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Jagdtiger...an underused treasure?

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Just saw a documentary on this weapon which reminded me that it was indeed in CM. I thought, what the hell and began running some tests with it in quick battles. After numerous scenarios, I was extremely surprised by its effective performance. By this time, I felt myself confident enough to employ it in a TCP/IP game. Needless to say, my opponent's dread at seeing this weapon rumble into view rivals his dread of Tigers. As an added bonus it has a great firing sound that elicits notice (and fear) smile.gif However, I am aware that its 128mm canon has an agonizing ROF and of the vehicle's SLOW rotation (or lack thereof). I have never, in at least 15 battles, lost one of these behemoths to enemy fire. Of course, I was baby sitting the beast with a couple of Tigers and/or Panthers. Just lucky or a weapon ahead of it time?

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The JagdTiger can be a very effective weapon. 120mm ain't a small gun.

What I hate, despise, and dread though, is a "gun-hit, disabled" removing 300 points of effective inventory from my forces. Grrr...


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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Personally, I wouldn't call the Jagdtiger a weapon ahead of its time. It was merely the most fully realized example of Hitler's quest for fielding the biggest, baddest AFV possible. Yep, the gun would devestate all-comers (particularly coming from the West) and the frontal armor was damn-near impenetrable. However, calculating it's true combat value must include adding up the opportunity costs associated with its selection. Simply put, would you rather have one Jagdtiger or two or three other well-armored and capably gunned TDs? As a centerpiece of a well orchestrated and supported defense, it certainly makes one helluva tough nut to crack. Just don't rely on moving the sucker, especially in anything but perfect ground conditions. And remember, artillery (through HE and smoke) and air support can really hamper the effectiveness of such a lumbering, stand-off vehicle. Still, I'll admit crossing the sights of one of the beasts is not something I would enjoy had I been an allied tanker.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jgdpzr:

Personally, I wouldn't call the Jagdtiger a weapon ahead of its time. It was merely the most fully realized example of Hitler's quest for fielding the biggest, baddest AFV possible. Yep, the gun would devestate all-comers (particularly coming from the West) and the frontal armor was damn-near impenetrable. However, calculating it's true combat value must include adding up the opportunity costs associated with its selection. Simply put, would you rather have one Jagdtiger or two or three other well-armored and capably gunned TDs? As a centerpiece of a well orchestrated and supported defense, it certainly makes one helluva tough nut to crack. Just don't rely on moving the sucker, especially in anything but perfect ground conditions. And remember, artillery (through HE and smoke) and air support can really hamper the effectiveness of such a lumbering, stand-off vehicle. Still, I'll admit crossing the sights of one of the beasts is not something I would enjoy had I been an allied tanker.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think it must be worth having for psychological value alone! Then when you're playing tcp/ip you can just start laughing maniacally for the rest of the game!


There was a long silence of rememberance for the dead, to which I added these names:

Ernst Neubach, Lensen, Wiener, Wesreidau, Prinz, Solma, Hoth, Olensheim, Sperlovski, Smellens, Dunde, Kellerman, Freivitch, Ballers, Frosch, Woortenbeck, Siemenlies...

I refuse to add Paula to that list, and I shall never forget the names of Hals, or Lindberg, or Pferham, or Wollers. Their memory lves within me.

There is another man, whom I must forget. He was called Guy Sajer.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by WolfLord:

After numerous scenarios, I was extremely surprised by its effective performance. By this time, I felt myself confident enough to employ it in a TCP/IP game.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I wouldn't use Jagdtigers against human opponents. If you're not closely guarding that monster with other tanks or AT guns it's easy prey for some fast Shermans or Wolverines. Just rush a couple of them towards the sides of that "Hunting Tiger" and it's history pretty soon. The problem is that its turning and firing speed is too slow to stop any fast flanking maneuver. Plus, the gun of the Jagdtiger is pretty vulnerable.


Rührt euch!

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They get there guns hit to much for my liking so I only use them when I sent the enemy with only infentry. There not under used very few were on the western front.

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If you enjoy Jadgtigers, check out my historical scenario "Debut of the Jadgtiger" on the The Gamer's Net scenario depot.

I believe the Jadgtiger was a waste of valuable resources - human and material. Do you realize it took over 1,000 man hours just to build a single Tiger tank? Germany did not even have the fuel to keep the tank running anyways.

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That's what i love about this board, excellent posts. I learn something new each day. I see now that a closer look at my "Jagdtiger: The Answer to all my Troubles" strategy is in order. However, as Retarted_Keydet stated, I do love the 'ol "muahahaha!!!" factor when my Jagdtiger starts prowling about...especially when my opponent is distracted by a cheaper vehicle.

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Guest Rex_Bellator

Used all my points on a Jadgtiger once & bogged down on turn 2 with it's gun facing in a stupid direction. Never again!


"We're not here to take it - We're here to give it"

General Morshead's response to the popular newspaper headline "Tobruk Can Take It"

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Guest Warphead-

In reality the Jagdtiger was prone to constant breakdowns cause you had to move the whole tank to aim. It was simply too heavy for the engine and mechanics to survive this. I mostly lose Jagdtigers when they get stuck and their gun points in the wrong direction... smile.gif




"Haben die Krupp-Werke Betriebsausflug? Da rollt ja halb Deutschland auf mich zu..." (Vincent)]

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I have to say that I was turned off by the JagTiger after using it against the AI a couple of times. It may just be my luck, but when I used them they never hit aything before the third shot. That might not seem like a big deal since they have heavy armor, but they didn't have a whole lot of ammo.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Phoenix:

Yeah. I used them a couple of times, but I FAR prefer a King Tiger when I want something to rule the battlefield. It also draws attention with it's intimidation factor and I've never lost one yet. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Many a KT has fallen to my "Killer Bee" grey hounds and my "Big Stick" Super Pershings.

But then, they were all lucky shots according to my opponents. wink.gif



"I had no shoes and I cried, then I met a man who had no socks." - Fred Mertz

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Guest Patrik

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rex_Bellator:

Used all my points on a Jadgtiger once & bogged down on turn 2 with it's gun facing in a stupid direction. Never again!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

My JT got immobilized on turn 1 by an onboard mortar gun pointing in just the right direction if there had been some enemies there, on the other hand a JT draws so much fire from that AI-thing that it was worth it's 300 points any way.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Keith:

Do you realize it took over 1,000 man hours just to build a single Tiger tank? Germany did not even have the fuel to keep the tank running anyways.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So if you could only field 100 tanks, why build a 1000 mediocre tanks when you could build 100 uber-tanks? Makes more sense to build the uber-tank to me.


Jeff Abbott

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In practice it was debatable just how much of an Ãœbertank the Tiger and its variants were. Frequent breakdowns, slow speed, slow turret, short range because of massive fuel consumption, etc.. Still one of the coolest tanks in history, though smile.gif Those things still look intimidating.


War is cruel and you cannot refine it. --Sherman

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis:

So if you could only field 100 tanks, why build a 1000 mediocre tanks when you could build 100 uber-tanks? Makes more sense to build the uber-tank to me.


By the fuel consumption, it'd be more like 100 Jagdtigers or 300 Panthers.

(Or 400 PzIV's)

I know what I'd pick.

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