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Personally, I really don't care about the Vietnam experience. The 60's sucked, I wasn't alive then, don't care. 1964 was the year the really ruined the United States when LBJ started all the Socialism programs. I don't understand 50% taxes?

Federal 28%

State 8%

Sales 7.7%

Medicare 3%


Property 2%

Licenses for car .5%

Taxes for air travel

Phone tax

Utility tax

Dog tax

Inheritance tax

Road & Toll tax

Hunting tax

Fishing tax

DMV taxes

Capital gains taxes

Interest taxes

By the time you add it all up, you pay 50% in taxes here in the United States! What else do people want? We're dang near Socialist now!

I voted for Ross Perot in 1992, not George Bush. I also voted for Perot in '96. I don't see things changing in this country no matter who's President. The leaders are transparent to my life as are most high level dudes in this world.

All I know, I want opportunity to make a buck, buy stocks, freedom of religion, & don't want airplanes flying into the building I work in.

I dislike Democrats: Kerry, Kennedy, Edwards, Jesse Jackson, Hillary, Bill Clinton, name 'em.

I dislike many Republicans too: Rush Lindblaugh, Newt Gingrinch come to mind quickly.

I could careless about France, Belgium, & Germany what that think is good for my country. If they'd like to help us out in war against terror, that would be nice.

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@The Belguims (whoever you are) --- I really don't care what your politics are. National Socialists, conservative, liberal, Commie, Nazi, whatever...

All I know is the USA is going to kick some terrorist ass, protect our freedoms, & befriend Israel. It's as simple as that. You can sit around in some college dorm, with your long hair, smoking doobies, & peace symbol tattoos, I really don't care. Go worship the Devil, marry another dude, or whatever, I don't care.

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That shows you the hypocracy of the Democrats.
Yep, yer right when yer right.

The Democrats are often... hypocrites.


IF I were a Democrat, I'd be worried.

However, you can search yer heart out over 2 years worth of postings and NEVER locate the specific place where I said I was:

1) Democrat.

2) Liberal.

3) Libertarian.

4) Etc, etc, ad nauseum.


Apparently, since YOU, rambo jr, have stated that you are NOT a Republican, BUT... would never be a Democrat, funny thing! ;)

I am registered Independent and will ALWAYS be an Independent, BUT, somewhat similar to you, and given the current constitution of the Republican "leadership" (... NOT it's rank and file membership) I would likely NEVER vote for them.

I am ALWAYS glad to hear your opinions, they are interesting and very often quite creative, BUT... I am going to ask you this one last time,

REFRAIN from the perjorative "labels" like Deserter (... for an Army Veteran, that is deliberately "beyond the pale" my friend) or such other "smart put-downs" that occur to you, yes?

Do that, and you and I can remain... DIFFERENT in our "takes" on this Society, and this World, BUT friendly in debate and discourse. smile.gif

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"Johnny, the war is over." --- Col. Troutman to Rambo.

Vietnam is done, it's over with. I'll be happy in about 10 more years when all these 1960's people will be old, so we don't have to hear about 'Nam anymore.

1) Lower taxes

2) Kick some terrorist ass

3) Keep the economy rolling

I'm more concerned about today, not 1969 & Woodstock. Bush didn't drop bombs on Charlie back in Da-Nang in '70, who cares? He's got the right idea with terror today. Bush was a drunk for years, until he got saved.

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Originally posted by Roosevelt45(the 2nd):

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Qyusson:

@Liam: i guess you wanted to answer to roosevelt45, coz i never mentioned any adoration of our colonial past. I too am from Belgium and i know my history. Our country has never had any other colonial ambitions other than congo, and our king Leopold II took it for himself first. He was like a dictator over there and rude laws were applied. Or no laws. It is a dark side in our history, but compared to the thousands of bad sides in US foreign policies, we are great.

He sure wasn't talking to me, I already expressed my disgust for Leopold the 2nd's treatment of the Congolese(and Boudewijn's support of the Mobutu regime afterwards).

So JJR, is Europe full of commies or Nazi's? because you seem to be calling us both.

Strange, I never realised that there were 2 other Belgians on this forum, I always thought I was alone smile.gif . </font>

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Do you find any Irony in the fact when overlooking that Map of Colonial Africa that France and England owned most of it? I wonder what they left behind? Aside from Starvation, underdeveloped Infrastructure, Destroyed Soil that turned to desert cause it cultivated crops it wasn't meant for and enslaving and mistreating the natives.... NO wonder now they're the #1 Contributor to charitys for these Nations, they should bloody well pay 20% of their Salary to them! That wouldn't make up for centuries of abuse...

None of you are investing the money or energy we have into the the nations we have go into to, and no Iraq is not an American Colony, it's being protected by our troops from it's own psychopathic Elements... Want to go to Iraq and see how they treat Belgians? They'll hold you for ransom and cut of your head if your nation doesn't pay 500 thousand dollars

That's the People you're defending, that's why Americans look at you like you're on drugs

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@Liam: usa do not differ from any european state in their treatment of natives, you have a long history of bloody suppression of your native americans too. No wonder! Half America is in fact european. Thats what we can't stand, that attitude of knowing it all better, and if 'theyr not with us theyr against us' , and rambo just says it clearly i prefer that, you just keep bashing belgium and europe, thereby proving my point. We have made a lot of mistakes in Africa, but we have also brought infrastructure to their lands, and in many parts ways to rise their crop production, you really think you are doing so well in iraq e, you are just rising their level of anger against you, because your government does not listen to the iraqi population. And when elections will be organised we will see shiites in power...it will become a religious dictature like iran...sorry but i prefer saddam if i have to choose.@rossevelt: didnt know either, where r u from, im in ghent

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Qyusson,I'm from Brussels.

vind je ook niet dat die amerikanen hun groot bakkes is zouden moeten houden over dinges waar ze duidelijk niks van afweten? Jersey John en Desert Dave vallen wel mee, JJR is een hopeloos geval en Liam is wel wat hypocriet over hun eigen koloniaal verleden maar valt voor de rest wel mee.

Take that, USA! :D

Sorry, got carried away there for a moment. tongue.gif .

JJR, Have you ever set foot on non-US soil?I bet Canada is your limit.

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JJR, besides the fact that movies can never show the entire picture of a situation or a country the movie ' A Bridge too far' situates itself in the Netherlands, not Belgium(I haven't seen the movie, but know it's about Operation Market Garden,which was in The Netherlands.).

WE(Quysson,Kurt88, an myself) LIVE IN BELGIUM, NOT THE NETHERLANDS!!(Amsterdam is in the Netherlands as well)

And, yes I do want you to visit, because you obviously have a completey wrong picture about the world outside of the US.

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Dude, movies are real, I accept them as truth. I don't see Belgium on the map, only the Low Countries. I do know a little bit about Europe from these movie lines:


Yeah, it's legal, but is ain't a hundred percent legal. I mean you can't walk into a restaurant, roll a joint, and start puffin' away. You're only supposed to smoke in your home or certain designated places.


Those are hash bars?


Yeah, it breaks down like this: it's legal to buy it, it's legal to own it and, if you're the

proprietor of a hash bar, it's legal to sell it. It's legal to carry it, which doesn't really

matter 'cause -- get a load of this-- if the cops stop you, it's illegal for this to search you. Searching you is a right that the cops in Amsterdam don't have.

JULES --- That did it, man -- I'm *edited* goin', that's all there is to it.


You'll dig it the most. But you know what the funniest thing about Europe is?



VINCENT It's the little differences. A lotta the same *edited* we got here, they got there, but there they're a little different.




Well, in Amsterdam, you can buy beer in a movie theatre. And I don't mean in a paper cup either.

They give you a glass of beer, like in a bar. In Paris, you can buy beer at MacDonald's. Also, you know what they call a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Paris?


They don't call it a Quarter Pounder with Cheese?


No, they got the metric system there, they wouldn't know what the *edited* a Quarter Pounder is.


What'd they call it?

VINCENT Royale with Cheese.



Royale with Cheese. What'd they call a Big Mac?


Big Mac's a Big Mac, but they call it Le Big Mac.


What do they call a Whopper?

VINCENT I dunno, I didn't go into a Burger King. But you know what they put on french fries in Holland instead of ketchup?








I seen 'em do it. And I don't mean a little bit on the side of the plate, they *edited* drown 'em in it.



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Well, as we suspect, ALL of us war-gamers are a little bit screw-loose crazy. tongue.gif

Now, sure, I have made some strange posts in my time, but... this has GOT to be one of the oddest.

It's as though... you woke up one morning and checked all yer normal, ordinary sense perceptions, expecting to say to yerself:

"Yep, uh huh, OK, the World has not finally gone completely cuckoo, it's all right now, I can get through the day."

Well, this latest offering by jjr has shoved all that usual rational stuff over the side and NOW I have to wonder?


The Sam Hill is happening here?

Am I actually CRAZIER than most of the rest, after all? :confused:

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-Deeeeeeeeeeep sigh.

-@JJR, so after seeing lord of the rings you started looking on the map where the hell edoras is?? Movies don't even claim to be the truth.

-Luxemburg,Belgium and the Netherlands= 3 independant nations also known under the name The Low Countries(it's a name like the baltic states,it's NOT an independant nation.)

-Smoking joints is still illegal in Belgium,I don't know about the legal arrangement in the Netherlands but I do know that Duch cops DO have the right to search for drugs.

-We don't even have Burger Kings in Europe, just Mc Donalds and the Quik(This is a Western European chain.)

-You don't put Mayonaise on french fries in the US? Strange never noticed that before. smile.gif

So what do you use mayonaise for? :confused:

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- Never seen any of the Lord of the Rings, not my cup of tea.

- We put ketchup on fries. Simplot sure knows how to grow them McD's potatoes.

- Don't really care about LC, Belgium or whatever it's named this month.

*** The Issue ***

Iraqi war, we are taking care of business. Saddam yanked out of a rathole, it's that simple.

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Qyusson,I'm from Brussels.

vind je ook niet dat die amerikanen hun groot bakkes is zouden moeten houden over dinges waar ze duidelijk niks van afweten? Jersey John en Desert Dave vallen wel mee, JJR is een hopeloos geval en Liam is wel wat hypocriet over hun eigen koloniaal verleden maar valt voor de rest wel mee.

Take that, USA!

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