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Has the Challenge Replaced Peng in CMBB? Who to Blame for the Death of the Cesspool

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Well, it seems the previous Peng Challenge Thread has died a horrible death, and had to be deleted.

I blame Colonel Deadmarsh. But there may be other vile powers at work. Never fear, we shall ferret them out.

In any case, here are the rules in quick, and in brief, to prevent a horrible Interregnum.

This is a Challenge Thread. But, oh, it is so much more!

However, if you're new, it's enough for you to know that you should pick out some specific individual, and challenge them to a game.

They will probably tell you to sod off, especially if you challenge them without the use of wit, elan, panache, humour, and other foreign words and concepts even more foreign to your verminous little self. Generally speaking, it's described as 'sounding off as though you have a pair'.

However, spare us your burning need to sound off about your pair, as no one cares.

Also, please keep your Real World hatreds and bigotries out of here, or you will not only be told to Sod Off!, you will be made to Sod Off! Probably out of more than the Peng Challenge Thread.

Honour the Ladies of the 'Pool. The best way to do this is by not bothering them at all with your pestilential little self.

Finally, include an email address and general location in your profile. We like to know who we're dealing with. By choice it wouldn't be you, but without this info it won't be you at all.

There are all sorts of other traditions, rules, charters, powers, ranks, heirarchies, and general lunacy that will become clear to you as time goes on. Or not. We don't really care. Remember, Sodding Off is always an option.

[ January 10, 2003, 05:58 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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You should blame the secret Swedish intelligence agency. That photo of the Swedish airforce fighter/sailboat was probably so highly classified, they had to delete the thread.

Now they will be coming for everyone who saw that post. If you saw the picture, and if you see a blue or yellow car with a blonde guys behind the wheels wearing a horned helmet...run

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They will probably tell you to sod off, especially if you challenge them without the use of wit, elan, panache, humour, and other foreign words and concepts even more foreign to your verminous little self. Generally speaking, it's described as 'sounding off as though you have a pair'.

k so i have no chance to get you beg for mercy Seanachai .

*tears rolling down my face*

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Strange, for a moment there the Outerboard's dreams came true and we didn't exist.

But back to tormenting them.

No need to wait for Shaw, Seanachai. He is out town. Besides, he'd just say no anyway.

Originally posted by Lt. Hortlund:

Oh goodey...now I get to fall on my sword or something?

Nothing so mundane as that, me lad. Now kneel...

Squire Hortlund, You shall have A Quest. A Quest to make an Example in these Dark Times.

A Very Gamey Quest indeed.

Your Sacred Task Hortlund, is to engage the other Miscellaneous Squires and SSN's of your choice to Five (5) Setups.

The Setups shall be of the 1000 pt. ME variety.

All Points by both sides may only be spent in the Vehicle Category.

You Shall be Any Axis Minor of your choice except Finns.


The Maps shall be lit by the Glorious Day, Moderately Hilly and with a Shrubbery, placed just lower than the other Shrubbery's for a nice tiered effect. Rural or Town, it matters not. The Rest of the Settings shall be Random Date, Random Zones but no Snow, Mud or Rain or other nasty weather. It wets the nest.

In Short, you shall have No Excuse For Failure. Other than the usual lot (sun in your eyes, dog ate it, incompetence, etc.).

When You have Completed this, the Quest for the Anointed Armored Car, then You Too shall be raised to the House Shavian.

Now Rise, Squire Hortlund, Go Forth, and Do That Voodoo, That You Do, So Well!!!

And bring back some Heads. Or come back on your Shield (preferred).

Or Somfink.

P.S. - muck out the Justicar's stables while he's gone, post no more pics, and take care of that pillock Nidan1, will ya?

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Originally posted by Horus:

k so i have no chance to get you beg for mercy Seanachai .

*tears rolling down my face*


Now then, I simply can't imagine any circumstance under which I would 'beg' for mercy.

Alright, I take that back. I believe I've actually begged Dalem not to versify. Which is, I suppose, very like begging for mercy.

But beyond that, I can't imagine any circumstances.

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Originally posted by Lars:


So we have 1 vote for the Finn's being to blame.......which sort of makes sense y'know - I mean any nation that can make a deadly weapon from a hearth brush is probably going to be threatened by cardboard stealth flying boats.

[ January 10, 2003, 05:51 PM: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

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Sooo, as Im finnish and want to challenge somebody, like that dirty weak and pathetic swede Ltn Hortlund, what should I do???

Just call him names until he retaliates??? Blame him for everything that has made or finn-swedeäs lifes harder? Call him a no-good son of a biatch? Or just a honest hard-working daddy-o?

I have NEVER had the gusto, energy and interest to get deeper than the most upper crusts of this PENG thingy, so my knowledge is quite pathetic to say the least. But not as pathetic as the "NEUTRAL" swedes... What the h*ll is that btw.... Neutral???

Im only half-finnish and half-swedish, so Im only half to blame.

BUT, I am aswell only capable to hurt this southern swede to the utmost upper levels of boredom on this cold winter night...

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Originally posted by Jussi Köhler:

Im only half-finnish and half-swedish, so Im only half to blame.

BUT, I am aswell only capable to hurt this southern swede to the utmost upper levels of boredom on this cold winter night...

Sounds like a deeply, deeply conflicted soul.

Lars, this half-wit half-Finn sounds like a good candidate for your new Squire. Why not slam them together and see which one breaks first?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Alright, I take that back. I believe I've actually begged Dalem not to versify. Which is, I suppose, very like begging for mercy.

But beyond that, I can't imagine any circumstances.

Versify, Seanachai? For you? Why sho' nuff, Sugar. All you had ta do was ask.


Seanachai crack corn, and I don't care,

Seanachai crack corn, and I don't care,

Seanachai crack corn, and I don't caaaaaaaare....

The Peng Challenge Thread's gone away!

Thank you!

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

[QB Why not slam them together and see which one breaks first?[/QB]

For Gods sake man.

I am NOT just two separate halves of a half-Finn and a half-Swede. I am an entity looking for my identity in this sea of lost souls.

This wannabe scandinavian Lars from some red-neck county should concentrate on hiis speeeling as Ive heard those aaamericans cant speel to save their lives.

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Originally posted by dalem:

Seanachai crack corn, and I don't care,

Seanachai crack corn, and I don't care,

Seanachai crack corn, and I don't caaaaaaaare....

The Peng Challenge Thread's gone away!

Thank you!

Don't thank me - send me the setup you pillock.

BTW you'll be happy to know the author of our previous game is a gamey pirck who puts KV's and T34's on hills covering all lines of advance and then dares me to move!!

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Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

Don't thank me - send me the setup you pillock.

BTW you'll be happy to know the author of our previous game is a gamey pirck who puts KV's and T34's on hills covering all lines of advance and then dares me to move!!

Anything that causes you pain, brings me pleasure.

But seriously, you think I'm going to send a setup? Have you learned nothing. Send something and I'll play it.

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dalem, what the heck is with the hippy love fest? Ye gods, man.

At least fawn over some of the Ladies of the 'pool. Or, failing that, you could snuggle up with Mr. No yarbles. Not that there's anything wrong with that...

My leige! You've returned! Expecting a meal, some wine and your shoddy armor polished, I suppose. Methinks it was better when you were lost in the doldrums (that's somewhere in Ohio, right?).

Edited for practice.

[ January 10, 2003, 07:35 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]

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Originally posted by R_Leete:

dalem, what the heck is with the hippy love fest? Ye gods, man.

Suffice it to say that I had a very frustratingly awful experience at work Thursday, and I used up all my hatred then. All that's left in the tank for the idiots of the world is love right now. I need to replenish my hatred though - my knees are getting sore.
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Originally posted by dalem:

Suffice it to say that I had a very frustratingly awful experience at work Thursday, and I used up all my hatred then. All that's left in the tank for the idiots of the world is love right now. I need to replenish my hatred though - my knees are getting sore.

Accept the gentle embrace of my arms. Kiss me you little devil.
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