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I found a guy with the pirated CM!!! More info in here....

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I play DoD a Half life WWII mod. Anyway I vist that forum often too.

Well today I cam e across a post where a guy was saying he had a pirated version of CM. I didn't say anything, I contacted the Moderater and he will ask the actual admin what they will do. I was going to report him straight to BTS, but he doesn't have his ICQ# or e-mail listed. That is why I contacted the Moderater about this.

So, the thread goes on, another guy says he has it too, and asks the 1st guy to contact him and so on. What I am doing is trying to go through the second guy, to find out the e-mail address of the first guy. (Got that?)

That way I can post their e-mial addresses here and their ICQ#s too. And BTS can decide what to do!

So all i got so far is the E-mail and ICQ of the second guy here they are

ICQ# 82742985

E-mail: krechet23@hotmail.com

I will try to get the info on the first guy!

[ 05-11-2001: Message edited by: Rommel22 ]

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:eek: :mad:

Lets tar and feather them, no thats too polite. How about drawn,hung, and quartered.

Nah, not painfully enough.

Thats it. My sinister mind has it, unfortunately this forum is PG-13 so I can't say. Damn it was good too.

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Lynching mob are we?

Boy you must be missing those instant justice hangings where fun was to be had.

Those were the days I tell you...

And don't get me wrong, if you should drop an eMail to Madmatt about the matter he will testify I had repeatedly reported 10s of warez sitez and 0 day download FTPz with Warezed CM or what had been worst so far the friggin MANUAL in PDF.

I respect BTS work and report those DIRECTLY every time I stumble accross one.

I do NOT single out users nor do I open that info up to public knowledge...

You should ponder this a little.

All in all, I do hope for you that you actually registered all of the softwares you're using personnally.

There is nothing like a Robin Hood mentality where protecting BTS is good while ripping Microsoft is only natural.

As a side note, some members in here started with a Warezed copy of CM and then bought one.

It's a testimony of the respect BTS have from their customers base and of what kind of fidelity and honesty you can trigger when you are doing such a good job while being open to suggestions...

I live in France so I don't care much about what you're doing apart from the obvious moral implication, but in the good US of A, bombing someone's eMail box or subscribing him to unwanted mailing lists might get you into trouble of the legal kind.

So just so you know.

Go get that rope and hang me anyway if it's your kind of entertainment...

[ 05-11-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by fytinghellfish:

When I was in Kuwait (May-October 2000), a pirated version of CM was available. $10.

Fortunately, I didn't buy it (though I was temped) cos the pirated software everyone else bought didn't work back in the States.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

A buddy of mine just finished a peacekeeping tour in Bosnia; much of the local economy where they were was aided by pirated software, etc. He came back with a bunch (not CM). Not too impressed with him, but I guess the black market there in the former Yugo is the best part of their economy.

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So it's ok than. I'll just send him a copy myself, why should he bother in downloading it and cathing a virus. Poor 'ol boy.

I am so ignorant thinking, it's wrong to pirate software. I'll apoligize to him and send him a free copy of CM and CM2 in the future!

Sorry! redface.gif

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Internet lynch mob. Wooohooo!

Dorosh wrote: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>A buddy of mine just finished a peacekeeping tour in Bosnia; much of the local economy where they were was aided by pirated software, etc. He came back with a bunch (not CM). Not too impressed with him, but I guess the black market there in the former Yugo is the best part of their economy.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>I can just imagine the reception he got from you. :D

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I agree with everything you (PawBroon) said but ...

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

There is nothing like a Robin Hood mentality where protecting BTS is good while ripping Microsoft is only natural.

[ 05-11-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Microsoft's consumer dedication is not exactly the same at BTS's (have you read the Microsoft manifesto ?), besides they have enough lawyers to take care of themselves.

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Since you're that much against illegal things, I'd like to remind you that publishing others email/icq etc. addresses is illegal in conjuction like this..

(you're almost literally telling people to spam him, which is illegal)

as far as i know of..

(just keep the addresses for BTS, they're the ones that can do something, not the spammers)

Just that you might also get in trouble if this guy gets spam and find out that you've been telling stuff like that.

What is the reason to publish his email for other than BTS anyway?

[ 05-11-2001: Message edited by: Fishu ]

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Ferdinand & Fishu thanks for taking some time on my post.

The reference to Ms is obvious since firstly nobody cares about buying Windows actually and since every one loves to take pot shots at Gates, it was a likely reference.

As for what I said to Rommel22, what he did and the would be resulting spams falls on legal action AS WELL.

There are laws like the Unsollicited Commercial Mail Act.

What you did is not even remotely commercial so you can imagine...

You got weird guys on the Net.

If you don't mind being nuked, spammed and Trojaned then no probs.

I hope you have a good anti viral and firewall system when you start playing the Caped Crusader.

As for piracy in general and CM in particular you should REALLY read my post twice.

I have been regularly tracing back guys and sites offering ripped CM and Manuals in PDF.

I had ALWAYS kept that info STRICTLY between BTS and I.

The Net is huge and things have a certain way of backfiring.

Next time you should just mail the Bald One and have him bounce in the DoD forum with the Good Book.

For all I care I gave that piece of advice for your welfare...

Take heed or take care.


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Surely piracy is illegal, and you feel bad seeing people dealing in it.

But what has this to do here ?? Report to the antipiracy league or your local police post instead...

And *if* you're bold enough to denonciate the faulty guys yourself, change your logon to Goebbels instead tongue.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Pascal DI FOLCOed:


PDF = Pascal Di Folco?!!

It was YOU that did that PDF Manuals!!

The shame is on ye!

Just so I know, between Frogs, I do sincerely hope you are not Goebbelsing me either?

I report sites, never people.

And what I trace back is Sysadmins just so they know they are offering disk space to some people dwelling in illegal thingies.

Then, I do report that directly to BTS and do not feed the crowd...

Hope you see the difference you Stinking French!!


If you got problem with that Frog then I'll have to kick your sorry batrachian butt from here to eternity over a PBEM.?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pascal DI FOLCO:

change your logon to Goebbels instead tongue.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Shouldn't that be Himmler instead ? And how many other french people lurk in this thread when they should be working ?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

PDF = Pascal Di Folco?!!

It was YOU that did that PDF Manuals!!

The shame is on ye!

Just so I know, between Frogs, I do sincerely hope you are not Goebbelsing me either?

I report sites, never people.

And what I trace back is Sysadmins just so they know they are offering disk space to some people dwelling in illegal thingies.

Then, I do report that directly to BTS and do not feed the crowd...

Hope you see the difference you Stinking French!!


If you got problem with that Frog then I'll have to kick your sorry batrachian butt from here to eternity over a PBEM.?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Umm.. are you joking now or being serious?

Just that the "PDF manual" means a format (those Adobe formats, working with adobe reader)

PDF format comes handy indeed, I've read few PDF documents (hardware/software specs.. manuals.. etc. stuff... umm like hardware manuals, not CM manuals :D) and those are very nice.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ferdinand:

Microsoft's consumer dedication is not exactly the same at BTS's (have you read the Microsoft manifesto ?), besides they have enough lawyers to take care of themselves.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Dunno which is more amusing, the lynch mob or this moral logic.

If you're gonna report a pirate, do it and shut up. Don't show up here for your gold star.

If you're gonna shoplift, do it and shut up. Don't try to justify it.

'Scuse me, but Dell's customer service sucks and I have to go smash a store window and steal a computer. C ya.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

If you're gonna report a pirate, do it and shut up. Don't show up here for your gold star.

If you're gonna shoplift, do it and shut up. Don't try to justify it.


True, and actually i'm doing neither. I'll try to think before posting next time.

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LoL Pawbroon !! :D

I don't mind you tracking wares, personnally I don't have any inclination for this...

{french reserved section}

Rommel22 m'a franchement énervé avec sa chasse à l'homme, d'ou mon message

Je t'écrase quand tu veux sur un PBEM, n'oublie pas de prendre des Humbers :D


And yes Fishu, that PDF thing t'was stoopid French jokes ...

Ferdinand, I'm OK with Himmler too (was SS big chief), Goebbels was the propaganda master, not a bad choice either...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Allez polluent un autre panneau avec votre langage fétide.

Ayez un jour agréable!


[ 05-11-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I hope this is an automatic translation, else try posting in French when you can write it better than a 6 yr old kid smile.gif

You yankee imperialist b*stard ! ;)

Et si je veux je peux t'insulter en français sans que tu n'y piges rien :D

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pascal DI FOLCO:

I hope this is an automatic translation, else try posting in French when you can write it better than a 6 yr old kid smile.gif

You yankee imperialist b*stard ! ;)

Et si je veux je peux t'insulter en français sans que tu n'y piges rien :D<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Of course its an automatic translation! Who in their right mind would want to speak French?




"They're just regular jokes - they're not gonna hurt ya!"

-- Sam Kinison

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Of course its an automatic translation! Who in their right mind would want to speak French?




"They're just regular jokes - they're not gonna hurt ya!"

-- Sam Kinison<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Mr non french-Spkr,

Your translation software is a piece of crap, not surprising since it's done by Americans :D

Knowing French is a real advantage on the Net, as only Americans with more than IQ 60 understand it, that's 1% pf them approx tongue.gif

eheh, this thread becomes Pengesque... :D

Still regular jokes though...

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But my point is, so what if the French use it on the internet to keep their thoughts hidden from non-French speakers? It's not as if their thoughts are really all that important! smile.gif

In all seriousness, however, I find it refreshing that a bulletin board like this contains people from so many countries - I have spoken with people living in Finland, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand, Britain, Germany, Belgium, Italy, South Africa, Canada (the place is crawling with Canucks!), the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Ireland, and now France, to name a few. I'm sure there are folks from other countries that I omitted.

Ain't it great that BTS could create a game so popular all over the world?


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