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The case of the missing Sound Contacts

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Am playing Royal Opponent and am deeply distressed not just because of the fog and very short LOS, but because I don't get Sound Contacts, not so much as a glimmer of one. Rather, Russian tanks simply teleport in, guns blazing. Can someone please explain to me why I don't get Sound Contacts at all.

Are my unbuttoned TCs all deaf?


John Kettler

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The level of chaos is such that my arms are indeed combined--with my legs, torso and head! My infantry is presently occupied with killing the tenacious defenders of Hill 271.2, who are supported not only by armor all across my front, but by armor inside the hill's perimeter. That armor keeps popping out in various sectors and wreaking havoc. My Panzer came acropper when, in an effort to unhinge the defenders squarely astride my route of advance and bypass the infantry slog on the hill overlooking same, I tried to sneak past and around the flank, only to run into the dread teleporting T-34. I do have ears in the area not atop Panzers, yet still got no Sound Contact. Maybe an intervening tiny crest is enough to block it?


John Kettler

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John K,

I just recently played this scenario, against the AI Russians. On the run-up against the hill 271.2, with halftracks only, I got lots of sound contacts, from hidden Soviet tanks in the woods. I was able to dismount, just in time, and handle them with panzerfausts and panzerschreks as they crashed through the underbrush attempting to ambush.

As for the armor spearheads, pushing ahead of the halftracks and infantry, yes, the Russians suddenly appeared from the fog with no sound warning. I lost several King Tigers beyond the town to the left, as they swarmed out from the wheatfield. When I did get some infantry to sneak up alongside the King Tigers, I actually did start seeing sound contacts from the Stalin II tanks. I think JasonC has the answer on this, as those Tigers were pretty loud.


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Just finished playing this as Russians vs AI.

My T-34/85 brought death to the King Tigers, sneaking up and kicking them in the behind. Scouted ahead with the lesser T34s.

Stalin II a complete waste of time - two of them fired at a Pz4, missed and in the next two moves, he wasted both of them! 1st shot misses by a mile and they take so long to reload they are dead before they can even from cover. Great herds of them wandered around the map getting shot up by all and sundry! Is there a good Stalin tank version in the game?


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