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Lorak, once again:

Croda - win

Mensch - refuses to send the surrender file, therefore: LOSS

Thank you for your swift and diligent attention to this matter


The New CessPool




Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

Croda, you rock! - Meeks

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Ahh Shandorf..

Maybe I wasn't clear enough.

from page 1:

by Lorak:

Mace's rekord has been korected


Now Since I had rekorded you a vin and Mace a loss.... How do you fix it? (I'll give you a sec...)


You Korect Mace's rekord by removing a loss.


Moriarty gets a loss.

Hope that was easy enough for you to follow


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Guest Wildman

Cince ve ar en Ghermay, ve must spevk like da loocals, ya?

Berli, I have summoned you to the body of the dead Canuck, not only because I really don't care about the Canadians, but I have serious doubts about your inherent evilness. In short, I think your going soft. You have given a level of hell, to that anemic, soft-hearted, poster Kitty. I'm sure its not for amore sake like Mace, but somehow that picture of the SS woman has softened your evil heart. I can see the red fire in your eyes grow dim, and I'm starting to see small fluffy, white wings growing out of your mis-shapened back. So as obvious evidence to your growing largesse, throw the steel-mailed gauntlet in your direction, oh, false Knigget, you Dark Lord want-a-be, you...you....really nice guy.

As for Game Updates,

Croda has shown his true cowardly colors. I thought that we had agreed on Short-75 rules and what does that gamey bastard bring? A Hetzer, a stinking bounce your shots off my front armor, Hetzer-o-death. Of course, given Scroda complete incompetence, it is way out on my left flank and has to come within range of my armor to even attempt a shot, so it really is no problem. However, if I lose by some un-Godly chance, that Hetzer is my out, My ready made excuse. I like it!

GITom is happily rolling his Croc up to my right flank in anticipation of a BBQ. Unfortunately, I have nothing to stop him, and the hamstertruppen have been seen breaking out the marshmellows. Things don't look good.

Stevetheratboy has every advantage in the book, that evil, evil man Marlow said reenforcments are on the way, however, they will probably show the last turn.

As for that sissy-boy Marlow we have a setup already in progress, when he stated work problems. Of course that was two weeks ago. I can only assume that since he has watched my magnificent defence against Ratboy, he has lost the stomach to fight me.

As for the rest of the pool, know that I despise you all with every fiber of my being. I spit in your general direction!!!


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Originally posted by Wildman:

As for Game Updates,

Stevetheratboy has every advantage in the book, that evil, evil man Marlow said reenforcments are on the way, however, they will probably show the last turn.



Reinforcements? I was having fun! You BASTARD Marlow.


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Originally posted by Geier:

Wow. A two-liner. And some links. You must be

really upset. Too bad that you still don't get it but that was to be expected I suppose, given your track record.


You're like a small yapping dog snapping at ankles. Cute in the short term, but VERY annoying after time.

Now why don't you do us a favor and chase some trucks on the Autobahn. With luck, you may get run over! smile.gif


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Originally posted by Mark IV:

Why must you Saugists always drag a theoretical discussion into a personal flame war?

Bekaus this ist der Ceßpool

Sadly, both Bauhaus and his adherents (most notably Krodskii, of 1st Shocked Army fame) perished in battle (usually in the first 10 minutes) before his theories could be fully developed and understood.

Ah, your information ist inkorekt... Bauhaus ist alive. He ist kurrently vakationing

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Originally posted by Wildman the impudent pup:

Berli, I have summoned you to the body of the dead Canuck, not only because I really don't care about the Canadians, but I have serious doubts about your inherent evilness. In short, I think your going soft. You have given a level of hell, to that anemic, soft-hearted, poster Kitty. I'm sure its not for amore sake like Mace, but somehow that picture of the SS woman has softened your evil heart. I can see the red fire in your eyes grow dim, and I'm starting to see small fluffy, white wings growing out of your mis-shapened back. So as obvious evidence to your growing largesse, throw the steel-mailed gauntlet in your direction, oh, false Knigget, you Dark Lord want-a-be, you...you....really nice guy.

Konsider yourself schlapped akroß the face you insignifikant vhelp. Send the setup.

[This message has been edited by Berlichtingen (edited 02-08-2001).]

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Yeah yeah yeah.

Everyone gets to have one really bad day. I want to apologize for the kvalität of my previous post, not necessarily its kontent, meaningk or swedishness.

I blame Markiv for it, esp for him neglecting to mention the "Sit-still-and-take-it-school" that may not be all that fashionable but still had a huge impact on the development of (interestingly enough) both the attrition school(s) and the maneouver school(s).

While many so-called scholars claim this is a method developed by and for civilians it has proved a most effective anti-siege strategy for its ability to sometimes withstand the Kill em all method of the attritionists and the maneuverists' Kill em all taktik.

I must also congratulate fellow poolers on this chance to partake in such an interesting discussion from the Outside.

Mace, I've had perfectly functioning Swiss watches that were less predictable than you.

stevesomething, come again? I think I'll ignore you for a bit. Hope you do mind.



"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy"

Tom Waits

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Originally posted by Geier:

Mace, I've had perfectly functioning Swiss watches that were less predictable than you.

Well, glad I didn't leave you disapointed by a non-response, because we really don't want to see you cry.

Also glad to see you have the intelligence to work out the rules of this current "game"! wink.gif


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Well I posted this over in Croda's pool.

but figure what the hell I'll post it here too.

Greetings gits.

Was out searching last night and came accross a neet site if you happen to want to have video and voice chat.

The url is www.cuseemeworld.com

Having just bought a webcam myself I noticed the limit of only being able to hear or see one other person at a time.

Using this site and thier plug in you can see and hear upto 8 people I believe. Cool for video confrences.

You can create and moderate your own rooms also. Thought it was pretty cool, so I thought I'd post it here.

Also, For those unawear of my first chat site That I started way back in January 2000. I've found a way to get around my works firewall enough to get back in there.

If you want to stop in fine....if not thats fine too.

Just letting you know there is another spot.


I figure I'll start signing in and hanging there too while I'm at work.

Thats about it.



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Originally posted by Lawyer:

A land where invade is not a sexual term...

jd, I got here first. Tough ****e.

For those two statements alone, I will forgive how utterly stupid and superfluous you are to this, THE ONE TRUE THREAD.


Send me a setup, .LT. 1500; and sure, send it during the day, so that way I KNOW that I paid for it.

Now, for a poor rehash of an old joke:

"What's the difference between an oppossum carcass in the road and a guv'ment lawyer's?




The EPA will sue the bastard who hit the oppossum."


"I send you a kaffis of mustard seed, that you may taste and acknowledge the bitterness of my victory."

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Originally posted by stevetherat:

"Oh my God! My [posterior] is full of stars!"


And that's the second most productive thing that's been there....

PENGThread Below! I go off to Scrotum, PA on a bidness trip, and when I return I find that it's the OTT that's gone Dutch!

Since you have have not yet seen fit to raise your snot-laden (no, that's not a kraut word) snout since I so very thoroughly smacked it down with my SPANK-4 COUNTERTAUNT (which I am assured will be in CM3), I shall graciously extend my spear tip into your side [is that too offensive? screw it] to see it you are still twitching ... no?

Well, maybe you're just too scared to move...


"I send you a kaffis of mustard seed, that you may taste and acknowledge the bitterness of my victory."

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Lorak, ye warrrm streak o' duck ****e...did ye nae see mah earlier boot recent post annooncin' mah topplement o' tha fiend Nijis? Scrratch at oop ain tha cesspool, af ye please.


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rune, master of evilness and demi-beta god has handed me a sacred scroll upon which he has writ large an operation. After consulting the tomes of lore and the HOLY NONDISCLOSURE AGREEMENT he has devolved this upon my humble self for pool play with a willing vict- er opponent. It is 7 battles, and is entitled "The Rest of the Red Devils" If you are interested then submit in 25 words or less why Jake the snake Lawyer is a useless wank. Entries have nothing to do who plays, it's just to let Jake know how much we care.

If interested drop a line. Now I hope you all suffer massive coronaries and the last image your fading eyes behold is of Mace eyeing your soon to be corpse with "that look"


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

[This message has been edited by jd (edited 02-09-2001).]

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Guest Germanboy

Since the bloody Peng thread has made it to Germany, there is only one thing for me to do - escape to Ireland and get wasted on, err, sample the local brew. Here's to real Guiness.




Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Originally posted by Germanboy:

Since the bloody Peng thread has made it to Germany, there is only one thing for me to do - escape to Ireland and get wasted on, err, sample the local brew. Here's to real Guiness.


Have a good time with your tartlets, and have a guinny for me!


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The following is an actual advertisement in an Irish Newspaper..!

1985 Blue Volkswagen Golf

Only 15 km

Only first gear and reverse used

Never driven hard

Original tires

Original brakes

Original fuel and oil

Only 1 driver

Owner wishing to sell due to employment lay-off

Photo Attached


go for it Andreas!!

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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by mensch:

go for it Andreas!!

It's a deal if they throw in the island.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Originally posted by Iskander:

Please Sir, can I have some more?


Let me first congratulate you on your 2001 quote. I think that, and "You don't know **** 'cause you've never been ****ed in the ass" are my favourite film quotes of all time.

Secondly, you called that a retort to my finely honed calling card? I thought you were just warming up for something more worthwhile. No, it is I who poke YOU in the ribs (or do beings like you have only cartilage? Or is it slime?) to provoke some sort of sign of life (which is most unlikely, as you seem to be some sort of low quality mineral, or vegetable at best).

It makes me shudder uncontrollably, like the entire contents of some queen's (colloq.) stomach has been poured upon my defenceless and naked body, before having large snapping alligators loose around my private area, to think that a amoeba's tick like YOU could possibly gather the gall to challenge ME.

You see, you to me are nothing more than a bead of sweat, slowly working its way down the tired, walnuted gonads of the last diseased vagrant in a huge rushing mass of drunken, puke covered, good for nothing but target practice, foul drop outs, speeding for the last bottle of $1.99 wine.

Do I make myself clear? I thought so.


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OK you degenerates, a couple of questions:

1. Who sent the thread to Germany? Leave it to the Canuckleheads to let the Krauts grab the thing.

2. What the hell is with Croda's hijacking the pool to some other board. If reading this one thread wasn't a big enough time waster already, now we have another pool of Cess to monitor to make sure no libelous slur goes unanswered?

Now onto important business. Turns tonight and tomorrow for all of my long suffering opponents. Hopefully I can remember what the hell I was doing in my games.

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Originally posted by jd:

If you are interested then submit in 25 words or less why Jake the snake Lawyer is a useless wank.

Nein, Rotary Club Jester. The infamous Jake Snake is in fact a powerful and very useful predator that makes sure the balance of Nature will be preserved. It has incredibly long reach that penetrates victims around the world with impugnity.

Like all true hunters, The Snake strikes quickly, conquers its targets through great size and overwhelming strength, and then retreats silently to its lair to wait for the next prey. Although it suffered a bit of frostbite during our snow battle, it is again functioning at peak capacity in games with select Pool members who need a good snakin'.

More details to follow as events progress...


Some days the sun just don't shine up a dog's behind.

-- Catfish Hunter

[This message has been edited by Lawyer (edited 02-09-2001).]

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