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Moldy waffle with pus and maggots

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

On a more serious note, after this round of games I will have to cut back on my PBEM addiction (Dave H do they have CM Anon yet?). Starting in August things will be quite busy until November.

Please tell me you're not going to stop posting pictures of meat hats too? :(

If laughter is the best medicine, this thread has made me healthier than a horse for the last six months.

You bunch of gimp-loving freaks. :mad: :mad: :mad:

"Bring out the gimp."

"But the gimp's sleeping."

"Well I guess you're gonna have to just go wake him now won't you?"

Notice how you could subsitute MasterGoodale for gimp and it would still read fine.

Jas :mad: n

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LOL Great AAR Soddy! :D

So, are we now taking bets on the page number which ApprenticeBadCider will finally show, or are we going to have to start talking how many ENTIRE THREADS it will take for him to emerge!

Edit: To say GAG at the thread title! :mad: :mad: :mad:

[ July 17, 2003, 05:09 AM: Message edited by: Crow ]

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It wouldn't matter if he didn't show again until the engine rewrite. He'd still say, and I quote from many previous times: "Oh, I'm here maggots. I just didn't have time and/or feel like posting!!!! GAGR GARGG ARG G GRAG!!! I hate you all!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: "

Uh huh.

And Soddball hates flamethrowers.

[ July 17, 2003, 07:13 AM: Message edited by: Axe2121 ]

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Just a quick ARARGGHGHGARARHA!!! to let you maggots know I'm still avidly reading this drivel, despite my lack of posting (for which I'm sure you're all grateful :mad: :mad: :mad: ).

I wouldn't want anyone to think I'm neglecting them, but when I'm not saving the world as we know it or sneaking around MG's lair (you should see some of the snaps I got of Skunknads...), all my creative juices are being poured into an AAR for my super website, which now even gets a mention here.

Axe and I are a third of the way through and, much as it pains me to say it, trying to craft my own literary landmark makes me appreciate what a good job the vomit-encrusted maggot-shagger did.

And considering Soddball is a wiper of other people's bottoms, his is rather splendid too (but where are the screenshots he's crayoned all over?). It's a funny old world.

Chin chin,


PS Isn't it time for some more tantalising CMAK teasers?

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Soddball, just received a Kubelwagen in Cheery Waffle 2.0, and it came with a certain uber-Finn driver! Nice touch. :D:D

Amusingly, he asked to be in the 'fastest Axis vehicle' and I didn't want to disappoint him. :D I think he probably meant tank or armoured vehicle, but a Kubelwagen was the fastest by far.
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What a bunch of puss sucking piles of maggot riddled vomit!!! :mad: Do you guys have ANY IDEA how busy MasterGoodale is right now!!?? :mad: DO YOU!!!??? :mad: I didn't think so! I'm renovating my entire basement into a finished room with a fireplace and jacuzzi!, my dryer has been broke for about 10 days now!, and I'm working more hours than EVER!!!! :mad:

You're TNT will come splashing out of your monitor in a fury don't you worry about that puss pouches! :mad: I've been getting turns out when I can here and there you foul gaggle of uni-browed mongloids! :mad:

I hate you all with every fiber of my black, hate-filled soul!! GRAAGRGRAGRAGRGRAAGRAGR!!! Just ask DaveH, Whiner, Teddy, and WallyBobber what happens when you piss MasterGoodale off!!

After this big, fiesty batch of TNT-Infested battles is over I'm never taking on more than 4 PBEMs at once!!


[ July 17, 2003, 09:59 AM: Message edited by: MasterGoodale ]

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I wouldn't mind if the turns going out "now and then" included me. Face facts, Goodale - your arse is mine. Surrender our game, and that'll be one less to worry about. There's only a few turns to go, during which my reserve Veteran PanzerGrenadiere company, fresh from limbering-and-lubing-up exercises, will rout your feeble scrabbling Russkies clean back to Moscow. Save yourself the ignominy and free up a slot.

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Originally posted by Soddball:

Goodale - your arse is mine. Save yourself the ignominy and free up a slot.

Dear Soddball,

For the sake of all that is good and holy, please don't ever use those words in that combination ever again.

Thanking you in advance,

Jas :mad: n

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Just ask DaveH, Whiner, Teddy, and WallyBobber what happens when you piss MasterGoodale off!!

I only know how disagreeable you can be sitting calmly at home or at work, typing on your computer keyboard. tongue.giftongue.gif

I can only imagine what a raving lunatic you must be when you're really upset about something. tongue.giftongue.gif

Maggot. GRRRRRR!!!! :mad: :mad:

Oh, a quick FYI. I found my gangsta name at a site linked on the General Forum. You maggots may now refer to me as Janky Hoopti Rida. Thank you very much. :D

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I just realized that if MG is now including defunct appliances as a ligit reason to not send out turns in a timely fashion, we could be in trouble.

I mean, he is starting with one of the heavy hitters (namely the dryer) but he has so many more to choose from -- starting with the fridge and working right on down to the egg timer.

And if he doesn't have an egg timer, I say we pitch in and send him one. He can set it for one hour intervals after getting home from work. Everytime it goes off, he would be compelled to check his e-mail, play any turns in the inbox and send them. Then all would be right with the universe.

Well, except for Mike_the_wino but therefore but the grace of God goes anyone who has to deal with him on a daily basis.

Jas :mad: n

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Hey Wallybob. I'm having a piper play at my wedding. Know any good funeral dirges or laments?

Maybe some good old 'highland clearances' and 'boo-hoo Bonnie Prince Charlie' stuff will set everyone to a dancin'.

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