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Someone Help Me! I Can’t Stop Thinking About CM!!

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I’ve been a diehard computer gamer for about five years now but I’ve never had it this bad before. I can’t stop thinking about CM, from the time I wake up in the morning until the time I wake up the next morning!

On my way to work in the carpool, I read CM-related articles, tables, and forum posts printed from the web. I’ve even re-read the CM manual twice during my commute. I structure my workday around sneaking peeks at this forum. I keep checking CMHQ for the all-too-infrequent updates (sorry Mad Matt). I spend my lunch hour parked in front of my computer surfing for CM-related pearls of wisdom. I’ve gotten damn good at minimizing my browser. I hope to hell that my employer isn’t monitoring my web usage.

I get home at night and strategize about how I can get the kids to sleep a few minutes earlier tonight so I can get back to CM sooner. I even find myself hoping that my beloved (truly) wife ISN’T frisky tonight, as not to interrupt my sacred CM time. Sex or CM? Sex or CM? The answer is usually the same. So much for the propagation of the CM-obsessed species. Pathetic, isn’t it?

Then I plug into CM and immediately the endorphins start pumping. I am high. I am in command. I am self-actualized. Time has no meaning (except in a TCP/IP game of course) and before I know it, it’s already past my bedtime.

But wait, on some nights I show great restraint and actually go to bed by midnight (or 3:00 AM on weekends) and guess what? I lay in bed for an hour and think about the couple previous turns, and how I’m going to deal with that counterattack of German armor around my left flank. Little squads with green bases are running around inside my eyelids. My pillow shakes with blast concussions. Might as well just stay up and play until I drop to the floor unconscious.

It’s bad, folks. And it’s getting worse with time. CM changed my life forever just six weeks ago. I’ll never be the same again. I think I need treatment. I may be diagnosed as having a new syndrome. I’m the first Obsessive-CMpulsive.

Send prozac.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JessRobinson:

I’m the first Obsessive-CMpulsive.

Send prozac.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Jess, you're not the first and won't be the last. Welcome to the fold.


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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Guest Patrik

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JessRobinson:

I may be diagnosed as having a new syndrome. I’m the first Obsessive-CMpulsive.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You're definitely not the first and you'll certainly not be the last.

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Guest Patrik

Did I spend all dose minutes wrhting those few words

probably yes

thats what happens when you read several threads at once.


Ooops! You had troops there?

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Yup, sounds like he's been assimilated. Don't worry, the newness will wear off in a couple months. You'll put the game down for a few days. Unfortunately, when you pick it up again you'll be worse off than before. It's a hopeless condition so don't fight it, just enjoy.


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Guest Mikey D

Driving in the country I find myself comparing how the line of trees between fields looks compared to the 'real thing' in CM.

Two nights ago I DREAMED an entire mission! Creepy.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JessRobinson:

I even find myself hoping that my beloved (truly) wife ISN’T frisky tonight, as not to interrupt my sacred CM time. Sex or CM? Sex or CM? The answer is usually the same. So much for the propagation of the CM-obsessed species. Pathetic, isn’t it? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Oh My gawd man, get your priorities straight! Yes it is pathetic, Never, NEVER, miss sex if the missus is frisky. After all, ya never know if it'll ever happen again, besides, she'll sleep much better and you can crank up the woofer and tweeter on the Computer to enjoy CM better and longer without interruption biggrin.gif Hoo Hah!

[This message has been edited by jd (edited 01-04-2001).]

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Does anyone else plot fields of fire when walking down the street? I've got the defense of my house all planned out. Two 57mm at guns, 5 zooks, and 2 platoons of inf, and I could hold off a batallion sized attack.

Oh, and when I was driving today, I noticed that I was moving along a blue line. It turned lighter when I slowed down to hunt around some potholes.


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

-Commercial fishing in Kodiak, Alaska

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Well, in the past month, I've figured out how to defend my town against an attack from every side, then thought about how to break-out of the seige, have a rear guard and such, fighting off ambushes, digging trenches in my neighbours backyards, taking out panzers with zooks, flanking maneuvers, I'm crazy, and I don't even have the full game yet. Help..........I love this game smile.gif!


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Oh yeah, and setting up ambushes for recon in force ops that the enemy might mount against my flanks and rear...(while evacuating) I've even gone as far a getting topographic maps and aerial maps of my cities various neighborhoods and plotting out lines of resistance, fields of fire, where I'd leave 'guerrilla' units behind to disrupt the advance of the enemy into the town. All done with less then an INF-regiment(+) with a semi-motorized battalion, a recon battalion, and two engineer companies, with AT support too, and Arty from a few miles away in friendly territory. I have a life, I'm just wondering if any body saw, please tell it to go home to David,...Please,...Thanks BTS!


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Guest Andrew Hedges

You know, CM obsession is bad, but I think it's going to be nothing compared to CM 2 obsession. CMBO is just priming the pump.

Stock up on canned goods now. smile.gif

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What scares me is how one of my few nights out at friends (watching films drinking beer talking to girls !!!!) becomes a CM tactics discusion.

Suddenly one of my friends mentions a cunning tactic or someother CM related event then movies and women (not beer) get forgotten and we spend hours discusing CM much to the disgust of of the non-initiated.(read girls)



'Sticking Feathers in your butt don't make you a chicken'

Tyler Durden

[This message has been edited by Tiny (edited 01-04-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JessRobinson:

I lay in bed for an hour and think about the couple previous turns, and how I’m going to deal with that counterattack of German armor around my left flank. Little squads with green bases are running around inside my eyelids. My pillow shakes with blast concussions... I’m the first Obsessive-CMpulsive.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Don't think so.

Two pointers:

1) You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive.

2) Your wife is a Gamey Abstraction.

Listen to the Sound Contacts in your head; she is probably a Tiger Ie.

You know what to do....

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Yes, Combat mission has also had a HUGE influence on how I manage my time...but even worse, although I love it, are the dreams...the sounds of the MG-42 opening up, the thumping of the grenades, the howling incoming artillery. My God, the other night in the pub after a few beers, I found myself tracing targeting lines out of my slitty eyes...

Great stuff BTS, you have made my childhood dreams of wargames come true.

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You can't get better until you've hit rock bottom. A few suggestions:

1) Quit your job. It takes up valuable neurons. Several studies, however, have shown that there is no overlap between those areas of the brain utilized by CM and those areas required for saying, "Do you want fries with that."

2) Children take care of themselves these days, and may be safely ignored. TV + Ritalin = an excellent baby-sitter.

3) Your wife is clearly a distraction. If you focus on what's important, she will vanish from your mind. If she's frisky on a regular basis, contact me via e-mail (send me a .jpeg for reference) and I will see if I can help.

Now, back to your keyboard, soldier.




"We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University

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I am seriously considering buying a low end 3D card for my PC at work, and coming in weekends, telling my family "I have to go to the office this weekend to take care of a few things" so I can get more CM time in.

I am weird, no?

Where is the local chapter of the CMAA (Combat Mission Addicted Anonymous)?

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