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Time to Lock the Forum and Concentrate on Peng Thread

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Poor Croda. Poor, poor croda. Whoa is he that was sent away from the Pool, ignored in his absence and spat upon on his return. Yes, we spat right upon your return! HA! Ahem, as I was saying. Dear, sweet Croda. He's added so much to this place, what with his meandering, Seanachai-quality ramblings and his Hiram-style self pity and his Andreas-style self-importance and his Peng-style hatred of all life. Croda is the Pool's inner croda, after all. If, one day, each member of the Pool were to conquer his own little battle. Were Lorak to one day defeat me or Shandorf to one day become witty or, god forbid, wildman or stevetherat become interesting, we would see Croda (our mutual inner croda) become a better person. Yes, if the Pool is some kind of twisted, e-life, with a lifespan, with evolutionary changes, with antibodies that fend off invasions by infectious (And stupid) agents. If it is alive, than Croda is it's soul.

And we never missed him.

What does that tell you about us? We're godawful, heartless (Don't even get me started on the Sick Peng/Sick Heart analogy), evil sobs and we should all be ashamed of ourselves.

Yes indeedy. Oh and jd, I grew up in South Carolina. So I know what'ch'all're talkin' 'bout. I love the ' key.

Croda, send me a 1.1 setup so that I may renew my ownership of your soul. Perhaps we could bet sigs, as yours sucks and mine is nonexistent. (Nice try Mensch, but not good enough)

And Berli, do you want me to look for my old game against you or do you want to start anew?

And PeterNZer, I'm not going to play a game with you, as you are a waste of time, space and belly-button lint.

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Just to waste space and irritate the hell out of you all. who I despise, loathe and hate with every fiber of my being.....that being so have a nice day. In further news........dit dit dah.....pool update:

Not a whole lot to say, but since I get paid by the hour and lbs of product, but I digress

Frenchboy and The mad Hamster have finally resumed our matches. Paw is somewhere out there in a dank fetid darkness that means we will probably suffer more from friendly fire than inflicting it upon each other. The Hamsterboy had forgotten how bad his situation was. I must express also my surprise when I opened up my first file in months and beheld the plethora of targeting lines all directed at him. Hell I have so much artillery left that I can drop it on open terrritory because he might be there!

Thecrudbeneathmyfeets is learning that having 6500 pts at your disposal does not translate into victory...esp if he is the general. To date his massed assault company has destroyed a pickett platoon. He has lost several Hellcats (iirc 3 since he hasn't sent aturn recently) and a Shermie that discovered my 5000 pts did allow for at LEAST 1 minefield! His lack of progress is even more questionable in that he has concentrated the whole of his material on1/2 the map.

Spudy Stupid git bastard and I are going toe to toe in a valley with two VL's. I hold one, the other he is attempting to assault. A timely building fire sent one of his support squads scurrying, but his stupid bastard jagd IV is worrisome, esp since my remaining TD is awaiting the outcome of being suddenly uncovered by the old explode the building trick.

TheCelticBard and I seem destined to pummel each other and not get an upper hand. He has the advantage in numbers, I have 2 AFV's to his (I believe) nil effectives. However he is grinding me down. Like our last game he seems unable to keep his armor in play.

On the Downunder side Spaced is down to his last Chaffee (I have said that before!) and it is the last turn. The outcome is not in doubt but KT's can only go so far. Lizardboyo and I have just started rune's map of evil the "Cold Stream Guard" a river runs right through it with no bridges, it's damp so bogging is a problem.

And in the inconsequential PShaw owes me a turn, Marletoad overwrote his 1.05 executable, whatever that is but penicillin does clear it up I hear, Pillboy has just started a mech ME and last and assurdley the very least, Mr. 666 seems a bit dilatory, one turn completed and I am awaiting a reply. He has ineffectively responded once on this thread, so unless he keeps investing here he shall not count.

That is all


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

[This message has been edited by jd (edited 01-17-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

actually I though you lothed us seeing we have perking qualities that you don't have... like

1) minty fresh breath

2) grey matter

3) sex life (sheep don't count)

4) and hair.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

1) probably from all the smokes and coffee I go through each day

2) Sorry, I got that one covered... in abundance

3) Sorry, I'm married, so no sex life for me

4) That I've got... but its all migrated to my chin

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

And Berli, do you want me to look for my old game against you or do you want to start anew?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, unless you can find a 1.1 version of it, we'll have to start anew. Set it up and I'll knock you down

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You babbling, silly git. Considering we are 2 and 2 in our epic struggle for Croda's soul, I think YOU should be sending me a setup. In fact, I think you should be attacking if I recall that is if you remember how to play CM.

So replace that dribble cup strapped to your chin and send me a file.



I once killed a six pack just to watch it die.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Space Thing:

Yo, whats a Peng? I know what a thread is. But what is a Peng?


Peng is not a 'what', young man, but a 'who'. Peng is your superiour. In every respect. Peng has also become a concept. Unfortunately, I doubt it's one you could grasp, so we'll maintain a weary silence regarding it. I could be wrong, but it's unlikely. And Meeks, after being subjected to an excess of cold, got the name wrong when he started this Thread up. It should have been, "Time to Lock the Forum and Concentrate on the Peng Challenge Thread". But there, what can you do. The poor lad had recently worked his way through the GI tract of an arctic bear. Now, either stop acting like a particularly dim tourist and taunt someone, or sod off.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

He's added so much to this place, what with his meandering, Seanachai-quality...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It's true, Croda, you've shown a good deal of improvement lately. Continue on in the path of lengthy, instructive, and multi-faceted posting that I have pioneered, and you could become a Peng Challenge Thread luminary. It will be a stretch for you, it's true, but there is always the chance that you will succeed, and give you a feeling of satisfaction that those who confine themselves to the 'I'm great, you suck' school of posting will never know. Or even understand, for that matter, even if we explain it very slowly using small words and frequent references to bodily functions.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Woefully pedantic dissertation on the Meaning of Peng.

And Meeks, after being subjected to an excess of cold, got the name wrong when he started this Thread up. It should have been, "Time to Lock the Forum and Concentrate on the Peng Challenge Thread". But there, what can you do. The poor lad had recently worked his way through the GI tract of an arctic bear. Now, either stop acting like a particularly dim tourist and taunt someone, or sod off.


Eh? Dim tourist?? That insult doesn't even have a basis in reality. You've gone off the deep end, you have. Methinks the brick has turned, old chappie.

And what the hell are you doing answering that saps question? I had to create a whole new persona AND post 30-40 side-splitting, epic and sage posts before anyone would respond to me. That's right, you bastards, I was the original newbie. No one wanted anything to do with me until I started rousing the rabble in the main forum. Then you started listening, oh yes, you all listened!!! But then there was the brick. Ohhhh, the brick was baaaaaaaad. And then there was the schism. But only that twit Hiram followed me and that was baaaaaaad. But now I reign supreme, like Tenacious D on a gold-plated octopus! Ya HA!

As to taunts, I will say this. Now that I have conquered the Pool, I will conquer death itself. It's time for nipple-tearing, boys, and I'm going after the fire and brimstone vestigal pointies of the Devil Himself. That's right, Berli, I want to season my 1.1 TCP/IP whosamawhatsit with the sulfar-smelling blood of your foul innards. When I'm done with you, I'll parade your pitiful corpse around the Pool, showing all that the only thing to fear is a speeding train, and those damn Harlem Globetrotters. I'll bet that underneath that imposing black armor, you're a decrepit, pasty white bald guy. You'll fold like a poor farmer, foreclosed on by the bank after a drought. You'll give it up like a drunken sorority girl. You'll die worse than Guerilla #7 in the Arnold Schwarzenigger epic Commando. I'm going to mix your blood with cement so that I can keep extra-planar creatures from passing into my rec-room. I'll put your eyes on little toothpicks and serve them as hors-de-ouvres at Peng's welcome back party. I'll bronze your bits for use as dice. I'll grind your bones into powder and make a cake out of it. I'll send your toenails to the Orient, for use as a potent aphrodesiac. I'll bake up your liver in a pie. I'll make a throw rug outta ya. I'll murderate ya. You is dead, muddafudda! You goin' down!!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

Wow, in one post you have captured the essence of yourself: A waste of space.



I would respond to you my dear Mam but you are not worth even a juicy loud smelly fart from after a night of eating four pounds of re-fried beans

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

1) probably from all the smokes and coffee I go through each day

2) Sorry, I got that one covered... in abundance

3) Sorry, I'm married, so no sex life for me

4) That I've got... but its all migrated to my chin<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

1) I smoke enough to choke a cow, and drink coffe to no end but still manage to do one thing you have I guess forgot, brush your teeth me boy.

2) ya.. prove it, I challange you to scoop out all your grey matter and puddy it together in the form of your inner croda.

3) thats what affairs are for, gee you realy must be old.

4) or your butt crack and ears... please don't post pictures we do have standards here.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

I would respond to you my dear Mam but you are not worth even a juicy loud smelly fart from after a night of eating four pounds of re-fried beans<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself. Creating such a large amount of pressure near one's brain has been known to cause irreparable damage.

Wait a minute... I am talking to Mensch here. My bad.



I once killed a six pack just to watch it die.

[This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 01-17-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

3) sex life (sheep don't count)


YES THEY DO!!!! mad.gif

btw, If Croda can do personal greetings, so can I - Hi Kitty!!



Inaugural wearer of the MASK OF SHAME since 7 January 2001, as bequeathed by Her Royal Highness of the CMBO discussion board, and ruler of all hamsterdom.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

you my little old lady, got me mistaken for Mace. I do not expend such foul smelling things like that. You how ever must not either since you smell like that every day.


Now hang on a minute, Mensch!!!

I actually shower and shave everyday, mainly because I have the community of Victoria to serve (and to get rid of that sheep smell), so I have to be presentable.

The only exception is Saturday, when I don't shower and don't shave at all, just so I can impress everyone with my rugged, unshaven and unkempt Aussie good looks! cool.gif

And I would also like to add, my nickname doesn't rhyme with Stench, now does it! tongue.gif


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

sweet Croda, Sweet, sweet, sweet Croda. Whoa is he that was sent away from the Pool, missed in his absence and smiled upon on his return. Yes, we smiled upon your return! HA! Ahem, as I was saying. Dear, sweet Croda. He's added so much to this place, what with his clever, witty, Seanachai-quality and style, and his Hiram-style self awareness and his Andreas-style intelligence and his Peng-style love of all life. Croda is the Pool's inner croda, after all. If, one day, each member of the Pool were to conquer his own little battle. Were Lorak to one day defeat me or Shandorf to one day become witty or, god forbid, wildman or stevetherat become interesting, we would see Croda (our mutual inner croda) become the natural born leader. Yes, if the Pool is some kind of twisted e-life, with a lifespan, with evolutionary changes, If it is alive, then Croda is it's soul.

And we truly missed him.

Welcome Back Sweety biggrin.gif


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Well I'd just like to thank the Academy for this wonderful award. Apparently I've won the 'Half-Assed Attempt at Veiled Mock Sincerity Award' for the month. Msrs. Meeks and Achai have bestowed upon me lauds for which I've never asked, nor in which I've ever shown interest. So I ask you to take your vague niceties, pack them up and mail them to Sri Lanka where perhaps Arthur C. Clarke can take them and figure out why I should give a dalem what you think.

As for my immortal soul, I am unique in the fact that I was born without one. Call it a factory defect or somefink, but I am indeed soul-less. It is the only thing that can possibly explain the blind courage with which I continually march headlong into the death you bastards regularly deal me.

jd, it's 2 hellcats. 1 to gaminess, and 1 to arty, which is also gaminess, so basically you gameily killed 2 hellcats. you also killed a sherman with the gamey use of AT mines right in the middle of a necessary road-way. Gamey by all means. What are you going to do next, try to flank me? Try playing be the rules. You fecking lawyers get out once a month and think you can go hog-wild by making up the rules as you go along. Get with the program.

And Mace. I can do any damned thing I please as I have been dubbed the sould of the 'Pool. By whom? (Yes, I just used whom, and properly, I might add) By me, and maybe by Meeks. He said something like that above, but I don't care enough to go back and read it. The mere fact that I said it should be enough for you. And Mace...go easy on Esther tonight...she's to be shorn tomorrow.

As for the rest of you...




There you have it.

And here's a 'wazzapp' out to my boy shandorffffff who grow's wittier by the millenium. Call him a poor man's Chupacabra, but he's allright in my book.

Has anyone heard anything about stevethetoadwhothinksthatlesbianismisgross? Rumor has it he died in a tragic blimp accident...can we be so lucky?

And thank you Emma for the lovely welcome back. It's always good to lay down on your own couch after a long trip...Of course it would appear that mensch was using it while I was gone, so I may need to have it fumigated. Feel free to come sit with me when no one's looking.





Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

[This message has been edited by Croda (edited 01-17-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:


And here's a 'wazzapp' out to my boy shandorffffff who grow's wittier by the millenium. Call him a poor man's Chupacabra, but he's allright in my book.


And more crap.


It's "all right", you illiterate ape-man. Not "alright" and absolutely not, "allright". Stop butchering my language and get your head out of that little misqouting harlot's bottom.

Edited to add:

Hell, I didn't even notice the blatant abuse of apostrophes. You bastard.

[This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 01-17-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

Now hang on a minute, Mensch!!!

whine, bla.. wash, me no smell.. boo hoo, you hurt my feelings... bla.. whine

I don't shower and don't shave!

And I would also like to add, my nickname rhymes Dolt tongue.gif


yup.. your my knight in soggy armour, geez who wacked the idiot box and let out all the morons.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

And Mace. I can do any damned thing I please as I have been dubbed the sould of the 'Pool. By whom? (Yes, I just used whom, and properly, I might add) By me, and maybe by Meeks. He said something like that above, but I don't care enough to go back and read it. The mere fact that I said it should be enough for you. And Mace...go easy on Esther tonight...she's to be shorn tomorrow.


Silly, silly Croda!

What I wrote is if you can great someone, so can I. Please learn to read properly.

Also can you explain something for me, exactly what is a sould? Is it something to be wary of? Should I be afraid?

As for Esther? No, dont recall that name.

But I must admit, I do love them shaved! smile.gif

Now I must demand satisfaction, do you have a sheep handy?


PS Mensch, can we sit down one day and review your knowledge of exactly what a rhyme is? I don't want you to go through life with this disadvantage!

[This message has been edited by Mace (edited 01-17-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

As for my immortal soul, I am unique in the fact that I was born without one.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ahem, need I say Berli and my status as a lawyer? So I'd say hardly unique.


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

[This message has been edited by jd (edited 01-17-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

Smoochie smoochie Croda!

What I wrote is if you can great someone, so can I. Please learn to read properly.

Horse bucky, pig vomit and other disgusting, worthless stuff.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Can you great me, you sheepshagging nimrod?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

And here's a 'wazzapp' out to my boy shandorffffff who grow's wittier by the millenium. Call him a poor man's Chupacabra, but he's allright in my book.


Well, considering the year I must have grown enormously wittier.

It's strange though... I don't feel any wittier. Must be my inner Croda taking control.

It's true though, Croda has no soul. In fact I saw a cripple down the street getting around on a push board selling Croda's soul for a enough change to buy him his bottle of Nighttrain. See this it made me ask, which is more valuable? Apparently the little cripple already figured this out, but I did hesitate. Maybe it's my disdain for cheap wine or the fact that if I had Croda's soul I would put it in a killing jar and then pin it to a plush back board and mount it (Don't even move, Bauhaus) on my wall near my computer. So that every time I crush Croda in a battle I can gloat over his soul hanging there on my wall next to my autographed picture of Jennifer Anistin. (Grrrrrr, baby. Grrrrr.)

And yet sometimes I wish I could be there, ya know, when Croda is dishing out orders like a line order cook. Only wanting to be done so he can go sit on the pot with his reader's digest and stew. I wish I could be there with a ruler so that I could whap his knuckles like some zealous nun screaming every time he makes a bad move, "No, you fool! Don't move your tanks there! Drop some smoke! Get them to that tree line! Keep them together man! Do you want them to die alone! And keep that platoon in reserve don't send them up to die with the others! Wait until his arty has passed!"

Ahhh.. It is dream I have from time to time.



I once killed a six pack just to watch it die.

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