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A New Beginning-Invitational Tourney

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Jarmo managed to almost instantly and effortlessly slip a PIAT team into the building near his dead Firefly. Less than a minute later--no Mark IV! The Firefly by bridge four used what I believe to be offset aiming to kill my poor Puppchen. Either that, or I had LOS to his position but didn't shoot because of the ambush marker. Having tried like mad to get max LOS, I think it was the former. He's bringing additional armor to bear on my turned flank. An expensive and painful turn.


John Kettler

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Nothing has been heard from either Jarmo or Shandorf since I sent out turns shortly after 2 p.m. PDT Sunday. Shandorf may well be off doing something for the Labor Day weekend, since he lives in Wisconsin, but I didn't know the Finns celebrated Labor Day. News to me!

I am dismayed that a big block of prime wargaming time has been wasted, and just when

Jarmo and I finally had the game really up to speed. We're only five or six turns away from

deciding the victor, and I'm powerless to continue without him. I really want to see what happens.

Since my game with Jarmo is nearly over, and Shandorf's pace isn't exactly burning up my computer, I'd like one or two more foes with whom to disport on the Field of Mars. Come forth and fight! I'm trying to get as many battles done as I can before "Rumblings of War" gets cranked up and I have to timeshare my tactical analyzer in two different martial contexts at once.

Claymore's evidently returned to his "eldritch abode" and stayed there. I've heard nothing from him in reply to my public challenge here.

Praying for turns here!


John Kettler

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CDIC vs Fuerte

The tide has been fully turned and my infantry are now mounting a large counter-attack, if the gaming gods are with me my platoon of motorised infantry will take out the Churchill V111 in this turn or the next. 4 out of 6 flags are mine, the remaining two will be mine soon !

CDIC vs MickOz

My Crack Gerbils have run smack into British Crack Airbornes squads...the result is not pretty. To add to this i am facing wasps and a Churchill? Its a real toughie this one. I am now wishng i had a few AT teams since my Fausts are running low :(


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Update time from the front!

Jarmo is applying pressure in a seemingly impossible number of places all at once. There are firefights raging from buildings across the gulch by bridges two and three, plus forward Canadian elements under fire which appear to intend to cross the gulch, seeing as how they're practically on the lip. This is near bridge two. My infantry's fighting infantry and a Vickers near bridge two, with the situation reversed near bridge three, where I have an MG in play and seem to be beating down the opposition. Concerned about a newly revealed Canadian unit right next to bridge two, I have brought in a, er, removal unit to give Jarmo a migraine.

Between bridge two and bridge one on my side of the gulch things are in chaos, with pinned units, live units, units in light trees, units fleeing, units in buildings, etc. Canadian infantry is in at least one building on the left rear edge of town, with more in a nearby copse. A team attempting to get into town from the rear got a hot reception from some of my guys who were moving to take a building. That whole exercise is now in doubt because there may be a tank nearby. Not mine.

On the plus side, German support fires, tardy throughout the battle, managed to put some rounds where they actually did some good by falling on an assembly area and hastening the departure of a fleeing unit. German armor is on the guarded move, having shown itself to be anything but resilient when hit. One shot kills have been the rule thus far. Scary.

A presumed Firefly near bridge four did use offset aimpoint to brutalize my poor Puppchen and, not content with KOing out the gun, has been doing its best to wipe the crew from the planet. There is infantry supporting the tank as well. All concerned seem to have gone to ground.

All in all, a thoroughly uncertain situation about to become more so. It's Turn 21, I think. I don't remember the flag breakdown.

Shandorf is now Herr Morsermeister (mortar master) in my book. He has pounded the (fill in the blank) out of structures, forward and reverse slopes on and in front of the hill on my far right using 120mm mortars. Not fun. Even more impressive is that, according to Shandorf, it's observed fire (with visibility at around 40 meters). If I tried that my FOs would be dead in an eyeblink. The areas under bombardment are so small they're ideal matches for the salvo footprints. Bleah!

The 155s firing for a time onto the crossroads in front of my far right seem to have dampened SS ardor a bit, and reinforcements have arrived in the form of nasty VT airbursts over roughly the center of his troop deployments. Heaven help anyone under it not in heavy cover!

Shandorf administered more abuse to my leftmost units, too. I've moved units up in several areas across the board, but infantry action has been minimal. Basically, it's a vicious artillery duel in Turn 13.


John Kettler

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Berli: His offensive has stopped so far, and some units are even fleeing. Looking good.

Shandorf: Nothing much happened, game proceeding slowly.

CDIC: I feel ashamed. How can I play so badly. Losing that Crocodile was partly bad luck, but everything I have done since then has failed. One thing I don't understand, why my units panic immediately when they see some German (motorized infantry) troops? Do they have superior weapons or what? I will lose this one 100-0.

Ari: We have just seen each other.

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Game Updates

Manpie: Or more like EVILManpie. Kieeeeerist! I cannot get a fricken break in this game. He has uber accurate, stealth tanks. He has uber, never panic, never run, regular Whermacht infantry, and some of the most devastating and accurate arty fire I have seen in most of my games. WTF! Man, I am gonna be lucky if I can pull a draw out of this one. Shiiiiiiaaaaaht.

Ketter: So far he has gone with the idea that he can win with arty. Kind of hard to do IMO with 40 meters of visibility. His arty is big, are powerful but horribly inaccurate. For the amount of arty he has droppped he should have wiped out a company of infantry by now but he has only managed about half that at most. More like 1/3rd. I await his ground assault.

Fuerte: he also seems to think he can win by dropping big arty out of LOS. Foolish, foolish man.

Claymore: I have finally wiped out his last armor piece and I still have two left. Hooray! Now all I need to do is route his remaining infantry and the game is mine. ;)

Galanti: Fricken 37mm taking out my PzIVs. God dammit.


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Aye it's been a bitter week for yours truely.

First I am driven to distraction by the realities of work and home. Then my Tournament games go completely astray. No one to blame but the commander unfortunately.

Jarmo: As we have heard I found myself watching and seemingly endless parade of 95mm Cromwells. Nasty buggers have speed and the ability to wipe out armour up to and including JagPanthers with ease. I was not aware of them before. But as the saying goes "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, I'm an idiot".

Shandorf: Excellent little battle which which played here. A blind purchase revealed that I had chosen my tools wisely (Fallschirmjagers and armour) as the map was a farmland sectioned off by bocage. I got off to a good start but handled the constrained LOS conditions badly and now find myself looking down the sights of a surviving M4(75) and M8. Not much of his infantry left but not many PShrek rounds left either.

MrSpkr: He seems to have fallen off the edge of the world I'm afraid. It's too soon to tell in this one but I am confident. My troops have advanced quickly and overwatching mortar FOs will give him a hard time of it.

Fuerte: Just started. A city surrounded by groves of thick woods. There's a bit of rain but that shouldn't hinder my King Tigers from grinding what appears to be the Free French under my treads.

Galanti: Sent out purchases to Mike. We've got an Infantry only battle here with a map dusted with light snow.



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A Tale of Two Cities:

British paras are holding their own in my two urban fights:

Herr Berli:

After sizzling one building with a (now deceased) flamethrower, Berli has revealed his armour, one of which my Cromwell has just sent to Stug heaven. My paras also managed to inflict some hurt on a couple of his squads. My Wasp has set another building ablaze, in tandem with the reduction of another to rubble, courtesy of my armour. Casualties thus far manageable. He's also got a baker's half dozen HT's to ferry his lads hither and thither. I intend to send them thither. We're now about half-way through our fight amongst the wide avenues and blazing buildings of a city map.


This one is pure carnage. It's bloody dark too. Thus far, despite the superior firepower afforded to CDIC's crack gerbil hordes... I have managed to support my own outpowered paras with some timely Wasp and tank fire. An ill fated charge by two enemy squads on the last turn found one ambushed by infantry and the other blasted by my AFV. The church is ablaze. My men are hurting bad but so are his. It really depends on what happens in the 40-metres visibility over coming turns.. so far, Terry hasn't revealed any armour and may have all grunts. I have lost one HMC but my wasps and other assets survive. So far. Great map, bloody great fight too.

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Well guys, Berli's withdrawal will shake up the standings quite a bit I'm afraid since he's completed five games. I'll update the standings within 24 hours. Claymore loses 99 points. LOL!!

The Berlichtingen/MickOZ bonus game still stands however. If either player can score 75 points he wins $50 US.

I fear there will be more withdrawals due to the inactivity of several players. No matter, as long as a few are still participating and having fun I'll keep passing out the maps, purchasing forces, and updating the standings.

Ben Galanti,

Just a reminder, I've got Claymore's purchases for your game with him. We're waiting on you.

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SH*t P*SS M*F**K'N WH*RE'S Breath!

Thanks Berli...really...anytime I can do the same for youse. :eek: From the top to the bottom in one easy step.

Didn't I tell you all earlier that it's been Kick a Physicist Week lately?

Cheers...NO DAMMIT! No Cheers for you all. Instead I wish you all

Great Wacking Amounts of Pain and Suffering!


"He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire."

Winston Churchill

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"Thanks Berli...really...anytime I can do the same for youse. From the top to the bottom in one easy step"

LOL, ha ha. This is really funny, couldn't have happened to a nicer bloke Murray! :D

I was pissed at losing one win earlier when SuperTed dropped out, but losing 99 points! LOL. Sorry, but it really tickled me.

At this rate if a few more drop out i could win the tourney by default :rolleyes:

Murray you can make up for it by trying to beat me again....you can choose sides (Since all my opponents have so far). What say you my friend? You got some catching up to do man. :D


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Thanks for the heartfelt thoughts ya bastage! Berli's departure brought a tear to my eye as well. :eek:

You've managed to best my Yanks in two previous engagements and the last contest witnessed some "remarkable" tank v tank battles. As this contest is for all the sipping rights I'll not chance the experimental stuff of the past. Maybe I'll try out the Jerries for a change. OK?

Mike my good man, could you fire off one of your maps to Terry the Pirate and I?

Great Wacking Amounts of Pain and Suffering to Any and All.


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Hi Murray,

Agreed, You take the Jerries this time. Our last 2 battles were certainly memorable for several reasons. I hope this will also be a great battle. Be prepared for yet another different strategy!

My game against Fuerte is progressing nicely, i just had one full platoon close assault his second of 3 Churchills, but i watched in amazement as they fired 4 fausts at under 12 meters....the first 3 missed, the fourth penetrated but did not knock it out :mad: Can grenades knock out a churchill? My men will find out soon enough!

Oh well, i can't have it all my own way i guess.

MickOz is putting up a tremendous fight, the Brits have a stiff upper lip even. The high caliber troops in combination with 40 meter visibility is not pretty to watch, but very tense. I predict a close result - maybe even a draw?


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Rockets!! Kettler is firing rockets all around. Many land on map and some closer to my men than his.

Two Tigers? have halted my rivercrossing expeditionary force. For the moment. In the middle a flak vehicle (ostwind?) is dueling with my infantry, and with good success. On left, I'm probing across the river and gunning down the crew of the abandoned gun (puppchen?).

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