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"Emanuel" Virus - PBEM opponents beware !!!!

Guest Captitalistdoginchina

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Guest Captitalistdoginchina

Hi there,

Today has been a bad day, a very bad day.

I opened a e-mail attachment after playing a game of TCP/IP (The tcp/ip game was not related). The heading of the e-mail was "Halloween" and it had an attachment called "Emanuel" I should have known better but i opened it. Immediately my screen went haywire with error messages opening at an alarming rate and my mail started to send over 180 e-mails to everyone in my address book - quickly i closed outlook express and shut down, but it was too late. My up to date norton anti virus did not find this virus even when i scanned from my 2nd networked computer soon afterwards. I could not open or run any programs from my PC. I had to play the game called "Format C" 8 hours later i am now back up and running but i have lost all my address book and e-mail contacts. I am therefore unable to warn anyone, you see i have no idea how many e-mails were sent before i could stop it and i do not know who may have received it. So please be wary of any mails with those names.

It was very nasty - if any of my pbem opponents read this please check and see if you sent me a pbem file in the last 24 hours, because i have probably lost it now and you will need to send it again.

When i finally got connected to the net i received 12 mails with the virus inside (Some had been sent to me from myself!) so it seems to be spreading rapidly. The 12 e-mails had different names - some called "Ooouch" and some called "Emanuel" and another called something like "He is dead now" so it seems it manifests itself under different headings. But the attachment which contains the virus is called "Emanuel" every time.

This is just a warning to all you guys that this is for real, it has hit me hard today. I just hope none of you guys have the misfortune to get infected with it - it will ruin your day.


Terry (CDIC)


"Death solves all problems - no man no problem"

J.V.Stalin, 1918

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You have done us all a great service.


Sorry thay it hit you so hard. Please let Norton know about this bastard.



PS Have you heard that China plans its own internet?

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sorry you got hit. what a waste of time to rebuild your c:.

trying to find a silver lining:

at least you probably have a nice clean registry, unfraggd swap file and a nice clean system.

one of the few tings good about apple's dismal market share (i'm a diehard macaddict) is that there are fewer hackers and virus writers attacking macs. not meant as a windows slam, just an observation.

scott karch

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CDIC, that really sucks. I hope it didn't do any permanant damage on your computer.

I have received viruses from friends but they were unintentional. Just knowing that we depend on the email to send our turns should make us careful about virus protection.


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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Guest Captitalistdoginchina

And you know what was the worst thing about it ? I lost the TCP/IP game frown.gif



"Death solves all problems - no man no problem"

J.V.Stalin, 1918

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Hi ChinaDog,

Mcafee reports that 'Emanuel' is a variant of the widely known 'Navidad' worm. It was deteced sometime in Oct; Norton should know about it, and should have protected you if your anti-virus files were up-to-date. If you want more info :

mcafee antivirus/

You can access their library, and find info on removing the virus if necessary. Parts of it are lodged in the Registry; this info will tell you how to rout it out. Sorry this is too late to save you all your troubles.



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Guest wwb_99

This time, to guard yourself against such beasts as Emmanuel, simply disassociate the .vbx file type. This can be done in your 'folder options' under 'view' in Windows Explorer. Go to the file types tab, and scroll down until your see 'VBscript encoded file', etc. Remove all VBscript types from the list. Now when a .vbx script attempts to run, it will prompt you to find which file to open it with, effectively stopping many virii. Another good idea is to unistall Windows Scripting Host, or not install it at all.



Before battle, my digital soldiers turn to me and say,

Ave, Caesar! Morituri te salutamus.

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Thanks for the heads up, so far, I don't receive any mail from ya. Guess I am lucky enough no having my address in your book. That is why I always keep my Norton AV running and updated.

BTW, while waiting to start another PBEM from ya, any time for a TCP game, how bout sun mornin?


To Tobruk,

CDIC is not a native Chinese, he is an expat working here. I am a enthic Chinese, you can slash yours on me. smile.gif



"When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

"Can't get enough Tank?"

[This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 01-08-2001).]

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Hi Griffin,

I'm not sure I understand what you mean. If I offended you somehow, please be assured that I didn't intend to.


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Another thing I do is keep my address book empty. I have a text file with them all listed instead. I might get infected but at least I won't be spreading the disaese. That all started when I was on some listbot email thing and I recieved about 150 happypark.exe viruses overnight. I couldn't believe how many bozos had the whole list of hundreds of people in their address book.


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Guest wwb_99

Almost all of the modern viruses one hears about should be classified as 'Win32 Outlook virii.' These things are little visual basic scripts that take over your computer using a little used part of Win9x, the Windows Scripting Host.

The only legitimate use I have seen for this is Micrsoft's automated update. Be aware that it penetrates into the lowest levels of your machine, making a perfect execution system for macro virus attacks.

Needless to say, I do not install it on my computer.

See my previous post on how to disable it.



Before battle, my digital soldiers turn to me and say,

Ave, Caesar! Morituri te salutamus.

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