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EUROS win Ryder Cup 2003


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Hi, I haven't seen Kuniworth who was the keeper of the 2003 Ryder Cup, so as Captain of Team-USA, I'll try to help get this moving again. I've taken what I've read & seen, so here goes.

Official Results (please correct me if I'm wrong):

#1 Terif (EU)--------------------->DEFEATED Rambo (USA)

#2 Zapp (EU)------------------------------->TO PLAY CvM (USA)

#3 CodenameCondor (EU)--------->DEFEATED ComradeTrapp (USA)

#4 Wachtmeister (USA)----------->DEFEATED Kuniworth (EU)

#5 Panzer39 (USA)--------------->DEFEATED Rannug (EU)

#6 Archibald (EU)---------------->DEFEATED SirJersey(USA)

#7 Kurt88 (EU)------------------------------>IN PROGRESS Disorder (USA)

#8 HombrePlin (EU)-------------------------->NO REPORT some_god (USA)

#9 Igzter (EU)------------------->CANCELLED CvM (USA)

(EU)---------------> 3 wins

(USA)--------------> 2 wins

I will update the top of the thread for easy viewing. Please post results.

[ September 28, 2003, 11:13 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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After discussion with a key member of EU (Terif to be exact), we are putting a 7-day limit to the finishing or arrangement for the final matches for Ryder Cup 2003. The current standings & matches to be determined are on the top of this thread.

The only people to have responded is Zappsweden, who wants to play (represent his Union).

CvM, where are you? If you play & beat him, we can get a tie!

The other match (HombrePlin vs some_god), seems to be a double no show.

Bottom Line: the clock is ticking, in 7-days the results will become official.

Jon J. Rambo, Captain of Team-USA

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Hey rambo the first letter of my country is as well an A like America if you want ..and zapp doesnt mind i can replace CvM.

By the way zapp my respect for coming back to the Cup and for the first move in trying to solve your disput with Terif.

[ September 25, 2003, 03:12 PM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]

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We got to turn 37.

It's been over two weeks now since I heard from him.

The game was going his way since I had a hard time taking Paris,I also failed to take Oslo in one turn so got stuck in Norway aswell.

With Barbarossa coming up quite fast,Allies are in an advantage.

Disorder should win this game.

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It looks like the USA has lost. It would have been a tie 3-3, but Disorder has disappeared. A very sloppy Ryder Cup tourney. Several no shows (including one who was going to win).

I could stall, wait for Disorder, etc. But, I'm not.

Congrats to the Euros for winning. Moral of the story: Just show up & you can win.

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I think foul play may be involved in Disorder's disappearance. The Euros knew that if Disorder continued he would have won, bringing the Ryder Cup to a tie. They couldn't handle the fact that Team USA was superior to the stupid Euros, so they "eliminated" Disorder to prevent us from achieving our glorious victory.

For this, they will pay....... :eek:

Comrade Trapp

[ September 29, 2003, 09:03 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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Originally posted by Comrade Trapp:

I think foul play may be involved in Disorder's disappearance. The Euros knew that if Disorder continued he would have won, bringing the Ryder Cup to a tie. They couldn't handle the fact that Team USA was superior to the stupid Euros, so they "eliminated" Disorder to prevent from achieving our glorious victory.

For this, they will pay....... :eek:

Comrade Trapp

Remember also that I posted several times and could not even get response from a US opponent. Even if it was 3-3 I would say my game was a win on walk over (else you ought to have given me an opponent) so we would have won 4-3 anyway.
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Kuni are you a crackhead European whore? Thats what I thought. I dont appreciate you calling me those kind of things. BTW the Hrn guy contacted me once and I never heard from him again. I told kuni and rambo about this but they still insist that I am a no show. Oh well its over now.

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Originally posted by Some_God:

Kuni are you a crackhead European whore? Thats what I thought. I dont appreciate you calling me those kind of things. BTW the Hrn guy contacted me once and I never heard from him again. I told kuni and rambo about this but they still insist that I am a no show. Oh well its over now.

Kuniworth was banned 3 days ago, no use arguing with him.........

Comrade Trapp

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