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New "Combined Arms Tourney" Registration Now Open

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Here's my idea for a CM tournament.

The tourney will consist of 10 players. Each player will play 9 games (one game against every other player). These games can be played simultaneously or in any order the players wish. Players will simply be provided with a list of all the participant's names and email addresses. It is up to each player to contact the other nine and start playing. As the games are completed the results are sent to me for tallying. I will award 4 points for a total victory, 3 for a major, 2 for a tactical, and 1 for a minor victory. Draws will give each player 1/2 a point and losses score nothing. Whoever has the highest point total when all players have finished their games wins a TROPHY provided by me.

Rules: CAL rules (Combined Arms League at Tournament House) would be in effect so the games could be used on that ladder at TH.

In effect you are just playing CAL ladder games in the normal manner except that I am tallying points for each player in the tourney and you don't have to be on that ladder to participate. You do have to use the CAL Rules however.

The only work I have to do is send each player a list of tourney participants and record the game results as they come in. I could run several such tourneys simultaneously now that I think about it. The only problem would be providing all those trophies :eek: . Hey, Iron Duke, how much does a foot high trophy cost?

Each game would be limited to a maximum 1,500 pts. and 25 turns so the games don't take too long. Players could use the new Endgame Randomizer if they wanted, up to a maximum of +/- 4 turns. If players wish to play smaller games (points and/or turns) that is fine.

Players would have 90 days to finish all nine games. I think this is plenty of time (maybe too much). If you don't feel you can meet this deadline PLEASE do not sign up. You will be screwing up every other participant. If you don't make the deadline I will have to void all the games you completed so that everyone plays the same number of games allowing them equal chances to score points. This will not make the people who beat you very happy, especially if they wiped you out. The SERIOUS only need apply. I will not be participating as a player since I'm keeping score and such.

The first ever "Combined Arms Tourney" is now open for registration. Only the first ten registrants will be accepted. If there is a great deal of interest I'll start more tourneys but I can't promise a trophy for any but the first one. I haven't gone trophy shopping lately to know for sure about more trophies. :D I WILL announce your victory on this forum and give the info to the websites who want that information.

OK, post here if you want in on the tournament. If you're number eleven post anyway. If I get 20 then "Combined Arms Tourney 2" will be activated and so forth. Heck, if there's enough interest we could have a playoff tournament.

REMEMBER: CAL Rules, 1,500 pts. max, 25 turns max (+/- 4 with randomizer). SERIOUS ONLY!!!! Think before you apply. Can you play nine games in 90 days?

Let the signups begin!

EDIT: Tom W has come up with a better scoring system! All your victory percentages from all your games will be added together. The highest total wins. Every single victory percentage point a player gets will count for him. Thanks Tom!!

NOTE: This is a PBEM tournament. TCP/IP is fine if players agree but you must be willing to PBEM a player who cannot or will not do TCP/IP.

Treeburst155 out.

[ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

[ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

[ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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OK, we've got one. Be sure and post your email address if your profile does not reflect the right one. Please double check this.

Edit: I've got another one "KelsieD" who registered by email. There are 8 slots left in the "trophy" tournament.

[ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

[ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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I suspect you will have 10 by the end of this evening!

Count me in smile.gif

I would like to play with the variable end turn software but I'm on a Mac

so I woudl be interested in a "secure" way to do this that both Mac's and PC's

could use

1500 pt CAL Rules Battles Times Nine sounds Great!

I particularily like this part:

"REMEMBER: CAL Rules, 1,500 pts. max, 25 turns max (+/- 4 with randomizer). SERIOUS ONLY!!!! Think before you apply. Can you play nine games in 90 days?"

could one other rule say that after 90 days if you have not finished all nine games then you can only count the ones that are finished?

WITH a screen shoot to prove the ending.

How will you weight draws minor victories and major victories?

Edited because I'm a dolt and did not read the orignal post carefully enough the first time smile.gif !

Will the rules allow players to play only one side throughout?

I would prefer the Allies, Some others might prefer to play ALL Germans?

-tom w

[ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

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Treeburst, if you're making up your own point totals for this tournament, then these games cannot count towards the CAL ladder. If you get more points for a tourney win than a regular CAL game, that wouldn't be fair to those who don't participate.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

Treeburst, if you're making up your own point totals for this tournament, then these games cannot count towards the CAL ladder. If you get more points for a tourney win than a regular CAL game, that wouldn't be fair to those who don't participate.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Perhaps I am mistaken but I "think" he is suggesting that you could play against other cal ladder players AND make the game count equally toward the CAL ladder and the tourney.

Say I play 9 games and 7 of them are against Cal ladder participants. If all of those 7 players agree that our tourney game be registered as a CAL ladder game then its no big deal as the rules are the same for both and the results just go to different record keeping places, one on the CAL ladder, as it was agreed to be a cal ladder game anyway and the result would also be recorded with Treeburst for the 9 game CAL Trophy Tourney?

-tom w

[ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

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Colonel Deadmarsh,

This tournament has nothing to do with the CAL ladder other than the fact that the game results of the tourney (minor, major, etc.) could be posted on that ladder if the players wished since all CAL rules are being followed. The points I assign have nothing to do with the ladder. These would be tournament related only. The CAL scoring system would handle any of the results posted to TH in its own way.

TomW brings up an interesting point about the Randomizer. At this point it is not secure. I would have to run the BER for people wishing to randomize their game ending. This will slow down things a bit at the end of your games since you will be waiting on me to respond with the BER results after each turn. I am online quite a bit however so I don't see this as a major problem.

Please note my edit to my original post. I've changed the scoring system slightly.

Tom W,

The only way to handle drop outs and people who don't make the deadline is to nullify EVERY game that the deadbeat has played. If you beat someone and they drop out you're just kinda screwed on those points. All players must play the same people and play the same number of games for the tourney to be fair. If Joe doesn't get to play Sam because Sam dies then all Sam's games are discarded as if he had never joined the tourney. This is the fairest way to run a tournament since everything is the same for all players (they all play the exact same opponents and the exact same number of games).

Players can play any side they wish. This is to be worked out by the players themselves. Using the CAL rules the German advantage is nullified IMO.

Treeburst155 out.

[ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

[ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

Colonel Deadmarsh,

This tournament has nothing to do with the CAL ladder other than the fact that the game results of the tourney (minor, major, etc.) could be posted on that ladder if the players wished since all CAL rules are being followed. The points I assign have nothing to do with the ladder. These would be tournament related only...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Okay, I thought you were going to make these tourney games count towards the ladder with a different point system being used. So, the tourney is completely seperate from the ladder, gotcha.

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By requiring TCP/IP only you would be forcing the rest of the paricipants to play that way against you. I don't want TCP/IP to be forced on players. You must be willing to do a PBEM if any of your nine opponents cannot or will not play TCP/IP. If you agree to this you're in.

Treeburst155 out.

[ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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Tom W has come up with a better scoring system! All your victory percentages from all your games will be added together. The highest total wins. Every single victory percentage point a player gets will count for him. Thanks Tom!!

NOTE: I will be referring to participants by their handle on THIS forum. Whatever name you use on the TH ladder I'm not concerned with. Mike the Bike, you are Mike the Bike to my record keeping.

Participants so far: The_Capt, aka_tom_w, KelsieD (via email), Mike the Bike.

I strongly suggest you post here rather than email me. Posters to this thread will have priority from here on out.

Treeburst155 out.

[ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

[ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Agua:

I'm in. TCP/IP only.


Hi Agua

I prefer the immediacy of TCP/IP myself

but its not hard to find the desire to want to continue a game in PBEM once you start in TCP/IP and then run out of time to finish in an evening.

Again I would prefer to start and finish all my games in TCP/IP but I also enjoy playing against players from other time zones in different parts of the world so there is a trade off.

-tom w

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I think most people would be willing to do a TCP/IP session but there are those who just can't put together a solid chunk of time that is convenient for the other guy too. I don't want this fact to force people out of the tournament. How about it Agua? Are you willing to PBEM if necessary?

Treeburst155 out.

[ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

[QB]Tom W has come up with a better scoring system! All your victory percentages from all your games will be added together. The highest total wins. Every single victory percentage point a player gets will count for him. Thanks Tom!!

Treeburst155 out.

Well, I like simplicity.

I just thought it would be simpler to look at as the player the gets closest to 900 pts ( 9 x 100% perfect games) WINS. Thats just easy.

This does mean that depriving your opponent of a VL by contesting it on the last turn is a VERY effective strategy and I HIGHLY recommend the use of some secure form of variable turn end mechanism, because contesting VL's on the last turn will be a effective strategy when EVERY victory point that you can deprive your opponent of, counts!


-tom w

[ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

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Would people prefer a $50 cash prize instead of a trophy? It would be much easier for me and there would be no shipping involved. The winner could take his wife/girlfriend or husband/boyfriend out on the town with his/her winnings. This could cause your significant other to look more favorably on all the time you spend with CM. ;) I'm willing to set aside $50 of my hard earned money for the winner. Feedback wanted please.

Treeburst155 out.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

Would people prefer a $50 cash prize instead of a trophy? It would be much easier for me and there would be no shipping involved. The winner could take his wife/girlfriend or husband/boyfriend out on the town with his/her winnings. This could cause your significant other to look more favorably on all the time you spend with CM. ;) I'm willing to set aside $50 of my hard earned money for the winner. Feedback wanted please.

Treeburst155 out.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

WOW thats pretty generous !

I'm happy either way.

The $50.00 bucks does sound easier to send than a trophy thats for sure.

And, $50.00 U.S is like $75.00 Cnd Up here in the great white north, so I have NO problem with that!


-tom w

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US$50 = NZ$125 or so......sounds like an invite to take up CM professionally to me!! smile.gif

And it'd certainly be easier to send to me than a trophy!! ;)

Tree can you register me as "Stalin's Organ" please? That's the nic I use from home and this'll be the shove I need to use it from work as well.



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Tom wrote:

" This does mean that depriving your opponent of a VL by contesting it on the last turn is a VERY effective strategy and I HIGHLY recommend the use of some secure form of variable turn end mechanism, because contesting VL's on the last turn will be a effective strategy when EVERY victory point that you can deprive your opponent of, counts! "

I think all games should take advantage of the BER with +/- 4 turns for the reasons Tom stated. I will handle all BER work promptly when players get down to the last turns. It doesn't take long to run the program and fire off two emails with the verdict. Remember to setup you QBs to reflect the most amount of turns the game can go as per BER instructions. Let's keep the variation standard at +/- 4 turns.

Treeburst155 out.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

I think most people would be willing to do a TCP/IP session but there are those who just can't put together a solid chunk of time that is convenient for the other guy too. I don't want this fact to force people out of the tournament. How about it Agua? Are you willing to PBEM if necessary?

Treeburst155 out.

[ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

PBEM? ouch, I'm out then. Maybe next time. Good idea to come up with this tourney though. Good luck guys.

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I think 25 +/-4 might be a bit tight if there's any attack/defend games going.

I like to take my time if attacking...relatively speaking....do a little recon, etc.

Still it might make for a bit better balance - attack often seems to have the edge over defence.

So I'll go along with whatever.

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