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Moldy waffle with pus and maggots

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Axe2121:

More posts please. We need to get rid of this thread title. It never ceases to make me gag.

The pus reference is lost on me. Is my tin-foil hat blocking something that the rest of you are receiving? </font>
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Originally posted by Axe2121:

More posts please. We need to get rid of this thread title. It never ceases to make me gag.

Challenge Gaylord Fokker and this thread and the next and the next will fill up in no time. :rolleyes:

Or you could invite your pen pal Schoerner (sp) over for a discussion of the role of Germany in the mid twentieth century. That will be good for some quick posts. :eek:

Or mike_the_whino could enlighten us on the many ways heavy drinking contributes to his personal health and happiness. Maybe Soddball would be willing to help. tongue.gif

Actually mike_t_w, I was raised Catholic, not Baptist. I had plenty of opportunities to see the effects of excessive drinking while living in a fraternity house for a year in college. After cleaning up friends who had passed out in pools of their own vomit, I could never figure out where all the fun was. :confused: :confused: :(

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Originally posted by Dave H:

After cleaning up friends who had passed out in pools of their own vomit, I could never figure out where all the fun was. :confused: :confused: :(

Watching your sober friends clean up your vomit.
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Several turns out to Axe and DaveH because I'm not going to be around tomorrow.

Dave is currently mopping up my brave Russian defenders in the last few turns of Counter Intelligence. I held some areas of the map better than others but learnt something at every single position.

Axe continues to slog through the cold in Giant Glaciers in Geneva. This is going to be a tough one too!

Today's dose of :mad: is brought to you by the letter C and the number 6.

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Originally posted by Dave H:

you could invite your pen pal Schoerner (sp) over for a discussion of the role of Germany in the mid twentieth century.

Whoa, big fella. Let's not go to extremes to end this foul thread.

Should we censure Robohn while we at it? What say ye brood? Cast the lad aside and allow him only MissusNoballs as his only opponent for 2 months as penance for his lame thread title?

That sound be good for a 100 point ME on a small map.

I had plenty of opportunities to see the effects of excessive drinking while living in a fraternity house for a year in college. After cleaning up friends who had passed out in pools of their own vomit, I could never figure out where all the fun was.
Rookies. :rolleyes:

Rank amatuers. redface.gif

It's not about how much you can drink.

It's not about how many hours you can maintain a buzz.

It's all about the least amount of legal trouble one can get into. :D

Bonus points for length of buzz and quantity of liquor consumed.

BTW, the biggest lightweights that I have ever met were fratties.

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Originally posted by Crow:

Axe continues to slog through the cold in Giant Glaciers in Geneva. This is going to be a tough one too!

I assume your're talking about yourself. I'm moving forward with the speed and agility Mike_the_wino displays at an open-bar wedding reception. :mad: :mad:

Where's my turn you Sacramento-fouling freak?!? I thought the bitch box was fixed!!! And I need your mailing address!!

I've got a lot of hate to go around today!! I'm editor next week because my boss is in Mississippi for a horse show. I can't smack around my co-workers because of something called the "law" so you gimps will have to do!!! :mad:

Heed! Pants! Now! :mad: :mad:

Jas :mad: n

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Comp all better. Patches installed. Problems with OS forced re-install so I will need turns from Prinz Eugen, Teddy, and Axe2121 so that the LOVE may continue.

Looking at Axe2121's previous post I am struck by the inane yammering of the wild Canuck and I have to ask myself, "How can anyone be so stupid and not be MasterGoodale?" I also have to ask myself, "What does the cacophany of bottles and cans that arises as I drag the recylcing bin to curb sound like to the neighbors? Why aren't I wearing any pants? Why is my head pounding? Does mouth wash have much alcohol in it as rumoured or will I be forced to drive to the store?" All that aside, from page 9, I posted:

Glory be and Hallelujah!!! The electronic deamons have been expelled from my computer. I will be leaving work early today to be reunited with my computer. 1.5gigs of RAM jammed onto a new motherboard seems to have resulted in a pleasant, and faster, fully functioning computer. Reloading games, patches, etc. this weekend and turns should resume late this weekend or Monday
Ahead of schedule and sober..take that Ms. Heineken.
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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Comp all better. Patches installed. Problems with OS forced re-install so I will need turns from Prinz Eugen, Teddy, and Axe2121 so that the LOVE may continue.

Well send some love this way you yammering yutz!
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Originally posted by Dave H:

Actually mike_t_w, I was raised Catholic, not Baptist.

Catholic, eh?

A Rabbi, a Baptist Priest and a Catholic Priest are on a sinking ship. As they are heading for the life boats the Rabbi shouts, "Women and children first."

The Baptist Priest yells, "Screw them."

The Catholic Priest yells, "Do you think we have time?"


note: Feel free to change the denominations and lines around to provide the desired hilarity AND bigotry. Keep in mind that the Catholic Priest is always the one to say "Do you think we have time?". This is in the finest American tradition of kicking someone(organization, racial or ethnic group) when they are down...unless of course you are Mike Tyson. Then you have to CHASE them down before you can kick them.

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Yea, all my others game run like champs now....CMBB shows me a black screen with the message "H.V frequency over range".

Help me Soddy ye self-proclaimed Lord of Liquor, Ladies and Leisure. Get off yer semi-sober arse and let me know if you can help.

Delete the CMBB Prefs file from your CM:BB main folder, and try again.
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Originally posted by Axe2121:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Downloading a new game, no turns from me for 20-30 mins. Still waiting for turns from AssMonkey#1 and Sprints Injeans.

Check your bitch box, bitch. :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Axe2121:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Downloading a new game, no turns from me for 20-30 mins. Still waiting for turns from AssMonkey#1 and Sprints Injeans.

Check your bitch box, bitch. :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
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Originally posted by ????????

For someone who sends fewer turns than MasterGoodale, you churn out an inordinate amount of verbeage. How's about you prepare for a large portion in your box?



The above post was made by someone who we all know and love. Here's a hint:

He hasn't returned a turn that was sent TWO DAYS AGO!!!!!

Who wants to go first?

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