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I'd Like to Buy the World A Peng, and Teach The World to Challenge

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by YK2:

So Pengers....... Pengers....

Stand by me.

Ohhh, stand by me.

Oh, stand now,

Stand by me,

Stand by me.

So this is what alcohol is doing to women..


Faithful Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

PS: finally soothing started to taking effect ...producing a hiatus in Grand Master mind and the iterruption of verbal thought ,followed by sharp jolt as if something had entered his body. He caught a whiff of perfume and a sound of distant flutes...

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Wow, who boiled YK2's turnip ?

Oh it was the shallow side of Wade's gene pool....

If you realy want to impress me, go find the fountain of yute, it was supposed to be in your state right?

00) Why would you think Anyone boiled my turnip?

I was merely answering the guy in his own tongue, sort of my way of welcoming him.

2) Why would I want to impress you?

7) We don't have states here..

You're searching for the fountain eh?

Well, go ask Konrad He's so much better than giving directions that I am..

[ March 14, 2003, 09:06 AM: Message edited by: YK2 ]

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You Wankers,

Florida is indeed largely swamp, so I guess you've all studied geography. Of course, the part that isn't swamp is all beach, and damned nice beach at that. How many beaches ya'll got up north where the water is actually warm enough to get into?

No, the only thing wrong with Florida is that every winter we get overrun with ignorant, rude, non-driving pillocks from places like Manysoda, Ohio, and Noo Yawk. It's disgusting.

Tell you what; please convince everyone you know to take their vacations and/or retirements in say...Green Bay. We'll throw in Disney and move it to Chicago for ya, free of charge.

In short, you can all just Sod Off.

Edited to say: I need to have a talk with this jwxspoon person about play-balance. He must have learned the art from Berli

[ March 14, 2003, 09:27 AM: Message edited by: Vadr ]

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

The next thing he remembered was Sir Lars standing over him laughing uncontrollably.

I've got to...heeheeheehee...get that under control...

SSN Hint Of The Day: Dream up special requests for waiters or waitresses.

Now sod off.

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A Modest Proposal

The following is a public service announcement form the House of Croda.

It has been my observation that SSNs (aka "Fluffies") frequently wander into the 'pool in small herds. Rarely are we able to give the individuals the treatment that they so richly deserve and often beg of us.

Research studies completed at CrodaLabs* may bring us the solution. Allow me to demonstrate; I require a volunteer. You there, the SSN with the red shirt whose name we may or may not have heard. Yes you. Put on these goggles; safety first, you know. Okay, stand here.

Ladies and gentlemen of the MBT, (may it ever prosper) I present to you a new, efficient means of testing the mettle of SSNs. I bring you: the chain saw!


Simply apply the chainsaw to the abdomen of the SSN in a back and forth motion. Note how I angle the chainsaw away from myself, creating a lovely red stipple pattern on my lab coat. Unfortunately, there is no way to avoid getting one's hands bloody, but we assumed that most of you had blood on your hands long before you ended up here. This technique allows the operator to flense and gut a subject in under a minute.


Now, you all (with the likely exception of Berli) are probably asking yourselves "What's the advantage of doing this?" There are, in fact, many compelling and scientific advantages over the old method of letting the SSNs come in and post at will:

It's more entertaining. Our studies found that the agonized screams of hapless SSNs were, on average 175% more entertaining than anything that they posted.

It's friendly. "Sod off" has practically become a bureaucratic nicety. It has all the warmth of getting your driver's license updated. By caring enough to take the time to put a chainsaw into the thorax of a SSN, it guarantees that each one who comes in here gets some personal, "face-to-face time. It will be the experience of a lifetime.

It's fair. Face it, the cesspool is an anglo-centric community. Many players of CMBB do not speak english, some are from Australia, many are unfamiliar with English and American pop culture and literature. Very few have Lenakonrad's gift of writing seppa-haiku. Using this new method, language is not a barrier to see what a person is "made of."

It's fast. We can all remember the ones who "didn't get it" and wouldn't go away. Now we can resolve the matter quite quickly.

It's painless. None of our chainsaw operators ever complained of fatigue or cramping.1 Some performed a couple dozen tests in a single day and were quite insistent about wanting to do more.

It lets us use the word "flense" on a regular basis.

It takes advantage of the excellent drainage facilities of the 'pool .

Most important, it tests moral fiber. Afterwards we can see how the SSN responds. Do they simply fall apart, go to pieces? Do they sulk off somewhere to "stuff themselves?" Or have they the guts to pull themselves together? THAT's the SSN we are looking for!

Our advice is to use this method whenever two or more SSNs show up in the 'pool at the same time. You'll be amazed at how much you'll look forward to the next SNN bumbling through the grate.

1 None of the subjects were available for interviewing after the tests were completed.

*CrodaLabs-Going against the flow for a better Cesspool.

Many, many SNNs were killed and maimed in the filming of this movie.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Interesting results Lurk , may I add that the blades for the chainsaws should always be extremely dull.

Much like yourself. </font>
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Originally posted by YK2:

We don't have states here..

Oh yes you do...

The English are in a state of decline,

The Irish are in a state of drunkenness,

The Welsh are in a state of befuddlement,

The Scots are in a state of... think I'll leave that one alone... I know how those Glasgow girls kiss

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Originally posted by Vadr:

No, the only thing wrong with Florida is that every winter we get overrun with ignorant, rude, non-driving pillocks from places like Manysoda, Ohio, and Noo Yawk.




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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Interesting results Lurk , may I add that the blades for the chainsaws should always be extremely dull.

Much like yourself. </font>
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:


The Scots are in a state of... think I'll leave that one alone... I know how those Glasgow girls kiss


The Glasgow Kiss is nothing compared to the Hieland Hug..

Remind me to tell you aboot that someday.

[ March 14, 2003, 11:53 AM: Message edited by: YK2 ]

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Originally posted by YK2:

The Glasgow Kiss is nothing compared to the Hieland Hug..

Remind me to tell you aboot that someday.

No thanks... my nose still hurts from the last explanation you gave me

[ March 14, 2003, 11:57 AM: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Always the jokester eh Boo ? Life still dismal up there in Ohioslovakia? Perhaps a cocktail of branch water and a splash of hemlock will soothe your demons. Even better, draw a warm bath, get in it (of course) get something sharp.... no, no, not your plaid leisure suit, an edged device, perhaps a razor, slash horizontally from the base of one wrist up the inside of the forearm, sit back and relax, as the bath water turns a dark crimson, all of your worries will fade away.

Nidan, you are a fool and a tosser and a fool. (I realize that I said "fool" twice, but that's merely because there are some things you can't say enough.) And did I mention you're a fool? Good.

The above post shows just exactly how little you know. My plaid leisure suit is dry clean ONLY. Fool.

And LemonyellowKornrow, I want to thank you for that invaluable insight into the dark recesses of that mass of flan you call a brain. My only hope is that after typing your own inward desires, you wash your hands...thoroughly.

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Members of the MBT ,

I would like for all to notice how Berli, the ultimate of evilness, is called a wuss by none other then YK2. This means:

1. Berli is very wise NOT taking on a female, particularly a Scottish one.

2. That indeed, women are inherently more evil then evil itself.

3. That there is, indeed, a reason for Berli's reply to Patch as nothing more then a "Yes Dear"


Oh Dame Moraine , in a particually nasty mood, due to the fact the some IS departments are totally clueless, I want you to pick a fight with say.... Boo , and once he accepts, I will be sending a particularly evil scenario to cause you both much pain. This scenario has not been seen in the MBT

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Well ... whaddayaknow ... I return to find ... this.

New Peng Challenge ... ALL BERLI, ALL THE TIME:

That's right fans of the Peng Challenge Thread, it has been decided ... mostly by Berli ... that the Peng Challenge Thread is dead and shall be resurrected, if at all ... IN HIS OWN IMAGE!

ONLY those posts that please Berli shall be allowed, ONLY those posters who please Berli shall be allowed, ONLY those topics which Berli finds worthy shall be allowed to be posted and GAWD help you if he's in a pissy mode when you post.

Look to HIM, my friends, for guidance on HOW to post, on WHEN to post, on WHAT to post. For surely HE will show us the path of righteousness. Does Berli find your post derivative? Look to him for originality. Does Berli find your post lacking in wit? Look to him for your humor. Does Berli find you personally annoying? Well ... best Sod Off I suppose, this is ALL BERLI ALL THE TIME and it is, after all, ALL ABOUT BERLI.

Best shape up with a quickness, lads, for should Berli see no improvement in the thread ... it will be GONE ... So Sayeth Berli.


This post created by Rubber Stamp #47

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Do you people ever discuss anything of worth? Or do you all just stay cocooned in this little chat room arguing amongst yourselves because the people (shhhh now...) out there would throw your insults back at you ten fold? And with considerably more verve and gusto.

Just wondering. You know how it is.

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Originally posted by Papa Lazarou:

Do you people ever discuss anything of worth? Or do you all just stay cocooned in this little chat room arguing amongst yourselves because the people (shhhh now...) out there would throw your insults back at you ten fold? And with considerably more verve and gusto.

Just wondering. You know how it is.

Oh blast and darn chaps, you know as much as I'd LOVE to spend some real quality time with as witty and ... verveful person as this Papa Lazarus fellow potentially is (from the above we can't assume more than the fact that he has, briefly, studied the English language is able, no doubt with tongue firmly clapsed between his teeth and beads of sweat popping out upon his short brow to pick out a few sentences that bear some semblance to ... something), he has not provided an email address nor a general location and therefore we'll not be chatting with him.



[ March 14, 2003, 01:32 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Oh blast and darn chaps, you know as much as I'd LOVE to spend some real quality time with as witty and ... verveful person as this Papa Lazarus fellow potentially is (from the above we can't assume more than the fact that he has, briefly, studied the English language is able, no doubt with tongue firmly clapsed between his teeth and beads of sweat popping out upon his short brow to pick out a few sentences that bear some semblance to ... something), he has not provided an email address nor a general location and therefore we'll not be chatting with him.



A bluffers guide to looking semi-intelligent, part one:

Pay attention: If you have something to say, spelling someone's name correctly will usually ensure that it isn't dismissed out of hand immediately.

Pay more attention, and get your facts straight: Learn where to look for an e-mail address (clue: it's usually provided in the same place as you would find your own). Finding out the facts before opening your mouth will surely have you on the road to genius in no time.

Pay even more attention and, if you are unsure of what a word means, look it up in a dictionary (your local librarian will explain what one of these is). i.e.:

'Location', NOUN: 1. The act or process of locating. 2. A place where something is or could be located; a site. 3. A site away from a studio at which part or all of a movie is shot: filming a Western on location in the Mexican desert. 4. A tract of land that has been surveyed and marked off.

And finally: say what you really mean. Don't say 'We'll not be chatting with him', when you actually mean 'we probably don't know how to chat with him'.

Lesson two, no doubt, to follow.

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Originally posted by Papa Lazarou:

Pay attention: If you have something to say, spelling someone's name correctly will usually ensure that it isn't dismissed out of hand immediately.

Gee, I think this Pippi Longstocking person is serious Joe. You better spell his name correctly or Pupa Legume might get all feisty. Is that the point you're making here, Pablo Lasagnia?
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