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is combat mission worth buying

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Well, you are asking a pretty fanatical group, BUT the honest answer is yes, its worth every penny. If you enjoyed the demo, you will love the full version.

Oh, and mods are as addictive as crack. What time you don't spend playing the game, you will spend downloading the latest mods!



What the hell is a Jagdcarcajou?

CM Recon

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Asking that here is like asking the pope if he's catholic. wink.gif

The answer's the same: Hell yes!

(But I doubt the pope would chose the same words.) wink.gif

For more than a year, one of my CD drives has contained the CM CD. I removed it once, when I upgraded my computer.

It is easily worth way more than BTS is asking for it.


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Nah, just the 195,xxx + posts on this forum are all full of complaints, flames, and bitching.

Of course it is, you goof!

Look at it this way, whatever you pay for CM, (based on exchnage rates, or whatever) you'll save 10 times that amount from having to buy other games. You buy CM now, you won't have to buy another game for a long time. Trust me. I've only bought one other game in the 8 months since CM has been out and that was Europa Universalis just this week.

I used to buy a game or two every month prior to that. BTS is the best is customer support. We've undergone over 10 patches (7 official and 4 beta) since the release, not to fix run-time problems, but to fix small bugs and AI enhancements. Plus the fact that the game works perfectly well straight from the CD. But be sure to get the v1.12 patch as soon as you get it, for the newest CD is only v1.11.

But if you wanna go spend $50 on a game from Hasbro (or Hasblow as it is known around here), go right ahead.

But not only will you get the best WWII strategy game on the market, but you will become a part of the best on-line community on the web. Along with some awesome mods. You think the graphics are good in the demo, you ain't seen nothing yet. Just about EVERYTHING in the game has been modded even down to the camera movement arrows. See every texture in the game is a simple BMP. Those are easily painted and modified. So there are literally an infinate number of different camo schemes for any unit in the game. The terrain can even be modified. Terrain mods substancially change the look of the game. For those, I suggest DD's grass and trees/tree bases and misc. and Panzertruppen's Building set.

Get the game and we'll be happy to direct you to the best mod sites.


"Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator

"Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot

"I do what I likes, and I likes what I do."--Darrell Hammond (portraying Bill Clinton), SNL

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Originally posted by Sten:

For more than a year, one of my CD drives has contained the CM CD. I removed it once, when I upgraded my computer.

It is easily worth way more than BTS is asking for it.


Gee and I thought having in the CD drive for weeks at a time was long. Well I need to play more to catch up biggrin.gif

Yes the game is worth it. I debated the price at first, but I enjoyed the demo so much it wasn't much of a debat.

I have learned more about WWII and tatics playing this game, reading the posts here, and researching websites.

I will say this is the best game I have bought in a long time and can't wait for CM2.


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I used to average a game purchase about every month (short gaming attention span). Since I received my game in June, I have purchased exactly zero games. Um, you do the math.

I bet if you polled most on this board, they'd say they would pay at least double and still think they got a bargain.

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Have you seen the posts from all the people whose relationships are jeopardized by this game?

Seen how many hundreds of man-hours individuals have into making mods for it?

Wargame of the Year?

It is totally worth the $45. It is the best game I ever bought. An interesting exercise in research would be to compare the posts (and responses) here, to the posts on other game boards.

Also note that whenever I agree with Maximus you have the broadest possible consensus of opinion. biggrin.gif Therefore, your research is now concluded and it is time to get out the old credit card.

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There are over 213,920 (okay well a third of them are the Peng™ thread wink.gif) posts on the CM forums. And that's not the first BBS they had either. Something has kept all those people involved. The game is addictive, you'll never turn back. By the way, it is not available from stores or outlets. Only BTS. If you wonder why go to their site and read the BTS manifesto which will tell you alot about why this game is so good.


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I admit that when I got the bill for the game (last week) and found that it was $82 Cdn(S&H inc) I found myself asking just what the hell I had gotten myself into! But these guys have converted me. To be quite honest I would pay the $82 again just for the scenario editor! plus the random map generator-that's what bugged me about CC-I could change different things within the game but what it came down to was that I was always playing on the same maps.

I'm going to rush over to the Library right now and find a book on Canadian battles in France so I can try to reproduce one!

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I paid the $82 CDN as well, and I've never regretted it. Pretty much the only game I play now, other than the odd session of No One Lives Forever, is PBEM Combat Mission. I'd probably pay over $100 for CM2...but if they charge that, I will be pissed...but I'll still buy it dammit!

[This message has been edited by aleader (edited 03-03-2001).]

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Originally posted by Mark IV:

#1 Have you seen the posts from all the people whose relationships are jeopardized by this game? (and or their Work related careers?)

# 2 Also note that whenever I agree with Maximus you have the broadest possible consensus of opinion. biggrin.gif Therefore, your research is now concluded and it is time to get out the old credit card.

I have personal experience with #1 and and am still laughing about #2! smile.gif

Buy the Damn game, if you liked wargames and liked Squad Leader this is your Dream come true. The Game is now Finished, Complete tested, retested, queried and vetted by BTS and all the Hundreds, (1000's ?) of players on this board.

If you buy this game you will get addicted to it and then you WILL save money by not wanting waste spending money on ANY other games, over the period of a few months you will be surprised how much money this will save you!

Welcome aboard

Have Fun biggrin.gif !!

-tom w

[This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 03-03-2001).]

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*cough.. choke..sputter...* what!!??? worth buying??? *ahem*

its the best 45$ USD I ever spent on a game, the amount of fun, varriation and constant pummelings from my cesspool buddies (ya right buddies... the gits) I have not had this much fun since I discovered there are more things to do with a woman then just google at her and drool on my pants.

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There have been, and I am dead serious about this, people who have bought a SECOND copy of CM ... not because of faults with their first copy, but because they wanted to encourage BTS to build CM2 (Eastern Front), which BTS is in the process of doing.

It is really a remarkable game, buy it now.


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I'm going to rush over to the Library right now and find a book on Canadian battles in France so I can try to reproduce one!

When you finish it, and if you want to share it and see your name in lights, I'm more than happy to host it on my site - along with the other Canadian battles there. smile.gif


CANUCK: Clothing, Equipping and Employing the Canadian Soldier in Combat Mission

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I purchased Combat Mission and was extremely pleased with it.

The gameplay was good and the detailing historically accurate.

But I strongly urge you to think before you buy this game -

I was playing Combat Mission when I noticed a strong smell of burning plastic. I tried to ignore it but it the smell increased for every minute I played.

Feeling ill from the smell, I made the decision to remove the Combat Mission CD from the drive and place it back in its case.

I quickly got a shock: as I reached to the CD drive the Combat Mission disk WAS ON FIRE and it was the rubber silicon in my wig which was melting.

I screamed and ran to my next door neighbour where the kind old lady put me out with ice cold water.

After heavy reconstrucive surgery I am slowly getting my life back. The doctor reckons I've got a good six months left in me yet.

So think before you buy Combat Mission.

Regards, Bates.

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Originally posted by Cleavis:

i recently played the combat mission demo, i thought it was very fun, but i was not sure whether or not i should buy it...although i have heard many good things, and good reviews, is it worth the $45?

Considering that theres no other game in this scale and catagory you have no other choice .

It depends on what you what, it seems like alot of model builders like the game as they get to tinker with mods.

Personally I've seen games come and go for decades and no longer impulse by them. I wouldn't wast my money on the game.

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Originally posted by Paul Lakowski:

I wouldn't wast my money on the game.

So. What are you guys in the mood for today? Crucifiction? Pulling out his intestines and hanging him with it? Digging out his heart with a spoon?

Im partial to the heart-spoon dig, but I leave it open to discussion biggrin.gif

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Without it, I wouldn't have much of anything to do while hiding in my dorm. It was by far my best investment ever.


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

The Last Defense- Mods, Scenarios, and more!

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Is Combat Mission worth buying

Well let's see...

Do bears **** in the woods?

Do Baptists drive buses?

Is the Pope, Catholic?

Is the U.S. President, American?

Did the Germans invade Poland on Sept. 1, 1939?

Was Operation Overlord launched on June 6, 1944?

Do the members of the Cesspool (aka PENG'ers) have too much time on their hands?

Does BTS only sell CM over the Internet?

Does BTS provide excellent customer support?

Is CM the ultimate WWII gaming experience?

Is playing CM just like being there?

The answer to all of these questions is YES.


"Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator

"Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot

"I do what I likes, and I likes what I do."--Darrell Hammond (portraying Bill Clinton), SNL

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Originally posted by Maximus:

Well let's see...

Is playing CM just like being there?

The answer to all of these questions is YES.

I'll have to humbly disagree with the last one. To be fair, you would need someone shooting at you with various weapons of mass destruction, coupled with lots of pain, death and other unpleasantess, for it to be "just like being there".


"...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

- Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

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