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Originally posted by Mace:

Only the one monkey I know of, the good Seanachai himself! biggrin.gif


mace I think you confused seanachais oranisim type.. he fits more the kitchen and basement molds, but he is borderline with lichen spores.. anyhow, whats up man wheres my turn.. LOL oh wait I owe you a turn! HA! bite me.. come here and make me! don't worry your poor little peanut of a brain, it's on its way..

A NOTE to Croda, you sod!!! I sent the file five times and its bounced back every time, clean out your inbox you Turkish Circus Monkey. sheesh!


www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Originally posted by mensch:

mace I think you confused seanachais oranisim type.. he fits more the kitchen and basement molds, but he is borderline with lichen spores.. anyhow, whats up man wheres my turn.. LOL oh wait I owe you a turn! HA! bite me.. come here and make me! don't worry your poor little peanut of a brain, it's on its way..

A NOTE to Croda, you sod!!! I sent the file five times and its bounced back every time, clean out your inbox you Turkish Circus Monkey. sheesh!


Quit braying like the mule you are, Mensch, and send me MY turn! Ya know? The one with the big explosions and lots of tanks?!?!



First of all, David, you stupid sot, if names were meant to be descriptive, everyone would have the, culturally appropriate, name of, "Ugly little purple person that cries and wets itself." -Meeks.

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Originally posted by mensch:

come here and make me! don't worry your poor little peanut of a brain, it's on its way..

It might be poor, it might be little, it might be a peanut of a brain, but at least I have one!!! tongue.gif

We all know that there is a sign attached to the top of your head with the words "Brain cavity: this space for rent"!


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Greetings Oh pathetic losers.

Tome update:





Seanachai, How nice for you to notice my insignificant self. It gives me great joy just to be mentioned in a post from one as great as yourself.

Berli... I believe that God is watching you, but not because he fears some new uprising... he is trying to find his wallet that you lifted off his table on your way out.

To the rest of you lot. Your all lower than wombat ****e and smell twice as bad... but I hope you all have a plesent day and a good evening.

** this following post has been written to bring a little of Hiram's sunshine back in our lives **

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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A Gamey Update!

even 'though Dorf-hack has been too daft to post me amongst the Squires... look, if you'll post two bloodsuckers, you'll obviously post ANYBODY...

jd kept withdrawing and withdrawing like someone who didn't know how to arrange an abortion; I have finally make contact with his left flank... his right dangles in the air....

Lawyer(no bold quite deliberate) bribed OGSF with old Scotland travel videos for the secret of how to rewrite CM code so I always have to attack uphill in the wide-friggin-open! Since I can count on his being distracted by ambulances, there is still hope!

The aforementioned OGSF while piously avoiding the OTT due to a mis-understanding of the First Amendment, is in the process of murdering my last valiant liberators of Hun-dominated Europe in direct contravention of the Geneva Convention. It is obvious that he has never even been to Wisconsin.

JeevestheCrap, after a half-hearted taunt, has received my file, but has not yet cleaned the tripe off of his keyboard to do anything about it. What is that quaint Brit term he uses? Starts with a "p"...?


"I send you a kaffis of mustard seed, that you may taste and acknowledge the bitterness of my victory."

"Legal advice is very often divorced from reality in my humble opinion" - BTS

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Originally posted by Germanboy:

Now for why it is a good thing the thread is no longer in Canuckland:

So there.


Hey, gerbiltoy, do a little research and find out why they call it the White House, before you go and cast aspersions on Canada's miltary ability. We are the only ones to have invaded the U.S., and we kicked some serious ass.


"With cat-like tread, Upon our prey we steal;

In silence dread, Our cautious way we feel." -G

[This message has been edited by Roborat (edited 02-14-2001).]

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Hey, Lorak, yes you with the pointy ears. Take your stylus out of your posterior orifice and note the following:

Geier - Had 3 Battalions of Veteran Yanqui infantry and Corps level artillery support, and made a very gamey last turn flag rush.

Hakko Ichiu - A couple of Kubelwagen and some Volkssturm and played by the rules.

Result -- Draw

Let the legal challenges now commence.




"We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University

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Hiram, ye utter, utter barrstard! Dinnae be gwin lang laddy, Ah'll be missin' ye shinin' talent wi' worrrds.

Tha rest o' ye kin sod off. Bastarrds.



You posture more than Marcia Brady with books on her head and you chatter like a dolphin near the fish bucket. - Dalem

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Originally posted by Roborat:

Hey, gerbiltoy, do a little research and find out why they call it the White House, before you go and cast aspersions on Canada's miltary ability. We are the only ones to have invaded the U.S., and we kicked some serious ass.

Lak Ah dinnae give a flyin' rat's arrrse aboot ye soddin' invasion, boot ye nay correct aboot tha "ainly invasion" thang.

There were a cross border incursion by tha' Mexicans aroond 1902, gav or tak. Tha Japaneses dropped some balloon bombs on Oregon ain WWII, the Germans' shelled the East Coast and sank a bucket load o' ships, tha Japanese occupied Wake Island, and tha Allutians(sic) an' tha bloody Californian's invade Colorado every tam tha San Andreas fault breaks wind.

Oh, an' ye kin sod off too.



You posture more than Marcia Brady with books on her head and you chatter like a dolphin near the fish bucket. - Dalem

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Originally posted by Lorak:

Greetings Oh pathetic losers.

Seanachai, How nice for you to notice my insignificant self. It gives me great joy just to be mentioned in a post from one as great as yourself.

Berli... I believe that God is watching you, but not because he fears some new uprising... he is trying to find his wallet that you lifted off his table on your way out.

To the rest of you lot. Your all lower than wombat ****e and smell twice as bad... but I hope you all have a plesent day and a good evening.

** this following post has been written to bring a little of Hiram's sunshine back in our lives **

Lorak the loathed

Lorak, my greatness specifically stems from my ability and willingness to notice the little people. That's not to say that you are one of them, by any means. No, I see you as one of the giants of the Peng Challenge Thread. A slightly hunched, forelock pulling, 'so glad to be noticed by your excellency' giants, but a giant none the less.

Now, in other news, I feel that I, like your own fine self, have moved into a period of megalomania and self-absorption. Possibly it's the posting I see recently, possibly it's a sudden, unexepected awareness of my own superiority to most of the people who post in the Thread. Normally, I'm attentive and accepting of the rather useless lot of cabbages (thank you, Peng) that post here, but my recent difficulties and the abuse I've suffered under have given me a new perspective. I've found that, as I've always suspected, most of the posters here, especially the new immigrants, are a useless waste of procreative matter. Beyond merely muddying the gene pool, they've actually been pissing in it, and then jumping up and down in the shallow end while singing Barry Manilow songs, splashing bystanders, and annoying everyone with their antics.

Now, Berli has said some very applicable and inappropriate things about me in other, much lesser, threads, and the folk here have re-awakened to my presence, so I feel my job here tonight is done. I am still trying to get turns out to the Folk, but tomorrow night is more likely as I had to get together with family tonight, and the only one who might have got a turn is the Lizard King, because it is inconceivable that I might rack up anything like a 'wuss factor', as most of the those who post here stand in the same relationship to me as do house pets (and not well behaved or trained house pets, at tha).

Selah. It is good to move amongst you again, my brethren. Although most of my time is spent wiping my feet on Mace and Mensch, while muttering about the damage to the suede uppers, and wondering if the heavy load of 'ice free' will be enough to cause the afore mentioned useless daft buggers to dissolve into puddles of Kitty worship and madness, respectively.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Originally posted by mensch:

mace I think you confused seanachais oranisim type.. he fits more the kitchen and basement molds, but he is borderline with lichen spores.. anyhow, whats up man wheres my turn.. LOL oh wait I owe you a turn! HA! bite me.. come here and make me! don't worry your poor little peanut of a brain, it's on its way...

Sigh. Mensch, oh Mensch. Those of us for whom English is language in which we can actually communicate, would have to assume that by 'oranisim type', you meant either "organism type" or "onanism type". In either case, you've proved yourself incapable of communication in either Kanadien, or German, and must lie down in the shallow end of the gene pool and allow Mace to have a slash on you.

By the by, Frieda, the dachshund, says you'll always be soulmates, as well as medication buddies.

Now, lie down and die like the vermin you are, and say something useful and apropos to the Thread of Threads, like praise of myself, or else shove everyone's disclaimers of you up your arse, laddy, while singing "I'll take you Home Again, Arlene".


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Now, Berli has said some very applicable and inappropriate things about me in other, much lesser, threads,

Hey! I called you a bag of hot air in that other thread first! I just did it in a slightly sideways way (what's a bagpipe besides an annoying bag of hot air).

In other news:

Rune is still evil. morse has lost an enormous number of infantry (and this is verifiable, as their bodies are scattered around the map in vast quantities), but has managed to show up with a couple of vehicles. A marder, some kind of armored car, and of course, a king tiger. If he groups them all he can actually manage to rout the odd mortar crew, but is otherwise suffering badly.

Frightwig Jake the lawyer is trying to muscle in on Berli's turf-- only now, 2/3 of the way into the battle, does he reveal that it's a probe. He'll lose anyway, as his squads have started routing from the buildings that I now occupy, but he'll persist in annoying me. Morse actually told me the key-- be very afraid when a lawyer suddenly becomes laconic. Jake won't shut up (though he does spell better than morse, so it's less painful for my eyes to look at), so he's not really any danger. The other clue is when his squads yell "Hilfe, hilfe! Rettet euch" as they "sneak" from the buildings.

Peter"Wool, wool, wool, that's what I love"NZer hasn't sent me a turn this evening, but his troops are just about to give up the ghost. He made a pretty daring last ditch charge on about 4 positions simultaneously a few turns back, but only one of them still has any life in it, and it's not all that great, nor is it near a flag that's contested.


"If you can taste the difference between caviar on a cracker and ketchup on a Kit-Kat while blindfolded, you have not had enough aquavit to be ready for lutefisk." (stolen from some web page about lutefisk)

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Sigh. Mensch, oh Mensch. Those of us for whom English is language in which we can actually communicate, would have to assume that by 'oranisim type', you meant either "organism type" or "onanism type". In either case, you've proved yourself incapable of communication in either Kanadien, or German, and must lie down in the shallow end of the gene pool and allow Mace to have a slash on you.

By the by, Frieda, the dachshund, says you'll always be soulmates, as well as medication buddies.

Now, lie down and die like the vermin you are, and say something useful and apropos to the Thread of Threads, like praise of myself, or else shove everyone's disclaimers of you up your arse, laddy, while singing "I'll take you Home Again, Arlene".

dear sweet snoochie, as other users who use the spellcheck here in the thread.. I don't, why? cuz it crashes my IE 5.0.. fecking bill gates.. I hate him more then you.

so schnuckifutz your turn is back at you, you orgasim. You don't like my spellink? go find a big fruit and stick it in your hole.

btw you git what do you think your doing with your

MG carrier? another sad attempt to stop me from closing the door on your troops...

hmm more rockets would be good just to wack my guys with... give you a chance then. Surrender you sod you have no chance


www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 02-15-2001).]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Now, Berli has said some very applicable and inappropriate things about me in other, much lesser, threads

Inappropriate? Did I at any point say post anything that might be construed as a compliment? Did I in any way indicate that I hold you in higher regard than a slug?


Then it was appropriate

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your all gits.. but most of Hiram for not responding to questions on icq...

talking aboot no shows.. did kitty get locked out of her house? have not heard, read or nufink from her...

Croda you get that email.. I'll damn you to hours of listening to Seanachai (windbag?) if it did not get through!!!


www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Originally posted by mensch:

but most of Hiram for not responding to questions on icq...

Hiram chose to have his mid-life crisis early in life, to get it over and done with!

talking aboot no shows.. did kitty get locked out of her house? have not heard, read or nufink from her...

No, she hasn't been locked out of her house! She been furiously working on the KittyTiger <tm> mod, or studying roobears! smile.gif


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Sigh, what a pathetic bunch of ****e you guys are. Peng thread only one spot from page 2.

If I wasn't such a kind and gentle elf I'd reach up and pull your small brains out of your butts.

Tome updates:

Hakko and Geier decided to pummel each other into a complete waste of time. Yes a Draw. Sad really. Going through the trouble of fighting a whole battle to have the out come mean nothing.

As for Kitty's absense.... If it brings her KT mod out soon, Thats ok by me. It really does look sweet. I mean real sweet, much like Croda at his local "leather and lasagna bar".

As for the rest of you... I find it stange that the Pool represents so many countries and cultures...and yet everyone of them have something in common. A bunch of low-grade losers that have no other goal in life than to come here and profess to other losers how great they are. Sort of like Feeding fish fighting in the bucket to prove who is the best to be thrown to the dolphins.

Sadly, for the USA it appears we have more losers then the rest. Lucky for us in the south they appear to all be damn yankees from Quaker and Mob states. Although I guess I should cut Berli some slack, If I was the devil looking for a few souls to steel then Chicago whould be a good starting point. Hell after a nice wind blown lake storm, they will most likely sell themselves real cheep to enter Hell and warm up.

As for you europe trash. What in the hell is wrong with you guys? Sorry if you see this as cold... but in 3000 years.. you are now telling the world that you haven't mastered the art of feeding cows. And to top it off, you are pushing your blatient stupidity on the rest of us. For this I offer a small little americans help. Being raised in the south and my family actualy having farms I offer the following knowledge. I apologize that we have horded this knowledge for so long....but here goes.

Further Lessons from the Lorak.

Topic: Rules for Bovines or Cows.

1) Cows are herbivours (they eat grass)

2) Cows do not chase down and eat other Cows.

3) When seeing your cows in a pasture eating grass.. Do not feel sorry for them and blend them up a dead cow milkshake.

4) When all else fails refer to rule number 1.

Thats really about all there is too raising cows. Hard for you to believe? I understand, but really if you let them roam around eating grass ,(like they have for ages and ages), they will grow all by themselves.

Now if you excuse me I think I'll head over to the Waffle house for a nice 16oz porterhouse and eggs.

Lorak the loathed.


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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Formerly Babs sends this:

My opponents are shug Macbeth, Lawyer and Herr Oberst

my email has been down for a week and my internet service is slooooooooow

Am passing on the message that Babs can't do moves until his cable modem is fixed.


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Originally posted by Lorak:

Topic: Rules for Bovines or Cows.

1) Cows are herbivours (they eat grass)

2) Cows do not chase down and eat other Cows.

3) When seeing your cows in a pasture eating grass.. Do not feel sorry for them and blend them up a dead cow milkshake.

4) When all else fails refer to rule number 1.

Thats really about all there is too raising cows. Hard for you to believe? I understand, but really if you let them roam around eating grass ,(like they have for ages and ages), they will grow all by themselves.

Now if you excuse me I think I'll head over to the Waffle house for a nice 16oz porterhouse and eggs.

Clarification for Lorak's sake: eggs don't come out of cows, they come out of chooks!

However, Lorak, if you're still adamant that eggs do come out of cows, ask yourself why your eggs are always big and brown, while everyone else's are small and white with a yellow center?!



[This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-15-2001).]

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Originally posted by rune:

Formerly Babs sends this:

My opponents are shug Macbeth, Lawyer and Herr Oberst

my email has been down for a week and my internet service is slooooooooow

Am passing on the message that Babs can't do moves until his cable modem is fixed.


Typical Canuck hiding ****e. I'm managing along fighting True Evil on a 56k modem. And Babra has trouble if he can't download the world in two minutes.

Let them eat Bandwidth...


Some days the sun just don't shine up a dog's behind.

-- Catfish Hunter

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Originally posted by armornut:

"Topic: Rules for Bovines or Cows."

That is some funny stuff!

You think you can come in here and throw out some cheesey one liner like that kitty wench. and fer gawds freaking sake its a blasted compliment!?. depart a lot now or we make castinets out of your dangly bits and feed your liver to mace. your arms we turn into scratching posts and your eyes we put on the ends of our fingers and play peek-a-boo around corners with them.

Go away.



"What puts the 'ape' in apricot?"

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Ahh Peng,

I should have known it was you when I was hit by a rank odor when I opened this thread. I thought you were making yourself busy posting useless crap over at the croda site?

Now either post some vertoil here and cast disparaging remarks against some git like senachai, Or hope on your trycicle and peddle your pod arse around town and find Hiram.

Just what in the hell did you and Elvis do to the poor inocent Hiram during that druken night?

Lorak the loathed

Ps. your all idiots


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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