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MasterGoodale's School of Expert TNT Chucking (Degrees awarded within)

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What a bunch of unibrowed slopeheaded knuckle dragging bloated pus-eyed sacks of cusk feces!! I've been in MISERY these past two years you TNT_Chucker wannabes!! Do you have ANY IDEA you maggots how long it takes to develop a new breed of angry pyschologically disturbed TNT!!!!!???? HUH PUS SACKS???? I know you don't you slithering TNT-Slathered blood bags!! I'm gonna turn you into cannon fodder! :mad: AAGAGRAGRGRAGARRGAARGAGRGRAGRAGRAGRAGG G G G G G G GGGG GG!!!!!! :mad: :mad:

Where's oddball that TNT swallowing tank round eating machine gun charging with a knife maggot!!!? :mad: Hehe yeah I filled his fat buttery kraut belly with hot, angry, bitter, furious, psychologically-disturbed just-released-from-prison TNT on more than one occasion you can take that to the bank and buy some TNT. He didn't like it when I made him swallow the hot coal afterwards either.

My sig says it all pus sacks. I invented the act of slathering a filthy slithering kraut with TNT and lightin' 'em up light years before Parabellum, SoddBall, DaveH (he ate some serious TNT), Axe, Mike whatever, some english-named guy, and countless others were shining my shoes. This is a disgrace. You've all succumbed to conformity and dropped the Cherry Waffle thread so MasterGoodale has dropped in to remind you with a face full of angry TNT that it aint over til the fat bloated kraut belly explodes! :mad:

I see Battlefront is brewing up some serious TNT lately too gonna have to get me one of the newer ones and chuck some "advanced TNT". Garggarr that's the best kind becuase it's smart. My TNT wears spectacles and carries notbooks maggots so study up because whent he TNT's been shoved up yer a$$ and you're sitting on a stovepipe it's too late. What a bunch of frog balls! :mad:

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Would the TNT chucker care to PBEM,?

Would it like to try to hold a gun line against my cheerleaders?

Does the TNT chucker have the ability to make oatmeal while singing stairway to heaven in klingon? (or old entish)?

Thou art puss from a zit upon yea left buttock of a panzer grenadier,

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Originally posted by Corvidae:

Would the TNT chucker care to PBEM,?

Would it like to try to hold a gun line against my cheerleaders?

Does the TNT chucker have the ability to make oatmeal while singing stairway to heaven in klingon? (or old entish)?

Thou art puss from a zit upon yea left buttock of a panzer grenadier,

Oh, so you're drunk enough to post in here, are you, maggot? :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
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Originally posted by Corvidae:


Goodale, you wanna PBEM?

You cannot even begin to imagine the level of frustration that simple sentence could create for you. Days will go by without a single turn. Then the days turn into weeks, and the weeks into months. No e-mail, no posts on the forum, no sign of Goodale.

Trying to finish a PBEM with MasterGoodale is a task that would have driven Sisyphus stark raving mad. :eek: :mad: :eek:

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Don't even listen to DaveH maggot! He's just angry because he can still taste my furious TNT. Those days were a fiery hell for that man trust me on that pus pod. You've never seen so many buttery bellied Krauts on their knees begging my TNT for a shred of humanity!!! GARAGRAGRARGRAGGRA!!! :mad: :mad: God those were the glory days!! It takes MasterGoodale slightly longer to "brew up a turn" because his TNT isn't the maggoty kind you can just go buy at the local wal-mart - got it you unibrowed Darwinian tossback from the stone age??? :mad: My TNT is a "specialty" TNT that sticks to it's enemy's fat belly and wiggles it's red angry head in then explodes with a fury like you've never seen.

I'll PBEM that ass and you'll wish you never heard of email scum nuts! :mad: Nobody chucks TNT like Mastergoodale (many slimy little sh*t-lipped maggots learned that lesson in this game :mad: ) and nobody's TNT has as bad a temper or as many emotional issues as mine GGRARGARGARGARGARGARGARGGRARGA!!!! :mad:

Give me time to "refresh my chucking skills" and give somebody nuetral time to create us a meeting engagement. I want a pretty bigg one too. Lots of TNT and lots of Kraut cannon fodder. MasterGoodale prefers the Russians!!

Beat me you scabby-balled little sack of aemeobas and I'll award you an Associates Degree in TNT Chucking. Then and only then will you have earned the right to pop thatsh*t-speckled little maggoty face out from under that pile of dung and toss a few grams of TNT :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:


One small bit worth repeating, one giant load of meaningless gibberish. Your posts are showing some solid improvement. Have you been studying English as a second language? ;):D

I seem to remember our PBEM in a slightly different way. Mainly I recall it was on a huge, very hilly, heavily forested map with about a dozen flags. You had a herd of JS IIIs, about a division of Soviet SMG infantry, and air support. I had two or three AT guns, a couple of AA guns, one tank, and three companies of infantry.

As a typical German commander, I carefully positioned my AT guns and HMGs with the longest lines of sight possible - some may have even been over 100 meters. Perfect terrain for defending. :rolleyes: All they saw was a tide of Soviet infantry breaking out of the woods and rolling right over them. I did discover that individual German squads don't react well to a company of irate Soviets at point-blank range. :eek:

So yes MG, I admit my Germans were crushed by your Soviets, once upon a time. I've had to deal with that for years. tongue.giftongue.gif

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The only thing you chuck is chunks of projectile vomit as I fill your stinky, fat, buttery kraut belly with hot angry emotionally disturbed TNT snot bag!! :mad:

I'm gonna shove a T-34 tank barrel up yer ass and out yer mouth then use your fat bulgy bloodshot eyes for spotting Krauts you little maggot!!! :mad: Nobody beats MasterGoodale, GrandMaster, Diamond-Studded, Jewel-Encrusted TNT Chucker In Charge :mad: :mad: ARGRARGRAGARGARGRG!!!!! :mad:

Make us a map maggots! MasterGoodale will know if it's "tilted" or not! Include the "Unlimited Angry TNT" option for the Russians and place a nice big "TNT prison" back at the garrison with a bunch of abusive guards! :mad:

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Oh yeah, one more thing maggot, the mapmaker can include SOME dense forest whether you like it or not! :mad: War is hell pus balls and this aint Afrika Corps!! :mad: :mad: Don't worry you slope-headed blood bag my grunts will slither out of the DENSE forest in the dark of night and slather you up good before the kill :mad:

It'll be quick. You'll only burn for a few weeks.

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Originally posted by MastahStalePiss:

I'm gonna shove a T-34 tank barrel up yer ass and out yer mouth then use your fat bulgy bloodshot eyes for spotting Krauts you little maggot!!!

Do you get a lot of anal penetration fantasies ? Maybe you should get acquainted with SturmSebber ? He can be found over at the Ping-thread. I'm sure you'd be right for each other. :mad: :mad: :mad:
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Originally posted by Corvidae:

Oh fine, Give the little bacilus some dense forest.

Anything to silence the yowling of the dense Goodale.

Angry Out Loud!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

It's a fiery little bunch sheep-bangers this new generation of pus-slathered fungi is!! I'm gonna have to brew up a few special batches of angry TNT AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR PUS-RIDDLED RECTUMS!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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