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POLL: Do Any Scenario Designers Give a Rat's Ass...

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They certainly do. Why I received two rats asses from Wild Bill just the other day, tails intact!


"Gentlemen, you may be sure that of the three courses

open to the enemy, he will always choose the fourth."

-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

[This message has been edited by Bruno Weiss (edited 03-16-2001).]

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Yes, but it is a matter of finding the time to get the info together; not having Excel at home is kind of a disencentive too, since I won't be able to read the database when it is up. It would also be great to have a link to it in your signature so we can find it (I have 200 or so bookmarks and the number of them called "Combat Mission" is starting to get confusing). Griffin mentioned an online version?

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SOmeone emailed me a copy of that database the other day (not sure why.) I have it at home and would be happy to email it out to anyone who wants it. It is very detailed and informative. I printed out about 10 of the 20 or so pages to help when picking forces (Beware Windopaene!)

Anyhow, it IS an excel file, but you can get a free excel viewer and its only a meg or two. Let me know.


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Some responses in no particular order...

Interesting point about finding the time...I'm also curious about how much time people spend designing and testing their scenarios. The 5 minutes or so that it would take to send me the info would seem to be a rather small percentage in relation.

There will be no link until Boots & Tracks gets settled into their new home. I am still e-mailing it out to anyone who asks for now.

The only item that is or will be online is the template for designers. Griffin did this in the hopes that if it was easier to access more designers would help out.

One more thing...why do people design, test and post scenarios? If you do it for the community as a whole, why wouldn't you want them included in the database? It seems (to me anyways) to be an excellent way of getting exposure for your scenarios, and it helps players find the ones they may be interested in. If you don't care if anyone ever finds and downloads them, why bother posting them to a website at all?


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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Yes, but it is a matter of finding the time to get the info together; not having Excel at home is kind of a disencentive too, since I won't be able to read the database when it is up. It would also be great to have a link to it in your signature so we can find it (I have 200 or so bookmarks and the number of them called "Combat Mission" is starting to get confusing). Griffin mentioned an online version?

Get the Microsoft Excel viewer for FREE!


This download is for users who don't have Excel; it allows them to open and view Excel 97 and Excel 2000 spreadsheet files.

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Originally posted by Harv:

One more thing...why do people design, test and post scenarios? If you do it for the community as a whole, why wouldn't you want them included in the database? It seems (to me anyways) to be an excellent way of getting exposure for your scenarios, and it helps players find the ones they may be interested in. If you don't care if anyone ever finds and downloads them, why bother posting them to a website at all?


I think having a website in the Combat Missions web ring is pretty good exposure, actually, and I kind of like the idea of people coming to the site "cold". Quite honestly, between Forward Observer, the scenario depot at CMHQ (when available), the database, the mod listing at Combat Missions (?) and God knows what other websites devoted to keeping track of all this, I can't keep track, nor do I have time to submit updates to the umpteen Combat Mission websites devoted to scenarios, mods, etc., much less keep track of them all.

That being said, it is far easier simply to post them to the website, and shamelessly plug my site using my signature here on the Forum.

Thanks CavScout for the viewer link - I did indeed download this the first time Harv told me about it - but after reinstalling my entire operating system this week, I will need to download it anew.

Perhaps we need a website to keep track of all the websites that have been set up to keep track of the Combat Mission websites.(!)


CANUCK: Clothing, Equipping and Employing the Canadian Soldier in Combat Mission

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Originally posted by Harv:

Some responses in no particular order...

Interesting point about finding the time...I'm also curious about how much time people spend designing and testing their scenarios. The 5 minutes or so that it would take to send me the info would seem to be a rather small percentage in relation.

There will be no link until Boots & Tracks gets settled into their new home. I am still e-mailing it out to anyone who asks for now.

The only item that is or will be online is the template for designers. Griffin did this in the hopes that if it was easier to access more designers would help out.

One more thing...why do people design, test and post scenarios? If you do it for the community as a whole, why wouldn't you want them included in the database? It seems (to me anyways) to be an excellent way of getting exposure for your scenarios, and it helps players find the ones they may be interested in. If you don't care if anyone ever finds and downloads them, why bother posting them to a website at all?


Why don't you integrate your database with the ASP or PHP system. People could upload and download scenarios at the same site, search for specific theatres/divisions/countries etc etc.

Would seem to be the way to go.

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I have sent you my scenario info every time I post one. I have recently submitted another to manx's site and waiting for the post on his site until then, the template already filled out. Thanks again for your work, and could you please e-mail your current update of the data base?


Michael "Gonzo" Gonzalez

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Mr. Dorosh -

There is such a web-site devoted to keeping people abreast of all the news concerning CM web-sites. It is SuperTed's Forward Observer, and it is a very helpful site indeed.

"Mike" will do...


Yes, this is the site I referred to, and I am proud to be a charter member. The problem is that if I send Ted an update, it doesn't cause CMHQ to add my new mod or scenario to their site, or Canadian CMHQ to update theirs, or for a new scenario of mine to go into Harv's database, etc., etc.,

Anyway, I am taking up too much bandwidth in this discussion anyway since the number of scenarios on my site is small (but growing), but I think perhaps others may feel the same way, or possibly have a solution.

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Please know that before I say this I realize fully that time isn't cheap and what I suggest would require an ENORMOUS amount of work....

My suggestion is for the database not only to be online, but maybe include a link as well to the actual file at it's home site.

I can't imagine anyone would say no, not in this community. This would prevent you from having to store the files on Boots n Tracks' server and fill the roll of the defunct Scenario HQ.

I know, I know. Incredibly time consuming and not remotely realistic if you would like to enjoy any form of life outside the CM world. But I thought I'd throw it out there anyway.


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Originally posted by Clubfoot:


My suggestion is for the database not only to be online, but maybe include a link as well to the actual file at it's home site.

I can't imagine anyone would say no, not in this community.


I would say no. I have, or intend to have, historical information about each scenario on the site; in fact each scenario has its own web page devoted to it. It also includes designers notes, photos, maps and references, etc. - this is handier than simply putting it all in the scenario briefings (and of course you cannot put photos or actual maps in the scenario briefings in any event), since once you start the scenario you can't access the briefing as easily as simply going to the website. If however, a link was provided to the html page on which the scenario resides, however, that would be the same thing as you are suggesting.

I think the scenario database is an awesome idea, even though I haven't had the time to make use of it myself. And I would like for my work to be included also, but unforuntately the same premium on time that prevents me from playing scenarios from the database also prevents me from going through my scenarios, culling the appropriate information (ie does CM list the map as "large" or "medium") and sending it on its way.

Someone needs to design a webbot that trolls the internet for .cmb and .cmc files, downloads them, loads them them into CM, analyzes their characteristics, reports on the appropriate data, and then updates the scenario database.

I'd give the guy that did it a Nobel Prize.


CANUCK: Clothing, Equipping and Employing the Canadian Soldier in Combat Mission

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