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I'm a woman who likes to blow up tanks!!!

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That's right. I love CM and what it teaches about the physical nature of battle via weaponry and fortitude. After reading about that poor sap whose wife took away his CM, I've had enough. Guys, if the women in your lives don't like being CM widows, it's because you should have shared your toys and games with more little girls while you were growing up. Barbies never had to think about anything more strategic than how to get the Ken dolls to marry them. I was lucky. A male friend of mine turned me on to CM and has endured my wrath in battle. He never thought that I'd blow up a church in one scenario. Ha! It was fun!!!

Guys, if your women don't like CM, don't send them shopping...send them packing. You guys are the ones that need to shop for new mates. Only this time, don't be fooled into buying just a pretty face. Look for a brain, too. Both can and do exist. I'm living proof.

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If you come across anybody who looked down upon any female and think they are inferior, send 'em a kick in the ass! biggrin.gif

Welcome aboard! Nice to see another new person aboard. Hope you enjoy busting tanks more than churches...oh, setting buildings on fire is fun too.

Would you like a game of PBEM? (kinda friendly guesture from me)

See ya around!



"When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

"Can't get enough Tank?"

[This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 03-05-2001).]

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Reminds me of a quote from a game of Harpoon I once played... "We didn't expect you to nuke us back!"

Welcome aboard, lass...



The difference between infantrymen and cavalrymen is that cavalrymen get to die faster, for we ride into battle!

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Originally posted by mimary:

That's right. I love CM and what it teaches about the physical nature of battle via weaponry and fortitude. After reading about that poor sap whose wife took away his CM, I've had enough. Guys, if the women in your lives don't like being CM widows, it's because you should have shared your toys and games with more little girls while you were growing up. Barbies never had to think about anything more strategic than how to get the Ken dolls to marry them. I was lucky. A male friend of mine turned me on to CM and has endured my wrath in battle. He never thought that I'd blow up a church in one scenario. Ha! It was fun!!!

Guys, if your women don't like CM, don't send them shopping...send them packing. You guys are the ones that need to shop for new mates. Only this time, don't be fooled into buying just a pretty face. Look for a brain, too. Both can and do exist. I'm living proof.

Are you married? I think I'm in love!


Diplomacy is the art of saying "Nice Doggy", until you can get a good sight picture.

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I was playing my friend PBEM on that one map on the demo before I bought the game. I had no idea that buildings were blowup-able. He had about 4 rifle squads in there and I thought I was just shooting at THEM with my tanks and then the whole church went up like a little atomic bomb and I almost jizzed myself!!!

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--Minor Chance Encounter Spoiler---

My wife, a recovering Catholic, saw me set the church in Chance Encounter ablaze with tank fire and was mildly scandalized. I explained that I would have gladly left holy ground untouched, but that the germans had a machine gun in the damn place.

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Originally posted by Kitty:

*observes the goings-on, smiles briefly, and continues doing her nails*

Ooh, chick fight! Guys will pay to watch that stuff, you know. wink.gif




"We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University

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Who cares who the dominant female in the WWF is when we have who is the dominant female in CM to watch?

Kitty we still love you, but us grogs are a select bunch. To decide we will have you both fight to the death or at least until the cool factor of chick fights dies (sometime after never).

In the immortal words of many sickos

"I just wanna watch!"

(please see the humor above and if you do not then my name is Roger Rabbit and if your lawyers want to find me they can in toontown)



Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb

-Kryton of Red Dwarf

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Guest Lord General MB


Slight note: It's refered to as a "Cat" fight. Get it? Heheheh......




Lord General Mr. Bill

Supreme Commander

1st Army

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Originally posted by Priest:

Who cares who the dominant female in the WWF is when we have who is the dominant female in CM to watch?

Kitty we still love you, but us grogs are a select bunch. To decide we will have you both fight to the death or at least until the cool factor of chick fights dies (sometime after never).

In the immortal words of many sickos

"I just wanna watch!"

(please see the humor above and if you do not then my name is Roger Rabbit and if your lawyers want to find me they can in toontown)


And once again you dolts have completely misinterpreted one of my posts. I'm all for mimary being here, playing CM, and doing whatever else. Welcome, mimary.

What I was commenting on what a pathetic display you all make whenever a woman posts for the first time. Do you ever learn? Apparently not.



Hamsters at War!

Chicks With Tanks

Lorak's FTX

"I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

The McNoldy Group

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