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Fun, Feuds, frutescent frolics and flamed frangipani in the Peng Challenge Thread!

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Only Seanachai censured?

Now that we have had this interaction I feel much more comfortable stopping in and saying, "Hi".

Well here comes Mike, and he's found another bottle

He tips it up like a trumpet, he takes a drink and passes it on

And every man 'round the fire, takes a chorus on the bottle

It ain't much, it ain't good, but it'll get us through till dawn

Don't the freight yard sound like a drunk in a metal shop?

I can't believe it gets this cold in Barstow

And I can't believe I pissed my twenties away

Well if you take me back this time

Baby I promise you...I'll stay.

Then Seanachai takes another drink, and he starts to sing off key

There's not a man big enough around the fire to shut him up

And in the cold morn he's singing 'hey Okie, tell Arkie, Texas found a job in Californy

And everyone around the fire cracks up

Don't the freight yard sound like a drunk in a metal shop?

I can't believe it gets this cold in Barstow

And I can't believe I pissed my twenties away

Well if you take me back this time

Baby I promise you...I'll stay.

Then Mike starts laughing hard, but he doesn't make a sound

He grabs the bottle back from me, and kills the last of the wine

And in the fire's glow I can see his eyes, and they shine like brake lights

And I am grateful I cannot see mine.

Don't the freight yard sound like a drunk in a metal shop?

I can't believe it gets this cold in Barstow

And I can't believe I pissed my twenties away

Well if you take me back this time

Baby I promise you...I'll stay.


-Bill Morrissey

(with apologies for the changes)

Joe, if you take me back this time, I promise you I'll stay.

This Mike the Wino fellow. Salt of the earth, don't you know. Damn fine fellow. Always said...damn fine fellow.

Twelve bottles. Twelve. All done up in styro...foam. I was the envy of every bugger at the FedEx pickup office. Handsome blonde-haired lass helped me with my wine. Lovely.

So, this Mike the Wino...did I say that he was a gentleman? Not enough gentlemen anymore. Oh, yes, the Peng Challenge Thread, certainly. But damn few else. Bloody handsome lass, that one. Blonde.

Normally I prefer brunettes. Give me a brunette every time, I always say.

Don't the General Forum sound just like a drunk in a metal shop?

I can't believe it gets this cold in Minneapolis...

I was talking, then, eh? There were gentlemen. And ladies. Always should be gentlemen to go with the ladies...

In any case, Joe was about to sense..seize...censure me. Yes! Censure me. Me! Olde One of the Peng Challenge Thread. Been here since the beginning. Began it. Been here since before the beginning. Damn fine lass. Wish I could hear that Scottish accent...that'd be just lovely...Glasgow.

In any case, Joe and Berli, they're, what's it...they're against me! Working against me, in fact. It's a fact. Working against me.

Well, I'm not having it! I can't be having with that! Working against me. Bloody cheek.

Oh, yes. Declare me 'Ungrateful Personal Australian'. Fine. Them and Rune. That bugger. I know a thing or two about a thing or two. See if I don't.

What was I saying?

Mike the Wino. Yes! A damn fine lad. Vile bad habits, of course. Slides off every chance he gets to that Other Thread. Awful place. Master Goodale. Subverts the whole concept of Evolution, that one does. Soddball. Awful place.

But that's not what I came to talk to you about...what was it again...

The room was spinning harder, as the ceiling flew away...

Hmm, hmm, hmm

Ah, that's it! Mike the Wino. I'd like to make him welcome here. Propose him for Serf, Squire, all that biznai with the Justicar. Go through the forms, observe the...the...verities...not that, ummm, something like verities. Verification? Versification?

I think he could be alright, you know. Seems like a stable influence in that Other Thread. Not like Soddball. That bastard. We're not at all alike.

Oh, forgot. I'm 'censured' now. Can't welcome anyone in, Ho-Ho, Seanachai must go! Well, I'm not. Going, that is. I'm staying.

One of sixteen vestal virgins, who were leaving for the Coast...

Yes. Joe Shaw! I'm talking to you, you bugger! Did you think I'd go gently into that good night? Bloody hell no! Daft bugger.

I hereby Challenge you to a game of CMBB, you...have any of you lot ever seen Joe? Well I have.. has...I've seen the Sod! Do you know what he actually looks like? He looks like some daft Monk from some monastery in a Rabalais book! Damn me if he doesn't! Tall, with big 'Keene Kid' eyes, and a fluffy white curl of hair around his tonsured bald pate!

Damn him, I say, and his choice of scenario, QB parameters, or Seconds. Code Duello. Or something like that in Aussie. Bastards. Bloody Australians. Won't export their real beers. Swine. I hates 'em.

Did I mention that Mike the Wino is a gent? Oh my God! My leg's on fire!

[ September 06, 2003, 03:02 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Elvis:

Dear Noba,

I sorry to have made you the most recent victim of my tactical prowess. It does seem my claim that no one in this place can beat me is not just the hot air I had intended it to be. Berli and Germanboy still have chances because those operations are not completed (although I always seem to have a game going with Andreas and can't remember the last time he won).

So...thanks for letting me knock you around a bit. You performed so clever things during our battle but alas they were not clever enough.



Bile...just Bile.

You flag-camper. You weasel of the week. That was a tactical win. Only just makes it in the "win" department. If that was tactical prowess..sitting on four flags with the same amount of infantry as me, and better tanks then your prowess is not very big. Sitting in city buildings whilst the attacker tries to pry you out without heavy weapon support is not tactical prowess. Even Joe or Boo, or even Seanachai could have one that one. Until we meet on an even pointed field, I say FEH! to your "win"...expect a return set up, after I consider what to inflict upon Boo.

Even Leoo could do a better job, he who is about to be overrun by my glorious Conscript Russians, armed with 57mm tanks no less ! His captured tanks were no match for my brilliant attack. If his troops hadn't dug those soft spots that bogged three of my tanks on open, dry ground, it would've been a quicker, cleaner win.


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Originally posted by mike_the_wino..

Now that we have had this interaction I feel much more comfortable stopping in and saying, "Hi".

The feeling is mutual... At least by me.

And if it means being hosed down by the Bard every time I return from that other thread, then I shall pop over more often than not..


Is there even the slightest possibility we have an Orlando Bloom Look-a-like on this Forum?

Failing that... anyone who looks like Johnny Depp in his Pirate Guise... *Drools*

Very good Movie... lovelyyyyyyyyyyyy eye candy, from beginning to end a gem to watch..

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Dear Noba,

As someone who has a bit of Combat Mission under his belt I feel qualified that generally speaking when one is what we call "defending" they tend to be positioned close to victory locations. A last turn attempt to dislodge the "defenders" by "attackers" that have hidden for the entire game is called a "gamey flag rush". A final score of 69-31 is what we Old Time CM players call "a pretty decent butt kicking". The fact that all your were able to get out of the battle was that and you had crack AND elite infantry says you need a little more practice, Mate.

Love ,


[ September 06, 2003, 09:01 AM: Message edited by: Elvis ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Ah, that's it! Mike the Wino. I'd like to make him welcome here. Propose him for Serf, Squire,

Oh, forgot. I'm 'censured' now. Can't welcome anyone in, Ho-Ho, Seanachai must go! Well, I'm not. Going, that is. I'm staying.

I second that... Mike the wino for serf/squire, he's just what we need in here...

I mean, he has lots of luverly wine and can keep the cellar stocked on demand..

A Perfect choice...

I have never used my title as Dame YK2 or as Lady Of The Pool to ask for anything much.. have I? And as I recall I have never demanded anything, have I? But today that is aboot to change...

Joe Shaw .. Justicar .. where the hell are you man?

Ahhh there you are.. I thought you only used the Jaccuzi on Sundays and special occasions?...

*Averts eyes* Good God Joe, I do wish you would wear more than just that silly helmet when in the jaccuzi... Here grab this and get out, there is work to be done...

*Throws Joe a robe *

Now listen up Joe ... I know you got your feathers ruffled when some of us Pengers visited that other thread.. It wasn't just Seanacoochie who posted over there, a few of us did... and did you ever stop and think as to why???????? No point blaming that sweet Croda boy, he just suggested what some of us had been thinking for quite some time...

Anyhoo, its done now and no harm has come of it at all, infact if anything quite the opposite..

I agree with the Gnome.. Mike The Wino should be made serf/squire as soon as possible....Such a nice man....not at all like someone who should be kept outside...

You Joe have poured my wine, warmed my towels and drawn my bath... hell you even put your best cloak over a muddy puddle so as I wouldn't dirty my new shoes..you have carried wine from the cellar on many occasions and have always been a true Gentleman.. but... you Sir are the Justicar.. SIR JOE . not some lowley serf with nothing better to do than pander to we Ladies of the Pool ..

See it for what it's worth Joe .. having Mike as serf will free up all your time for those other duties you have neglected... What do you say Joe? .. I know it's the W/E and your usual stenographer is off, but I'll help you best I can.. glass of wine.. cigar....footstool?

Where was I? Oh yes.... the matter of that other thread.. it was fun Joe .... I felt like a naughty schoolgirl doing something I shouldn't be doing.. yes.. it was fun... for a while..But they don't have nice fluffy towels over there, or constant hot water.. hell, they don't even have a wine cellar... Yet they have Mike.... that can NOT be allowed...

And it's not the Peng Thread ... never could come close, lets face it.... they have Masterwhatshisname.. and we have Peng *swoon* we also have the Bard and Berli (whom together do a damn fine job of keeping our little MBT how it should be) and how do they do that I hear you ask!!! why, by having you as the Justicar of course....

It has been known for others to try and step into your shoes... but no... they are fighting a losing battle in trying to do so... the Olde Ones would never let anyone else do the most important job in the MBT but you..

Does that not count for anything?... Imagine, you... trying to throw the Bard out on his neck!!! I was horrified upon reading that... and well, quite frankly Joe I did wonder as to your sanity... but now I have you in front of me, I can see you're just the usual sweet Joe , our Justicar who would fight to the death to keep things in order for the sake of the MBT.. . for the one and only thread.... *Sigh* You Joe are my hero... at least for today...

So.... what say you ??

Mike the wino for serf... and we keep Seanacoochie my drunken little Gnome.. that's all I deman.... ahem ask...

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Originally posted by Elvis:

Dear Noba,

As someone who has a bit of Combat Mission under his belt I feel SNIP...


...you need a little more practice, Mate.

Love ,


That's actually called - "A GUT" It's what you get from spending too much time at your computer, playing with yourself. (See the post about Boo a couple of pages back). If you can look past your belt, you may see some toes, or at least shoes. Those things you walk on when not playing with yourself.

As for practise, you probably do enough for both of us. Keep it up, there's a good lad.


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Originally posted by Noba:

Arrrgh. My eyes !! Tell me the post above is NOT TRUE !

Our Lady can't in her right mind. Can She ?

No one says things like [sHUDDER]THAT[/sHUDDER] about Old Fowl Joe and actually mean. Do they ??

Berli, do something !! Noba.

My Dear Noba... My mind is as right as it ever was, not that THAT'S anything to go by mind you.

But you should know.. I don't say anything I don't mean, at least I mean the things I say at the time of saying them, if you get my drift..but of course being a woman I have the right to change my mind as often as I feel neccessary, and with that in mind.. Today I meant everything I said about Joe.


Tomorrow of course... is another day..

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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

Arrrgh. My eyes !! Tell me the post above is NOT TRUE !

Our Lady can't in her right mind. Can She ?

No one says things like [sHUDDER]THAT[/sHUDDER] about Old Fowl Joe and actually mean. Do they ??

Berli, do something !! Noba.

My Dear Noba... My mind is as right as it ever was, not that THAT'S anything to go by mind you.

But you should know.. I don't say anything I don't mean, at least I mean the things I say at the time of saying them, if you get my drift..but of course being a woman I have the right to change my mind as often as I feel neccessary, and with that in mind.. Today I meant everything I said about Joe.


Tomorrow of course... is another day.. </font>

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Originally posted by YK2:

I second that... Mike the wino for serf/squire, he's just what we need in here...

I mean, he has lots of luverly wine and can keep the cellar stocked on demand..

A Perfect choice...

Serf he is. This means that you have first right of refusal on making him squire

I have never used my title as Dame YK2 or as Lady Of The Pool to ask for anything much..
As a Lady of the Pool, you have the right to take him as squire
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

This means that you have first right of refusal on making him squire

As a Lady of the Pool, you have the right to take him as squire

Oh well that changes things slighty....

*Pushes Joe Aside*

Get out of my way man... I haven't got time to light your cigars and fill your glass..

Where's that damn serf known as Mike The Wino?

I need some of our finest red from the cellar like NOW, as I'm going out tonight and a few glasses are needed to send me on my way...

I bet he's bloody asleep... MIKE are you there??

No serf of mine will have a surname akin to the cheapest of drunks.. I shall call him Mike the Serf.... at least for now.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

I second that... Mike the wino for serf/squire, he's just what we need in here...

I mean, he has lots of luverly wine and can keep the cellar stocked on demand..

A Perfect choice...

Serf he is. This means that you have first right of refusal on making him squire

I have never used my title as Dame YK2 or as Lady Of The Pool to ask for anything much..
As a Lady of the Pool, you have the right to take him as squire </font>
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Originally posted by YK2:

Some nice person sent five dollars to my paypal account for the save seanacoochie fund....

Can you believe that!!!

Thing is... what the hell do I do with it now

MrSpkr ???

Dame Emma, we are engaged in high level discussion on just this subject. I will get back to you.


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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

ATTENTION mike_the_love_merchant

Do not send any of this stuff to Joe Shaw.

The metaphorical imagery of a lovesick Justicar will most certainly cause the MBT to explode.

No, no, no and again...no. This might provide us with the opportunity to see Old Foul Joe do his world famous Blanche DuBois impersonation. "I have always relied on the kindness of strangers..."

It's a classic, man.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

No, no, no and again...no. This might provide us with the opportunity to see Old Foul Joe do his world famous Blanche DuBois impersonation. "I have always relied on the kindness of strangers..."

It's a classic, man.

That's exactly what you should be afraid of

A Justicar Named Desire

Pity the Mormon Wives.

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Oh Happy Day,

Just to let a bright, sunny ray of Real Life shine in on you morbid mass. NG Cavscout is a cop again, yes, yes, yes, sing the praises to the heavens, I can once again oppress FIB's as they cross the border (except for liege Rune of course), and turn back Minestroneannies for genetic impurity. I got the letter of acceptance today, engraved on stone tablets, carried by milky skinned ladies in waiting perfumed with incense and flowers.

Serious[/] What a relief, I have been out of work since March, and the unemployment was going to run out soon. I may be sparse in posting, until we get moved and settled.[/serious]

So, prepare to genuflect when entering the holy land of Wisconsin all denizens of the outer planes. And remember, no Oddstraylans allowed, unless they bring beer and lobster of course.

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Posted by GoodCop, BadCop.

(Take your pick)

And remember, no Oddstraylans allowed, unless they bring beer and lobster of course.

No worries there, Mate. We don't go near coppers. The buggers take all the beer and food and try to sell "raffle tickets" to their Balls.


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Originally posted by Noba:

Posted by GoodCop, BadCop.

(Take your pick)

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />And remember, no Oddstraylans allowed, unless they bring beer and lobster of course.

No worries there, Mate. We don't go near coppers. The buggers take all the beer and food and try to sell "raffle tickets" to their Balls.

Noba. </font>

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