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Washington Area CM Meeting on Friday


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We have re-scheduled the first-ever Washington area CM players meeting for next Friday evening after work. All those interested are welcome to attend. Five or six guys have already said they will be there.

The meeting agenda is to drink beer and talk about CM and WWII stuff. If anybody has a digital camera, bring it and maybe we can post a picture here on the forum.

As promised before, I will buy a FREE BEER for any CM enthusiast who is smart enough to tell me: "Jake, you are the best CM player I have ever met!" You have almost a week to memorize these magic words in order to get something free from a lawyer. It may be the only time in your life this happens, so don't screw it up.

Place: Grevey's sports bar, located in Yorktowne Center shopping plaza at the corner of Route 50 and Gallows Road. This is just off the Beltway in Falls Church near the Mobil building. Take the Route 50 West exit. Grevey's is about one half mile from the Dunn Loring Metro station.

Time: 6:30pm on Friday, September 28. We should be there for a few hours.

What to look for? I will be there wearing my khaki "Gen. Jake" ballcap. If the weather is nice, I hope we can drink outside at Grevey's, but otherwise look for us inside. We will be the group of guys who all the attractive women are avoiding.

So come on out and join us! We look forward to seeing you. If you plan to come, post below and keep this message bumped up so people see it.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedy:

Jake, you are the best CM player I have ever met!

Now where's me beer?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I like the cut of your jib, Speedy. Just show up at Grevey's on Friday, Mate. You can bring Stuka, but please leave Mace at home.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer:

I like the cut of your jib, Speedy. Just show up at Grevey's on Friday, Mate. You can bring Stuka, but please leave Mace at home.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I am not prepared to sell my soul or tell untruths for a free beer, unlike one of my fellow countrymen - Speedy, stop pawing at his feet, it's embarrassing - and since I have enough beer in the fridge I can honestly say "you suck"!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

I am not prepared to sell my soul or tell untruths for a free beer


Then you, Mace are NOT Australian. Not really. Well, you are to the extent that you live off the Ozzie taxpayers doing "work" of no value while spending 24/7 perusing this forum. God Save Australia!

Frankly, I've wondered about you for a long time, and now it's confirmed. You are nothing but Steve Irwin masquerading as a CM player. This is not an "animal dress-up event, so put it where the sun don't shine.

Mark IV

Your absence on Friday will be noted, though not lamented. Feel free to make amends by sending me your corporate credit card number. I assure you it will earn more money and dispense more pleasure in my hands than yours. Don't you have a bit more reading to do catch up on WWII?

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I'm sure the explication of your recent, sad, personal deterioration that was posted this evening on the Peng Challenge Thread won't affect turnout, as I'm sure that after your recent, inconsequential victory you're 'all better now'.

Still, lads, keep something pointed and sharp nearby just in case. And if the man asks you to 'pray with him', run like a bastard for the exit.

On a happier note, Moire is currently finishing her BA at the UW Madison on Lawyer's money, a naturalized citizen of America.

There's no wind so wierd that it blows no one any good.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ElGuapo:

Ack, is there any way we can move it into Metro-able DC? A know 2 CM players who live in Georgetown and Cap Hill respectively who would love to be there.


ElGuapo, there is life outside the beltway...

So screw up your courage and head on out into the hinterlands... Why we even have running water and bathroom facilities out here in the boonies...

Lawyer, I'd love to be there, but Friday evenings are spent working with my Cub Scout den on advancement. Tip a nice dark beer for me. I'll think about you rotters while I have my juice and a snack with the boys.

Herr Oberst

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

ElGuapo, there is life outside the beltway...

So screw up your courage and head on out into the hinterlands... Why we even have running water and bathroom facilities out here in the boonies...

Herr Oberst<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Where did you hear that? Life outside the beltway? An oximoron at best.

Hard to imagine there is running water out there, much less restroom facilities. . .


[ 09-24-2001: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]

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ElGuapo, there is life outside the beltway...


I know. I've heard of this mythical "Suburbia" land in my storybooks. Apparently the rail doesn't go there, so you need a Kubelwagon or a Puma to get there. I've heard there is some nice stuff out there. I've ever been to a museum several hours to the north to see a JadgTiger, and we couldn't take the Metro there! Preposterous!

I'll try to make it Friday. Ok, so I come out of the Metro and go north on which road? Which side of the street is it on?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ElGuapo:


ElGuapo, there is life outside the beltway...


I'll try to make it Friday. Ok, so I come out of the Metro and go north on which road? Which side of the street is it on?


Guapo, buddy, look for the moss on the side of the Dunn Loring station and you'll know which way is north. Not that anybody cares.

I don't know which way is north, but if you turn right on Gallows Rd. coming out of the station and walk straight down Gallows Rd., past Lee Hi-way, you will come to Grevey's. It's just past McDonald's on the same side. About a half mile.

It ain't a pretty walk, but you get there, and you get a FREE BEER if you say the right words. If you doubt your wilderness abilities, you can get a cab at Dunn Loring. The ride can't cost more than $3 or so. VA cabs actually have meters. Maybe one of the CM drunks will give you a ride back.

Most of the CM guys seem to live out in VA. At least the cool ones... Hehehe... Just joking.

See you on Friday.


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Thanks Lawyer, I'd love to come and meet another member of my profession, as wella s the rest of the lads, but I'll have to pass until the next event...and until I get a new round of shots to enable me to visit such a remote area as Falls Church...

See you next time,


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Specterx:

Well damn... too bad I'm not old enough to drink (I live in Arlington Co., attend TJHSST in Fairfax).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, come anyway and I'll buy you something you can drink. And if you see what the rest of us have become, maybe it will scare you into doing something positive with your life.

All are welcome in the House of the Rising Son.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ElGuapo:


ElGuapo, there is life outside the beltway...


I know. I've heard of this mythical "Suburbia" land in my storybooks...

I'll try to make it Friday. Ok, so I come out of the Metro and go north on which road? Which side of the street is it on?


Sorry ElGuapo, I forgot that I didn't include any familiar landmarks or terminology for you to reference...

You come up from the Metro tracks facing towards DC (the place everyone will be trying to leave at that time of day, just look down at I-66), and turn to your Religious Right to exit the Metro station. This will place you on the South side of the Metro.

Meander out of the station, with a little bit of leaning towards the Marxist Left, being sure to miss all the pork barrels strewn about (it's not that far from DC you know).

This will deposit you on Gallows Road. Knuckle under to those PC-spouting Religious Righters again and you will eventually arrive at a crossroads. Lean neither to the Right nor to the Left, but proceed cautiously in a bi-partisan manner straight through the intersection, continuing on Gallows Road.

After a short distance, and having passed by the Golden Arches on the opposite side of he road, take a short dip into Marxism, and you'll be looking at Grevey's.

Try not to get hit crossing the road, some of the locals don't take kindly to city yokels comin out into the country...

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I'm looking forward to this little gathering of self-righteous CM bastards. If this goes well, we should all go up to Aberdeen some day and visit the tank park.

Though I'm not going to get a free beer, because I've never played ya, Lawyer, and I don't heap praise on those I haven't played. Maybe I'll bring my laptop with CM and we can bet a beer on the results of a 500 pt QB. smile.gif

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Guappie, the sad remains of my many slain opponents litter the landscape. All died at The Hands of the Law. I wish you a better fate, so I shall refrain from slaying you until I've seen you.

Marlow, don't even think about mentioning the outcome of our game. It was, truly, an anomaly of the sort not seen more than once in a lifetime (depending on whose life it is).

B-Day minus 2

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