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Three Olde Ones in a Boat, and a Peng Challenge from a Dog named King

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LenaKonrad (spelt but not bolded) ... [sERIOUS] Don't fret young man. Perhaps I am not clever enough, but I honestly don't know what your intention WAS in your post. If you were trying to insult me, it didn't work because I didn't understand the insult. In other words, if I didn't understand it, it wasn't an insult. DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT. [/sERIOUS] As to Berli, nothing you can say would make me like him less or tend to blame him less for practically anything. He likes it that way.

This is a ... strange place. We will very likely NOT politely ask you to explain yourself further if we don't understand. It's much more fun simply to play with it and make of it what we want it to be. I am of the impression that English is not your first language, if that's so then your English is FAR better than my second language ... which is non-existent. That doesn't mean that we'll not harrass and belittle you ... but we do that to EVERYONE so you're in good company ... or bad company I suppose.

So welcome aboard but strap in tight because it will be a bumpy ride.


p.s. Don't turn your back on {hehehe} The Revolving Justicar Bauhaus ... really.

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Originally posted by lenakonrad:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by lenakonrad:


may I apologize

I taking my words back


Hmm. You're going to have to learn to give this up. Once you've posted anything on this Forum, it's damn near impossible to get the words back, and so, not worth the effort. Oh, you can edit the remark, but by the time you've scrabbled your way back to try and edit them, there's a minimum of 3 people who've responded while quoting them.

Originally posted by lenakonrad:

So,its that all You've got to say ,Joe

There is no need for strong fist then

Evrythink you need to do Elijah

Its working out you little finger


Let this be a lesson to us all...whatever is intended, here. It's a bit hard to say. But don't post like this, unless you want people to, er, comment on it. If they can. In a way that won't get them banned, of course. </font>
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Originally posted by lenakonrad:

(some expert in english will help me :what name for somebody who trying to take advantage of somebody's else misfortune?)

Justicar Joe Shaw?

btw never ask me for help with English, I'm Australian *Australia Australia Australia we love you* dont'cha know?


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

We will stand WITH you Seanachai in your effort to rid yourself of the albatross of Berli hanging from your neck. Let us once again see the Seanachai of olde ... let him once again BE ... an Olde One.

How are the mighty fallen!


You hold out your hand to me, Joe, and I perceive only a finger of the claw of Mordor. Cruel and cold! Even if your war on me was just – as it was not, for were you ten times as wise you would have no right to rule me and mine for your own profit, and as you desired...

Here...I think I've mixed up my notes. Bugger.

I'll just have a word with you later, Shaw! When I've sorted out my roles...

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by lenakonrad:

(some expert in english will help me :what name for somebody who trying to take advantage of somebody's else misfortune?)

Justicar Joe Shaw?

btw never ask me for help with English, I'm Australian *Australia Australia Australia we love you* dont'cha know?

Mace </font>

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To make this short:I can't imagine trying to insult anyone on this forum(or any other). (serious)

I wasn't serious about Berli .

and no more explanation,its promise.

(and yes, you right ,a have complex of father)

I know what kind place its this,don't you remember I was watching you for long time?


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Originally posted by lenakonrad:



(some expert in english will help me :what name for somebody who trying to take advantage of somebody's else misfortune?)

Oh, thats easy - the word is ... MR SPKR!

He who profits from others misery... ie: a flamin' leeching lawyer type thingy.

Glad to be of assistance there, ex-fluffy-now-serf-pending-quireship konrad

Which brings me to a point...

Berli oh municifent ex-Super Liege - I like the cut of nana le dork's jibe. It's posts contain some mystery and seem to arouse mistrust and suspisscion in the likes of OJ{nb} and Seanachai. THIS IS GOOD no? Why, e'en King Meeks V appears touched by this one.. {eww!}

Shall I Foster the lad DOWNUNDER as it were for awhile, as budding quire within your stable of HELLISHLY BRAVE, yet some say MUTANT KANIGGETS?

Please, pretty, please???? Look, I'm STANDING ON MY HEAD for this one!!

Sir aussiejeff

Spawn of House Berli

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by lenakonrad:

I know what kind place its this,don't you remember I was watching you for long time?


It's always better if someone is watching. </font>
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Oh BUGGER it! Berli's probably snoring his A$$ orf at this late hour. I'm just going to have to bare all on this... :eek:

lenakonrad, serf of the Cesspool - I hereby take you to Quire for service within the House Of Berli. May the devil have mercy on your soul!

There. That does it. Arise from licking my *BOOT* and prepare yourself in something more fitting than that scummy loincloth, lad! First up, you can go stock the House Of Berli cellar with some grog. There's a weirdo down the road calls himself Sir Lars. Says he's a proprietor of a pub or somefink. He'll give you a good discount for sure if you play some tricks for him. After that, be sure to come back and muck out the KANIGGETS QUARTERS. Sir Noba isn't the tidiest nutter you ever saw!

When your finished {say, around 5am in the morning}, you can lick Grue's bowl out for brekkie. Mmmm! You've got a lot to lern and not much time to do it in, lad, so GET CRACKING .. <BIG>*BOOT*!

Sir Aussiejeff

PS: Quire lenakonrad, be sure never to use The Dreaded Graemlins in your posts, for they are sure to earn you a good whacking!

<small>[ February 07, 2003, 01:43 AM: Message edited by: aussiejeff ]

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Tap, tap........

What's up lad? Kat got your tonsils or somefink?

Oh, I see. You are editing your sig to include the proud title of Squire To Sir Aussiejeff - Hous Of Berli<SUP>tm</SUP>. My, lad - you ARE a keen one! Let's hope your GrandLiege approves of your de-evolution...

Sir Aussiejeff

[ February 07, 2003, 01:48 AM: Message edited by: aussiejeff ]

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Originally posted by aussiejeff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by lenakonrad:



(some expert in english will help me :what name for somebody who trying to take advantage of somebody's else misfortune?)

Oh, thats easy - the word is ... MR SPKR!

He who profits from others misery... ie: a flamin' leeching lawyer type thingy.</font>

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AJ, your suggestion that this Poldutch fellow be your squire has not yet been approved in the manner traditional to the Pool. Also, given that you were not the knight to raise him to serf, you do not have first chance at him as a squire -- Berli does. So, torture the lad, give him as many chores as you desire -- but he is not a squire to you or anyone else at this point.

Of course, given his command of the language, I'm not sure he would understand the difference anyway.

Good evening.


P.S. That will be 50 quid.

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Somebody who trys to take advantage of somebody else's misfortune for fun and profit is a lawyer.


Oh, yes, yes - of course. How deleterious of me. Typical of a flamin' lawyer to GET THE LAST WORD IN!

Hmmmm. Oh, Squire-Pending lenakonrad. Yoohoo! I've got a small trick I want you to play on that Shylock lawyer type over there. See? The one with the tatty bowler hat pulled down over his thin slitted eyes lest some HONEST person do catch his shifty gaze. Well her's what I want you to do .. {Psst...%7dhf#4...and @$#F!^G^UH&...}. Haha! Yeah, he'll certainly feel THAT!

Off you go, lad. Good luck. {snort!}

Sir Aussiejeff

Bold Kaniggett - House Berli

[ February 07, 2003, 02:02 AM: Message edited by: aussiejeff ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

AJ, your suggestion that this Poldutch fellow be your squire has not yet been approved in the manner traditional to the Pool. Also, given that you were not the knight to raise him to serf, you do not have first chance at him as a squire -- Berli does. So, torture the lad, give him as many chores as you desire -- but he is not a squire to you or anyone else at this point.

Of course, given his command of the language, I'm not sure he would understand the difference anyway.

Good evening.


P.S. That will be 50 quid.

Thanks God I don't have to associate with you

hopefully you understand that



[ February 07, 2003, 02:03 AM: Message edited by: lenakonrad ]

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Originally posted by lenakonrad:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

AJ, your suggestion that this Poldutch fellow be your squire has not yet been approved in the manner traditional to the Pool. Also, given that you were not the knight to raise him to serf, you do not have first chance at him as a squire -- Berli does. So, torture the lad, give him as many chores as you desire -- but he is not a squire to you or anyone else at this point.

Of course, given his command of the language, I'm not sure he would understand the difference anyway.

Good evening.


P.S. That will be 50 quid.

Thanks God I don't have to associate with you

hopefully you understand that


konrad </font>

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Originally posted by lenakonrad:

hopefully you understand that



Yes, I do.

That will be . . . let me see . . . 166 Guilders . . . erm, no, that's not it . . . um, 75 euros . . . ugh, no, not that nickel crap, gives me a rash it does . . . okay, that will be precisely 313 zlotych.

Thank you for your patronage.


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by lenakonrad:

hopefully you understand that



Yes, I do.

That will be . . . let me see . . . 166 Guilders . . . erm, no, that's not it . . . um, 75 euros . . . ugh, no, not that nickel crap, gives me a rash it does . . . okay, that will be precisely 313 zlotych.

Thank you for your patronage.

Steve </font>

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Originally posted by lenakonrad:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by lenakonrad:

hopefully you understand that



Yes, I do.

That will be . . . let me see . . . 166 Guilders . . . erm, no, that's not it . . . um, 75 euros . . . ugh, no, not that nickel crap, gives me a rash it does . . . okay, that will be precisely 313 zlotych.

Thank you for your patronage.

Steve </font>

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lenakonrad{bolded out of respec to Sir AJ}

There is no apologizing on the MBT accept responsibility for your words and bear the return fire with wit and creativity, but NEVER apologize. Show weakness in here and these jackals will rip your throat out.

In other news...

In my battle with Sir AJ: he has graciously accepted the surrender of my conscript misfits. What nuttiness awaits in our new battle the gods only know.

Lt. Hortlund's hoard of 20mm spewing cockroaches have overcome the noble resistance of my heroic Soviet ACs. Now he cowers in his trenches as my Germanic hoards decend like a boulder down a mountain (or like jello out of a bowl, I can't really tell yet).

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