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Welcome to Peng Challengeville!

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Yes, what a tenuous subject.

Can someone (not Lawyer obviously) please come up with a better thread title then Welcome to Peng Challengeville !

I mean COME ON! Gimmee a break already. Peng challengeville, indeed. The mind boggles at the thought of it. We are not amused.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by harpooner:

Yes, what a tenuous subject.

Can someone (not Lawyer obviously) please come up with a better thread title then Welcome to Peng Challengeville !


I had proposed some time ago that we go with something for the common man (Yes, Harpooner, not unlike yourself). Something in a film mode, Such as "A Fistful of Peng Challenges", followed by "For a Few Peng Challenges More", and perhaps culminating with "The Good, the Bad, and The Peng Challenge Thread". Then, of course, when people wish to question why the Peng Challenge Thread is allowed to continue, they could title their thread "The Unforgiven", or something similar.

Now, I do have a request, and that is that we tone down some of the racial and ethnic remarks, desist from gay bashing, and pretty much give politics only a nod here and there. Several comments of late wouldn't be tolerated on the main Board (and quite rightly), and the veneer of 'humour' they wore here doesn't really excuse them, either.

However, I'm all for taunting the Texans. Please carry on with that in a thorough-going and deliberate manner. ;)

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Oh, and I just finished reading the most recent 'This Peng ****e: My Country(whatever it might be) Didn't Fight a War Just So This Gibberish Could Be Posted Where I Don't Have to Read It' thread. It seems, lads and lassies, that our humour... well, it's questioned whether we even are capable of humour. I want the lot of you to prepare some knock-knock jokes and puns that we can toss in every 10 or 15 posts so that we can't be accused of being bereft of humour.

Also, I think we need to track down whoever has member # 175 and encourage them to become a regular participant. This will give us a legitimacy that cannot be achieved by any other means (Oh, I know Berli's member # is astonishingly low, but you can't derive legitimacy by citing Satan as a member).

Finally, I want to know why people who debate the continued existence of this Thread constantly ask if Peng is an actual, real person, but they never question if I actually exist.

Oh, and I'm not sure I'm getting enough validation from my chosen community by attempting to display cleverness, which is even more sad than my rather craven need to achieve validity this way. I'd appreciate some oohs and aahs the next time I trot out some obscure bit of erudite idiocy, or I might just have to find some other group of wankers to posture in front of. I understand there are a number of gaming sites that are attempting to establish subcultures of needy individuals practicing obscure attempts at 'in-the-know' humour, and I think I should add that I'm being actively recruited.

[ 05-07-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Three cheers to Seanachai for moderating. Aye aye, sir. I hear and obey, and I fully endorse all of your comments.

Do I get any brownie points for brown-nosing?

I can see your point...if you wear a hat, you'll cover it up.

What did the Zen Bhuddist say to the hot dog vendor?

Make me one with everything. (guffaw)

But seriously (not...ever), the village of Peng should be watched and guarded. Interlopers abound. Let's roll up the drawbridge now that I'm inside.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Also, I think we need to track down whoever has member # 175 and encourage them to become a regular participant<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You can lad a horse to Peng, but you can't make him jackass.

Honestly, don't you think part of the appeal for some of you poolers is the fact that the clueless feel the need to rail against you every week or two?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Mind you, I've been to Paris and it is not such a bad place, except for all the French people wandering around making the place look untidy.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yep, nothing like foriegners to spoil a trip overseas!


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Well, being one of the lowest members here and a regular from page one of thread one (even when I have to do it by proxy) I can definitely say that I have come to hate you all equally, even those of you I don't believe in. I hate some of you so much, in fact, that I plan to go out of my way to hate you in person.

If you hang around here long enough, I will have your giblets on toast and dance on your carcass. See if I don't.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

You can lad a horse to Peng, but you can't make him jackass.

Honestly, don't you think part of the appeal for some of you poolers is the fact that the clueless feel the need to rail against you every week or two?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, it helps with my validation issues. But it's not personal enough. I need people to rail against me as an individual, pointing out how obtuse and pseudo-clever I am, or all the fun spills out.

I mean, what's the point of me dancing around, taunting my fellows, doing sweeping and elaborate bows while waving my white plumed hat before me, if the best the whinegers can do is "Sniff. I don't go in there. It's not funny. I should know, because I pride myself on never reading any of it."

I'd at least like a "I don't go in there because that bantering cad Seanachai posts in there, and he makes me feel all inadequate despite my almost encyclopedic knowledge of the minutia of combat and weaponry. And he's not funny. I should know, as I pride myself on never reading his posts."

[ 05-07-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

[ 05-07-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Stuka wrote:

I'll tell her that Paris is in the middle of the Hurtgen forest, and we really need to take metal detectors with us.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes, but how would you get the machineguns and German helmets back through customs?

I've been meaning to learn to dive, and go looking for Shermans at the bottom of the Channel, or maybe some of the Bren guns the army dumped in more recent years. No need to worry about customs – I'm sure no-one would care about a suspicious looking chap emerging from the sea with a large tank in tow, or clutching an armful of light machineguns!

And there was the occasion when I was about 12, I visited an old airfield control tower dug into the ground in the extreme north of Scotland, which was being used as a mini-museum, although the 'curator' had disappeared off to Australia or something. The people living next to it let me in, and there was all sorts of stuff inside, including a Lee-Enfield rifle! The bolt may have been missing, but I had my hands on this thing, and I didn't understand!! Arrgh.

Not to mention the old woman in Edinburgh who had a BAR in her attic, and turned it in to police during the gun amnesty a few years ago. How could she?? Is there no justice? The bastards probably destroyed it as well.

Oh, but – be still my heart – we had .22 bolt-action rifles at school. They've still got them, which is somewhat bizarre, considering it's practically illegal in this country to even know what a gun is. They also had strange top-loading target rifles with a lever on the underside, which were rather naff.

Hmmm... I think I'll need to have a nice chat with the IRA. They have all sorts of automatic weapons the government is desperate to get its hands on. A lot of them are Second World War vintage, I think.

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