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It Was the Best of PENG CHALLENGES, It Was the Worst of PENG CHALLENGES

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You know Mrspkr there is a fine line between being a pompous ARSE and just being a small-minded little GIT. Actually there happens to be a big black line, complete with yellow "Do Not Cross" tape all over the place.

You sir, have no trouble going from one to the other. No one else seems to be playing your little game, and I wouldn't even care or say anything except that I happen to take offence to it, as though you are the great protectorate of all things you deem unworthy. I remember the days when we were both squires, MR Mrspkr and I would much like to take you out behind the woodshed again like those old days, but your mind has seemed to shrink while your nose grows more lofty every day.

Go ahead and post 225 more times. I hope it gives you the feeling you REALLY accomplished something worthy. For me, kanigget or not, saying I would still like to knock your block off, is good enough for me.

Oh and one other thing, your one word per post sentence is either fragmentary or a run-on, or possibly even both. The one thing it is NOT is grammatically correct, but I don't feel bothered enough to actually deduce the problem. Please go back to your world of children, church, and what-not, and post to your "Stars" and your "Friendly Challenge" thread, and while you're at it, maybe you could just start heckling everyone?

Just me then? OK. See you in the morning! Good luck, only 224 to go!

[ 08-10-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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single eyebrow confused me.

Oh, so you can comprehend more than one word per post.

No, I was not trying to post 225 times in a row, Sancho, so get your panties unwadded. Just having a bit of fun. Everyone else has gone to bed, I am waiting on turns from everyone, and am quite bored this evening.

Geez, everyone is so sensitive this evening.

If I have offended, then . . .I . . . (wow this IS quite difficult) . . . apologize.

There. Said it. Didn't hurt (almost).

[edited for the apology to those with tender sensibilities]

[ 08-10-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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It is my sad duty to report to you the following:

MrFour has succumbed to the Army of Peng. We did not want to do it. We did not expect it to happen. We are as surprised and appalled as the rest of you, but it is true.

The shame and humilitation that the members of the AofP feel at this particular juncture go far beyond what mere mortals and humans can endure (good thing we are pods, eh?), having had the displeasure of defeating Mrfour in an assault. His plucky corn-fed farmboys from Iowa deserved no such fate, and the evil Heer of the AofP should have been buried alive in pools of rotting squid, which is really far too good an outcome for scum like us.

But it was not to be. Fortuna's wheel spun down low for MrFour and the AofP rode the other side to it's apex, basking in sunshine and glory - undeserved as it may be.

This is not breaking news, nay It is as stale as a seanachaied fart, but we had to say it anyway. We owed it to MrFour to speak.

We also feel compelled to point out that the post by PAWBroon was about the funniest damn thing that we have read in a very long time.

Those who are owed turns will have them in the fullness of time.

As far as the thing with MrPShaw goes, well we are just a tad confused as to how to procedecake. we have an unsullied map, we have a bit of an idea about what we want to buy to put on the map, but well, what do we do next?

Please advise at your earliest convenience.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:


There. Said it. Didn't hurt (almost).


Now you've done it. You ought to be demoted back to SSN for that. It's one thing to apologize for something truly offensive (for which it would probably be better to cut off an arm or something) or remarkably insensitive, or a rude attack on some rube on the outerboard (you know what I'm referring to). But it's altogether different to apologize for simply being a dork in the cesspool. That's really unacceptable. Send me a setup, and preferably not too stupid of one.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Everyone else has gone to bed, I am waiting on turns from everyone, and am quite bored this evening.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh you little tyke, *ruffles hair*

MrSqueeker, may I remind you this an international community, with representatives from all over the globe!

What's interesting is that the globe rotates on it's axis, and more interesting, it revolves around the sun.

This means that the part of the globe that faces the sun has daylight, and the other side has night, but because the globe rotates, a point on the globe (except for certain areas near the northern and southern poles) moves into day then night, night into day, cyclically.

Now even more amazingly, people on different parts of the globe don't have night and day simultaneously, but at different times.

So when you say Everyone else has gone to bed', this is not entirely correct.

So there you go, son, you've learnt something new, haven't you?

Now go have some fun playing on the nearest freeway, there's a good lad!


[ 08-10-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

What's interesting is that the globe rotates on it's axis, and more interesting, it revolves around the sun.


You're saying the world rotates around the Axis? I knew you were one of those übergerman players all along. You only play as germans, and then you always get nothing but smg squads and rickets. What a gamey bastard. I bet you're even on a bunch of ladders and always use "The System". Scum. Stick to the outerboard where you belong.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chrisl:

I bet you're even on a bunch of ladders <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

*POING!* <------ sound of brick bouncing off head

Oi! I'll have you know that,Cristal, the only ladder I'm on is the one that gets me up to the roof of my house!

As far as where I belong, it's here yah drongo, in the *sob <--- overcome with emotion*... the MBT!!!

And a word of advice, never accuse a kinniggit of being some SSN, you ...you... SSNN (Scum Sucking Newbie's Newbie).


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

Oi! I'll have you know that,Cristal, the only ladder I'm on is the one that gets me up to the roof of my house!


You know there's this stuff called phone cable (and relatives called ethernet cable and coax, depending on your connection). If you go out and buy some, or even steal it from a neighbor, you can extend the connection the the net down from the roof, and all the way into the house. If you steal enough cable then you can even run the line to any room of the house. That way you wouldn't have to stand on a ladder when you type. You're probably all the way up with both feet on the step that says "don't step on this one-it looks like a step but we didn't really mean it".

That, or you could just sit on the roof and type. Beats the hell out of trying to type while standing tippy-toes on a ladder.

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Who are these stones who dare not only to accept my challenge but throw it back in my face by asking me for my tru-blu Pengiosity?

I was a Hokkien Peng in the army; so fie, fie, _fie_ upon these gentrified Pengs!

Prepare for my mailed gauntlet, Who-are-these -- I don't use it to slap people in the face! (There are other, better spots for it to go and other, better spits for it to emulate!)

Not _only_ will I challenge you to a random match, with random weather, random troop quality, random troop _pick_ and random time of day, I will show you exactly why they call us cannon-cockers!

Bahahahahaha! My super-duper Haig offense skills will overwhelm all before me!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chrisl:

But it's altogether different to apologize for simply being a dork in the cesspool. That's really unacceptable. Send me a setup, and preferably not too stupid of one.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You're right, I', so. . . ACK!

Almost did it again, right there, in front of everyone!

Alright, then, setup on its way this evening when I return home from another boring day at the office.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tritritri (actually you should quit trying):

Prepare for my mailed gauntlet, Who-are-these -- I don't use it to slap people in the face! (There are other, better spots for it to go and other, better spits for it to emulate!)


So your saying you’re a Medieval Re-enactor specializing in Proctology?

I suggest you self-medicate.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

Oh you little tyke, *ruffles hair*

MrSqueeker, may I remind you this an international community, with representatives from all over the globe!

What's interesting is that the globe rotates on it's axis, and more interesting, it revolves around the sun.

This means that the part of the globe that faces the sun has daylight, and the other side has night, but because the globe rotates, a point on the globe (except for certain areas near the northern and southern poles) moves into day then night, night into day, cyclically.

Now even more amazingly, people on different parts of the globe don't have night and day simultaneously, but at different times.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hey! I've heard about you folk, with your fancy schmancy lying ways.

The 'globe rotates on it's axis' indeed!

All learned folk know that the earth resembles nothing so much as a giant teacup, and that all light comes from the Great Sugar Spoon in the Sky.

I suppose next you'll tell me the Moon is some sort of a ball of rock, dust, and various minerals orbiting the earth? Hah! Everyone knows that which we call the Moon is really the Giant Spoon O' Creamer that bathes us all in the milky white glow of its cold, refreshing liquid goodness.

You Ozzies really need to work on your science.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>MrSpnky wrote:

All learned folk know that the earth resembles nothing so much as a giant teacup<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Which is unfortunate proof that the civilised world really was created by the English. It should be noted that NASA always takes its space shots from the top or bottom, and airbrushes out the handle, to make the planet look round.

With all the cheese we need on the moon, all that's missing is someone to go out and fetch the crackers on the great Biscuit Belt between Mars and Jupiter, and finally our afternoon cuppa will be complete, and we shall build Jerusalem there, in the green fields of Tau Ceti!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Peng admitted his ignorance (among other things, when he stated: As far as the thing with MrPShaw goes, well we are just a tad confused as to how to procedecake. we have an unsullied map, we have a bit of an idea about what we want to buy to put on the map, but well, what do we

do next?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> OTOneH, I find I must agree with Peng, disgusting though that may be. The map and (I hesitate to use the word as it dignifies it beyond imagination) "instructions" from Berli were, shall we say, sparse. So I shared Peng's discomfort ... well, not ALL of his discomfort, I understand that medications available over the counter can do much to relieve the pain and itching. OTOtherH, I had the native wit and intelligence to ... hello ... ASK about that of which I was unsure.

Berli was, big surprise, of NO help whatsoever, but Mensch, my true and faithful second in this desperate affair, soon gave me to understand that HE would be using the map to create the scenario, complete with setup zones and finalized troop purchases.

In the area of the last requirement, he did suggest that I could either run a QB setup and BUY my forces then relay the OOB to him OR he could purchase a reasonable OOB for me. I chose the former course since Mensch is, after all, German and not to be trusted. I hasten to add that I am of German descent and, therefore, also not to be trusted, though to a lesser degree than one who is of full Teutonic blood. Here's hoping that if I offended anyone ... it was well done.

I do SO hope that this post has cleared up the misunderstanding and that you will find your OWN way to the pharmacy for your ... other ... problem.


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