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DOCTOR Senility to Mensch: Confess, child, you are unhappy. But you are never alone, Mensch. We are always with you.
Oh VERY good Senility, THAT'LL make him feel better. Allow me to translate: Not only are you personally worthless and berift of hope, but your only friends are even more worthless and completely hopeless.



I heartily admit you are a swine, Joe. But you are OUR swine. (Goanna)

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

DOCTOR Senility to Mensch: Confess, child, you are unhappy. But you are never alone, Mensch. We are always with you. Oh VERY good Senility, THAT'LL make him feel better. Allow me to translate: Not only are you personally worthless and bereft of hope, but your only friends are even more worthless and completely hopeless.


Yes, Joe, and that should be a great comfort to him. We are all descending into the maw of death together. But it's rather nice to have you boots on the shoulders of someone else as you go.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

[This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 02-19-2001).]

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Originally posted by PeterNZer:

I am slightly drunk again, and make no appologies for it and my errors in syntax and spelling since i spent the evening with someone cuter than any of you...

On that note

piss off


Hmm, Peter, lad, how many beers did you have between your opening round of personally drunken, happy gloating over having found a...er...companion, your relatively impressive but ocassionaly tedious abuse of Geier, and the latter bits, where you for a few minutes actually seemed spot on again, then deteriorated into anal humour? We're trying to compile a profile of exactly how drunk you have to be to post well, before you slip over the line into idiocy. I must say, you're keeping us guessing.

And Peter, you know you want my approval. Don't make me take my belt off, lad. And I assume by Eliott you mean T.S. Eliot (one t, lad, but we'll make allowances for that warm, muzzy feeling one gets from having recently distributed their genetic material, as well as being drunk as ****e). I never touch myself while reading Eliot, lad. He requires far too much attention, as his best works aren't simple reads.

Now, be a good lad, and remember to sleep on your stomach. We wouldn't want you aspirating the vomit, now would we? No, we'd miss you terribly, I'm sure. wink.gif


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Originally posted by Elvis:

Moriarty and I have played to a draw in "Walk in the sun".

It was ugly for the good guys very early on in the game and I feel fortunate to have snuck out with a draw. Moriarty sucks but he has my number. I think I am 1/1/2 against him. Correct me if I'm Moriarty ya hammerhead.

I don't recall you ever besting me. Might just be wishful thinking, though.


"Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change." -- Oddball

"Crap." -- Moriarty

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Peng - Winner

Croda - Loser

I came here to gloat but on my way I remembered Croda's WLT record, and it made me sort of start to think that smoking Croda like some $20 mexican headache weed is about as notable as a matadore killing a bull. Sure, they gotta dance around the poor beast a bit and show a bit of flash and dash, but everybody (except the bull) knows that after a bit the bull's taking it in the back of the skull with a long sharp pointy thing. Ho Hum.

So it was with friend Croda. Yes he tore up a platoon and killed an AFV here and there, but they were mere picadores - a sideshow really, not the main attraction, just enough to flush him out and make him enraged enough to be really stupid. Which he was. Ho Hum.

So, I will not gloat tonight. A simple report of the inevitable will suffice. And yet, I am sure I will sleep a bit more soundly knowing that come tomorrow (or whenever that loathesome elf "king" Lorak updates his site) Croda will join the others who have that lovely little asterisk next to their names. That lovely little star that blazes forth saying to all who harken, "I LOST TO PENG!"



That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

) Croda will join the others who have that lovely little asterisk next to their names. That lovely little star that blazes forth saying to all who harken, "I LOST TO PENG!"


Notice, all, that the incidence of the asterisk is growing. Soon, my own, much berated shame might not be such a mark of distinction. Could Peng be growing into the game? Or was he never as lame as he was made out to be? Or could evil be afoot, and you are all being drained of your precious bodily fluids? I await the Lost To Peng™ appearing on more foreheads soonest.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Notice, all, that the incidence of the asterisk is growing. Soon, my own, much berated shame might not be such a mark of distinction. Could Peng be growing into the game? Or was he never as lame as he was made out to be? Or could evil be afoot, and you are all being drained of your precious bodily fluids? I await the Lost To Peng™ appearing on more foreheads soonest

Difference is that when you LOST TO PENG, Peng sucked. He has since learned a thing or two

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Notice, all, that the incidence of the asterisk is growing. Soon, my own, much berated shame might not be such a mark of distinction. Could Peng be growing into the game? Or was he never as lame as he was made out to be? Or could evil be afoot, and you are all being drained of your precious bodily fluids? I await the Lost To Peng™ appearing on more foreheads soonest.

Ya git, Peng was never as lame as he was made out to be. He was a tough opponent in the Beta Wars ... especially Chance Encounter. But that was another day, another time in a galaxy far, far away.


"Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change." -- Oddball

"Crap." -- Moriarty

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You mean Berli, that it maybe even worth the attempt to stake a game (and his heart no doubt) with the Merry Pengster? I mean before this I have never bothered to sully myself. Wiping the floor with Hiram and Croda (watch this space for Croda's immient loss in our Battalion sized epic, coming soon to a screen near you) sullied me enough that to add Peng to the mix, well I'd just be acused of padding my record. So the old fart has started to get it up after all, well I'll be....a new days dawning when that maven of transmorgified tautolgy can actually put up a game! Of course this recent win streak has it's own asterisk as most of his wins seem to be coming in the tcp/ip arena, where both parties are so sotted and besotted with themselves that it really is problematic who actually won. No, I think that he has not put together the skill to engage tête a tête in a classical pbem. More's the pity.


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

[This message has been edited by jd (edited 02-20-2001).]

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Originally posted by jd:

jabber jabber blah blah would you like to buy a piece of real estate in the netherlands blah blah yip yip

Once again, morse forgets to mention the beating he is taking at the hands of the rest of the red devils. At the end of one battle he's lost a big kitty and some turretless things with big guns on them, as well as an appalling number of troops. How many troops, you ask? He seems to have had a couple of companies obliterated, almost to the last man. He didn't have too many partial squads--nearly all of them left little body markers. A full platoon ran screaming off the side of the map (hopefully never to return again). His briefing must have read like the old Doritos™ commercial-- get all you want killed, we'll make more.

We also managed to capture a company commander. I demand that BTS add code that allows me to interrogate him as to the strength of his force and expected reinforments. Real commanders got to get out the hot knives and bamboo shoots, why can't I? At least between battles in an operation. BTS please help or do somefink!!!

And I'm sure that Rune is truly evil and will wreak his revenge on me in this second battle (I don't think jd matters in this anymore--it's each of us against Rune).


"If you can taste the difference between caviar on a cracker and ketchup on a Kit-Kat while blindfolded, you have not had enough aquavit to be ready for lutefisk." (stolen from some web page about lutefisk)

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I Lost to Peng.

It was a wonderful scenario called "Tanks Up Your Ass." You'd like it, Mace.

It goes like this: The 112th SS Panzer Division attacks a small town held by three Americans named Jack, Eddy, and Simon who are armed with an ordinary kitchen blender and a hibernating hedgehog. I was the Americans (shocker!) and managed to fend off the foe for about half the game before it became evident that Armor is thicker than flesh and zook teams are the dumbest arseholes ever to don OD fatigues. Simon had a penchant for giving away his position by attempting to engage AFVs 150m+ away with his zook. Now Simon is dead and I crapped on his shallow grave.

So, Yes, I Lost to Peng. And Peng can claim a mighty victory...if you want to call it that.

In other news: I will immediately lose to jd, sNeeZer, shandorff, and Oberst. The latter of this group, having lost two Stugs to my gaggle of Green French Infantry, has called in his reserves - 3 Tigers and a Panther, leaving me with a routed company of French idjits against 8 Stugs and this new platoon. I hope he rots in Hell.

At least dalem knows how to die.


The New CessPool




Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

Croda, you rock! - Meeks

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Just when you thought it was safe...

Evilness once again appears [sit down Berli, we are talking true evilness]

Rune Pak 5 nears completion.

I even made a WWI scenario...

Muah ha ha ha


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Originally posted by Croda:

... I hope he rots in Hell.

My poor Crawdad... I had asked you, and practically pleaded with you to let your fightin' wannabe's play like good little frenchmen, and after a token rifle shot or two, flee the field yelling "Mon Dieu!" and "Au secours!" But you would not listen to my advice. This little battle was to be "the lowest of the low". For confirmation of this fact, I direct your attention to the Email thread title...

First my plan was to waltz my StugIII's around and track down what mongrels I could of your forces and use them to grease the axles of my armor.

But noooooo. Rather than provide targets that were just a smidgen more difficult than cardboard cut-outs, you decided to actually try to make a fight out of this!!! Audacity is a wonderful trait, but only when properly employed.

What you did not know until now, is that I spent a full semester studying with the Master Berli, and achieved top grades in his class. For I am not only low enough to give you green frenchies against my armor, but also evil enough to show you the small hammer of my Stugs, and just as the faintest hope of light appears for you with two of my Stugs brewed up, I bring the big hammer (the Tiger Zug) into play to crush any hope and fill you with despair.

Adieu mon ami. It has been a pleasure toying with you.



To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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Originally posted by jd:

...transmorgified tautolgy ...

Good show at alliteration; just too bad you cant spell. What was the matter: wouldn't get the court stenographer off your lap long enough to check your scabrous scribblings? Something besides tapping your balls into overturned water glasses while staring blankly at the oh-so-silent phone trying to recall what it's used for. Here's a hint: "Clients." But in the interim, jd, I'm still rolling your flank up like a threadbare Samarkand rug and would appreciate you sending your surrender. Now.

But, credit where it's due, and all that! At least jd has up until now been reliable with his turns. YoudirtyRat, on the other hand, appears to have been so upset by his face-to-face with the London branch of the 'Pool that he has taken to sending the wrong turns to all the right people. Steve laddie: no matter how much weight Chuppy's lost he'll never be so starved as to find you attractive. Germanboy maybe... you can never be too sure about those Continentals....

For almost a week now I have had to contend not only with lawyer's (no bold, no accident) infantile squirts of tactics ("Tanks! Boom! Tanks! Boom!") but even worse his being a sad, lonely and self-abusive type, he takes to including random ravings of reprehensible redundancy righteously relegated to refuse (get all that, jd?). Fortunately all my 155's have finished their countdown and his cry for surrender is expected.

OutGamedScotsFan, after wrecking all my armor in turn 1, half my infantry by turn 4 and all my arty by turn 9, is losing. Since I know I'm not that good (see results of turns 1-9), I must conclude he really, really stinks at this. The last of his once-proud forces alternate crapping themselves in the church I've penned him in and running out of said church to be gunned down by my remaining four walking wounded. And he had such a cute accent, too!

Now all this points to a posting in the Great Book of Cess of "Iskander 4/0/0." But as we all know, the pointy-headed (eared, whatever) one, Lorak the llama has recently claimed that this thing I have heard so much about... "work"... is taking up so much of his time he cannot properly perform his duties (no, the other ones, bauhaus). It's enough for me to call him out, but sitting in his cube staring deep into his mesmerizing monochrome monitor(jd?), which he likes to pretend is the Mirror of Gladhandmeall, in his never-ending search for that One Ring on the "Marital Aids" sites, I'm sure precludes him from accepting, much less noticing how little we've all come to think of him (despising him was passed a long time ago).

Did I forget anyone? Good.


"I send you a kaffis of mustard seed, that you may taste and acknowledge the bitterness of my victory."

"Legal advice is very often divorced from reality in my humble opinion" - BTS

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Originally posted by Iskander:

....just too bad you cant spell.

Sheesh that's why I have a Dictaphone and a Secretary. I never claimed to be accurate but rather creative in my approach to words. To find their inner Coda™ So to speak. By the way it's spelled can't No need to thank me.

As for chris/1. I have truly had a horrid time. Blessed by rune with a plethora of stand off weapons and a truly large Holy Hand grenade ( whose count is 5 er..3) I was equally and evilly cursed in biblically rune fashion with murky fog that cut LOS to less than that needed for Peng to pick his proboscis. So it's stumble in the miasmic mist and fog and die all the while hoping for a change in the weather. Thanks for capturing the CO. I would have had to shoot him anyway (or are the papers you found on him intel misdirection?)


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

[This message has been edited by jd (edited 02-20-2001).]

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Croda.. my buddy my pal.... tell you what, since your on a looosing streak... and to peng at that... (although the sod will not win against me.. you see I have just as many 300 FOs as in Jeffs game which he chickened out unless I play it from his side!!.. your on sweet cheeks)

so I got this game here... could be fun.. how about we play it.. you game? interested?.. I'll throw in a sheep to make it look attractive for you.

besides I want revenge for that sappy game we last had... which i was on grass when I selected my troops and did not realize wtf I took.. till the next day.

Updates for anyone whos NOT interested.

Jeffymyboywhaddasucker: Has now seen the light and knows how bloody devistating rockets can be... LOL wadda nincompoop!...

Germanlass: ha... a fully rested company on the march ready to eat his battle weary and low-on-ammo™ units.

Stuknick: After many weeks of holidays the lad forgot how to play CM... FOO! Stucknick and I have two games going.. one old one that we started I think since we got CM in the mail... hope he surrenders soon, he has not alot left and is getting so peppered by my 75mm IG its not funny (andreas remember how fun those were??) and a new Operation were playing... I think we could call this Burning Steel by the amount of tanks and HTs on bothsides that are getting plinked. fun stuff.. I cant wait till he hits my dug in positions.

Berli of Gitville: all I can say is ya right a bunch of guys run across a open field getting shot at by a MG bunker then runs across two minefields... and survives! watta cheater! I see a loss here...

Peterpeterpiggyporker: has managed to have found a map of my whole defence plan and foxholes and is now systematicaly dropping two! 5.5inch shells in each of them!!! Where the feck did he get such accurate arty is beyond me!! to bolster my morale he said I panniced one of his units..jeez it makes up for the countless dead with 5.5inch shells sticking out of their heads.. thanks.

Mace the Sheep Defouler: SNOW = slow going and very dull for both of us.. I'm dropping arty on him as I write and hope he eats it as bad as I am against Pete the Pig Porker.

Penkomon: HA! bring it on.. I love plinking his stuff he threatens me with... jeff.. check this out.

GOD said "Let the fireworks begin!"

Seanachoo - bless you: is scrambling for flags.. and I'll I keep hearing from his guys are "need more ammo!" fun stuff.. its goinging to be a close one.. and I am personaly warmed he hates my hetzers with a vengence.

Hiram: I'm not sure, we had a spat... he wrote an email, I wrote one back.. still no result.


www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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I played 1 'gainst Elvis.

It was lopsided.

I lost horribly.

I played 1 'gainst Peng.

It was lopsided.

I lost horribly.

No mas.

If I'm going to lose horribly, I'll pick my own forces and lose with them.

Now, Menschy-boy, you twisted son of a son of a sailor, if you can agree to those terms, then send away. I nearly had you the first time, beat you badly the second, and intend to fully wipe my crack with you this time.


The New CessPool




Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

Croda, you rock! - Meeks

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Originally posted by PeterNZer:

You are the New Jersey of Europe.

And I'm the Tony Soprano of Sweden. Fictious, dull and doing psycho-therapy but still a nasty person. You know, over here asking a waitress for more booze does not constitute a date nor is it something we normally brag about. Still, a huge leap for zew neelandkind I suppose.

Oh and by the by, your grasp of HOW TO PLAY THE GAME is small and insignificant. A Real Man faced with your situation would do one of two things:

1. "Bugger it, I've got better things to do, like getting really drunk and nekkid and go out and kill bears with my bare hands."

2. "OK. I'll simply buy units that can be used in both attacking and defending roles and live with my choices like a man."

Predictably, you chose the sissy route.

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Ah, there's no place like the Peng Thread. At the start of every work week, I return from a cess-free weekend to check the goings-on. "Maybe this week someone will have posted something witty," I think to myself. And with the holiday weekend here in the States, I figured for sure that 3 days' worth of effluvia should have at least one chortle-worthy effort.

Alas, no. One might as well hope that Croda had a brain, Berli had a heart, Seanachai had courage, or that Chupacabra would stop wearing red sequined pumps in the 'Pool.

The closest thing to a joke I found was stevetherat's ludicrous assertion that he was winning our game. Yes, as the defender, you are still camped on the VLs in turn 2. My soon-to-be-killing-you forces are just having a nice nap before wiping you out, since I'm sure they could handle it in their sleep. You will die-a-lot, Real Soon Now.

Agua Perdido


Feel the pain of outlaw cinema!

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Originally posted by mensch:

Jeffymyboywhaddasucker: Has now seen the light and knows how bloody devistating rockets can be... LOL wadda nincompoop!...

You sandbagging, gamey bastard. You have to have nearly 4000 points for your defense and I can say for a fact that I don't have 6000 points worth of units to attack with.

Is this how you get your little jollies? I can see you now all slack jawed and google eyed drooling over your keyboard with your 10x 300mm Rockets, mumbling to yourself, "this will be good". I hate you.

Just to show everyone what a gamey bastard you are here is the units for both of our sides.


I have roughly 24 Allied tanks. I have about 17, evenly mixed, older Sherman 76s and Sherman 75s with 3 Hellcats, 3 (some other wussy 75mm Amis tank), and 1 Sherman Jumbo.

I ALSO have 2 companies of Regular '45 Rifle with a support attachment of HMGs, MMGs and mortars.

I ALSO have 17x M3 Half-tracks


24 x 150pts (On average) - 1800 points

17 x 50 pts (close) - 850 points

2x Companies '45 Regular - 700 points

1x Support Company ??? - 300 points?

GRAND TOTAL - 3650 points (AT MOST!)

Feckin' A-hole Mensch:

5x 300pts JadgTigers - 1500 points

5x 150pts JadgPanzer IVs - 750 points

10x 175pts 300mm FOs - 1750 points

1x Company '45 Rifle (Atleast)-400 points

Total: 4400 points.

OH and did forget to mention that I AM ATTACKING??? Hmmm???

You feckin' a-hole.

Next time you want a game from me I welcome you to pull down your pants and play with yourself.



"Ugly people just ruin it for the rest of us." - ME

[This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 02-20-2001).]

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I guess we can give Dalem some credit for admitting he lost BUT:I will use the following sig for a month. ...
Geeze Peter, couldn't you at least find an opponent to beat who was bright enough to figure out how to post a sig? Now granted you are losing OUR match, albeit with massive grousing about the speed of my advance (HELLO ... it's DARK out there, how would you know where I am), but surely your efforts to get SOMEONE to post your choice of sig would be more credible were it someone who was more intelligent than a sponge!



I heartily admit you are a swine, Joe. But you are OUR swine. (Goanna)

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Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

...Alas, no. One might as well hope that Croda had a brain, Berli had a heart, Seanachai had courage, or that Chupacabra would stop wearing red sequined pumps in the 'Pool...

Or that Aqua Perdido had a witty bone in his body.

Or that Aqua Perdido grew testes in his sleep.

Or that Aqua Perdido got a job and moved out of his cardboard box on the corner of 9th and Main.

Or that Aqua Perdido found his water and got the hell out of here!

You, sir, are loud and bombastic. You would be Mister Bombastic, yet you are remarkably annoying, making you Mrs. Bombastic. The world would be best served by you were you to sever your own head and try to bowl a 300 game with it. At least in that you would become a spectacle that the general populace may show interest in. As you exist now, you are a mere annoyance; the brown stain that PeterBleater can't wash out of his tighty-whities; the smell of catfood; the hard skin on the top of Jello. You are such an annoyance that the collective "we" of the CessPool neglected even to bother loathing you. You've got big feet, a UniBrow, and those ugly calcium deposits on your fingernails.

Now please tie a cinder block to your waist and go for a little swim.


The New CessPool




Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

Croda, you rock! - Meeks

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