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I Saw a Beast Rise Up Out of the Sea, and Upon His Heads the Name of Peng Challenge

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Listen here CD Player, the only redeeming quality you possess is that you're not a Finn, and believe me that ain't much.


thank you. hej, somone just connected

to play, maybe it is you pl? :rolleyes:

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

Your still a cockroach to me.. bug boy.


Hey SUCKboy, is this the kind of "Artful Taunting" you were referring to yesterday? Magnificant Mushy! It's always so stimulating to see Kinnigets at work. You’re undigested slop rates right up there with SDN’s.

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent.

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From the Grammer Police Blotter:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>mensch's delightfully usage-impaired taunt of:

Your still a cockroach to me...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>found a wonderfully symmetric response from DekeFentle:

You’re undigested slop rates right up there...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Not that I'm judging people by their grasp (or should I say, they're grasp) of grammer (grammer Bauhaus! Put down that copy of Warriner's!). Quite the contrary, I'm just pointing out how my superior grasp of written English makes me much more clever, handsome, better-smelling, more attractive to my chosen gender/species of romantic partner(s), possessed of a superior local sports franchise, and my dad can beat up your dad and is going to buy me a new land rover discover as soon as i turn sixteen haha you poor people are funny and i am a l33t haxor you are suxor--

[Figure in armor smacks Agua Perdido upside the head with a raw chicken.]

Sorry about that. Blood sugar's a bit low. I think I'll go have a bagel.

Agua Perdido

[Edited to correct my pervasive misspelling of "grammar," but then I realized it works better with it in.]

[ 07-25-2001: Message edited by: Agua Perdido ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hey SUCKboy, is this the kind of "Artful Taunting" you were referring to

yesterday? Magnificant Mushy! It's always so stimulating to see Kinnigets at work. You’re undigested slop rates right up there with SDN’s.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sir Mensch is a full fledged Knight of the CessPool while you are ... allow me to check ... ah, yes, here it is ... The Whuppin' Boy ... Ah me {wipes tear from eye}. Therefore he is as far above your station (the Texaco on the corner if I'm not mistaken?) as is the Earth from the Moon. For that reason, he is automatically right and you are automatically wrong ... actually you're automatically wrong all the time. Consider that Sir Mensch is not abiding in this country (or even in YOUR country ... have you crowned Jesse yet?) and therefore may not be completely cognizant of proper grammatical construction. Even if he IS well versed in English, everyone makes the odd mistake ... you wandered in here didn't you, and to berate someone for their grammar or spelling is usually considered ... poor form. But then we've come to expect that of you.

Am I to deduce from your previous post that you DO want a game with me?


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for all those kack holed cockroaches that worry about spelling in the CESS?

go play with your barbie dolls and fine pressed underwear your spouce irons for you, extra starch by the looks of some posts in here.

Spelling and grammer are for those who care... and as you see I don't.

if you want to ramble on how such a teacher fecking suck you were in school or how many professors you banged to get that perfect deploma.. tell it to some one who CARES.. i don't give a feck.

you pasty pissants who like to wooo and wow how your mentor / animal handler patted you on your head when you took your first perfect crap! TELL IT TO SOME ONE WHO CARES!!!

as for the cockroach problem here it's getting worse. Go figure a Peng Thread™ started by Spanachie tends to gather the lowest lifeforms on this earth, causing great pain and nashing of teeth to the low life forms already here.

so what did we learn today my little cockroach friends.. if you think you can wow us with pazzaz.. or was that pizza.. well it don't matter. Show it to someone WHO CARES.

if you want to complain about spelling or grammer, tell it to some one WHO CARES.

if you can't understand this, who the feck cares! It's not our fault your a MORON!

now.. go play on a busy highway I got a headache.. but even that I DON'T CARE.

as for cockroaches, your challanges will be ignored, not even read over with the slightest smile or passing of gas. BECAUSE I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU.

now update for those who don't care:

PeterNZ: The nob I think has given up on CM thus our game that is on hold. cuz the NOB is not returning his file to me for Two and a HALF months now.. lorak I formaly declare this one a draw since he was loosing, knew it and ditched the game!! this is the first copp out I have experienced in my CM playing career.

OBSFGZ: new game, more death to him, I hope. anyhow we just got started and well here's my thoughts.. he'll labber about something in forked tounges agian.. wait for it.

Senachoo!: Bless you. no realy it took him since 4th of July to realize he never sent me back a file! I guess he was layed up in hospital from a firecracker firing up his nose.

boolichen: nice beta test going, no real constructive comments by him xept maybe, "greg..." hmm sorry I can't remember what he wrote, but it does not matter he never writes anything spectacular anyhow..

Spuka: Hell boy do we have a game going?... ring me up I need a good laugh about now.

Mase: beta testing and a real game going, as for the beta testing he's doing better then Berli that's forsure. as for the real game, expect a auto surrender from him any day now.

Kroda: again no file from him for months, I suspect drugs are the reason why he's not sending stuff back.

Frenchboy that goes "oui": funny him.. damn rushing gamey git.. payed for it though.. me too.. the git.

Guyer: wow, amazing.. I think this is the only real intensive game I've had all year.. cuddos to Germanboy wonderfuly done.

Jow She: painfully slow, his tactic is working but loosing many men to such foolishness, bring out that damn armour so I can brew it up will you!!

if I miss anyone, who cares. I don't

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by R_Leet:

Now that's more like it. But you miss the point entirely. That was irony, ya twit. Referring to the "including blood and gore shows respect for the fallen" prattle that caused Seanachai to verbally assault me. Hence my challenge. Have you seen the junk getting debated on the outerboards? It's enough to force someone into the MBT just to avoid the stench!


Your irony needs starch.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Edited, 'cause I want to make a really good impression. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Another sycophant. Wonderful.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Another original from Sir Joe Pshaw

That would be Sir Joe Shaw to you Moriarty and don't think I haven't had my eye on you for quite some time now.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

As long as you insist on standing on ceremony, ya bilious, blustering, Mormonizing lawyer git, it's Sir Moriarty. One day we shall meet in battle and there will be more standing goin' on, Sir Knigget.

And as far as your having your eye on me, keep your Bauhausian tendencies to yourself.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I have a secret list of at least 4 Knights and 6 Squires who are in league with and supporting SSNs and Outerboarders. Would you like me to up that total to 5 Knights? Just keep it up pal.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Secret lists, eh? How outerboard of you.

Time for a sing-song:

Which grog's side you on, boy

Which grog's side you, on ...

Just which SSN have I supported? Stand and deliver, your lupins or your life. (oops, wrong bit, there, but I digress)

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>That's it Sir Joe, git 'em.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Speedhump, ya snivelling wretch ... *KICK*

[ 07-25-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]

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Ah it does my sould good to see the fine reception being given to a whole new pack of brats!

But onwards and outwards to Update. Not that anyone really cares, but it's a slow morning at work and I fel like inflictnig myself upon as many of you as possible.

Davey Itchin' - at least manages to get turns back. Having selected a map with lots of hills and no trees to maximise the target practice opportunities for his uber-kittens it seems he's bought at least half a dozen MARDERS! Gamey bastiche! Still, they make fine target practice for Daimler 2 pdrs.

Mouse is a useless slack waste of space, but I digress..... Actually playing 2 against this boy.....dunno why - perhaps he likes pain? He seems surprised that I should have artillery in our attack (him, with hordes of the evil hun)/defence (me - with Green US infantry) game. Oh well....he's one tiger (?) down and that 57's going to get a spanking but it was worth it!!

and in the ME game his infantry have successfully seized all objectives and been blasted to snot by all sorts of things throwing HE filled shells - it's lots of fun!! In a couple of moves I'll send the boys in for a cuppa among the ruins and blasted bodies in feldgrau.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

Spelling and grammer are for those who care... and as you see I don't.


Spelling and grammer (grammar, whatever) are vital as Yet Another Perfectly Good Irrelevant Reason to Berate Someone and Declare They Are Less Intelligent And Abusive Of Gratuitous Capitalization Than You. Strainge, I find myself Not Caring, either. I think I'll go use "it's" as a possessive.

Agua Perdido

(Is it happy hour, yet?)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Just which SSN have I supported? Stand and deliver, your lupins or your life. (oops, wrong bit, there, but I digress)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now you weren't paying attention Sir Moriarty, I stated first that I had a SECRET list of FOUR Knights and I asked if you wanted to be number FIVE. See the beauty of the secret list is that it is SECRET and I can add whoever I want. And before you ask, no I won't publish the list because then it wouldn't be ... hello ... SECRET! But just remember that I've got spies everywhere. The Committee on UnCessPudlian Practices NEVER RESTS!

This is fun, I can see why Joe McCarthy got such a kick out of it.

Sir Joe Shaw, Prosecutor and Protector of The One The True CessPool

And to answer the question, it's normally NOT the done thing to bold one's own name, but in this case I wanted to strike a little fear into the hearts of the SECRET supporters of the Outerboarders and SSNs, you know who you are ... and SO DO I!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

Mase...for the beta testing he's doing better then Berli that's forsure. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

ie. My lads are probably dying at a somewhat slower rate than Berli's did. It reminds me of the battle of Hurtgen Forest, but without the trees.

Still, this is a fun game, especially for a masochist like myself.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

Spelling and grammer (grammar, whatever) are vital as Yet Another Perfectly Good Irrelevant Reason to Berate Someone and Declare They Are Less Intelligent And Abusive Of Gratuitous Capitalization Than You. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

As is numbering of turns.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Now you weren't paying attention Sir Moriarty, I stated first that I had a SECRET list of FOUR Knights and I asked if you wanted to be number FIVE. See the beauty of the secret list is that it is SECRET and I can add whoever I want. And before you ask, no I won't publish the list because then it wouldn't be ... hello ... SECRET! But just remember that I've got spies everywhere. The Committee on UnCessPudlian Practices NEVER RESTS!

This is fun, I can see why Joe McCarthy got such a kick out of it.

Sir Joe Shaw, Prosecutor and Protector of The One The True CessPool

And to answer the question, it's normally NOT the done thing to bold one's own name, but in this case I wanted to strike a little fear into the hearts of the SECRET supporters of the Outerboarders and SSNs, you know who you are ... and SO DO I!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ah, I see paranoia has struck deep in the beloved 'pool with a newly risen "Tailgunner Joe."

I was paying attention, but you evidently were not. I never asked you publish the list ... only to identify the SSN I purportedly supported.

As you failed to strike any jot, whit or iota of fear into my heart whatsoever, I guess I fail to make the list. It's either that or I don't know who I am. Which is possible.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I was paying attention, but you evidently were not. I never asked you publish the list ... only to identify the SSN I purportedly supported.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Gawd what a twit. I SAID ... Before You Ask about the list ... and I never said you WERE on the list, I merely suggested that if you kept up your current attitude you might end up on it. And you still might for calling me paranoid, you're just like everyone else, all of you are out to get me, following me, taping my phone calls, substituting pod people for my family, WELL YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH IT.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>As you failed to strike any jot, whit or iota of fear into my heart whatsoever, I guess I fail to make the list. It's either that or I don't know who I am. Which is possible.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I agree ... I think.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Gawd what a twit. I SAID ... Before You Ask about the list ... and I never said you WERE on the list, I merely suggested that if you kept up your current attitude you might end up on it. And you still might for calling me paranoid, you're just like everyone else, all of you are out to get me, following me, taping my phone calls, substituting pod people for my family, WELL YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH IT.


That would require that I read and comprehend every word you wrote and that might be in violation of some cool 'pool rule.

Substituting pod peeps for your fam? Yow, that would take Penging to a whole new level ... the Pength degree, as it were.

[ 07-25-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]

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Heh, heh... love the new sig, Jake....

Now that I've returned to my normal state at the oh-so correct promptings of CptSphnctr, I have some observations about socialism, to wit:


Soviet Union

SE Asia


N. Korea


Nazi Germany

E. Europe

Various Latin & African states

US farm policy



Thus what can we conclude, oh my less- sober- than- me- collegues? Why, just what you'd expect: 100 million dead on one side and "Ace of Base" on the other.

Yes. Exactly.

Leave it to the Swedes and S&MFeltcher to ruin a perfect genocidal scam like socialism with their idjit notion of Nordic fairness. Sure, they may be good natured and all, but look what they've done to the most effective tool of self-extermination that our species has EVER come up with!

It all starts with inchoherent posts... next thing you know you've closed the camps and emptied the psychiatric wards of political prisoners and then you're singing Abba songs...

...at least they all work for Ford now....


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I don't follow all the bits and pieces, Ike, but that is a brilliant post. I think there are deep, deep thoughts going on there. I'll talk to the Whiskey Man about it, and get back to you. He knows everything.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMplayer:

uh, excuse me gents, but what

does 'peng' mean? i've wondered

that for a long time. thanks

for your answers in advance. god



oh, and if anyone would like to

get spanked in a tcp/ip game

right now, load

details of the setup in a post

at opp. finder. sorry sorry...

[ 07-25-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

[ 07-25-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Peng is English for, "Go away, you annoy me." Now Peng off!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Lorak, I am pleased as punch (not that I've ever seen punch particularly looking pleased ... I mean it just kind of Sits there doesn't it ... all green or red or orange or whatever color) to report yet another in my campaign to PROVE that skill at CM is immaterial to the good work of the CessPool.

That's right, I've lost another game, and not just ANY old loss, but one to Bauhaus no less. Now mind you it was nip and tuck for a while there. I was winning handily, shelling the snot out of his infantry thanks to a cleverly placed FO and blowing his armor to kingdom come. I thought I'd have to deal with another win for while. Then, luckily (and I DO mean LUCKILY) his reinforcements of a Panther, three Mk IVs and assorted HTs showed up just as MY reinforcements of Sherman Vs and Fireflies showed up. All in all it was about equal. And then, in The Luckiest Turn in CM History, virtually ALL of his vehicles survived and only ONE of mine did. Well, I heaved a large sigh of relief let me tell you. But I forgot that I was dealing with Bauhaus don't you see. The silly lad sends his tanks in to mix it up with my infantry! He had some excuse about occupying VLs or some such. At the end of the game he had the Panther and a couple or three HTs left ... oh and a Minor Victory too. Talk about your close run things.

Bauhaus: WIN

Joe Shaw: LOSS


Yep......I couldn't agree with you more. Especially the part about you losing.

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