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Originally posted by Mikhael:

Wow. I don't know if this is just a wrong impression or somesuch, but it almost sounds like you're making FPS fans out to be complete incompetents.

Any FPS fan who has even the tiniest inkling of interest in the gaming industry would have no problems grasping the concept of strategy and war games... in fact, most of them probably play a few.

Please, please, please don't go stereotyping an entire group... especially in such a broad, incorrect manner. Shudder. I hate it when people do that frown.gif

Let them go. It makes 'em feel superior.

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Originally posted by deanco:

What a bunch of crap. THIS! THIS!! is why I sometimes swear to never come back here.

I guess people deep down need to be snobs about something, anything, so they can lord it over others.

All I can say is this is the most biased and unscientific "analysis" I've ever read on this board. And yes, I'm disgusted.


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Originally posted by deanco:

What a bunch of crap. THIS! THIS!! is why I sometimes swear to never come back here.

I guess people deep down need to be snobs about something, anything, so they can lord it over others.

All I can say is this is the most biased and unscientific "analysis" I've ever read on this board. And yes, I'm disgusted.

Pardon me for asking, but why are you getting so worked up over this? You have one person's opinion (maximus) on why certain gamers don't like or understand CM, all based on another person's opinion (a 12 yr old). This hardly qualifies as an "analysis".

It's merely one guy's opinion, nothing more.

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And oh I missed one other insightful guy, The_Capt. That was exactly what I was trying to say.

The fact that CM is 3D attracts people from other genres. And some of those people get confused onto what CM is trying to accomplish. Also the Tac-AI confuses them as well as it does thing for you. Something that some FPS players and RTS gamers have a hard time understanding. Personally, of all the RTS games and FPS games that I have played that deal with more than one individual, I wish the Tac-AI was better and that my squad mates would be a little smarter than my bedroom doorknob. When I played H&D before I discovered the CM Beta Demo, I always had a problem with how my fellow team mates would not react like they should. Well, TS finally improved that with the v1.3 patch, but it was a little bit lacking still.


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And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!

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I can't take it any more, I have to come out of the closet, I have played FPS, RPG, you name, I have done them all, (sob sob), it all started a few years ago when a friend got me to play Pac Man, then I was hooked, after that Doom, Half-Life, you name it. Any one have a phone number for FPS playes to get cured? 1-800-FPS-HELP?

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Hi Kingfish,

I'm not worked up anymore, I've calmed down. I guess what got my goat is the title of the thread. If you call "A NEW OUTLOOK" (in caps, of course) asking one 12-year-old what he thinks about CM... well, that's a little thin to be calling it a new outlook, don't you think? If the title had been, 'My 12 year old friend's view of CM', I might even have contributed to the thread in a useful manner. But really, the gist of the thread was, "the 12 year old don't like it because there's more than 1 guy to control". Getouddahere. WCS, it's an insult to all 12 year olds who are capable of controlling 2 or more units at a time. And not to mention that it is a sweeping generalization, and stereotype, which has very little basis in actual fact, as others have pointed out.



CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/

so many games...so little time

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Originally posted by deanco:

Hi Kingfish,

I'm not worked up anymore, I've calmed down. I guess what got my goat is the title of the thread. If you call "A NEW OUTLOOK" (in caps, of course) asking one 12-year-old what he thinks about CM... well, that's a little thin to be calling it a new outlook, don't you think? If the title had been, 'My 12 year old friend's view of CM', I might even have contributed to the thread in a useful manner. But really, the gist of the thread was, "the 12 year old don't like it because there's more than 1 guy to control". Getouddahere. WCS, it's an insult to all 12 year olds who are capable of controlling 2 or more units at a time. And not to mention that it is a sweeping generalization, and stereotype, which has very little basis in actual fact, as others have pointed out.

OK, point seen and taken. But what still continues to amaze me is why do people take such harsh stances to generalizations. I mean once someone says "in general" there is always some PC person who automatcially calls them on it by saying, "Now not all...yada yada yada" Well of course not, but geez, is it a fear or inferiorty complex that worries people in that they may be included in these generalizations? If so, then I feel for ya.

In this case, I'm generalized as an American. But I just happen to be half-Italian and half-Lithuanian. But do I get upset when I am called any of those? No. So in this case everybody who does play FPS games along with CM are getting all bent out of shape because they are being generalized as a FPS player. Big deal! In this case, I do play the occasional RTS, (I've got the Cossacks: European Wars demo on my computer and I like to play it every so often) but I don't feel as if I should be worried about if I'm catorigized as a grognardy wargamer or a casual RTS gamer. Because mainly, I don't give a rat's ass. Maybe that's why I don't have a ulcer. I don't get all worked up for being included in something that I feel could be looked down upon by someone else.

If anything all these responses saying that they play the occasional game of HalfLife or Quake sounds like they are uncomfortable in being a part of that cliche. You know I'm glad they play other games besides CM. I do too. But why get upset about it if you get grouped in with them when you are one?

Going back to my ethnic backgorund. My family wasn't even in the States at the time of the Civil War, yet since I live in a "Northern State" I feel a connection to the "Yankees". Do I get upset for being called a Yankee even though "mi familia" wasn't even here at the time? No.

Geez, I mention what I observed from a Zelda Fan when exposed to some CM screenshots and I get a Holy War in return. So who's got the corn cobs up their asses here?


For your dream car click here.

For a Close Encounter click here.

Hey look! I can see my house!

And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!

[This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 03-16-2001).]

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Gee I go away for the night and look what happens.

First of you are very welcome Maximus.

Second as I have tried to state in an earlier post, I have played every genre that is currently available. I still play a lot more than just "wargaming". The point is that the "general" game public sees StarCraft and WarCraft as a strategy and tactics excercise. Now while some "game" strategy does come into play I doubt a flanking manuever by some Zerg would take advantage of the side armor of a siege tank. That is the point of this post. Many folks have posted stories or laughed at some game players for their interpretation of CM or just there style and preferences towards games. How many people would answer a thread in vehement defense of CM if someone popped in and stated that "StarCraft involves a much highler level of understanding in subjects of strategy and tactics!" Oh come on we would be on that person like a crack whore who needs her fix like pronto. A flame war of biblical porportions would break out. Now a player (Maximus) has simply asked why. Some of us have tried to answer him thoughtfully. Others have tried to berate him. Hmm let's all get together and see what is more constructive. While I trust that Steve and Charles will never "water" the game down the understanding of the tendencies of the modern day gaming market needs to be assessed. And as far as folks saying well I play all kinds of games. Well good there is nothing wrong with that. But I can name 20 people that I know that fit into the above classifications easily. Are they stupid? No. But they do not understand CM's point because they do not expect to get what CM delivers.


Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb

-Kryton of Red Dwarf

[This message has been edited by Priest (edited 03-16-2001).]

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Everyone has to feel that something makes them better than other people, it's human nature? For some people it is being a "True Wargamer", for me it's the fact that I drive better than 90% of the idiots on the road, to each his own.


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I've played too many games to count. I'll play just about anything, but I quickly tire of Myst-type puzzle games and vehicle simulations.

As for the theory of why other gamers don't play CM, I doubt it's because they don't understand it. Instead, they are looking for something different from their games. Shooters and RTSs give a visceral adrenaline rush. The first person perspective and intuitive controls create a powerful suspension of disbelief, so you feel as if you're really there. The point of FPSs is the emotional rush they produce from being totally immersive.

CM isn't that kind of game. It's a thinking game, with no speed requirements and a heavy dose of history. You don't win with reflexes, but with making better decisions than your opponent, and a little bit of luck.

Some people like visceral games, some like intellectual games. Some like chess, some like football. And most like different kinds of games at different times.

So there's no mystery. It's just a question of what kind of entertainment you prefer.

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It does not make me feel superior. The fact that you think that it might makes me worry for you. It is understanding the different views. You are aware people are not jsut random singular creatures and that some trends do take place. You are aware that even the most derranged of or society can be profiled and grouped. Does that mean we are a herd? No. Does that mean that some are superior to others? No. Are you folks way to defensive? Yes. Most importantly if we cannot ask questions and be open to listen to views on how people video game then my god something approaching a world with less racism and hate is unachievable. Geez take a breath and calm down. Gee huh huh wouldn't want a forum where we ask question huh Cleatus? (this last line is a impersontion of some of the people in this thread right now!)


Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb

-Kryton of Red Dwarf

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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by Freak:

I am not getting the point of this thread.

It is actually quite easy, once you have been here long enough. Maximus is a Common Troll Trollus Trollus Vulgaris.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Originally posted by deanco:

I guess what got my goat ...

ROFL! I swear, this will be my new #1 saying. Good one, deanco, thanks for the laugh biggrin.gif

Oh, and I have absolutely nothing to contribute to this thread, except I do play FPS, sims, RTS, and even adventure games. Im still a pretty good wargamer, if my win/loss ratio is anything to go by. So really, that doesnt prove much.

If you have the energy and persistance to do a real study, Maximus, I would suggest getting opinions of more then a hundred people, before expecting anyone to take it seriously. An opinion of one young kid really doesnt account for much.

Anyway, thanks again for the laugh, deanco.


"...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

- Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

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Originally posted by Priest:

It does not make me feel superior. The fact that you think that it might makes me worry for you. It is understanding the different views. You are aware people are not jsut random singular creatures and that some trends do take place. You are aware that even the most derranged of or society can be profiled and grouped. Does that mean we are a herd? No. Does that mean that some are superior to others? No. Are you folks way to defensive? Yes. Most importantly if we cannot ask questions and be open to listen to views on how people video game then my god something approaching a world with less racism and hate is unachievable. Geez take a breath and calm down. Gee huh huh wouldn't want a forum where we ask question huh Cleatus? (this last line is a impersontion of some of the people in this thread right now!)

You could probably rationalize a KKK meeting as bringing two sides together...




"Maneuverists have a bad case of what may be called, to borrow from a sister social science, "'Wehrmact penis envy.'"--D. Bolger

Co-Chairman of the CM Jihad Brigade

Founder of the CMers who like playing the Allies Club

[This message has been edited by CavScout (edited 03-16-2001).]

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