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Moving in snow with Goodale -- ridiculously Cheery Threats and Waffles

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Oh be quiet!! It's too early for cheeriness. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

No it's not!!! :D:D

I spent yesterday actually working the entire day, what with this being the end of the government's fiscal year, and budgets for the new fiscal year being put into place. Last night I sent out turns to everyone except the former MasterGoodale, who must have renovated himself right out of existence. There was time left over for listening to gorgeous music (much of which comes out of Canada, of all places - and no, not Celine Dion). More along the lines of Natalie MacMaster, Mary Jane Lamond, and Loreena McKennitt.

Who could stay away from this crowd - well, who else besides MasterGoodale and Prinz Eugen? Jim Boggs had a great suggestion, so I'll just stay away from the poisonous General Forum for a while. It's worth it to keep some shreds of sanity. :D:D

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<font size=1> Morning. :mad: Don't type loudly, my brain hurts. :mad: Actually sinuses, but it's the same result. Axe, my Teutonic Hoors are rumbling your way, and boy, are they carrying some serious TNT. In my only other active game (hint, hint you AWOL maggots!) Banquet is beating me like it's Dave Ho Chi Minh's Rented Mule Contest.

Which, by the way, is there room for one more?</font>

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Natalie MacMaster,

She dated a friend of mine. Evil, evil, conceited lady but a hell of a fiddler.

Mary Jane Lamond
She's a fellow St. FX alumnus and speaks Gaelic. Win/win.

and Loreena McKennitt.
One of my personal favorites. Her husband drowned in a boating accident a few years back and she serves as the lead spokesperson for boating and lifebelt safety in Canada. If you haven't listened to her stuff before, run -- don't walk -- to amazon.com.

The Visit was her breakthrough work, The Book of Secrets is her strongest CD, but I've always been partial to To Drive the Cold Winter Away -- great for nursing those winter blues. Her homepage can be found here.


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Yay! I win! The mail box location was temporary and will be moved in a few days. When I asked the guy at Canada Post for that in writing, he seemed a bit put off. When I explained I was a news reporter and had had plenty of previous experience* with the bureaucratic mess that is Canada Post, he changed his tune.

I could just picture the future exchange when the mailboxes weren't moved.

"But I was told the location was temporary."

"Well, I don't know who told you that sir, but that's not the case."

:mad: :mad: :mad:

*We did an investigative piece on a sub-contractor who stole mail -- anything remotely looking like it had a chance of containing a birthday/anniversary/wedding card -- and despite receiving dozens of calls at the paper from people who had mail missing Canada Post refused to call in the police.

"It is being handled internally," we were told on a daily basis. The Ontario Provincial Police said they couldn't get involved unless called in by Canada Post.

Our question -- never satisfactorily answered, since they refused to discuss specifics about the case -- was, "If you have enough evidence to fire the person for mail theft with just cause, surely you have enough evidence to get the police involved."

Mail theft is covered under the Criminal Code of Canada.

Wankers. :mad: :mad:

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The Lady of Shallot and Prospero's Lament are my two favorite McKennitt songs (though in the first case, it's odd, since I have no love for the original author's work).

Lots of turns out last night. None to Goodwhale, who is a no-turn sending maggot. As for the rest:

It's no fun to start a game and find 3 Panthers 100m away from your T-34m43 tanks. Grrr, Axe, grr. At least I wiped out your galloping halftrack band.

The tables have somewhat turned on He Who Snarks....however, I suspect that his remaining StuGs will soon wipe out all of my T-34s. Gun damaging all three PIIINs in one round was fun. smile.gif

Abbott has not yet been seen in Road to Moscow. Even better, my flimsy StuGIIIEs have survived a round without spontaneously combusting!

Wade Boggs put down the chicken wings long enough to send me a setup. June 1942: what will be the slugger's weapon of choice in this duel for pride? PIVF2s? Powerful but pricey glass cannon. PIVFs? Not so powerful but economic. PIIIJ? Good gun, crappy armor. PIIIN? Pricey, crappy gun, great armor. As for my heroic Soviets, you know there are only two choices. Well, there's also the 10 T-70 approach. :D

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Our question -- never satisfactorily answered, since they refused to discuss specifics about the case -- was, "If you have enough evidence to fire the person for mail theft with just cause, surely you have enough evidence to get the police involved."

Mail theft is covered under the Criminal Code of Canada.

Wankers. :mad: :mad:

Feh. What you need is a good ole anthrax scare. Stopped mail theft here dead in it's tracks.
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Originally posted by Snarker:

That tears it!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: This 'RL' is asking for a slathering!!! It's messed with one too many maggots and we're just the TNT chucking crowd to teach it a lesson. Mess with one maggot, you mess with us all!!! :mad: :mad: Let me get my socks on and we'll think of something...

Let's all hope that, whatever the RL situation Keke is facing, that it's a slow-motion thing. If not, by the time you work out this whole "socks" dilemma, Keke's problem will be long past and forgotten! :rolleyes:;);)

Keke, in all seriousness we are all with you, whatever the situation. Keep us posted on how you're doing.

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It’s a sad day for Western civilisation :(

In RL today I was attempting to teach the rudiments of our Tera system to one of the office dollies. Frustrated at her inability to grasp even the simplest of concepts (like click and drag), she slowly managed to destroy my cool, calm and controlled demeanour. To my horror I found myself chide her as a “maggot” :mad:

She looked most bewildered - presumably unsure as to whether she’d heard me correctly and, if she had, whether I’d just insulted her.

MasterGoodalese has escaped from cyberspace and is slowly polluting everyday life :eek:

You have been warned,


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Our question -- never satisfactorily answered, since they refused to discuss specifics about the case -- was, "If you have enough evidence to fire the person for mail theft with just cause, surely you have enough evidence to get the police involved."

Mail theft is covered under the Criminal Code of Canada.

That is one reason why I never mail my PBEM turns to Canada!
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Originally posted by Edward Windsor:

To my horror I found myself chide her as a maggot.

She looked most bewildered - presumably unsure as to whether she'd heard me correctly and, if she had, whether I'd just insulted her.

If she's a knockout, tell her it's Russian for beautiful.

If she looks like she came second in an axe fight, tell her it's French for maggot.

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Would a nancy boy have not one, but two CDs by this band in his collection?

*warning, extremely poor taste CD cover*

Paula is also not fond of my penchant for System of a Down, Rage Against the Machine and Nirvana.

(Paula jokes that Rage puts her in a rage. I tell her that's the point. :mad: :mad: )

Then again, I only listen to classical music in the car and Peter Gabriel is one of my favorite male singers. And I love '80s rappers Eric B and Rakim and Public Enemy.

I love Portishead and downtempo trip hop, hate dance and country music and love jazz. Go figure.

My 400+ CD collection is a little....eclectic.

[ September 24, 2003, 01:04 PM: Message edited by: Axe2121 ]

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Originally posted by Edward Windsor:

It’s a sad day for Western civilisation :(

In RL today I was attempting to teach the rudiments of our Tera system to one of the office dollies. Frustrated at her inability to grasp even the simplest of concepts (like click and drag), she slowly managed to destroy my cool, calm and controlled demeanour. To my horror I found myself chide her as a “maggot” :mad:

She looked most bewildered - presumably unsure as to whether she’d heard me correctly and, if she had, whether I’d just insulted her.

MasterGoodalese has escaped from cyberspace and is slowly polluting everyday life :eek:

You have been warned,



Far be it for me to offer advice to an internationally renown man of action, but I believe the correct phrase when addressing women is Skunk Nads

I'm sure that would have put a big smile on her face. :D

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Who says we don't have any LADIES in the Cheery Waffle thread? Looks like two skirt-wearing nancies right here. :mad:

Ouch, I've been outed by a dropout from the Beavis & Butthead/South Park School of Music Appreciation. I'll go home right now and throw away all of my music which doesn't sterilize water buffalo at 1,000 meters. From now on I promise to play only CDs with swastikas on the cover art. After all, I want to try to fit in here in the new Reich. tongue.gif :mad: tongue.gif :mad:
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[edited because Becket is a gamey hoor]


If you wish to reconsider your force selection, now that you have secreted advice from the Grog threads, I, in my unbounded sense of fair play, am willing to resend the initial turn tonight.


Sometimes, I get all choked up cause I am such a nice guy. :D

Oh, and you can thank the return of Dave H for this niceness. :mad: :mad: :mad:

[ September 24, 2003, 03:08 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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