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1-3 HQ Kills Tank Single-handed!

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Has something like this ever happened to you?

I watched in amazement as a British platoon HQ down to one man killed a PzIV with a grenade--that's taking "single-handed" to a whole new level. Some have complained recently about limited infantry close-assault capability vs tanks, but this shows that amazing things can sometimes happen.

A couple of factors were in the attacker's favor: the PzIV was in close terrain right alongside a patch of woods in which the HQ was hiding but hadn't spotted it yet. And the HQ was double bonus in all four categories.Still, not something you see every day. (BTW, the tank was definitely listed as a kill for the HQ and there were other infantry units about, but none within close assault range.)

Any similar stories out there? (BTW, I'd post a picture if I could figure out how to do that.)

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Can't say that I have had much success at close assaulting a tank but it has been done to me numerous times. The best one resulted in the most spectacular explosion of one of my tanks that I ever saw. My american infantry with a Sherman in overwatch position were assaulting some woods with enemy identified as infantry? I routed what appeared to be a platoon of infantry and then moved thru the woods to mop up. After my infantry advanced some distance thru the woods chasing the routed enemy I advanced my Sherman to move around the woods into a support position. All of a sudden KABOOM up went my tank in a fierce explosion. Turns out it wasn't infantry I was chasing it was a pioneer platoon and a hidden flamethrower had roasted my tank. The crew bailed out and high tailed it right into the woods and ran up and killed the flamthrower team. I watched that turn a dozen times I swear there was a murderous grin on the TC's face as he emptied his .45 into the backs of the fleeing germans.

p.s. this is origin of my screen name, I am an expert at finding ways to brew my own tanks up :D

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When I first started playing the game I complained about how effective German HQ units were at taking my Shermans out. I just couldn't see how this could happen. I mean a tank against an officer and 3 clerks? Give me a break. Anyway, there was a large discussion on the subject and I finally came to realize after a present day tank officer got involved that yes it was very possible and it could happen and did happen. I learned not to have my tanks go head to head with HQ units unless there was a good distance seperating the two. I don't lose many tanks anymore anyway. I guess clerks are a more rough bunch then I had thought.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by lcm1947:

When I first started playing the game I complained about how effective German HQ units were at taking my Shermans out. I just couldn't see how this could happen. I mean a tank against an officer and 3 clerks? Give me a break...I guess clerks are a more rough bunch then I had thought.

:D <hr></blockquote>

This company clerk will agree with you.

Bear in mind, however, that a Platoon Headquarters in WW II did not have clerks. A rifle company generally hade one clerk (Kompanieschreiber in German, I believe), and he is probably not even represented in CM, along with his "boss", the Company Sergeant Major (CW), Company First Sergeant (US) or Hauptfeldwebel (German).

I know that for a Commonwealth platoon, there are too many people in a platoon HQ unit - platoon HQ consisted of 6 men - two PIAT men, two Mortar men, a Platoon commander, and a Platoon sergeant. One of the PIAT gunners or mortar numbers was usually also the platoon commander's batman, who may also have carried the platoon radio. So in CM, a platoon HQ has 4 too many people in it. This is assuming the platoon is at full strength - usually either the platoon sergeant or the platoon commander sat out LOB.

It is possible the extra men represent runners detached from the company, men of the signals platoon (linesmen, perhaps), or other sundry supernumeries.. Still, they wouldn't be clerks.

Like you remotely cared, even...but I couldn't resist responding to the "give me a break."

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Louie the Toad:

Don't ya just love this game !!!

Occasionally someone earns the Silver Star.

This was that occasion.

Now if players bought only HQ units for infantry--- that would be gamey.

Sgt. Rock aka Toad<hr></blockquote>More proof of BTS's anti-British bias when the game hands out decorations British units get Silver Stars instead of MCs. BTS please fix or do somefink!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Louie the Toad:

Now if players bought only HQ units for infantry--- that would be gamey.

Sgt. Rock aka Toad<hr></blockquote>

Am I picking up from these comments that HQ units are actually unusually effective at close-assaulting tanks and other vehicles? This is the first tank, that, to my knowledge, one of my HQs has killed, but I think they've nailed a couple of AA vehicles along the way. Each time, I thought it was a bit of a fluke, but have others found them to be unusually effective?

BTW, I've never seen them armed with demo charges or rifle grenades/fausts. My kills have all been, I think, just with grenades or small arms. (I did kill a Panther, once, with a squad down to one guy who had a rifle grenade, but this was a flank shot at night and seems less amazing to me than a one man HQ killing a PzIV in daylight).

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