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The Peng Challenge Telethon for Australia: How Many Times Can You Just Look Away?

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Originally posted by rune:

Welp....thinking about this, I went through the Thread at least 3 times, and JoeBob never actually claimed Scout as a serf. So, what better way to get under Joebob's skin, kinda like the small lice he has trained under the logo of House Shaw . Besides, what better way to make a serf suffer then knowning that he must report...to an Ex-Navy man.

So, as one of the Senior Knights, I use my right and claim first claim on NG cavscout, placing him under House Rune, .

To further inflict pain, No Good cav scout, pick a member of House Shaw and I will be sending you Rourke's Drift to play two player.

I now go back to working on that which cannot be named...


Dear rune, may I call you ruin? Look goofball, if I had WANTED to take NG Havespout to Squire or proposed him for serf I'd have done so. No, I suggested that he MIGHT be made of the right stuff but that TIME WOULD TELL. Trust YOU to jump the gun and propose him for Serf before he's been adjudged ready.

Nonetheless, I hereby acknowledge by the powers vested in me by the Olde Ones that NG CavScout (what the hell does NG stand for anyway ... New Guy?) is and shall be a serf of the ENTIRE CessPool until such time as he is proposed for Squiredom by his sponsor AND that status is conferred by the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread acting on behalf of the Olde Ones.

In OTHER WORDS rune, give the lad a bit of time and let's see how he conducts himself. THEN we can make him Squire to you ... of all the horrendous fates.

Serf Sir Real (spelt but not bolded) ... one does not make one's mark upon the roll of the CessPool by sitting around and WAITING for things to happen. You must pursue your goal lad, post here frequently but not too frequently, if you have no turns then USE the opportunity to berate those who are not providing you with the grist for your writer's mill. In other words lad ... Show Us That You Care!


[ July 14, 2003, 10:08 AM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Ah, a telethon for Australia. You've really been sucking on the bottom of the Lysol can this time Seanachai.

Even Jerry Lewis recognized that crippled children had a better chance of becoming worthwhile contributors to society. Perhaps you should turn your efforts to greasing the wheel locks on their chairs. Tall hills and small, helpless children. The world does sorely need a laugh.

But Aussies? You might as well hope for a rebound in the platypus fur market.

SSN Hint Of The Day: Adjust your underwear in public.

Now sod off.

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Joebob ,

I just wanted to spare him the ignomy of being recruited by House Shaw . Which is like being called an Aussie who thinks Mormon women look good, such as yourself. Yes, Yes, Yes, you will deny it, saying you are from Texas...but is there a difference? Look at Mr. Spkr , if you can stomach it, does he not have that gleam in his eye when passing sheep? Isn't Texas about as exciting as Australia? There is nothing in the midlands of each... the general IQ is about the same, about 2.3. Heck, you even both follow terrible football teams.

If you demand satisfaction...well, other then it being a first, set Sir Real upon No Good Cavscout, and I will forward Rourke's Drift to them both.

NG Cav....arrange a beating of Joebob's serf, and a full AAR young man, to prove your worth. Now go forth and taunt Sir Real, let us see how you do.


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Originally posted by rune:

Joebob ,

I just wanted to spare him the ignomy of being recruited by House Shaw . Which is like being called an Aussie who thinks Mormon women look good, such as yourself. Yes, Yes, Yes, you will deny it, saying you are from Texas...but is there a difference? Look at Mr. Spkr , if you can stomach it, does he not have that gleam in his eye when passing sheep? Isn't Texas about as exciting as Australia? There is nothing in the midlands of each... the general IQ is about the same, about 2.3. Heck, you even both follow terrible football teams.

If you demand satisfaction...well, other then it being a first, set Sir Real upon No Good Cavscout, and I will forward Rourke's Drift to them both.

NG Cav....arrange a beating of Joebob's serf, and a full AAR young man, to prove your worth. Now go forth and taunt Sir Real, let us see how you do.


rune you unutterable geek, in the first place Sir Real (spelt but not bolded) is a mere Serf and not technically part of my House. I DO have first rights of refusal IF he should prove worthy of being a Squire. As a result I couldn't care less who he plays or indeed IF he plays anyone.

You, on the other hand (the OTHER hand you idiot) are obviously not as discerning and will take any NG CavScout (spelt but not bolded) come-lately without even the attempt to determine his worth.

As to that abortion you call Ruorke's Drift, I wouldn't wish that on Mace and he is, as you know, Australian.


p.s. It's the Shavian House you idiot. Do TRY to keep up, it's getting annoying trying to keep you in the loop.

[ July 14, 2003, 11:00 AM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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i REFUSE to use that term, as it sounds too much like a barber gone bad....of course, you know little of barbers...but still, try and keep up.

Excellent, since you wouldn't even pass it off on Mace , then it is perfect for two serfs.

As for seeing his worth, I did tell him to taunt, and an AAR. An actual test...try it on some of your house sometime, assuming, of course, they can actually read.

Last, at no time did you deny Texas is Australia North. Further proof...both founded by people rejected from other parts. Both have dangerous snakes, granted the ones in Texas are known as politicians, and the Texas Rangers have about the same firepower as the Australian Army.

Now once again back to working on that which may not be named. [Hint: Cesspoolers, look up the 18 pdr gun]


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Not even me, and I'm the 'Nice One'.

I think I've seen this alleged thought repeated in this thread alone three of four times.

Are you repeating it in the vain hope that maybe if you say it over and over again, someone might actually believe it?

Forget it, Olde Man, not all of us are as gullible as someone from...say, Wisconsin. Big, huge state where the idea of a tasteful hors d'oeuvre is to put a hunk of cheese roughly the size of a car battery in the center of the coffee table (cinder blocks and 1"x12"s) and let it go with that. Maybe stick a Packer's flag in it. Why the hell we haven't just given it to Canada along with Minnesota, I'll never know.

Oh, and by the way Seanachai, maybe you are the nice one comparatively speaking. But then, compared to Berli and Peng, Eichmann's a choirboy.

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Someone obviously needs to experience the true power of cheese. A car battery sized chunk is the Minimal size permissible as a sideboard snack for a truly cultured gathering. But I wouldn't expect an Ohianne to know how to spell cultured, much less possess a modicum of culture itself. I tell you, nothing a girl likes more than a guy thoughtful enough to place a 12 lb block of Muenster or Colby-Jack on the table for her grazing, I mean snacking, convenience. I must add that the aroma of a good fermented and aged dairy product is an aphrodisiac that can overwhelm the most resistant wench.

I found during my desperate single days, the more pungent brands are fairly good at covering the stench of hay and shellfish that seems to permeate the atmosphere when Aussie maidens approach. Still no luck in covering the odor of Kiwi lasses, hmmm, maybe some Limburger applied to the underarms would be a start.....

NG, for you draft dodgers out there, or those not blessed enough to come from the good ol' USA, (I guess that I have no choice to let those from Minestrone and Ohio to have their citizenship, but definitely in a junior status, at least till they prove that they do, indeed, possess the requisite number of chromosomes), refers to that true sword and shield of democracy, the National Guard. I even have pictures from our last field exercise, (and chock full of SEAL and SF like excellence that was, at least when we were sober and awake...), which I may deign to post, if asked nicely that is.

Now I know you are all cowering in fear and awe, but be reassured, the powers I possess may be mighty, but I am only allowed to use them for good.

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v42 there's definatley enough room in this thread for two n00bz, because the combined space between these peoples ears is almost enough to float all the fleets of the world - so it should nicely take all the n00bz that ever were (or will be) on this board.

btw - have n0tiked lac of mal genatalia in p0ng participtants plz fix ordosomefink!!!!

All your bases belong are us.

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Life at the Front,or how SirReal learned the lesson of false Pride (cont)

It appears that more than a battalion of infantry has closed up onto the German rearguard. The volume of fire from the advancing Russians has overwhelmed some of the advance positions. Nothing has been heard from the listening posts in several minutes, the Hauptmann worries that they may have been overrun. On the left, a flamethrower team has taken out not only a Russian HT but a T-34 as well!! The rest of the Russian infantry in the area scatter in terror. Alas this brave soldier of the Fatherland is cut down shortly after his courageous stand.

The Ivans try another rush at the center, but are repulsed again, the HMG team curses, as their gun jams, with this many targets the HMG could be the decisive weapon. (cont)

[ July 14, 2003, 02:08 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

But I wouldn't expect an Ohianne to know how to spell cultured, much less possess a modicum of culture itself.

Now, Natural Guard CaveLout, when you talk of "culture", I assume you're talking about the bacteria cultures that are used in the making of cheese, right? In other words, your kinfolk.

Ah, Wisconsin! How is it different from Minnesota? One was made famous by Mary Tyler Moore and the other by Garrison Keilor. Both Lutherans. Draw your own conclusions. I don't mean that literally, NG. The thought of you trying to formulate an a priori line of reasoning affords one a mental picture best suited for the freak show. But why bring your family into the equation AGAIN?

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Ah, Wisconsin! How is it different from Minnesota? One was made famous by Mary Tyler Moore and the other by Garrison Keilor.

Er, Garrison Keillor and Mary Tyler Moore both made Minnesota famous, pillock.

Wisconsin isn't really famous for anything, and rightly so.

The best that can be said for it is that it ain't Iowa.

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Ah, Wisconsin! How is it different from Minnesota? One was made famous by Mary Tyler Moore and the other by Garrison Keilor.

Er, Garrison Keillor and Mary Tyler Moore both made Minnesota famous, pillock.

Wisconsin isn't really famous for anything, and rightly so.

The best that can be said for it is that it ain't Iowa. </font>

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Ah, Wisconsin! How is it different from Minnesota? One was made famous by Mary Tyler Moore and the other by Garrison Keilor. Both Lutherans. Draw your own conclusions.
Ah, Boo you are so dense, what can one expect, though, after all you do come from Ohio, arent all these states just one big dumping ground for the mentally challenged? Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Ohio, what difference does it make? Every schoolboy knows that Jim taylor, Paul Hornung, Jerry Kramer, et al. made Wisconsin famous. This cheese thing is just a cover, I get all my cheeses at Waldbaums, and none of them say anything about Wisconsin, now the 1960's vintage Packers, now there is a bit of Americana!!!

About the only reason they would need the National Guard in Wisconsin now, is to wake up the Packer Fans, after their games are over, that is if there is anyone left after the half.

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Well, I was told that an AAR was expected, so here is my, probably feeble, attempt.

So, Joe Shaw, in between foreclosing on orphanages, sends me this scenario, it is called "IL be seeing you."

Not realizing that Shaw must of been an investigator for the Inquisition in a previous life, I agree to a game with the mysterious man (?) from the wasteland known as Utah.

Aware that as an "SSN", I would probably be in store for some rather rough, but fair, treatment, I deploy my KT's and ST's in an arc, with overwatch, and the AA tracks set up out of direct fire LOS to probable Soviet positions. My masterstroke, I think, is setting the cargo trucks up far behind, and off the road, planning on having them sprint cross-country, hell for leather for the exits, while my combat units distract, and hopefully destroy the ambushes the Soviets must have set up covering the high-speed avenue of approach around the road. My AA tracks I figure will be adequate to keep the Soviet vultures off of my back for the 10 turns necessary to complete this "game" (I now use that term very loosely, a more accurate term might be attempted gang rape of a helpless cheerleader. but I don't think they allow cheerleaders in Utah, they might distract the tabernacle choir.)

I was immediately cured of any illusions that the mechanism beating in Joe's wasted chest bore any resemblance to an actual human heart when the first turn began.

First, an artillery barrage like Thor's hammers pound my hapless forces, all the precious cargo trucks are destroyed in the first seconds, their finely machined French engines turned into scrap metal by the treacherous Red arty.

I lose a KT, and at least one AA track, the details get fuzzy, but I will post the final data when the mugging, I mean battle, is complete.

But, what is that? Most of my forces survive, they start moving towards the exit, the Sturmo-dicks can't seem to wipe out my troops.

There goes a KT, escaping to the "safety" of the map edge, there goes another, and a ST leaves, finally, all that remains is the brave command King Tiger, immobilized on the first turn by a near miss from a Soviet bomb. There, hiding in a building, a mere 75 meters from their burning wirblewind is a German crew, guaging their chances of success if they should make a run for the map edge.

The cowardly Soviet pilots circle and dive, but the massive AFV shrugs off hit after hit.

Will he survive? Will the plucky AA crew manage to make it back to their frauleins?

Stay tuned for updates.

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Aware that as an "SSN", I would probably be in store for some rather rough, but fair, treatment, I deploy my KT's and ST's in an arc, with overwatch, and the AA tracks set up out of direct fire LOS to probable Soviet positions. My masterstroke, I think, is setting the cargo trucks up far behind, and off the road, planning on having them sprint cross-country, hell for leather for the exits, while my combat units distract, and hopefully destroy the ambushes the Soviets must have set up covering the high-speed avenue of approach around the road. My AA tracks I figure will be adequate to keep the Soviet vultures off of my back for the 10 turns necessary to complete this "game"
Isn't that cute ... tactics and everything! I especially liked the part about being "tough but fair" ... that was good.

I have only two things to add to this AAR:

(FICO Score} I MUST add some AT minefields on the road off the map ... give 'em a tiny bit of hope and then dash it cruelly like ... like, offerring a kid some candy just before you toss it off a bridge.

{London Interbank Offerred Rate) It looks SERIOUSLY cool as the PE-2's drop a string of bombs, I'm talking SERIOUSLY cool.


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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Ah, Boo you are so dense, what can one expect, though, after all you do come from Ohio, arent all these states just one big dumping ground for the mentally challenged? Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Ohio, what difference does it make?

Excellent Point Nidan1!


You have overlooked that home of the Inane, Incompetent, Illogical, and Illiterate.

Yes that is correct I am talking about Illannoy. From our one resident Ilieni who for some completely unknown reason thinks(I use the term symbolically) that he is Australian, comes the words of Waltzing Methuselah which, as usual, is sung with no rhythm or tonal compatability.

The spread of Aussiemania has apparently taken hold even unto the heartland, the breadbasket, the pot-belly of this great country. How far has this fungus, this stench, this Aussieness taken hold?

It would appear to be more widespread than even Seanachai could imagine in his wildest flights of sobriety.

Remember lads, in the sacred scripts of The Westerns (as seen on TV), the bad guys were always the ones with sheep.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I appreciated that too. I think I might have read a book about this gormless berk of a Wisconsinite. I believe it was called "Gullible's Travels".

This might be a good time to mention to him about new serfs being required to provide a buffet supper for the Knights of the Pool.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I appreciated that too. I think I might have read a book about this gormless berk of a Wisconsinite.



You might of read a book???? Good for you!!!!!

I am sure it had lots of pretty pictures, and that you got through it with hardly any help at all. Keep it up.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I appreciated that too. I think I might have read a book about this gormless berk of a Wisconsinite. I believe it was called "Gullible's Travels".

This might be a good time to mention to him about new serfs being required to provide a buffet supper for the Knights of the Pool. </font>

If not that, at least a cheese assortment.
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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

First, an artillery barrage like Thor's hammers pound my hapless forces, all the precious cargo trucks are destroyed in the first seconds, their finely machined French engines turned into scrap metal by the treacherous Red arty.

Hmm, sounds like Shaw finally figured out TRP's...
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I appreciated that too. I think I might have read a book about this gormless berk of a Wisconsinite. I believe it was called "Gullible's Travels".

This might be a good time to mention to him about new serfs being required to provide a buffet supper for the Knights of the Pool. </font>

If not that, at least a cheese assortment. </font>
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