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Peng Eye For the Challenge Guy: The Grog Makeovers

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Dear He-Who-Is-So-Much_Greater-Than_I,

Yah, I know about Blood Hamster matches, but it's so much fun listening to you expound on everything and anything that I couldn't help but play the scamp.

Tell me again why the sky is blue? [/QB]

I shall truely enjoy throttling you, I'm going to reach down and tap my inner-Croda to destoy you. You'll be yapping a tune to my guns soon enough Radley, you most surely will.
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Originally posted by Wildman:

I shall truely enjoy throttling you, I'm going to reach down and tap my inner-Croda to destoy you. You'll be yapping a tune to my guns soon enough Radley, you most surely will.


Your inner-Croda? Speak to me not about things Croda-ish, for I am of the House of JDMorse, brought to knighthood by my former leige Croda!

With one such as you, I will not even bother to spit out the bones!

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From a recent E-mail from Seanachai:

I demand that you go on to the Thread, and say something amazingly nice about me, you stuttering iidjit.


Seanachai, a philosopher, a humanitarian, a writer of discerning taste and a concert-level musician...all live near him and agree to a man that he's a right git.

That float your boat, Sparky?

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Originally posted by Wildman:

Boo, you festering boil on the tushi of the Donkey's, well ass.

Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Speak to me not about things Croda-ish, for I am of the House of JDMorse, brought to knighthood by my former leige Croda!

Oh, there's a Boo on me butt... *sniff*...

I suppose its going to change into a Croda



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Originally posted by Boo Radley:


Your inner-Croda? Speak to me not about things Croda-ish, for I am of the House of JDMorse, brought to knighthood by my former leige Croda!

With one such as you, I will not even bother to spit out the bones! [/QB]

JD"The original thread Lawyer"Morse. Spilling your blood will be easier than I expected. Perhaps I should just close my eyes and make random mouse clicks on the screen to handicap the game giving you a small statisical chance to win...Hum! No, I think I shall enviserate you, watching your life leak from you as you scrabble about beseaching your former knigget for help.

An enteratining scene, might even win me an Oscar.

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Originally posted by Wildman:

I think I shall enviserate you......Blah... blah
Its EVISCERATE...you hapless clod, dont they teach spelling in the Air Force any more?

Maybe you and Boo should have a spelling Bee, instead of a hamster match...hey Boo .....how many "D's" in dope.

[ September 27, 2003, 07:00 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Axe2121:

Wank on wankers, wank on. :mad: :mad:

*Grue wanders in

Looks at list of Grogs, and doesn't find Axe2121 listed.

Grue then Picks up Axe2121 and rams him into a discarded and empty soda pop can.*

Grue likes clean cesspool!

Cesspool and mad faces and waffle people clash.

Grue do cesspoolers community service and return animals back to the wild.

Grue will pay wild a visit.

*Grue trundles off*

Grue </font>

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Mouse:

<font size=-1>Swampalgae has not been seen for a bit. Clearly his troops are demoralized from the massive hit their vodka transport machine took, right before it burst into flames.</font>

I'm currently in The Land Of Many Lakes, Most Of Which Are Currently Awash With Hunters, which means

(a) no gaming PC

(B) I'm hiding from Lars, dalem, Seanachai et al (not very hard, especially if Lars is driving)

© any loss of vodka is a TRAGEDY to be mourned, long and deeply.

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I was wrong. Boo Radley did not owe me a turn. In fact, I owed him a turn. Here is my apology to Boo.

Boo, I'm sorry you are a slimy little rat turd. I'm sorry that society has to suffer from your infernal existance and has to put up with your constant whining and preening. I'm sorry that you brown nose the Bard and do tricks for him for some pocket change. It breaks my heart seeing you scamper about waiting for something meaningful to happen, when in fact the most important thing in your life is the game with me.

Also, I'm very, very sorry that you have to wear the badge of dishonor of being associated with Croda. Please accept my heartfelt apology for having to watch you ingratiate yourself in that way. I should have done something long ago to help you like stomp on your unworthy head. I'm sure that your afterlife will be much more pleasant than what you are going through now.

If my apology seems to connotate any caring and compassion, then I apologize for your lack of perception. It's easier to see your surroundings when you don't have your head way up the Bard's hindquarters. Trust me on this, Boo. Turning tricks for the Olde Ones will only get you so far, Boo. This little nugget of wisdom comes from conversations with Lee Oh and his fraternal twin, Dalem. Since we are still unsure as to what a "Dalem" is, you can guess which is the male.

To close this heart wrenching ode of culpability, I would like to sypathize with you and wish you the absolute worst in the coming years. Here's to a couple more years of you squirming, yelping, and crying from having too many people beat you senseless.

Edited to note that I am fully equipped to apologize at a moments notice. I just spent close to an hour apologizing to my dear mother for not being more like Andreas.

[ September 28, 2003, 11:37 AM: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]

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Seanachai I must say that I'm brutally disappointed with this thread so far. I was expecting to see some exciting Grogdomite makeovers but so far you haven't even picked one!

So let's get the ball rolling, I'm going to be out of town in Denver next week and won't have a lot of time to futz around picking one grodgdomite over another.

How about Grog Dorosh, oh sure he has something of a sense of humor ... sort of ... in a manner of speaking ... if you squint really hard and think about Abbot and Costello ... well, not THAT Abbot of course.

So let's get started ... who's got a bone saw?


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Dear Hiram,

I do not accept your apology. Why? Because I was always told not to accept things from stangers and no one is stranger than you.

In this world that is like a theatre of the bizarre, you are the Max Von Psycho of actors.

I don't know why I wasted that line on you, knowing that anything wittier than a circus mallet will go right over your chinless, jug-eared head.

The only thing that I WILL accept from you is your upcoming defeat at my hands. A defeat that is inevitable due to your truly awful command of CM. Playing against you is like sitting down at the dinner table, expecting haute cuisine and being offered lead polluted black pudding.

I realize that my words may wound you, knowing that, as it is Sunday afternoon, you are no doubt crashing from a two day Pop Tart high, but perhaps this will teach you to respect your betters. That being anyone and everything more evolved than carpet matting.

p.s. I'll bet you dance like a Baptist.

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An noo fer a wee tale aboot a prat named Boo, wha meekly approached tha Clan OGSF fer a gam. Tha AI picked tha forces, an' Boo wha given a FECKIN' T-34 an' tha Clan OGSF wha given a wee orange plastic bath duck.

Tha nostril minin' Boo swaggered haes way ontae tha map, aintent on crushin' all wi' haes FECKIN' GAMEY T-34. Tha bonnie an' brave Clan OGSF made ready wi' tha feckin' bath duck.

Wha happened naixt, eh?

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Seanachai I must say that I'm brutally disappointed with this thread so far. I was expecting to see some exciting Grogdomite makeovers but so far you haven't even picked one!

So let's get the ball rolling, I'm going to be out of town in Denver next week and won't have a lot of time to futz around picking one grodgdomite over another.

How about Grog Dorosh, oh sure he has something of a sense of humor ... sort of ... in a manner of speaking ..Joe

True, Joe, true. Of course, I had thought that some of the lads might step up and lend a hand. Get into the spirit of the thing, as it were. Post something more, perhaps, than yet another expose of Hiram's more disturbing qualities (points to the useless tosser Sir SirReal for the rather nasty backhand remark in that direction).

I was, of course, let down. Hard. Again. You lot are such a trial to me.

So, let us see...Grog Dorosh. What to do, what to do.

First, Michael, keep the mannequin. Having a mannequin, while somewhat distressing from the socio/sexual/pscyhological perspective, is inherently funny. You need to work the mannequin into the act, Michael, not shuffle it off into a closet (that's an image and possible doctorate paper there, that is).

Now, while the ribbing of such intellectual deficients as Gaylord was somewhat annoying to deal with, Michael (I can call you Michael, can't I? I feel like I know you, what with the level of hatred we've shared...), you got a bit snarky about it. You let it get to you. You snapped at people, Michael.

Never let them get to you, Michael. That's how idjits win. Here in the Peng Challenge, when someone is thin-skinned enough to let even brutal, humourless, and abusive attacks, meant in earnest, get to them, well, Michael, we are just saddened. We laugh, 'ha-ha!', and say, 'poor sod. No stamina, these youngsters.'

Embrace their abuse, Michael. Turn it back on them. Take their snottiness and give them back ONE BIG GRIN. From which end is your choice, of course. There's this, Grog Dorosh. Idjits cannot stand being mocked, ignored, or made to look stupid. Witness Cabron66. Although, for a brief moment, I thought he might actually get into the silliness of the Peng Challenge and go with it. But there, I think the problem was that he was very insecure in his grogishness, but couldn't let it go and run with the fools.

When they insult you, Michael, accept it. Find a way to make them share the burden of what they've put on you. For a good example of this, witness that daft Dutch bugger Eichenbaum's treatment of yours truly in the 'Things Missing' thread. Even I, an accomplished trouble-maker and reputed 'thread hijacker', had to step back and say 'bugger'.

Also, Michael, a sensitive point. You're at, what? Eleven thousand fecking posts now, or somefink? Michael, you're a whore. You're a shameless CM whore. You're a nympho-poster, Grog Dorosh. You're trying to be all things to all men, women, and snappily dressed inanimate objects.

You've got to steady down, Michael, and find yourself. This sort of promiscuous posting, all without ever having quite settled on who you are...it's just not good, lad. I mean, you switch back and forth between the 'Bluff Canadian Soldier' bit (verging, I might add, dangerously on the territory of Slapdragon's 'Peace Enforcer' role-playing), and 'Grog On Everything', and 'GrossDeutschland Hugging Lunatic', and 'Uniform Grog', and 'Peng Challenge Posting Grog Sense of Humour Guy'.

Michael, you need to arrive at who you are. And this will, sorry to say, involve both the 'Peng Challenge Thread', and the Mannequin. Give the Dummy a name, Michael. Hasn't he/she been silent long enough? Isn't it time for Michael Dorosh's Mannequin to have a voice? Isn't it time for both of you to sing?

It's time, Michael. After all the derision, and the dismissal, and supposed 'sophistication' of humour, the hands of Humour's clock have made the big swing around. Everything is cyclical. It's time for a Grog Ventriloquist.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Grog Dorosh, and [insert name here]!

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