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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

This Website Needs Help

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It seems that the BTS web site looks relatively amateurish and unattractive compared to many game or developer sites. (No offense meant to anyone; I'm just being honest.) The website is BTS's public face, and someone seeing it before CM would likely have reservations about BTS's professionalism or the quality of their products. Many people have stated here how they're hesitant to order online from them, and I'd be too. You're not exactly filled with confidence looking at the site.

Sure, BTS isn't some huge corporate operation--quite the opposite--but it would probably behoove them from a business standpoint to update the site, since it's essentially a form of advertising and seemingly (rightly or wrongly) says a lot about them. Sort of like handing out a business card: if you get one that's poorly printed and smudged with jelly, are you going to take the giver seriously as a businessperson?

[ 06-27-2001: Message edited by: Stacheldraht ]

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(To all those who hated the fact that I used the term " could care less")

It meant I don't care If they had purple elephants on their website with rainbow text links. These guys at BTS are programmers and software engineers. Leave design to designers. They are actually trained and educated in the arts of aesthetics.

Funny thing is, you never hear anyone complain about not being able to find certain things on the website. That is what is important not the overall look.

Forget flash for the website too. We'd just have to wait for the flash designer's "intro" to finish before we get to the real stuff

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You know what really gives me a case of the ass? Who gives a crap if you wnt to know, I'm going to tell you anyway.

(6) People who do little research, but feel free to detail their complaints.

(ii) People who criticise other people's work and professionalism through the application of bad spelling, bad grammar and poor use of punctuation. No really, I'm a huge fan of irony (with or without emoticons for the insipid).

(ss45(B)) People who assume that everyone is running a cable modem like they are in mommy's house in Anywhere USA.

Does the site have a lot of whizz bang crap? NOPE

Does the site have hourly updates with micro details about when our coding slaves will have our next fix ready? NOPE

Did you manage to find what you wanted here and purchase the game? UH HUH

Frankly, I like Madmatt's enthusiasm, knowledge and skills, but I was pretty worried myself when it was announced that he was added to BTS to rebuild the site. Worried because if he makes this site like the CMHQ with all the frames, moving junk and clutter then this will become one of the slow behemoths that I rarely visit rather than I place I frequent daily.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Funny thing is, you never hear anyone complain about not being able to find certain things on the website. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Not true. Set your screen resolution to 800 x 600, and parts of the main page are then cut off and inacessible.

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I agree with what Goanna had to say about website speed. I'm based in the UK and am one of a minority (I suspect) of non-US players.

If you want anything above 56k modems, you have to pay through the nose - IF it's available and I believe about 1/10 of the population can get access to ADSL or cable (please correct my figures if I'm wrong). Therefore, I can either spend 1 minute waiting for a webpage to load, or I can bugger off an look at another site.

Incidentally, I know a web designer who's using cascading style sheets to make a fast, attractive corporate website. Maybe BTS could hire him? He's bargain basement smile.gif

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I guess I've been spoiled. I've always had a DSL connection and never thought about the load up time for the CM HQ website. Well if you put that into perspective the sirens and the moving gif animations could actually be removed. A black page with text links would be great to me, although you can never get rid of the preview shots of the mods. Are all the pages slow loading for 56k users?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SuperTed:

A few things:

1) Functionality over form;

2) Matt does CMHQ in his spare time;

3) There's "stuff" happening that will please all.

That's all I have to say about that. tongue.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ted don't start being like Matt! ;)

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I never even visit the Battlefront site since I have the forum bookmarked. They don't need a website with a bunch of flashy goodies or tons of downloads. The rest of the CM community has taken care of that. All that is needed is a little polish and refinement. Those of us who have CM know that BTS's strength is in game ddesign, which is all that really matters, but newcomers may just judge the book by its cover. I'm sure there are plenty of games on store shelves that had more time spent on the design of the box than on the manual or even the game itself. Having a pretty box with no gameplay is a bad thing, but having a great game with a nice wrapper isn't so bad. Since CM is only available from Battlefront.com, that site acts as the box. It wouldn't hurt to make it a little more attractive. But Ted said there are good things in store, so I guess we will just have to wait. It's no skin off mein bein.

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Hi guys!

Yes, we know (or at least I know) that the current site pretty much blows chunks and part of my job description (among about a million other things) is to redesign the entire shebang and bring it up to the twentieth century.

Many other matters at work have taken precendence however but that re-design will again be a primary focus in the near future.

As to my "job-description", well I guess you could say that I am sorta the VOICE OF BATTLEFRONT, THE FORUM BOUNCER, THE HEAD HONCHO BETA BOY, TECH SUPPORT GOD and Steve's own little cabana and towel boy.

Pretty much whatever Steve or Charles need, I deliver on. ;) Lets just leave it at that...

CMHQ is completely seperate entity from my job here. It is run by me on my spare time but we are aware of its double duty as an auxillary offical Combat Mission info area. In the future you will see a greater blending and sharing of resources between the sites.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan:

I'm sure there are plenty of games on store shelves that had more time spent on the design of the box than on the manual or even the game itself. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yep. Just go to your local gaming store and you're sure to find a ton of silver foil, hologram, super embossed, special edition, game boxes. Most of which contain lousy games. As for the sight needing a revamp, maybe just a small one. IMO function takes precedence over form.

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Lol !

I state again, I dont have an opinion on the website subject anymore. Everyone that says that a web presence having a large amout of content and looking at least "good" is a non issue. I agree. My opinons where totaly un founded and without merrit. I shall horse whip myself promptly... er.. well maybe not... and resgin myself to discussing matters of Game and History.

D Guy

P.S. Im sure any number of hardcore battlefront fans could do a re-desgin for you. (keep it offline while they are working on it, and not flip the switch till its given the battlefront seal of aproval) Myself im a bit to selfish to spend 40 hours on something like that.

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Oh and BTW for all you guys concerned that to make this site "more professional" that that means , adding frames, tons of java animation, shockwave stuff, ect. For the most part any over-use of that stuff is just as bad as what we have now. Turning this site into a three-ring animations&frames circus would be WORSE than what we have now. Not my intent at all smile.gif

D guy

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I agree that the main Battlefront site looks too amateurish, and I think it has turned off a few people I sent there after praising the game.

I had read favorable reviews and already knew I was going to buy when I first came. A new person really needs to check out the better support sites to get enthused about the game from what they see. For a game that sells itself through the web exclusively, that seems like a problem that ought to be fixed quickly.

I go straight to the CM forum now. But I would recommend putting Manx on the job to improve the Battlefront site. His own site is well organized, attractive, and without those annoying animations that slow loading times. I connect fine at 56k.

Good design need not be expensive or a load hog.

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Detroit, there is no reason to retract your position. Your are 100% correct and it sounds like BTS also understands this.

I can remember coming to the sight for the first time and it was AFTER I played the demo, which I got from 3DFiles where I first heard of CM. I came to investigate buying and my first impression of the site was not good. It did look amateurish and was/is a bit difficult to navigate. I can assure you that some potential buyers have not purchased because of the look of the sight. Scoff if you like, BTS I can assure you does not think this stupid or that the people who did not buy were morons. You got to step back a little from your CM homerism, only some of you that is and I 100% suppport CM homerism btw, to have a little more objective view of how the website comes across. Especially to the person who is casually interested or is "nervous" about purchasing on-line.

Also, there is a GREAT deal that can be done to improve the look of the sight without using ANY Flash, Javascript, VBScript, or going crazy with frames.

I have said my peace.

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