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Throwing explosives

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Having trawled the forums can't find any hints on this....

How can I get units to throw explosives properly? I am fighting a defense against rhudat and kicking his arse, and the counterattack is about to push him back off a hill BUT half my squads simply refuse to throw the high ex they have. The rest of the squads no problem - I target an empty patch of ground 30m away and away the go, spreading russkie arms and legs nicely, but the rest just won't chuck it. whats going on? LOS is definiately there btw, and they are not pinned, not even alerted.


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Hi Grumlin:

Demo chuckers are very finicky. The smallest *conflict* can keep them from tossing it, so even though it sounds like your doing everything correctly, I'd have to actually see it to be sure what the problem is. But a few things:

-any variation of "pinned", "alerted", etc renders all demo chucking with a squad useless.

-I rarely ever see the pioneers chuck demo at soft targets on their own. VERY rare. You will always have to area target for that.

-30 meters is roughly the max. possible distance to chuck the demo, so the target line gives you the option to area target with small arms fire, OR chuck demo ("use explosives"). You just have to hit "t" (target), bring the target line out 30 meters, and play around in that area with the endpoint of the target line. You'll see what I mean. Just make sure you area target with "use explosives".

-if there are other friendly squads too close to the area you target, the demo will not be thrown.

There are many more wonderful little things you can do with demo, but this addresses your questions. Hope this is helpful.

Cheers, Walpurgis

[ February 09, 2003, 08:49 PM: Message edited by: Walpurgis Night ]

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I had a Russian pioneer squad take out 6 out of 7 crack troops from my opponent in a recent game by causing a treeburst. I didn't give them any orders other then hide (and prey) but I was awfully happy they behaved the way they did. BTW, they were killed only seconds after their lethal action. :(


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Two possibly helpful situations to watch out for with Demo chuckers from my experience:

1) As already mentioned be sure that you have no men (including the throwing unit) in any light or weakened buildings near the impact zone. Buildings are deathtraps for everyone when a Demo gets thrown.

2) Watch out if your engineers are involved when your troops first find a minefield. This is a situation where they will freely chuck their Demos without any prompting. One engineer platoon which walked into a substantial minefield virtually destroyed itself as several squads threw charges all at once.

In short, there are often times where Demo charges are a distinct liablility. Perhaps in CM2 a unit may be able to recognise when it is about to kill itself and it's friends with Demo charges.

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I had a similar situation the other night.

Had a bunch of pioneers target a AP minefield 25m from their position but the buggers simply refused to throw it over 3 turns!

First turn they were pinned, although not under heavy fire - they recovered enough in time to be back to normal by turn 2, but for the duration of turn 2 they just sat there with their thumbs in their bums and wondered what the hell to do!

Third turn I ordered an area attack with explosives, they threw one satchel charge but didn't kill the minefield so in discust I ordered them to run around it and guess what... as they ran PAST the minefield they threw the remaining satchel charge and blew it up! Go figure...

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Originally posted by BulletRat:

Had a bunch of pioneers target a AP minefield 25m from their position but the buggers simply refused to throw it over 3 turns!

First turn they were pinned, although not under heavy fire - they recovered enough in time to be back to normal by turn 2, but for the duration of turn 2 they just sat there with their thumbs in their bums and wondered what the hell to do!

Third turn I ordered an area attack with explosives, they threw one satchel charge but didn't kill the minefield so in discust I ordered them to run around it and guess what... as they ran PAST the minefield they threw the remaining satchel charge and blew it up! Go figure...

Back to reiterate how finicky these pioneers are. If you "area target" with explosives to destroy AT mines while "pinned", don't expect them to throw the demo even after they finally become unpinned. If you want to destroy the AT mines and you have pinned pioneers, give up, and hide them until they are rested and ready, THEN target the mines and they will throw, and promptly.

Being discplined about doing this (it is alway temptimg to area target even when troops are pinned in hopes that they will soon recover, but they very likely still won't throw it) will bring you your results the quickest.

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I was recently playing a scenario, where i was the Germans, and was supposed to defend some flags, one of them being behind a bridge.

I have a pioneer squad next to the bridge.

If everything went wrong i was wondernig how many charges it would take to blow the bridge?

I never found out because i crushed every offensive attempt by my friend to push forward, my 88's wrecked havoc while i ended up losing a couple howitzers and a Panzer IVE, and one 88 Flak.

I could go on bragging for hours, wich would be sure to impress everyone here, but i was just curious as to how sturdy the bridges in CMBB are. :D

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

If everything went wrong i was wondernig how many charges it would take to blow the bridge?


medium (or small) bridges can be taken care of by one squad with demo (2 hits for the medium bridge).

I've unloaded 6 squads of demo (12 charges) on heavy bridges and had no luck at all, so I don't know what to say about those besides it probably isn't worth it to try.

[ February 11, 2003, 02:03 AM: Message edited by: Walpurgis Night ]

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Originally posted by Walpurgis Night:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

If everything went wrong i was wondernig how many charges it would take to blow the bridge?


medium (or small) bridges can be taked care of by one squad with demo (2 hits for the medium bridge).

I've unloaded 6 squads of demo (12 charges) on heavy bridges and had no luck at all, so I don't know what to say about those besides it probably isn't worth it to try. </font>

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Originally posted by JAT:

W. Nights,

What can you say about targeting tanks? Is there a similar process?

I just took out a crack Tiger with pioneers in a game tonight, very gratifying. To answer your question no, the process is different. You don't need to area target against AFVs, you just have to get close enough (30 meters) to be able to throw demo, and that is really tricky (unless he comes to you). So that's all you need to practice . . .getting close.

If you have several pioneer squads, you can rush a tank, but there are so many variables that can easily turn the charge into the slaughter of your men. If it is just 3 pioneers squads against a tank (the ideal), "advance" or even "run" the pioneers into a triangle formation around the tank (one in front, two on the back two flanks for example). The tank will engage and probably wax one of the squads quickly, but it will take time for it to rotate around and deal with all the squads. This should give you enough time for at least one squad to throw demo.

practice hotseat in the scenerio editor.

Hope this helps, Walpurgis

[ February 11, 2003, 02:20 AM: Message edited by: Walpurgis Night ]

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Going back to bridges. Light and medium bridges are easy to take out with a coupls of Pioneer squads. Heavy bridges are an order of magnitude harder. I have run tests with an entire platoon throwing charges without doing anything to it. I was finally able to destroy it with two or three shots apiece from about 10 Sturmtigers. Needless to say it just isn't something you are going to be able to accomplish in a normal game.

[ February 11, 2003, 05:54 AM: Message edited by: Sgtgoody ]

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