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Do you consider it gamey when an opponent sends jeeps out into your side of the map to recon your position? Sometimes in a zig zag path.

Luckily my troops are staying hidden and not shooting, and revealing, there positions.

This is the 3rd straight game where this opponent has done this. He hasnt ever beaten me, perhaps that has something to do with his tactics.

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I think this goes back to my still unanswered questions about how victory points are allocated. If the jeep is destroyed, his side should lose a fair amount of points (the AAR does list "vehicles" destroyed, so I assume the loss of a jeep is not insignificant). Not knowing if the victory points are allocated solely on the point purchase value of units, its hard to say if the game penalizes this "tactic" in appropriate ways.

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Heh, asking about gameyness is something of a loaded question on this forum. Everyone has a different idea of what it means and whether it's a problem at all. So take this with a bit of salt, but IMO the problem you described is gamey, yes.

For me it comes down to CM's borg spotting model, in which as soon as one unit reveals an enemy's positions, both you as the commander and all of your units on the map knows the enemy's position as well.

In reality, a jeep sent willy-nilly into enemy lines would have next to no chance of making an accurate report of enemy positions even if it somehow spotted the guys which were shooting at it - not a terribly easy task when you're driving top speed through rough country. So in this sense, yes, using cheap units as throwaway scouts does seem gamey to me.

On the other hand, you're winning, so I wouldn't worry about it too much wink.gif


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Well, in one of the games I'm playing, my opponent sent an MG Jeep along each map edge. Of course, since all you have to do is spit in their direction to get them to abandon, it didn't bother me too much. Did my opponent gain some recon? Maybe. Most of my back troops were hidden, so I doubt that jeep saw too much...

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Guest wwb_99

Just do a search for "Gamey Recon"



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Panzer Leader - yes Jeeps were used in recon roles in WWII, but not to the extent and method utilized by some players in CM. As Chup pointed out - the lack of relative spotting in CM gives far more info to the player utilizing this "recon" technique than can actually be gained in real life.

A true recon element would more likely consist of armored cars, half-tracks or some other platform with a little speed and a little armor. Not that jeeps weren't used in this role, but their vulnerability didn't make them a good candidate for the point position in a recon.

It is up to the individual opponents to decide whether this technique is too gamey or not (on a per-game basis). It does take advantage of the limitations in CM, but so do a lot of other things (even if there is an attempt to limit gamey techniques by players).

[This message has been edited by Schrullenhaft (edited 03-12-2001).]

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Rat Patrol! I loved that show, the best part was how they always used the MG on the back of the jeep to blow a path through the mine field. Anyway, the gamey jeep recon thing was a real hot topic for a while, check the old posts and you will get a load of info. Does seem a little gamey to me IMHO.

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Guest Offwhite

Hee hee, anybody else remember that C64 game "Desert Fox" where one of the missions was to drive through minefields, blowing up the little lumps with your 75mm? biggrin.gif Oh yeah, and you shot down Stukas with it too... not quite as realistic as CM but still pretty entertaining back in the day!


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[This message has been edited by Offwhite (edited 03-12-2001).]

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The US Cavalry squadrons used jeeps extensively for recon -- so I don't think it's 'gamey' just to use jeeps for this in CM. But if the way you use them is 'move fast towards the enemy and then watch the movie to see what kills them', THAT is 'gamey', IMO. :0

I've found that CM jeeps don't seem very useful for spotting much of anything, anyway. No better than any other unbuttoned vehicle. If you want to find the enemy, it seems like you're better off sending infantry in the first place.

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