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What is a tank hunter team?

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OK, I know this must be one of the dumbest questions ever seen on this or any other forum for that matter but hey I'm not proud. :D So what exactly is a tank hunter team? Now, I would assume they go out and hunt down tanks. Wait, wait that can't be. They sure don't look capable of hunting down tanks to me so they must do or be something else - surely? I've got to be missing something here or just flat don't understand the team Tank Hunter Team. Any help here?

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Usually they have some kind of AT capacity in the form of grenade bundles, panzerfausts, or (gulp!) Molotov cocktails. They have to get very close to a tank before they do any good (or harm, depending on your perspective).

I'll take a Panzerschreck over these guys any day.

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Well I should feel stupid but I don't. tongue.gif I didn't know for sure and it just didn't make sense to me that tank hunters would be that poorly equipped ( No schrecks ) so I asked. So bugger off those of you with negative comments. :D You do realize that if a topic or question seems stupid or ignorant to you you could always just not look at it don't you? Just continue looking for a topic that better fits your intelligence level or interest. :rolleyes: To the others for their patience and replys, thanks.

[ July 04, 2003, 06:36 PM: Message edited by: lcm1947 ]

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They were not poorly equipped for thte time - shrek's, fausts and bazooka's didn't always exist, and before they came along killing tanks with infantry required brave and/or stupid men to get very close and throw things at the monsters.

Pretty much all nations made some sort of thrown AT grenades - whether called mines, grenades or charges. Some worked on the monroe principle (hollow charge), some were incendiary (molotov cocktails) some were just largeg quantities of explosives to smash something (grenade bundles, satchel charges).

Some stuck with magnets, some tried sticky coatings.

All were things any sane person would much rather not have to use!!

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with 2 smgs, tank hunter teams are good at infantry combat inside 40 meters. so they're useful when in low-los situations.

in any kind of overall low los situations i like to have a few of them around, then mix them in with infantry half-squads on the advance.

lately i've been splitting the squads in a platoon, then sending the half squads with no mg forward, beefed up by tank hunter teams. behind them are the mg half squads and flamethrowers. doing this i can move the platoon's 3 mg half squads quickly to a supporting position ('firebase'), while the mg-less half squads and tank hunters are forward and make a series of bounding advance moves; sneak moves if contact is thought to be imminent.

by 'bounding' i mean that each turn the most forward units sit while the ones right behind them advance through and become the new most-forward units.

when contact is generally reached, if an intact tank hunter can open up inside 40 meters it provides good smg support.

as already mentioned, those antitank magnetic mines will knock out anything, including pillboxes and bunkers.

tank hunter teams are probably most effective in woods or a city; or at night. they are probably least effective on wide-open mapboards during the day.

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Well now I understand why they seemed inadequately equipped - they were. No bazooka type weapons. Ok that explains it but I sure was wondering there for a minute. It just didn't click that this time period was before those weapons came out. Thanks Stalin's Organ. That sounds like a pretty good idea there manchildstein II I will try that or something along those lines. I assume it seems to work for you or you wouldn't mention it. It seems like a good way to sneak a tank hunter team in and up close to a vehicle. Moving one alone is probably like trying to sneak a flamethrower around. It don't work. And Mr. J.T. Jones I did read the book cover to cover. Only once so far however since only having it for maybe two weeks. If you say it's there I believe you so must have missed it. I do plan on reading it again cover to cover though as I know there was so very very much to catch and remember. Had I picked up on it though please rest assured that I wouldn't have asked the question. Appreciate the replys guy. You J.T. go into the negative group but I bet you already knew that.

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Originally posted by manchildstein II:

here's a question: are the points better spent on lmgs, even in low-los situations like woods and city fighting?

i would think that maybe lmgs would be more useful in the wide-open los situations, but maybe not in close

IMHO the Tank Hunter team is better in low-los battles, but its a two edge blade. They very often just die in the role people use them. A LMG on the other hand will provide you with covering fire through the game. A Hunter team could be effective in a close melee (very much so) but be sure to use them like that if you pick them. Used as scouts its a waste of points.
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The LMG has binoculars, which is a very valuable asset in CMBB, especially for observation. On the other hand it cannot go fast for long, so it is not that suitable for moving scout duties.

I generally think scouting is best left to sharpshooters for moving and LMGs for static observation or when dropped by vehicles.

If both sides do proper recon, which includes counter-recon, then you need the stealth of the sharpshooter to move undetected and the self-defense capabilities of the LMG for scouts that are likely to be seen when you drop them.

While the tank hunter teams have considerable firepower I found them to go down very fast against any kind of opposition. At the range they would need for safe kills CMBB already assume hand-to-hand combat, and grenades thrown. So the tank hunters lose quickly even to rifle-only infantry, no matter what range.

In special, you will always lose the recon battle if you have tank hunter teams and the opponent uses half-squads. They might be useful to hunt sharpshooters down, however.

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