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I'm a woman who likes to blow up tanks!!!

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Let me see if I have this straight:

A female (hi mimary) posts a message in which she makes excplicit mention of her gender. Some other people then reply, also making mention of the her gender.

And then other people get mad.

How stupid is that?

If Mary did not want anyone to comment on her gender, she didn't need to mention it. As soon as she posts a "Hi everyone! I'm a girl!" message, she is inviting comment on the topic.

Some people (cough**Kitty***cough-cough) need to be a little less sensitive.

Jeff Heidman

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This message is for Kitty:

Well well, I read your response to my ambush post... you are really a funny girl. You you think you are the goddess of the "girl gamers" in here. GET A LIFE. Not only do you post every other minute (a sure sign that you have no life) but you act like this great speaker for women all over. GET OUTTA HERE. You are a small women (if you are one at all) with nothing going for her. I'm sure your reeeaaal popular with the guys (WAIT, WHO NEEDS GUYS IN AN ALL GIRL POWER WORLD??)... what's your pick up line? "I can beat you at Combat Mission" Wow, now that takes some skill. THE ONLY REASON you get any attention in here at all is because there a desperate loser nerds trying to "hit" on you by backing you up and talking to you. THIS is also the reason you go around bragging that you are a girl. DO YOU THINK WE CARE? Only reason I post here is for new tactics and possible tips etc. I DON'T GIVE A CRAP IF YOU ARE A GIRL GAMER OR IF YOU ARE BETTER THEN ME!!!!! Now go ahead and reply with your "smart jokes" about penis size etc etc. Just proves how much more of a loser you are. I know I'll get a response to this in about 5 seconds (cause it's not like your doing anything else with your life) from you and all the other guys trying to get some. Take a good look in the mirror KITTY and you will see a loser.

OH YEA... I'll spell it slowly for ya...


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Guest Madmatt

Take the taunts to the Peng Thread.

Judge not a player by their gender but by their skill...

Now go run along and play as I have had enough of this thread.


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