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Operation Störfang (Sevastopol 1942)

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Operation Störfang

Imagine your self as a German General in the Crimea, Russia 1942. Your task, the capture of Sevastopol, the heaviest fortified city in that time. The Russians dug in deep, supported by large batteries of heavy guns such as Gorki I and II. Naval bombardments are a constant danger for your army, fighting the way to the port city. Before the main attack was launched, almost every artillery gun and aeroplane had been brought up by the Germans, trying to blast the heavy fortifications into rubble and dust.

At Eichenbaum's Headquarters we have started to build the area of Sevasotopol as 52 scenarios for Combat Mission 'Barbarossa to Berlin'. Each scenario consists of 9 square kilometres of (scaled) landscape, containing batteries, bunkers, pillboxes, trenches, rivers, walls etc....

However, these scenario's aren't tested enough yet. Can anybody give me any response about these scenario's ?

Operation Storfang can be found on my website :


The 1st operation is Mission Swartzekätze :.


[ June 23, 2003, 08:59 AM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]

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Guest konrad

I can't really help you with testing (no time for CMBB now) ,but I just wanted congratulate you on website .Very ,very nice.

Good job!!

Good luck


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Wow, thanks for your nice comments!

For this time, only 1 scenario is available. The 2nd is in development. We have tried to create a storyline in the gameplay of Störfang. If you have finished the 1st scenario (Mission Swartzekätze) you'll have the password to the next one. By this way you'll be following a semi historical operation of many battles.

The 2nd battle will be released next month. This scenario consist of 2 battles. Every time you have finished a battle the frontline opens up to different possibilities. It works like the Tower on a chessboard. (see the map of Sevastopol : http://www.eichenbaum.org/Storfang_Map.html )

Until that time I think you'll be quite busy with the 1st battle...


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I have downloaded your scenario and will try and start it tonight. Sounds a great concept, the way the maps are un-veiled as the advance progresses. Smart site too !

Do you want the feedback on this forum or on your site?

Also, can you make a printable version of the area map ? I tried to print from the site but just the border came out.

ps what does Eichenbaum mean?

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Originally posted by JaegerMeister:

ps what does Eichenbaum mean?

Oak tree, although it sounds more like a family name, since the tree would normally just be referred to as die Eiche (but it is "der Baum" and "das Holz").

Still wondering what Swartzekätze means though.

Edit: Never give anyone a German noun without indicating its gender.

[ June 23, 2003, 11:33 AM: Message edited by: Andreas ]

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Nice website, I have down loaded the first scenario, and I will be happy to provide feedback.

That's why I love the German language, all those different ways to say "the" the Oak, the Tree, the Wood, all different genders. :D

[ June 23, 2003, 11:42 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Nidan1:

That's why I love the German language, all those different ways to say "the" the Oak, the Tree, the Wood, all different genders. :D

Yes ,or the subtle meaning of some words ,like for example Heimat...
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Originally posted by lenakonrad:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

That's why I love the German language, all those different ways to say "the" the Oak, the Tree, the Wood, all different genders. :D

Yes ,or the subtle meaning of some words ,like for example Heimat... </font>
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hehehe.... it's fun to see some head-breaking over the name Eichenbaum. My real name is Eikelenboom which means "Oak Tree" in the Dutch language. The German translation is Eichenbaum.

Swartzekätze means "Black Cat". This referes to an Hauptman that leads the Falshirm Jäeger to the point of destination in the Mission Swartzekätze.

Note : Some ask me which forum they should use for their comments. It doesn't matter, really. The Eichenbaum Forum needs more members before it reaches the level for continous discussion. However, you could subscribe yourself to this forum and I'll keep you updated about news and discussions. (TIP: use the same login name and password as you have on this forum, by this you won't forget it ;) )


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The subtle difference between German words can also cause confusion.

Many moons ago I was crossing the German border from West to East (obviously while the Iron Curtain was still up) with my parents. This border post included the standard no mans land complete with minefields, watch towers with search lights and machine guns etc.

Somehow we had got most of the way through the border post without changing money. When the female guard carrying out the final checks realised this she told my father he would have to go back several stages from where we were and change some money. They made you change so much money per person multiplied by the number of days you were staying to try to prevent money changing on the black market.

My father apologised and said he would pull the car over to one side and ‘walk’ back. There are 2 ways of saying walk in German:-

Gehen :- to go / to walk on foot / to tread / to stride

Spazieren :- to stroll / to promenade

One is basically to walk from A to B, the other is more commonly used when you are going for a pleasurable stroll taking in your surroundings etc. No doubt you can see where this is going. He picked the wrong one…!

The border guard burst into laughter at the image of this mad Englishman taking a pleasure walk through no mans land among the guard dogs / minefields etc. She ended up crying with laughter as she was explaining it to some of her colleagues! :D

In fact we were going to visit my fathers friend Norbert. When we first visited them when I was only 5 they were a little nervous about me meeting Norbert’s father. He had horrific facial injuries (including a glass eye and one side of his face had basically collapsed) in the first day of the Barbarossa campaign in 1941. He got about 4km inside the Russian border when he got caught in a shell burst and was hospitalised for an extremely long time. However he counted himself lucky as very few of those who he crossed the border with that day came back again. The worries about me meeting him were unfounded though. Even though he couldn’t speak a word of English and I could speak no German we were basically inseparable for the whole time I was there.

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Note for Pentium III (or less) users who want to play Operation Störfang : The scenario's have a map of 9 km2. This will use a lot of recourses (and memory). Using the camera will result in slower scrolling then usual. If you encounter problems you're advised to bring down the tree coverage ( SHIFT+T ).

[ June 23, 2003, 02:13 PM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]

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Working fine on my 450 mhz Mac - a jaw dropping map size very well done. 5 turns into it

The .exe .cmf file could cause Mac owners a bit of a headache - thankfully I could power up my Virtual PC emulator and get at it but you might want to coventionaly zip it for simplicity.

[ June 23, 2003, 02:31 PM: Message edited by: Wicky ]

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Vicky : The .exe .cmf file could cause Mac owners a bit of a headache - thankfully I could power up my Virtual PC emulator and get at it but you might want to coventionaly zip it for simplicity.

MAC users can now download the .cmf file from our website. Vicky, thanks a lot for the tip !

Note : If you have already visited the page of Operation Störfang, don't forget to refresh it.

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Keke:

I just saw the map, and creamed my pants. redface.gif

Next time play naked.

edited to say ,that after that I did have look at the map .It is amazing .One of the best maps I ever saw in CM (and I saw lot of them ).

Good idea with landmarks too , interesting to see how will it works .

[ June 23, 2003, 07:27 PM: Message edited by: lenakonrad ]

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