first virus I've ever had to boot. Found out how to fix it eventually at Gateway Support Had to download a service pack and all.

Bottom line: It was driving me cahoots!

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

First off, isn't this the kind of thing you would set your squire to do, and if, lacking a squire or having a lacking squire, would not this then fit into the Grue's baliwick? And if it didn't fit, taking a crowbar to it until it did fit?

Now, if you feel that you have need of my special skills, aiding you in your endeavors is the least I can do and never let it be said that I didn't do the least I could do.

So, now that that's all cleared up, I have to ask, "What's in it for me?"

Well, Boo, this isn't really 'Squire' territory, this is more 'Evil Henchman' territory, or, in your case, 'Evil Henchcreature'.

And as for 'what's in it for you', well, I wasn't aware that you 'most lying slaves,

whom stripes may move, not kindness!' had unionized.

Hmm. Well, I could promise to speak well of you in front of the Fair Emma? Or I could ask Berli to stop posting your email address, bank account numbers, and credit cards on spam sites?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mouse:

How many PC's are there running Win sumfink? Versus how many Mac/Apple machines? Simple math says you target Windows machines...

Actually, the question is: how many PC's are running an operating system whose designer's only concern has ever been to saturate the market, offering all sorts of 'interconnective' bells and whistles aimed at convincing the user that they were using the most powerful and useful OS possible, while in fact the result was endless, endless security holes, exploitable errors and a monolithic disregard for consequences to the user?

I have a feeling that Microsoft's 'what, me worry?' attitude toward security has even more to do with the problem than the prevalence of their operating system. If their software systems were secure, or even largely secure (nothing can be 100%, after all), then even the fact that they were on every machine in the world wouldn't be a big deal.

And your example of writing code that disrupted a Mac is absurd. Obviously anyone can write code that can disrupt a machine and deliver it if they are in the room with it, with full access to insert the code. Not quite the same as an Operating System that is routinely breached remotely from sources too numerous to detail, and which offers so many ways of raising havoc to even the least talented of 'hackers'.

Your logic is shoddy, and offends me. Quiver, rodent! I will see your whiskers tremble!

BOO! Where is Boo! I have a task for him! </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Well, Boo, this isn't really 'Squire' territory, this is more 'Evil Henchman' territory, or, in your case, 'Evil Henchcreature'.

And as for 'what's in it for you', well, I wasn't aware that you 'most lying slaves,

whom stripes may move, not kindness!' had unionized.

Hmm. Well, I could promise to speak well of you in front of the Fair Emma? Or I could ask Berli to stop posting your email address, bank account numbers, and credit cards on spam sites?

'most lying slaves,

whom stripes may move, not kindness!'

I'm sorry, but you must have me confused with some other Boo. Perhaps the Boo that haunts your darkest dreams, for I am slave to no man. I am a Kanigget of the honorable house of JDMorse and owe fealty to him and of course to my wonderful wife, the ever charming and understanding SheWhoMustBeObeyed.

As for you speaking well of me...no offense, but a good word from you is about as desired as having Ed Gein as a character witness.

So, once again, what's in it for me?

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:


We were well aware that you are a moron, but you prove that you are also a M$ apologist. That makes you a complete moron.

Sod off a lot now

Beware, Mousekins. Stir not the ire of a man who got a Windows PC simply to be able to play CMBB and design for CMAK and now has it shutting down whenever he goes online.
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:


We were well aware that you are a moron, but you prove that you are also a M$ apologist. That makes you a complete moron.

Sod off a lot now

Beware, Mousekins. Stir not the ire of a man who got a Windows PC simply to be able to play CMBB and design for CMAK and now has it shutting down whenever he goes online. </font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

and they all laughed at the computer store.

I'm laughing now.

Send me a turn so I can finish beating you like the gong you are.

How embarrassing. To lose to ME at CM:BB, a game I hardly ever play. You'd have to be really, really, really bad at the game to lose that way, huh?


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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

and they all laughed at the computer store.

I'm laughing now.

Send me a turn so I can finish beating you like the gong you are.

How embarrassing. To lose to ME at CM:BB, a game I hardly ever play. You'd have to be really, really, really bad at the game to lose that way, huh?

-dale </font>

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Seanachai:

<font size=-1>Pondscum! Two more Gate's toadies to carry your desk chair back and forth from the refrigerator to the computer.</font>

Those of us tall enough to use adult chairs know that the furniture world has advanced into the 20th century, and desk chairs now have WHEELS on.

But even though your worldview, sitting there on your little footstool, is severely warped, there is nevertheless a germ of an idea in your prattlings. For mon petite liege could indeed be put to good use pushing my desk chair around. A quick zoom down the hallway is called for, in fact. With him supplying the airplane noises. It would be payback for all those games he made me play as the French. <font size=-2>(We hates him)</font>

On the other hand, don't you dare give that Mouse character any new tasks. The lazy bastiche already owes me a turn.

As do you, come to think of it. Chop chop.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by mon petite liege <font size=-2>(We still hates him):

<font size=-1>This is BB after all - a game I don't really like. I went three months without even firing it up.

I bet you played your heart out the whole time.</font>

You could fit Joe's dried-up, persnickety and bitter* old heart into a thimble. As such, him "playing it out" would bear a striking resemblance to an aged alley-cat coughing up a particularly annoying hairball.

*Having been broken by a million Mormon wives.

[ August 13, 2003, 04:39 PM: Message edited by: PondScum ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

but dash it all ... he could have ASKED donchaknow! This ordering about is really not on with a Knight, however lowly and from Ohio he might be. I'd expected more from The Nice One.


Well, really, Joe. It was just Boo, after all. It's not like I was issuing orders hither and yon, infringing the freedoms of lackwits everywhere and trampling their ancient rights and prerogatives. I thought it might help Boo if his freakishly large size could be put to serve some social good, like thumping people who annoy me.

I mean, otherwise he just sits there stroking a piece of velvet and asking me to tell him about the rabbits again.

[ August 13, 2003, 05:02 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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