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Crappy Russian Tanks

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Why is the Russian armour such a load of crap?

They wait to get shot at before fireing,They run as soon as they see any kind of axis vehicle,I had a T34/85 reverse out of range of a lorry,Is the game bugged or what?

Here's one annoying instance

A T34/76 spots a PzMKIII,range 1900mtrs,does it open fire? does it hell.It sits there while the pnzr opens up,and misses.I think,good now i got him,but no,he still sits there.The pnzr fires again,result,front turret penetration and up she goes in a ball of fire.That's at 1900 mtrs with a 50mm gun,now that can't be right.Can It ?????

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Originally posted by SS.Heydrich:

Why is the Russian armour such a load of crap?

...and later...

Originally posted by SS.Heydrich:

It's just soooooo frustrating,I'm begining to think that purchasing armour is a waste of points :(

Here's another example:[example snipped]

What are you doing? Buying all conscripts in an Enron-style accounting scam?

All the best,


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LOL!!! You have to UUUNNNNLLLEEEEEEEEEEEAAASH that fury in the form of molten TNT MAAAGOOTT!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

And please Monty, don't even start with the name thing. It's no different than you assuming the role of the SS by using Tigers, etc. etc.

All it will do is start a big flame war.

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Heydrich, ha ha, very nice. So you're new then? There have been serious, eleborate, and painful discussions on this topic since CMBB came out. If you do a search on Russian armor I assure you you will find all the info you could possibly need to win with the "crappy Russian armor".

Ultimatly you are right, Russian armor is inferior, but that is not the fault of BTS, it is the *flaw* of Russian design (rather the superiority of German design).

At 4pm EST on the History Channel there is a program that will help clear the details of this issue up as well.

Edited for Monty. PLEASE! . . . . we don't need your quasi-moral, sensitive 90's kind of Dutchman, "but it hurts my feelings" nonsense here.

[ February 03, 2003, 12:03 PM: Message edited by: Walpurgis Night ]

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Yeah Monty, I don't like it either, but there's quite a few on the forum who think it's 'cool' to have SS in their name so there's not much point having a go at our new friend.

If it's any consolation British Intelligence assasinated the evil b*stard Heydrich with Czech help in 1942.

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And please Monty, don't even start with the name thing. It's no different than you assuming the role of the SS by using Tigers, etc. etc.

All it will do is start a big flame war. [/QB]

Well, that explains a lot about you.....

Using names of Nazi figures is not done imho.

Its the same when somebody use the name of Goebbels or even Hitler right ?

Heydrich was the man who send all the jews to the concentration camps remember ?


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Originally posted by Monty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />

And please Monty, don't even start with the name thing. It's no different than you assuming the role of the SS by using Tigers, etc. etc.

All it will do is start a big flame war.

Well, that explains a lot about you.....

Using names of Nazi figures is not done imho.

Its the same when somebody use the name of Goebbels or even Hitler right ?

Heydrich was the man who send all the jews to the concentration camps remember ?

Monty [/QB]</font>

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Originally posted by SS.Heydrich:

T34/76 spots a PzMKIII,range 1900mtrs,does it open fire? does it hell.It sits there while the pnzr opens up,and misses.I think,good now i got him,but no,he still sits there.The pnzr fires again,result,front turret penetration and up she goes in a ball of fire.That's at 1900 mtrs with a 50mm gun,now that can't be right.Can It ?????

Is there a tank in the Panzer III series that can penetrate T-34 turret front armor at a whopping range of 1900 meters? Think not!


Well ok, if it was a tungsten round fired from a 50L60 gun, then there's a very slight possibility.

[ February 03, 2003, 12:42 PM: Message edited by: Bone_Vulture ]

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Originally posted by Walpurgis Night:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Monty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />

And please Monty, don't even start with the name thing. It's no different than you assuming the role of the SS by using Tigers, etc. etc.

All it will do is start a big flame war.

Well, that explains a lot about you.....

Using names of Nazi figures is not done imho.

Its the same when somebody use the name of Goebbels or even Hitler right ?

Heydrich was the man who send all the jews to the concentration camps remember ?

Monty </font>

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Mealy-mouthed rationalising bollocks. There's a world of difference between a name that is at best equivocal (Rommel, Galland) or humorous (Stalin's Organ), or at worst dubious (KG Pieper etc) and picking a name that seems almost calculated to cause offence. Heydrich is associated with one action and one alone: that of the massacre of six million people. And saying "hey, what the Nazis did was no worse than the Romans, you're just sensitive because it was on Discovery last night" is veering pretty close to revisionism in my book.

PS To the original poster: possibly dubious username choice aside, welcome to the forum. I'd respectfully suggest you'll get more help with using Russian tanks if you post in a slightly less hysterical way. CMBB is a beautifully crafted simulation, and the vast majority of problems you'll encounter are part of that simulation. That said, there's a healthy amount of discussion over whether BFC have got their sums right in some areas. Well informed opinions on the subject are always welcome.

[ February 03, 2003, 12:50 PM: Message edited by: Monty's Double ]

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Originally posted by Monty's Double:

And saying "hey, what the Nazis did was no worse than the Romans, you're just sensitive because it was on Discovery last night" is veering pretty close to revisionism in my book.

Then I submit that you are guilty of being a victim of propoganda. Stalin bald-faced murdered far more people than Heydrich . . . should you protest the username "Stalin"?

And if your history isn't good enough to use a specific leader/event in ancient Roman history then you should avoid accusations of "revisionism." Since you need yourself an education, just ask any Jew how brutal the relationship between Judea and Rome was for several hundred years (right up to Hadrian).

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Originally posted by Rex_Bellator:

... there's quite a few on the forum who think it's 'cool' to have SS in their name so there's not much point having a go at our new friend.

There is quite a large difference between respecting the Waffenn SS grunts who fought for their country and openly admiring a virulently anti-Semitic psychopath who delighted in the vicious torture and death of non-combatants.

It's not cool. It's skinhead syndrome. Nazi sympathies are not "cool" except among the circle-jerk white-right-neo-cults. If he doesn't know who Heydrich was then he's too stupid or too sociopathic to be allowed to post here. To use Heydrich's name is an insult to the memory of millions who died because of his ilk.

We cannot let this sort of thing pass un-commented. If we do, then we are part of the problem. We must never, ever tolerate Nazi sympathies to rise again.

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I'm quite aware of Stalin's record on human rights - Churchill's comment about making favourable references to the Devil if Hitler invaded Hell pretty much sums up my view on Uncle Joe. However, that doesn't change the thrust of my arguement that a figure like Stalin is equivocal - he's associated with many things, some good some bad. The fact that many still see him as the saviour of their country doesn't alter his crimes, but it does put them in perspective. Somebody choosing to associate themself with Stalin could at leats make a case they were associating primarily with the positive things he did - someone making the same association with Heydrich is on pretty thin ground.

At the end of the day, the fact that many people, especially in Europe, find Nazi associations unsettling if not downright offensive should be respected. It does noone any harm to recognise that, and apologise if you cause offense, even if you did so innocently.

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Who was this Heydrich fellah?

If he's scum, then perhaps the poster who picked that as his moniker should do the decent thing and come in again with a fresh face.

PS - Russian tanks are not uniformly 'crappy'. See the FAQ thread for details.

PPS - A cute little 'HI MUM' because I suspect this will be heading the way of the Great Padlock in the Sky very soon.

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Originally posted by Soddball:

Who was this Heydrich fellah?

Oh, a charming fellow he was.

Besides that he was an SS-Obergruppenführer (General) and head of the SD. He was one of the key figures in the expulsion/murder of jews in Europe. After the german attack on the soviet Union he directed the Einsatzgruppen that followed the army groups and murdered hundreds of thousands people, mostly jews.

After the "Wannsee-Konferenz" in 1941 he was responsible for the execution of the Endlösung, resulting in millions of jews murdered.

I'm pretty much puzzled by some of the comments I read here...

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Originally posted by ParaBellum:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Soddball:

Who was this Heydrich fellah?

Oh, a charming fellow he was.

Besides that he was an SS-Obergruppenführer (General) and head of the SD. He was one of the key figures in the expulsion/murder of jews in Europe. After the german attack on the soviet Union he directed the Einsatzgruppen that followed the army groups and murdered hundreds of thousands people, mostly jews.

After the "Wannsee-Konferenz" in 1941 he was responsible for the execution of the Endlösung, resulting in millions of jews murdered.

I'm pretty much puzzled by some of the comments I read here... </font>

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For anyone who is interested in learning what the man was all about, Kenneth Branagh does a terrific Heydrich in HBO's movie "Conspiracy". It is available on DVD. This hour and a half picture is historical, and the tight script is masterful.

BTW - Branagh said that doing Heydrich was his most disturbing role as an actor, ever.

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Ok,I changed the name.If anyone was offended,then I appologise.Now don't get me wrong I think CMBO & CMBB are exceptionaly good Games.One thing I'm having trouble with though is the exceptional stupidity of Russian Tank crews,no matter if they're green,veteran or crack,they have a habit of just siting there not doing anything.Even with a clear field of fire and the advantage of spotting the enemy first they would rather wait till they were shot at before opening fire themselves.Perhaps Russian Tank crews think it's bad manners to fire first(Joke),Anyway I shall keep at it till i get it right.

Thanks for all the feed-back,good and bad,and I appologise once again for any offence caused.

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Another interjection on this thoroughly hijacked thread: the assassination of Heydrich was carried out by a British supported and supplied SOE team. The reasoning given was NOT because of his (admittedly) heinous behavior, but rather, due to the high industrial output he garnered from the occupied zone. (I must rely on my faulty memory, but it may have been Slovakia?) The populace were not as poorly treated as one would assume, not that the production wasn't coerced, but rather a carrot and stick method was used. The carrot was favored.

When the assassination took place, the team (2 men, 1 woman?) fired on his car, during the gun battle they used the British supplied grenades. Heydrich was rushed to an SS hospital and the best SS surgeons were flown in. His chart listed shrapnel wounds, of a not-particularly serious nature. The SS surgeons has huge experience at this point in the war in treating wounds of this nature. What followed was unusual.

Heydrich died after approximately 3 days from these commonly non-lethal wounds. His medical chart mirrors ALMOST EXACTLY the death records of British experiments with the Bacillus toxin. The British had an active role in Bacillus experimentation at this time, especially on live animals. The reasoned consensus is that the British-supplied grenades were coated (inside) with the Bacillus toxin.

As a postscript, due to his assassination the SS executed many civilians. This lead to popular resentment and a dramatic lowering of industrial output.

All the above is from memory. The titles of the several books I used escape me. To me, it's interesting (from the distance of history) that an evil man was killed by evil means (bio warfare of a nasty nature) knowing that evil repurcussions would fall on essentially innocent people to obtain a desired result.

If a Heydrich grog desires to correct any or all of the above, I bow to his or her greater knowledge.


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Originally posted by Runyan99:

For anyone who is interested in learning what the man was all about, Kenneth Branagh does a terrific Heydrich in HBO's movie "Conspiracy". It is available on DVD. This hour and a half picture is historical, and the tight script is masterful.

BTW - Branagh said that doing Heydrich was his most disturbing role as an actor, ever.

Yes I watched that.It's a very disturbing drama.Most of the script was taken from the actual minutes of the conference.It's very well acted and Branagh is superb in the role of Heydrich.
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