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Rambo banned!!!! Official protest thread


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Rambo just told me that he was banned. Although I don't know the reason this seems a little harsh. He is one of the old gang and probably the biggest contributor to SC if you look over the past two years.

I can't believe this crap.

If you want him back post in this thread. I refuse to accept this, he did'nt deserve to get banned at all. He should get a second chance immediately.

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Madmatt wrote;

"Goodnight Rambo! Since you failed to offer anything to this topic other than stupid retorts and moronic insults at people that were trying to help, I think I will spead a little holiday cheer upside your head. You are banned, for now and for all time.

Rejoice in you that is banned, Rejoice I say again... "

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Madmatt made very clear the reason for Rambo's banning; a search of the General Forum posts for the last day will find you the information.

My post in this thread is not an endorsement of Kuniworth's crusade as I support BFC's decision; just letting you know it wasn't done out of the blue. I believe the thread in question was the one about "which countries participated in WW II?"


EDIT - the link is above; Kuniworth conveniently left out that part. Read through the thread and ask yourselves what JJR contributed to the discussion before launching a crusade, if you please.

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Michael we all do things we regret. You seem like a nice guy lets show some christmas spirit now. I mean me and Rambo had our fights but he is without a doubt the one single person that contributed most to this forum. He got the whole competitive gameplay rolling and had over 7000 postings. Everyone deserves a second chance.

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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

Rambo just told me that he was banned.

I can't believe this crap.


I've been lurking here for a couple of years and just registered to make this post.

I've read through the thread that triggered the ban - can't say that I was shocked by what I've read - that's the way Rambo has been posting for the past couple of years - immature and a bit offensive, but not outrageously so.

If it was just a troll who registered just to make the remarks in question I'd say kick him from the forum, but this guy has done a lot for the SC community and doesn't deserve this.


Eddy Sterckx

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A frequent Matrix and BF poster was banned today over at Matrix for 2 weeks because he decided to insult people in his posts...as he was told, "enjoy your two week vacation"...while I will admit that there are times JJR annoyed me, that is immaterial to this issue...if he has never been banned before, then perhaps a two week "vacation" should also be applied here...if, however, he has been warned and temporarily banned previously, then this move would be more understandable...

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While I don't think he should have been banned (others have done worse), he did annoy a great many other posters, me included. His posting style and constant bible thumping were what got him tossed out. Maybe after a couple of months, he'll be allowed back if he is contrite enough.

Protesting will get you the same thing it always does: ammused derrision and scorn.

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Amazing how some people are always in favor of a banning.

I don't like smack talk, don't like a lot of things Rambo said, but I don't like the idea that he was banned either.

For all the things he said that were antagonistic or even -- pardon me for saying this -- absurd and downright insulting (such as his Euro remarks) -- they were never so terrible that anyone with a half a brain would have taken them seriously. For those who don't know about it, I was Claus Boobie and the antichrist but somehow I've survived and have always taken them for they were, ridiculous remarks.

Rambo's positive contributions to SC outweigh his negative effects many times over.

That he was a bad influence in the snakepit, oh, sorry, the General Forum, is unfortunate.

Basically it's a private club and those running it can ban whoever they want. It was a judgement call. There are valid reasons for tossing Rambo. But the thing is, SC, though not Battlefront, just lost it's most active and supportive member.

I'll never miss the turmoil and smack talk, they aren't my style. But I will certainly miss j_j_rambo.

Sorry to hear about it >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Claus Boobie and Rambo's friend. :(

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Truly hate to see this happen, myself.

jjr and I didn't always see things quite

Eye to eye, as they say,


He's contributed mightily to this SC forum,

I'd have to go along with that.


One fine day - he'll be allowed back,

I don't know,

That decision is... WAY above MY pay-grade.

Battlefront has their own way,

And - necessarily so,

Of doing things, rules & regs and

Such as that, so,

All I can say, finally... rambo jr,

Hang in there, do what you need to do

To make things right,

WHEREVER, and yep,

Yer OK by my private lights, yer cool. :cool:

[ December 21, 2004, 10:58 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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Originally posted by JerseyJohn:

For all the things he said that were antagonistic or even -- pardon me for saying this -- absurd and downright insulting (such as his Euro remarks) -- they were never so terrible that anyone with a half a brain would have taken them seriously. :(

Oh, by all means, Jersey John, let's make the entire forum a haven for those with half a brain. :rolleyes:

Not everyone wants to play pajama-time in the Romper Room. Take a look at the thread in question, AGAIN, and tell me what JJR contributed besides a bunch of insults.

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Hey Michael D,

YOU'VE... never ever had a bad day?

A day where you said something you wish

You hadn't?

Damn it all,

Can't take it back - IN TIME, before

Too many have read... your mistake?

We are ALL... liable to do such things,

I myself have done so

Plenty of Clownish times, and occasionally

WILL be able to... make it right.

Anyway, JJ, is hardly the issue here,

He's the kind who is mostly conciliatory

BEYOND any common belief.


We can ALL be more... easy,

And... go WITH the flow, not so

Hard around the mouth. :confused:

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Desert Dave,

Thanks my friend and appreciated.

Michael Dorosh

Hey witch hunter, I know this is a great day for you and don't begrudge your celebrating.

As for contributint to SC.

I'm afraid the score is Rambo 7+ thousand and Michael Dorosh ZERO!

You're a CM and GF contributor, you're nobody in this part of the place and Rambo was a somebody, it's that simple.

I don't care to read that or any other GF thread. I don't go there any longer because speaking of people with half a brain and oversized egos, well, that's where you go to see them in action these days.

You're the kind of person who used to stand in the crowd at public executions and turn red screaming and revelling in every morbid moment.

As for being banned, and picking up on what Desert Dave just said, I've seen plenty of times when you crossed lines, especially with your mindless witch hunting. Especially when you put up posts like you're putting up right now.

You've said your piece, you've danced on the guy's grave, why not ride quetly out of town and we'll let know next time there's going to be a hanging for you to attend.

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Although I always find Rambo's posts of some interest (and they are often amusing even if not intentionally so) I doubt that a temporary ban will do him any harm. He has, after all, mentioned a new girlfriend recently so I'm sure he has more exciting things to do than talk on this forum.

Just as Kuni was allowed back after a long ban, I suspect that if Rambo is contrite then he'll be back. Hopefully in time for the release of SC2.

Perhaps he'll realise that God doesn't exist in the meantime! :eek:

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Only squares reguarly post here.

Nonsense, nix-nix!

Col GG, we got lotsa circles.

Trapzoids, 4-dimensions of cart-wheels too!

You should try a'ridin' one a' them things!

It's a freak-show explosion! :cool:

BTW: Too bad about that... Wolf - had to let

Them ears... go, eh?

Hmmm,wonder what happened... next?


Can we all notice what? for ourselves? ;)

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True enough.

Nobody is disputing that he was out of place in the GF. He belonged here, where we covered for his more outlandish remarks.

And here is where we'll miss him, insane provocations and all. For the record, I was the first person at BF who had a problem with Rambo and we had several run-ins, but always got along.

Not making excuses for the guy, but he was and is my friend so I'm not letting his corpse be mutilated either.

He was banned, it was a BF decision, at the site I coadmin, we've banned 33 of the 62 people who have ever registered at the place, so I'm hardly the one to say any website should go nuts putting up with behavior it doesn't care for.

I hope Rambo is allowed back. And I hope he changes enough that he doesn't offend anyone -- which includes the Jesus Saves and USA can do no wrong stuff, along with the personal remarks. But there was a lot more to the guy than those things. And we'll miss the good qualities.

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Originally posted by JerseyJohn:

Michael Dorosh

Hey witch hunter, I know this is a great day for you and don't begrudge your celebrating.

I was online and reading the day JJR suddenly and inexplicably got a burr up his rear end over some neutral or even sympathetic comment Michael made to him in the midst of a maelstrom of negative comments of the usual sort he had a habit of provoking in the General Forum. Why JJR latched on to MD as the one to badger and belittle out of everybody is a mystery to me, but it seems to me to have lead to his undoing here.
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I wasn't online and didn't read the comment and no, I don't have anything against Michael Dorosh, though I've only read perhaps 7,000 of his 17,000 or so posts, so it's hard for me to judge. :D

I've never tried to figure out jjrambo's reasoning.

I do know he wasn't at his best at the General Forum and have always felt it was foolish of him to get into those frays at that place.

Michael Dorosh,

If I've said anything to offend you you've got my apologies, as always. ;)

Yes, I know it's hard to believe, but there are times I can be, well, a bit insensitive. :D

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