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Frequently Asked Questions answered by cesspoolers from the Peng Thread™ v. 2


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Originally Started by Elvis, this Public Service deserves another run....

We've batted this idea around via email for a couple days and everyone except one hammerhead, whose name and email address are unfamiliar to me, are up for the task. We have been accused of clogging up this board with worthless drivel for a long time. We would now like to do something constructive for the CM community.

Newbies, oldbies, idiots and fools feel free to ask your questions about CM here. It seems at least one of us no life having cesspoolers is around here almost 24 hours a day. Many of us have been posting or lurking literally for years, so we have read nearly every discussion of how the game works and why some things are designed the way they are.

We also feel we can add a little humor to your answers. If you haven't read any of the babbling in the Peng thread then understand if someone takes a shot at you or gives you a jab it is all in good fun. There will be no flame wars because trolls just get ignored by the thick skinned folks from the cesspool.

We will provide your answers to you clearly and without telling you to do a search (except after having answered your question we feel that an old thread may explain it to you in more detail). We are serious in our desire to help. And want anyone who has a question to feel free to ask. There are no stupid question (I have heard that line since the 1st grade and never believed it..there are plenty of stupid questions...I just felt I should add that).

This is not a joke.

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Originally posted by mbtaber:


Could you please post that in the form of a question.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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OK. I have a legit question for the Poolers. How do you use the group movement orders effectively? If there are more than 30 units on the board (so to speak) I get blurry eyed just thinking about clicking on each one individually. I finally noticed after a month of play (I did say I got blurry eyed, right?) that if one element in a group given the order to Sneak makes contact, that only the unit in contact will engage while the other units in the group continue on their merry way oblivious to the plight of their kamerads.

And while we're on movement orders...I have one squad in heavy woods engaged in a 1:1. The rest of the friendly platoon hears the shooting and wants to rush in to assist. Is the best waypoint sequence for the two friendly squads "RUN - SNEAK (right before LOS) - TARGET" ?

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Guest Michael emrys

Originally posted by Ksak:

OK. I have a legit question for the Poolers. How do you use the group movement orders effectively? If there are more than 30 units on the board (so to speak) I get blurry eyed just thinking about clicking on each one individually.

Have you ever considered fighting smaller actions?

I finally noticed after a month of play (I did say I got blurry eyed, right?) that if one element in a group given the order to Sneak makes contact, that only the unit in contact will engage while the other units in the group continue on their merry way oblivious to the plight of their kamerads.

Cold-hearted, selfish bastards aren't they?

And while we're on movement orders...I have one squad in heavy woods engaged in a 1:1. The rest of the friendly platoon hears the shooting and wants to rush in to assist. Is the best waypoint sequence for the two friendly squads "RUN - SNEAK (right before LOS) - TARGET" ?

There was a big discussion a month or two back about using Sneak vs. Move. ISTR that the consensus was that units with a Sneak order would stop as soon as contact was made, but would not fire unless fired upon...or something like that.

Troops with a Move order would fire at any enemy troops spotted, but would not cease movement short of their player-established endpoint. Since you already know where you want them to halt (right?), this would seem to me to be your best option.

Oh, and give those smaller battles a try.



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Newbies, oldbies, idiots and fools feel free to ask your questions about CM here.

As opposed to what? I could have sworn that was exactly what this forum was for, and has been used for almost exclusively.

We also feel we can add a little humor to your answers.

I've seen plenty of examples of this from people not actively participating in the various Peng threads.

This is the strangest post I've seen in a long time. And I've read all of Gunny Bunny's stuff.

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I have heard that flags that are held by weaker units do not give the same victory percentage as those held by units with higher combat factors. HAve checked the manual, but my ageing ver. 1.0 manual doesn't really talk about flags at all except for dynamic flag activation. Is this right and does anyone know how many combat factors are needed for full flag value?

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Newbies, oldbies, idiots and fools feel free to ask your questions about CM here.

wait a second...you can be either a newbie or oldie, BUT you can only be an idiot or a fool!

he's insulting us!



Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

"They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

"They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

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I would never use group orders for the final move to contact.

I use the group function to get close, then go back and add the move to contact stuff on the ends of the group orders. Convenience can't buy my little sturmdudes back....

I like Sneak. I Run up to buildings, then Sneak inside (if I think they're occupied). In fact, I damn near always Sneak inside buildings. I Move through woods, and Sneak the last few meters to the treeline. 'Specially Spotters. If they shoot at me, my guys shoot back. If they don't, my guys may stay hidden. Either way, they don't blunder forward into a firestorm. Next turn I can get aggressive if the situation calls.

I always Sneak at night or in the fog. Where I don't Sneak is: in the open (duh), long haul movement that's covered by terrain anyway (Group move time), anywhere in the snow, when arty starts landing all about (or just a spotting round, time to boogie), or in the final closing yards/meters of the banzai when I am under close range direct fire.

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use google guys...best search engine ever!


i typed in "worlds deepest lake" and got the above link as the first choice



Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

"They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

"They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

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Originally posted by russellmz:

use google guys...best search engine ever!


i typed in "worlds deepest lake" and got the above link as the first choice

Whoa...I thought the world's deepest lake was the PENG Cesspool...my mistake: I was searching for "foulest."


"I send you a kaffis of mustard seed, that you may taste and acknowledge the bitterness of my victory."

"Legal advice is very often divorced from reality in my humble opinion" - BTS

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Newbies, oldbies, idiots and fools feel free to ask your questions about CM here.

As opposed to what? I could have sworn that was exactly what this forum was for, and has been used for almost exclusively.

We also feel we can add a little humor to your answers.

I've seen plenty of examples of this from people not actively participating in the various Peng threads.

This is the strangest post I've seen in a long time. And I've read all of Gunny Bunny's stuff.

You pompous git. I've read your stuff. It ain't funny or helpful. If you would READ JD's post again and get your head out of whatever fetid monstrous place you keep it, you would see that this thing is a bit of a half hearted stab at something resembling redemption for 'poolers who waste precious server space and bandwidth with our rantings and droolings and gibbering snot laden fecklessness in the various Peng Thread incarnations.

Now, is that perfectly clear or do we need to apply the Meeks Brick to your fantastically swollen noggin? REDEMPTION!

See, there are those out there who mayhaps have sort of a little formed the opinion (and they may be right - a bit) that the Peng threads are not at all good or right for a forum such as this; that name calling, righteous bragging, lies, insinuations, innuendo, insinnuendo, play-ground strafing booger flinging, gut stomping and generic beratings frighten the weak and the doomed, and so we should all be banned from posting here.

There are a cadre of waterheads, I'm sure, who have formed that opinion just as they form their daily excreta - deliberately, reliably and without any need for the cerebral cortex.

There are some 'poolers, I am not among their number, who have actual factual information about things and stuff that are both based in reality and CM. These kind fellas, who obviously have some rudimentary sense of guilt or remorse (JDRemorse springs to mind), would like to give the appearance that they are more than just filthy 'poolers with nothing better to do than annoy and harass the locals and waste everyone's time.

So here they are, making the effort, and a good effort it is. Then along comes the fabulous Mr Michael Obvious Dorosh to point out that the CM forum is about CM and there are plenty of people here who know things about it and armies and stuff and why do we need a thread about CM when the forum is about CM?

I would just like to point out that this is one thread where a newbie can post a question about a topic that has had the flesh flayed from its bones and the marrow sucked out and everything that's left piled in a pyramidal heap of bleaching calcium and NOT be immediately met with "DO A SEARCH!" (OK I LIED, Aitken will pounce with one, but what passes for a tongue in his particular species will be firmly planted in what passes for his cheek).

So, while your comment is appreciated for what it is - a completely idiotic and worthless string of alphabetic characters - if you don't think Mr Morse or Mr IV or Mr Shaw or even that fat banana samich eating drug addled Elvis swine have anything of value to contribute to the forum, why don't you just not read this thread? We have been perfectly happy not to have to read any posts from you in the cesspool, and we would be equally happy not to read any more of your holier than thou, MrKnowItAll, my dog is better than your dog, swill in this one.

Thank you for your kind attention to this matter.



That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable

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Originally posted by Compassion:


I have heard that flags that are held by weaker units do not give the same victory percentage as those held by units with higher combat factors.

I have not seen or heard much on this Compassion. I have noticed that you need a combat effective unit or you can lose the flag. I remember I thought I could leave a used FO to cover the flag. No dice. At the end of game it showed neutral and gave me a draw instead of win. I have used crews, but I am a little uncertain there. It's a good place to park a depleted squad (my usual 1 /10 !) to do sentry duty.


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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Crews can not hold victory locations. As for your FO, I don't think that they can either, never tried it.

Also Flags possesion is judged by the amount of combat units you have in relation to what the enemy has in the radius. (not sure how large the radius is). So if you have a squad sitting on the flag, but the enemy has two squads camped out of LOS 20 to 30 meters away, you still don't gain the flag, and might well lose it.



"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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True Lorak. Thanks for confirming it about crews. I wasn't sure on that point and yes, you need to have more strength to hold against enemy presence. But remember kiddies a flag, well behind your lines isn't yours with out someone there to hold it. Noncombat units won't do it for you, such a FO's. It can mean the difference between a win or loss if hat VL you thought you had isn't counted

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

So, while your comment is appreciated for what it is - a completely idiotic and worthless string of alphabetic characters - if you don't think Mr Morse or Mr IV or Mr Shaw or even that fat banana samich eating drug addled Elvis swine have anything of value to contribute to the forum, why don't you just not read this thread?


To answer your question, Peng, he can't just not read this thread because doing so would remove a small amount of conflict from his world and, in doing so, would allow the poor soul a slightly more lucid view of his pathetic life.

Some minor issues; It's 'Dr. IV', you don't think he went through 13 years of community college to be called 'Mr. IV', do you? Also, it's sammich, with two 'm's.

Glad to be of help.

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

To answer your question, Peng...

Some minor issues; It's 'Dr. IV', you don't think he went through 13 years of community college to be called 'Mr. IV', do you? Also, it's sammich, with two 'm's.

Glad to be of help.

****e, Elijah's back. Lock up the waterheads and fools to keep them safe. The poor, useless wee tykes. Sorry, carry on answering questions here, we'll take Peng and Meeks back to the Thread of Threads, and hammer them both until they acknowledge their homeland, and refuse to leave it.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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MrPeng wrote:

> I would just like to point out that this is one thread where a newbie can post a question about a topic that has had the flesh flayed from its bones and the marrow sucked out and everything that's left piled in a pyramidal heap of bleaching calcium and NOT be immediately met with "DO A SEARCH!" (OK I LIED, Aitken will pounce with one, but what passes for a tongue in his particular species will be firmly planted in what passes for his cheek).

Peng, you festering blob of congealed vitriol. This has already been discussed. I suggest you refer to the bottom of this page.

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