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Lou mate-I notice you and a few others seem to hold Fionn in awe as if he's some kind of patriarchal guru. No disrespect to Fionn,but who is he?

To look up to someone as if he's a diety is bad medicine,as it means you subconsciously regard yourself as inferior,and it'll show on the battlefield.

(SPIKES LAW-Look up to no-one.Let THEM look up to YOU!)

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Originally posted by Poor Old Spike:

Lou mate-I notice you and a few others seem to hold Fionn in awe as if he's some kind of patriarchal guru. No disrespect to Fionn,but who is he?

To look up to someone as if he's a diety is bad medicine,as it means you subconsciously regard yourself as inferior,and it'll show on the battlefield.

(SPIKES LAW-Look up to no-one.Let THEM look up to YOU!)

The chances of me taking your bait are minimal.

I'm not in awe of anybody on this forum - and I dont know of anybody who want me to hold them in awe ... except maybe for you :rolleyes:

But I do consider Fionn's CM advice to be worth listening to, and not just from this thread but many others where he has offered advice on aspects of the game .... and he's not the only one i listen to !

However just because Fionn says its so, doesnt mean I'll a play my game exactly to his prescribed methods (maybe I'd win more if i did :D ) but I will keep in mind the advice offered and try to incorporate it into my own style of play.

Win or lose, my opponent will always be facing 'Lou' not a Fionn clone. One of the dangers in player sticking rigidly to advice offered is that they try to become the other player.....instead of using that advice to improve and develop their own unique playing style.

Definition of advice ....

advice n an opinion offered; counsel.

Please feel free to throw more bait into the water if you feel the need - I wont be taking it .... but it would be nice if you could offer something constructive to the site content discussion ... perhaps and example of the tactics advice you'll be submitting for publication on the site - I for one would welcome it !


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To all tactical theorists and debaters I say this:-


In other words all the tactics talk and debate in the world is no substitite for actually PLAYING the game and learning in that school of hard knocks!

For example Lou,in our game a while back,you handled your panzershreck teams with such stealth and skill that they were able to dish out a severe mauling to my T-34s,and I won't forget that lesson in a hurry!

(PS-I'm still analysing Fionns parameters) :cool:

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I'm bloody trying ;) . OTOH the target needs to agree to come onto the firing range first. So far he's still examining the lay of the land.

I wonder if his coup d'oeuil will fail him?

[ March 29, 2003, 01:44 PM: Message edited by: Fionn ]

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Your point re: not becoming the advisor is well-made.

Manoeuvrist doctrine would hold that the job of a teacher would be to teach others HOW to think but not to teach them WHAT to think.

Admittedly when teaching is accomplished by actually playing a competitive CM game and then debriefing post-game much of the debrief comprises a listing of errors made, tactical possibilities not considered and alternates.

OTOH it wouldn't be correct to view such things as comprising a list of what to think. Rather it helps round out the students' knowledge of what can and cannot be done.

He or she will then look at all future engagements with wider "tactical eyes" and decide on the course of action best suited to the terrain, mission, enemy and, perhaps most crucially, his/her own temperament.

As to whether you'd win more games if you played using my "prescribed methods".... ;) . The question is in error.

a) I don't have any prescribed methods.

B) If I did and you tried to follow methods not suited to your temperament you'd lose... it wouldn't matter if the tactics were suited to the terrain, enemy or mission. If they aren't suited to YOUR personality and emotional state that day then they are wrong.

It should be noted that the above view is controversial especially with those who believe that at the CM level the application of force x at point y will always yield result z.

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Have got 4 pbem files to attend to but just popped in to say:-

1-To Moneymaxx who hints I might "chicken out" against Fionns challenge,that jibe cuts both ways as I you could say the same about Fionns refusal to play to MY parameters! However,I may yet play him. And Mmaxx-be careful or I might just challenge YOU!

2-Fionn says that my params create "almost identical games each time",and that I've "worked out a winning tactic." Yet Lou says my tactic works the first time,but is easy to defend against "once you're used to it" Which of you is correct? The truth is,the random maps are refreshingly different each time,requiring totally different tactics every game,as hills and contours etc have such a profound effect if not properly taken into account.(Edit to include SPIKES LAW-Positioning is EVERYTHING!) ( And I hope you hotshots are saving these Laws!)

3-Fionn said "I bags defender" in our proposed game.This seems a bit undemocratic to me,if not downright bullying? I never say things like that in MY challenges!

4-Fionn says to me-"If you're really as good as you say..", to which I humbly refer him yet again to my credentials which PROVE I'm as good as I say:-I'm the Rugged Defense Cmbb Ladder Leader :cool:

(I really gotta go for now to handle 4 pbem files from Rockdawg,Apostol,Copper,Moosehead..)

[ March 29, 2003, 02:30 PM: Message edited by: Poor Old Spike ]

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Fionn-Well,I've had time to check out your params and I'm afraid there's some serious negotiation to be done in order to hammer out a set of mutually-acceptable parameters:-

1- 30 turns max (variable)is the max length I can entertain.

2-And 2000pts is the max size.(You may choose whether you want a small,med or large map)

3- I don't like this business of having a third party choose our forces for us,as part of the fun is choosing my own.I therefore suggest a compromise--I'll choose my own,and he can choose yours!

4- I'm far from happy that you insist on being the Defender. It was you who slapped me across the face with your gauntlet in issuing the challenge,so surely I am entitled to at least choose whether I want to defend? Yes,I would indeed prefer to defend! Of course,as a reciprocally balancing concession,I would be quite prepared allow you to choose which nationality you wish to be.

As a further concession to you,this needn't be a ladder game if being in the ladder would make you feel uncomfortable.You say "ladders bring out the worst in people",so I wouldn't want to subject you to that savage place unnecessarily,even though it often brings out the very best in people too!

I'm sure there's more you'll want to discuss after digesting my suggestions above and I look forward to hearing from you! :cool:

"In peace,there's nothing so becomes a man as modest stillness and humility.But when the blast of war blows in our ears,then imitate the action of the tiger.." (Shakesp's Henry V)

(PS-A note to spectators-I can promise you a full AAR if this contest ever gets off the ground,I already gladly and habitually provide one for all my appreciative pbem opponents to analyse after each game.)

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After reading POSs posts I get the feeling that he must be selling something. Why else would he keep repeating the same old stuff in post after post? But what I just cant grasp is, what is he selling?!

And oh, I look forward to the game, that is if POS can accept a setup different from his pet setup.

Fionn must be looking forward to this as Im sure he will find POSs tactical advise during the game most interesting.

[ March 30, 2003, 04:30 AM: Message edited by: Panzer76 ]

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Panzer 76,

Indeed I am. The chance to learn new things at the foot of a player such as POS is one I don't often get.


This could bog down in interminable wrangling over details. Lets cut all of that. Here's what I propose:

1 game using your settings. Since u've given me choice of nationality I choose Germans.

Afterwards, a second game using settings determined by me.

So, 1 game using your settings, 1 game using mine. Seems the fairest way to proceed without engaging in endless wrangling over specific points no?

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Fionn,no,sorry mate! General Guderian said "Weigh up the odds before taking the risks" and after weighing up the params of your creation I know I'd probably lose because they're so artificially-manipulated and engineered and tweaked, and look like some lumbering Frankenstein's monster!

No disrespect,but ENJOYMENT is the name of the game in my opinion,and I simply wouldn't enjoy wading through your 60-turn 3000-point creation,I haven't the time!

It's spring here in Plymouth UK,and I'll be out a lot strolling along the seafront trying to pick up rich old widows from the cruise liners that call in here,as well as haunting the posh little bars and bistros around the millionnaires yacht marina,so my time will be limited anyway.My main priority in life is to find a rich bird so we can **** the rest of our lives away,I'm sure you'll understand.(And I'm sure the lucky lady will appreciate my lovemaking style which is like my wargaming style--fast brutal and decisive)

BTW-Did I mention I've told RD I'm leaving the club after my current games are finished?Boss Edwin replied "Stay if you like", but I'm definitely going.The scoring system makes it too easy for me to stay Top Gun,and therefore there's no challenge in it for me any more.

I came,I saw,I conquered,I walked.. :cool:

PS-Watch out,I'll be back! (But not necessarily under the same handle..)

And the angel in human form said:-"Why do you ask my name,seeing it is beyond human understanding? (Judges 13:17)

[ March 30, 2003, 04:01 PM: Message edited by: Poor Old Spike ]

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I would like to see a site that actively arranges tournaments for CM players. Of course, the site should provide complete coverage of the tournaments with detailed standings, game highlights, etc. If effect, I am again proposing one of my favorite wargamer soapbox issues :rolleyes: : the formation of a serious wargamer competition league (guild?). CM should have a site as serious about playing and winning as the numerous chess sites that are out there. I find CM as deep and enjoyable as chess, so why not?

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Originally posted by scottdt:

I would like to see a site that actively arranges tournaments for CM players.

I would like to see a site doing things like CMMC2 but on a smaller scale. This way they would be easier to manage and you could have several "campaigns" going at the same time. I am trying something myself but alas am only 1 person. I would think it would need a core group to run everything. Some people to act as the GM's, forum monitors, website updaters, etc. I think there are several groups out there, they are just not actively advertised and their groups are mostly friends or are close geographically.
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Just a bump from page 4 .....

As I dont think the original question from MG-42 actually got the response it deserves ... the guy was trying to get an idea of what people want and it kinda lost track a little ... you could hardly blame him if he's given up on the idea now though :(

As the Proving Grounds are now up as a multiplayer site, with all the functions I was looking for (and more!)and new members joining daily, :cool: I'm going to throw my vote in with the the 'Tactics' crowd, as its an area MG seems interested in, I'm fairly sure it was going to go that way anyway ;)

One article that I'd like to see is one that covers the advantages / disadvantages that the Axis & Allied forces have with the availble forces for each year. Not a shopping list of what to buy, not a lesson in the tactics to use for an attack over open ground etc ....

But more a discussion on each sides strenghts and weaknesses for a given year, how Russian armour/infantry compares to German in '41 '42 ...

Why do I think this would be useful ?

Well it would help people who are getting into scenario design and want to ensure they are producing a balanced game. People could spend hours trying to get a map just right but unless it provides balanced forces all the effort is wasted.

It would help players with their general knowledge of forces in the game, which in turn gives a better understanding on how to deploy and use them...

and in almost every PBEM i've played (yeah multiplayer again ;) ) one thing that often comes up is what year/month to pick for a balanced game.

The article might even include some setting general force mix and year setings based on a 'reference' game - say 2000 point/ME/everything set to med/mod - and let players make adjustments to suit.

Obviously it would take somebody with 'the knowledge' to produce this article ...do we know anybody with that level of understanding :D

but I think it would make a good and informative read (IMHO)

Well I think we can consider that 'bumped'

[ April 03, 2003, 12:56 AM: Message edited by: Lou2000 ]

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Originally posted by Poor Old Spike:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by nevermind:


My vote goes to tactics/AAR's as well.

The only problem i see with the tactics idea that you came up with is,who is going to give away some of their great ideas?

I am! I'm the Rugged Defense Cmbb Ladder Leader and am glad to help anybody :cool: </font>
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Well, I think we have two good player (ego? hehe) making this topic somthing away from what it was meant to be. This subject is interesting, and as some users said, be just carefull with the bandwidth. Appuifeu.com (I'm the webmaster of this one), the french CM site needs 20 GO per month (500 players, 2000 unique users). I had to kill a lot of pages, images to reduce this bw. It is an important parameter. Appuifeu allows players to upload files (scenarios, images, AAR etc etc): it makes your BW go up and up. A solution for that is to seperate your application from the server hosting the contents. You can find low cost or free servers to host images or videos, it does not have to be the one you host your scripts and your DB in. Anyway, take very care of this very issue.

And since POS talks about ladders (BTW I share Fionn's point on ME-Village-20T, but there should be other solutions than the 60 turn thing if POS is not familiar to it): AppuiFeu has now a very fonctional ladder system (including dynamic tournaments etc etc) and is able to "parse" all great ladders (TH, RD, Blitz etc etc) put all game played (since the very begining of CMBO) together, get the double logins fixed and apply any calculated system on it (ELO, vict % etc ...). We tried that and we can reference about 18.000 games played and registered since 26/05/2000 (RD game opposing cyberfox and berlichingen). Applying a simple calculating system (+4 for a total, +3 for a major, +2 for a tactical, +1 for a minor, 0 for a draw, -4 for a total loss, -3 for a major loss, -2 for a tactical loss, -1 for a minor loss) gives this for the top 10 players:

1. skelley 640

2. swamp 576

3. ghost358th 476

4. von_schalburg 329

5. [uf] fridericus 284

6. kaiman 272

7. doe820 255

8. Tigre 237

9. [uf] intruder 226

10. gravesregistration 216

Hehe of course it's not a good calculating system. But if some of you are interested about this DB, just send me a mail: nicock@club-internet.fr


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What a guy wants:

A way to find scenarios suitable for PBEM game. I was/have been surprised to find how difficult it is to find these.

At the SD, one can use the Search function to find, say, all scenarios in which the Wind is blowing from the SouthEast, but one cannot search for all scenarios designed as PBEM/TCP, let alone all such which are Large or Smaller, reviewed positively, etc yadda blah.

That's my two, folks- no *vitriol* for the SD, just stating the limitation of the community which strikes me as the most obvious one at the moment. I'm currently just poking through them all, peek at it, maybe download and peek, go on to the next one in the alphabet, look at it, maybe download it, peek, repeat, repeat.

For the time being, does anyone have a recommendation? Emphasis on Balance, Moderate Size, and preferably *Conservative* amounts/sizes of reinforcements. Tia,


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I'm presently looking at the possibility of forming a friendly club of my own (not ladder) based on the games already-in-place handicap system,so that the more games a player wins,he gets a heavier and heavier h/cap slapped on him.

Any grog worth his salt would enjoy the challenge of fighting a battle with say a 50% h/cap on his back!

I also intend to draw up ultra-simple "parameter packs" like my very popular Aug 42 Meeting Pack which most of my opponents have become become hooked on and want to go straight into re-matches time and again!

I shall create a similar pack for each year of the war,and also do packs for Attack/Defends,so that a degree of cohesiveness can be introduced to the currently uncomfortably-sprawling parameter maelstrom. :cool:

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Originally posted by Lou2000:

Just a bump from page 4 .....

As I dont think the original question from MG-42 actually got the response it deserves ... the guy was trying to get an idea of what people want and it kinda lost track a little ... you could hardly blame him if he's given up on the idea now though :(

Hi Lou (and everyone else),

Thanks for the bump buddy and the whole hearted attempt to get this thread back on topic. No worries about it losing focus. I am more then able to sort the "wheat from the chaff." I have purposely left "the pack" alone in order to debate this issue but as you've already suggested it looks like I'm taking it down a tactics/AAR route.

One thing i will add at this point though is this thread is initally posted as a kind of recon mission. Due to other commitments and the requirement to extensively plan the content for this website you won't see anything solid and in place before the summer. If I commit myself to a project then I commit in a professional manner.

I'll give this thread a few more days then "harvest the wheat" from it before posting my interpretation and proposal for discussion.

Thanks again Lou for bringing back a lil focus



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