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First, I'm still waiting on the following for email addresses. If I don't hear from them soon we will start without them.

- JerseyJohn

- Hueristic

- xediel

- Leopard

- Rol

- Thales

- Blakey

- Bill101

Second, my current thinking is that the initial focus will be on having everyone on the list play at least one game with everone else on the list. That will provide a chance for all those on the list to get a feel for others on the list and to build up win/loss records. Later we can look at setting up tournaments, rating levels, etc. I see the biggest benefit of this simply having a list of other players that want to play PBEM that you can turn to when you want a game.

My thinking is also that I will assign two games to everyone at the start. One will be as Allies and one as Axis. Once you finish a game, you let me know and I'll assign a new opponent to you. If you finish a game as Axis then you start a new game as Axis, and visa versa. You can either play the games concurrently (both games being played at the same time) or sequentially (play one first, finish and then play the next one).

It looks like we will end up with over 30 people on the list, so you are encouraged to move the games along as quickly as possible.

Again, keep in mind that the focus of the games will be on having fun. Things will be kept informal. You can, for example, go with different campaigns or house rules if both of you agree.

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oak said--

One will be as Allies and one as Axis. Once you finish a game, you let me know and I'll assign a new opponent to you.
ah, indirectly we have him trapped now! :D he acts as if he wants to keep track of the dozens of opponents and myriads of games, and....obviously some sort of heavy metal in the ground water in his home town is affecting this decision.

three cheers and a yea-boo for pbem statistician/behind the scenes man, OAK! best of luck with the pbem stats!


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