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WineCape's Wine Tourney

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Sockmonkey and I are currently agreeing to the final settings of his defeat.

AKA Tom and I are well underway in our game, howeva things are quite slow. Artillery has been exchanged, some infantry contact has been made, and 1 of my tanks has ignored its roatate order and reversed forward 200m into the main village ass 1st!!!!!!! Is this a bug or what? Fortunitly I will be able to correct this cock up wih no loss but its still a painfull thing to watch smile.gif

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You must be very careful with the rotate command for vehicles. If the movement plotted before the command gets rerouted due to obstacles then your rotate command becomes a movement command. I'm not absolutely sure about this, but that seems to be the case. I'd have to test it to be sure.

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Yup, that happened with an 251/9 of mine against StuGIII recently Treeburst.

It reversed out of the security of a cluster of buildings instead (after receiving a rotate order in a very confined space), back side first towards the enemy.

Needless to say, a few moments later, KABOOM, exploding in one pretty fireball...and whadda you know, all the crew members INTACT, bailing out, sans only one!! :eek:

BTS, fix somefink!

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OK - well Brian & I are sitting at opposite ends of a road going straight up the map and no-one weants to move!!! He knows where some of my on-board guns are and I expect them to get shelled shortly, and I know where some of his infantry is and it's getting the buildings around it slightly modified! smile.gif

Sock Monkey's been a bit slack lately - we've passed t22 without ending and it's pretty much all downhill for him from here I think.

Haven't heard from Tom for a while, but his situation's just as percarious as it was a few days ago.

Who else - well Brian's pushing past the objectives in our game but taking a few casualties while he does so - nothing much to report there...heck, there must be some others but I can't think of them - I've finished 2, playing the 4 above...who have I forgotten??

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Sorry, I just started a new job so I have been a bit of a laggard. As it stands I have three games nearing completion and another midway through. I'm interested in getting some more set up, so please drop me a line if you're interested. I almost have one going with KJ, but I fear he's likely a lawyer as he insists on bargaining only within very narrow confines. :rolleyes:

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This just in! KiwiJoe beat Sajer 85-15! Congratulations KiwiJoe! He's a real tough one, this KiwiJoe. Somebody has to stop him before it's too late. Here's the standings:


Kiwi Joe.......232...3...77.33




Stalin's Organ..65...2...32.50


Sock Monkey......0...0...0.00


Sorted by average:

Kiwi Joe.........232...3...77.33





Stalin's Organ....65...2...32.50


Sock Monkey........0...0...0.00


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Yep - Sock Monkey & I have just finished out game on T24, but aer still awaiting the cease-fire turn to post scores.

this is the one where he's got about 2 squads left - I'm anticipating a 70+ score for myself :D

He (SM) tells me he's about to start playing KiwiJoe soon too.

Otherwise things are still plodding along.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

Anybody alive out there?!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


I'm into it in a BIG way with Kiwi Joe and have another game going with bappel and Staling's organ I think that needs to be finished up.

still battling

-tom w

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

and Staling's organ I think that needs to be finished up.


Yes you slack git - it's been a week or more since I last got a turn from you - sort y'er act out!!

Of course surrendering now that you're surrounded might be a good idea, but slowing the game down so it doesn't actually finish is a bit below the belt!! :D

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Still waiting from sockmonkey to do his setup on the 4th map he's fugged up smile.gif If this 1 doesnt go right Im gonna make an example of him!

AKA Tom... what can I say. We're on turn 15. I hold the major flag very tightly in my hands, with squads in all the heavy buildings in front of, and to the sides of the flag. He's lost all his armour (1 x Sherman 105, 2 x (vet) greyhounds + 2 x trucks). His men ( 5 platoons, looks like 3 are Glider 2 are rifle 45) are being raped backwards and forwards. 2 Platoons have been traped on the side of a hill by the village whilst hmg, rifle, mortar and artillery fire are sherdering them. Their numbers are dropping fast and they are desperatly waiting for Tom to make a decision about their fate... I fear the Reaper will make that decision 1st. In desperation Tom has run a reserve platoon in forward from his rear lines. Howeva their fate looks just as grim as hmg and rifle fire will stop them going any further. Over the next few turns Tom's men will drop like flys as my 2 stugs, and guns pound them into dust.

The 1 shinning light in this game for Tom was his Sherman 105. It crested a hill overlooking the village and faced 2 stugs at 500m. My boys fired 1st... 1 miss, 1 front hull bounce. The 105 peeled a round off a split sec after, it was HE, and scored a direct hit on the front upper hull of a stug, turning the commander in the tank next to it into mince-meat. Shocked, the crew were out of the battle for a vital 40 secs. The remaining stug fired agian and bounced another round off the gaint beast's hull! It's crew decided HE wasnt doing the trick and thus loaded a deadly © round into the chamber. At 500m, facing a hulldown stug, they scored a 2nd direct hit in a row. The resulting explosion baked the inside of stug with the bodies of all 4 crew members. The beast withdrew, well pleased with its work.

Howeva its 1st taste of blood didnt satisfy it for long and it reappeared mere metres from its last location to confront a 3rd stug which was harrasing some troopers in the village. The 3rd stug quickly targeted the beast and fired off 3 quick shots... howeva the crew must have witnessed the destruction of #1 stug, shaken, they missed their mark by a wide margin. The beast missed with it's 1st shots as well, this time being hulldown was paying off. Pucking up thier remaining courage #3 stug ripped off a brilliant shot which sliced threw the front hull of the old Sherman, VICTORY, wait... no, it still fires! never mind another shot, another hit! this time a track is blown off, this will be a duel to the death. With moments to spare a final shot is let fly... it finds it's mark, directly into the front hull, the turret drops, the beast has fallen! Yet in a final insult all 5 crew members exit the afv and goto ground. Oh well it was a hard fight, I just hope I dont face lady luck's favorite sons agian.

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Sorry to intrude on your party guys, I really enjoye reading these AAR's. I have a question.

Do you just set up quick battles and pick your forces or are the maps pre-made by treeburst or some one alse. Ii seems he makes them and he places the forces and poeple battle it out. Am I right.

Or does treeburst make the map and the opponents pick the forces? Or is this simply a QB battle?

Thanx for clarification! I wish I could of have been part of this tournament, although not the legal drinking age, I am sure my father would enjoye the wine.

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We play by CAL rules

See the first post

All battles are QB's

Then we all argue and negotiate like lawyers (ahem Kiwi Joe!) to determine the ideal side, conditions, date, and map type to do battle in.

All matches are not more than 1500 pts and all matches are 25 turns -/+4 turns with a random ending. All the players here are quite skilled and there are no easier vicotories (Kiwi Joe might tell you otherwise ;) )

Every battle starts with lengthy negotiations as to who will put up with what advaatages and disadvantages.

Hope that helps

and yes Kiwi Joe just took out my Sherm 105 and it was doing so well getting REALLY lucky with the hollow point into the hull down StuG.

But I'm in BIG trouble now.

-tom w

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Congratulations, Stalin's Organ!!

Here's how it stands now:


Kiwi Joe.........232...3...77.33



Stalin's Organ...137...3...45.67



Sock Monkey.......28...1...28.00

Sorted by average:

Kiwi Joe.........232...3...77.33




Stalin's Organ...137...3...45.67



Sock Monkey.......28...1...28.00

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KiwiJoe:

Has Labappel dropped out?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I have a game going with him now.

I hope he picks ups few more games.

I need to pick up 2-3 more games to finish

I'm in 3 right now

one against Kiwi Joe

one against Stalins Organ

and one against labappel

-tom w

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