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Eichenbaum's Operation Storfang released!

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Originally posted by Martin Krejcirik:

Eichenbaum: any suggestions what to try with that non-working 3D (HQ and front, menus in OSF) ?

When I try to click on tacmap.wrl or warroom.wrl from outside of OSF it loads IE and displays the map or room, so I think there is a potential :)


Thanks for the tip Martin.

It has something to do with the settings for the vrml client in the IExplore screen that starts up from OSF's interface. We'll update the peice of code a.s.a.p.


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Originally posted by eichenbaum:

After Tankovoe (Turn 1) you'll end up in Krasn'ii Mak (Turn 2). That's a 120 minute battle. Long enough for ya ? ;)

Every scenario will be diferent in time. We test our scenarios and tune it untill they're perfect (in our eyes).

Great, that, in fact, is long enough for me!
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Have mercy for our test players. They're working so hard to play out Krasn'ii Mak (2). As you read from the map the Germans had to overcome a huge obstacle; the bridge over the River Belbek. Here the complete 132nd Infantry Division had to cross it to form a decent bridgehead in order to beat off the Russian defence waiting for them on the Cherkes Kerman Mountains.


We have reconstructed the spearhead that took part in this immense assault. The main problem you will encounter is the narrow passage for your men to pass through.

After every attack you'll need to replace the frontline with fresh infantry. Wave after wave you'll need to force your way towards the only objective flag on the map (top).

This baby can't be played out in just a few days. I know now that you'll curse me for this one. But it's realistic; I really can't help it...

We're close to the finish. After K'Mak (battle 2) you can start Kuib'ishevo (battle 3) right away because it's already finished (including a multi-player version). In battle 4 the 1st crossing point will appear. Where will you go first; to the left or to the right...


[ June 30, 2004, 06:32 PM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]

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Strategists dreams come true: OSF. I wish it would be possible to have such huge and comprehensive operations (real ones!) for other theaters of war (like a Stalingrad campaign, or Leningrad, or Berlin, or or or).

I think most of your and yours playtesters work is to get the enemy AI to function proper and somehow historically and requesting for the player. Thank you.

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Ohhhh what a nice replies ...

You have made us blush :cool:




PS. Some OSF graphics have been uploaded to CMMODS.com. Handy if you want to use them outside OSF (Grass, rock, brush etc....)

[ July 01, 2004, 10:43 AM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]

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Originally posted by Bartokomus:

Mr. Eichenbaum

IS there some problem with using Opera as your browser? I can open up the app, but when it gets to the point where i am supposed to be able to look at your "map" it's just black. I can view the intro movie fine, but i have to hit CTRL-W to get out of the blank screen. Certainly not trying to devolve this into a tech support session, but i really want the whole thing to work, as i am assuming that i will lose out on "campaign" feel of it. thank you


i should say i have installed all files and supporting programs successfully. And to further clarify i was wondering if the Cortona app was what wasn't performing well with my Opera browser. thanks

hi i have a copy of opera on here, i think you may need to add file extensions and program to run them in FILE>>PREFERNCES>>FILE TYPES

THEN PASTE IN TYHE PATH TO THE cortona and the file extensions you want to load it,

like .VRML etc. this was done auto for windoze, but you will have to edit it yourself for opera

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i was going to wait till you had a CD to sell, but i came and read this thread, saw some pics , heard some talk , and am too tempted

my pc is unstable , uncomprehendable, money sucking, trouble making , mind warping hell spawn!

i almost think its a girl freind. :D

so i copied BMPS to another folder, wil start copying all stuff and try out your new version.

am a bit apprehensive, but it is only BMP's that are changed in cmbb folders?

i know ya heard it already, but you guys are AWSOME!

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hi ,

I couldnt resist.

i did grab a copy of all stuff needed to play the osf and thought id run thru what went wrong.

dont worry nothing major, i looked at battle, quit out and loaded up cmbb, although i do not remeber what terrain should look like in cmmb

to compare with what it should look like.

any how

installed fine.

i ran the patch , 1st time it had an error message after install saying exe file is corrupt.

so i downloaded it again and ran it again.

asked if i wanted to replace files , i said yes to all,

no errors this time.



ran the osf program,

strted battle and it decompressed BMP files.

but the dos window stayed open and didnt know if it had completed or crashed.

so i waited a few min, then noticed the window name was caled finished

fnally closed the wndow and another popped up decompressed some more files.

may i suggest an echo text message after extraction of files is complete saying something like

" fils succesfully extracted, close window to continue "

or was the window meant to close by itself?


in the menu system career didnt seem to do anything, is that cuz theyre still to be completed? i mean front and headquaterrs went to a loading 3d enviroment splash scren and went straight back to menu. I assume its same prob asearlier poster said, with VRL files


finaly started the 1st battle.

only complaint was one group of forces didnt sdeem to have the coloured box under them making them easay to see.. you know like red for russians, blue for germans , well the force with trucks, guns and flame throwers engineers had no colored base that i could see.

i didnt play the battle , was more eager to quit and see if cmmb still worked.

it did

[ July 04, 2004, 02:19 AM: Message edited by: savagegoose ]

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Hi SavageGoose,

You saw DOS screens popping up?

Normally those remain invisible.

The unit-bases in CM I cannot mod. If those can't bee seen properly then it has to do with the position of that unit. If it's placed in a pit or something then the base gets cut off by the ground surface; nothing to do with OSF.

If the OSF 3d menus aren't shown then the vrml client is not properly installed. When you install the plug in for internet explorer with Opera then it won't work. You can install it manually; download the cortona installer and install it on your system. http://www.parallelgraphics.com/bin/cortvrml.exe (file name: cortvrml.exe, file size: 1.58MB)

If the application asks for the file extensions; leave all checkboxes marked.

The 3d menus do not have a real function with the 1st turn. You can look around and try things out. When turn 2 arrives it will turn into 3d menus where you can manage supplies and reserves. These menus gives you also the possibility to get a view of the whole campaign. You'd like to know where you're going and how the landscape will look like.


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You can always find "hidden" units on a map by drag-selecting the entire map from one of the really high overhead views- like the "8" or "9" level view. Then you can start zooming in and selecting areas until you're sure you know what is where.

Eichenbaum is right that it's the CMBB engine that cuts off the bases. That's a particular problem on roads. At least for me.

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i set my gamma to really high, truth is i have a dying monitor and the dark color i couldnt see , i can see it with gamma really really high, like i have to at night.

any how thats not your prob.

yep the dos window still appears when i try n play , guess its just my crazy system , i know i dont fully understand it.

im sure i installed cortvrml under windows, i remeber ticking ll the boxes under extension types.

i was pointing out to someone how to get opera to use it with the file extensions,. something i cant do in win

anyway it runs fine, and i'll get onto a battle soon :D

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Originally posted by philwil:

Fab screenshot, Nils.

But when am I gonna be in there? Pleeze!


Our testing department has done about 80% of the battle. When we know this scenario can be done we'll release it a.s.a.p. Giving a specific date cannot be done because the AI might react in a way that it takes longer to achieve victory.

Without proper testing we won't hand over any scenarios. We don't want you to be dissapointed after all the effort you put in it and find out that victory can't be achieved.


<font size="-2">The biggest nightmare in K'Mak (2); The bridge getting destroyed before crossing the Belbek river.</font>

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