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Panther G

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I've been thinking. Strange, I know, but there it is.

Please bear with me for the forthcoming flights of fancy.

I would imagine that all vehicles of a division would be painted basically the same colour(s). That is, the tri-whatsit referred to above would be on the Panthers, the PzIVs, the kubelwagens, the SdKfz251s, the AT gun sheilds, and so-on. Variations would be there of course, to suit different vehicles (JgdPnzrs vice turreted tanks, etc), but as I said, basically the same.

What we have now is a mish-mash, as if the quartermaster had been down the op-shop grabbing bits and pieces (though, based on the purchasing habits in QBs that may not be too far from the truth ...) of whatever he could find.

IMHO, it would be kinda neat if they all looked like they belonged together.

Same thing applies to the Allies of course, but with their monocolour cam schemes it's not such an issue.

Call this a call for "Integrated Divisional Cam Schemes". What say ye?



(Who has all the artistic talent of the Labrat after one of his petrol fume sniffing sessions)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JonS:

I would imagine that all vehicles of a division would be painted basically the same colour(s). That is, the tri-whatsit referred to above would be on the Panthers, the PzIVs, the kubelwagens, the SdKfz251s, the AT gun sheilds, and so-on. Variations would be there of course, to suit different vehicles (JgdPnzrs vice turreted tanks, etc), but as I said, basically the same.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No, they wouldn't. For example it seems every Panther company in the Wiking division had its own cammo pattern which was different from other company patterns. AFAIK Ambush pattern was factory applied, but other patterns were applied by the crews, so there were many variations whitin the same unit.

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Fernando could you turn your attention to modding Commonwealth tanks? Churchill, Cromwell, Comet and Challanger look particularly disgusting.

Allied TDs could use some touchups as well.

You Axis mods are very high qiality, how about some nice Allied skins now? smile.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Simon Fox:

Blathering on, basically a bold display of cultural cringe<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Quit your moaning 'Rat, its in your mailbox.

Fernando, are you saying that all divisions, and all sub units within each division, had their own colour scheme, created on the spur of the moment by ... who? The unit artist?

I find that a tad hard to believe - non-uniformity isn't widely embraced in the armed forces AFAIK.

Shrug. NM, its a small thing really, like all the ... oop, no need for that.



[ 08-01-2001: Message edited by: JonS ]

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Actually, a "mish mash" looks far more accurate to me..German units rarel displayed uniforming, something difficult to see in black and white photos..but look at the infantry, for example...i've seen squads of men with like a half-dozen different camo schemes, especially in 44. German soldiers in particular must have looked like a motley crew of bandits. BAD ASS bandits, of course.


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German vehicles were often supplied painted a base colour, with one or two extra colours in spray cans for the crews to apply. In the theatre covered by CMBO, German supply resources were stretched pretty thin, so my guess is that units would get reinforcements from wherever was possible. I think it's pretty unlikely that units larger than company level would achieve (or maintain, anyway) any sort of uniformity. The Allies, on the other hand, had a much more "production line" approach to warfare, so it's more appropriate for them. Having said that, Allied tankers were often obsessed with sticking anything that might make up for their lack of armour all over their tanks, from sandbags and track links, to think wads of netting. Dooes anyone have that photo of Patton walking away from a severely chastised Sherman commander? He'd been given a right old bollocking by Ol' Blood ' Guts, 'cos the extra armour wore out the suspensions too quick (not that they ever survived that long).

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JonS:

Quit your moaning 'Rat, its in your <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No it ain't you git. Did you use the same methodology as before?

Try the other address, you seem to be able to get that one right.

JS please fix or somefink!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Desantnik:

Churchill, Cromwell, Comet and Challanger look particularly disgusting.


Now that's a tribute to Tiger's MODs.

You'll find those done quite nicely at Tom's HQ.

Some are even winterized...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Simon Fox:

JS please fix or somefink!


Simone, Simone,Simone, if you are to be considered as any sort of Cesspooler you must at least get the street talk down pat.

Its "please fix or do sumfink"

Damned newbies.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

Now that's a tribute to Tiger's MODs.

You'll find those done quite nicely at Tom's HQ.

Some are even winterized...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well unfortunately you know how I feel about Tiger's mods. Yes, the paint jobs are nice, but the detail sux. Gordon started a Hi-Res Cromwell ala Marco-style, long ago but his fingers couldn't take it.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus:

Well unfortunately you know how I feel about Tiger's mods. Yes, the paint jobs are nice, but the detail sux. Gordon started a Hi-Res Cromwell ala Marco-style, long ago but his fingers couldn't take it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You know how I feel about how you feel...


Tiger couldn't cram the level of detail Marco or Fernando do over breakfast?

OK, that much is a fact.

It's not difficult to see for oneself.

Are the vehicule mentioned above vastly superior to the stock BMP?

Yes and there's not a chance you might prove me wrong over that one.

Will I use Feldgrau's Churchill and Flash's Cromwell?

Most certainly and without any second thought.

Now because I am paid by the Community to provide a Reality Check each time you're loosing it, here comes:


It's horrendous isn't it?

There a certain Frogness in it.

I mean, it's almost as Teletubbian as Tiger's Chaffee...


Max, Max.

We all know you are a valuable contributor and that your time would most certainly be better spent doing something else.

Why don't you take some time off and please ask Madmatt to get those Panthers off the hook?

If all else fail, why don't you just stop posting and pretend you've left?

Or better still, why don't you leave and we'll all pretend you're still posting?

To settle that I propose a Clash of MODs.

Send a setup around 1500 Pts, you with an all Fernandoed force and me with an all Tigered.

Well see if your 72DPI shall overcome my 144DPI!!

And because being a windbag qualify you as someone who would most certainly appreciate the concept of passing gas, I fart in your general direction.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

Now because I am paid by the Community to provide a Reality Check each time you're loosing it, here comes:


It's horrendous isn't it?

There a certain Frogness in it.

I mean, it's almost as Teletubbian as Tiger's Chaffee...


Gee, Marcel, I love you too. ;)tongue.gif

Hey you don't need to remind me of how bad those "Jungle Cats" were, but hey they were an alternaitve to the pinkish G-late we had at the time. Fortunately, there was a better one that came out at the same time that I'm sure people chose over mine.

Besides, I know they sucked, but I never claimed that they were the greatest thing since sliced bread as Tiger seemed to do with his mods. What I always found a bit funny, was that Tiger never seemed to use anybody else's mods but his own. Otherwise why would he slave over making several versions of his Shermans when there were Marco's excellent set.

But just like Manx said, Tiger seemed to pump out 2-3 mods per WEEK. And now you know how long it took Marco to do the Greyound. What was it, about 3 good MONTHS? Granted he was sick and all, but you see, to do really good quality mods ala Marco, it takes time. Pumping 2-3 complete mods out per week, just really wasn't doing it for me. Granted yes, I downloaded and use them, but as you said, they ARE an improvement over the originals. But as soon as Feldgrau's Churchill and Gordon's Cromwell is done, you betcha, I'll use those.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by At the Drive-in:

what is the coolest,most accurate looking camo scheme for the panther G? :confused:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

My vote would go to Fernando's Panther G Tri-Color scheme. For Winterized it goes to Gordon Molek/Fernando.

/Me begs Fernando to mod a Tiger I scheme ;)

[ 08-01-2001: Message edited by: Nowotny ]

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Tiger had some nice terrain mods and i really like his Tiger ausf E. The rest is average at best...

I'd love to use Shannon's Panther but that particular colouring sheme was too rare, so i use Fernando's set. Shannon's skinning job is very nice, but camoflage pattern he chose is quite disgusting.

BTW, why is there so much negativity aimed at Jonh S. Tiger? Did i miss something? I know he left for some reason but why is a mystery to me.

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Aye Panzerwerfer , i did ...but it was intercepted by Allied Jabos.

I had to send another shipment...that one got through....just have to wait a wee bit longer as Matt is up to his upper ear lobes in CM related work right now .

Hoping for a weekend debut....if not then.... smile.gif



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Hey, lets not get carried away here...Tiger has made some damn good mods. Specificaly his Panther G late and his Panther A mods are classic CM mods in the mod community. The Panther G especially in my mind has yet to be surpassed! It is still is on my HD and as far as I can see is not being taken off !

Well, anyway, I think Tiger did a great job modding. Better then MOST, in my opinion. Yeah his sherman was surpased by Marco's version (how can a mod get any better then that!) but I believe that Tigers original sherman mod was out way before Marco's. I should know, I had them installed for a quick while. smile.gif

Ok so lets stop all the nonsense!! :D

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